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The Commonlands <Original>

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731 POI's in The Commonlands
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
847 Gil McMartin Gil McMartin gives out sabotage quests for Qeynos citizens. NPC -927.89,-47.85,15.10 Mythgarr 03/09/05
1024 Lieutenant Vrah'Kna Level 19^ named Monster Named -402.00,-48.00,455.00 sstair 03/14/05
1060 General VharTaug <No Description> Monster Named -553,-31,436 sstair 03/14/05
1063 Merchant Marcus Quest giver to get into the Valley of the Rogue Magi the instanced dungeon in the Commonlands NPC 673.58,-52.74,437.55 geist27 03/14/05
1064 Dervish Camp (Large) Large wooden structure surrounded by many Dervishes Monster Solo 1384.94,-29.51,290.63 geist27 03/14/05
1065 Tundis Noxyle This NPC is part of the Fallen Gate Access Quest and stands outside of the Entrance to the Fallen Gate Dungeon NPC 1488.22,-38.11,-390.88 geist27 03/14/05
1067 Shadowed Rift Watchers Level 35 Group Mobs ^ Monster Solo 1009.68,-37.50,-438.82 Humudce 03/14/05
1125 Tidecrawlers <No Description> Monster Solo -532.42,-161.89,-954.59 geist27 03/15/05
1137 Keerah <No Description> NPC -186.62,-47.81,113.13 Itanius 03/15/05
1139 Kerran Rogues <No Description> Monster Solo -212,-47.81,112.65 Itanius 03/15/05
1070 Yapping Maze <No Description> Object location 1343.05,-43.79,-267.82 Humudce 03/15/05
1071 Lieutenant Gomlek Stands next to Caelig Shauwls Monster Named 1460.15,-31.43,119.23 Humudce 03/15/05
1072 Dervish Cutthroats <No Description> Monster Solo 1332.23,-30.75,17.43 Humudce 03/15/05
1073 Boat Deck Dervish Cutthroat Camp The Boat Deck looks like something a Captian would stand on Object location 1416.00,-16.56,274.98 Humudce 03/15/05
1077 Sandstone Giants Also Sandstone Titans Monster Solo 1458.77,-31.15,95.16 Humudce 03/15/05
1078 Sandstone Giants Also Sandstone Titans Monster Solo 1392.47,-35.72,-184.04 Humudce 03/15/05
1080 Lady Anyanka Polevshi <No Description> Monster Named 433.90,-54.31,478.89 Humudce 03/15/05
1081 fallen crusaders, guardians, and disciples <No Description> Monster Solo 467.71,-55.75,395.99 Humudce 03/15/05
1082 Ruins of Valmarr <No Description> Object location 399.31,-48.41,325.59 Humudce 03/15/05
1083 Wisp of Valmaar <No Description> Monster Named 380.76,-30.84,218.44 Humudce 03/15/05
1084 fallen crusaders and fallen guardians <No Description> Monster Solo 470.00,-54.00,531.00 Humudce 03/15/05
1086 Buried Rock <No Description> Object location 96.36,-33.58,712.29 Humudce 03/15/05
1087 Wounded Scout <No Description> NPC 283.14,-46.64,506.00 Humudce 03/15/05
1088 The Forgotten - Touch your [burned out lightstone] to this memorial statue for the HQ 'Return of the Light'. - Dig up your altar components from the statue's foot for the Mithaniel Marr deity quest 'Building an Altar of Valor'. - Defeat the phantasm of Odox (level 60-61^ ghost) that spawns for the Swords of Destiny quest 'Liberating the Cavaliers'. Quest update location 173.54,-46.08,253.73 Humudce 03/15/05
1089 Graveyard Plains <No Description> Object location -20.33,-48.66,38.04 Humudce 03/15/05
1090 Enlightenment Cemetery For ''A Tour of the Commonlands''. Also for Dismal Tidings. Both are updated by visiting this loc. Object location 135.07,-48.04,-241.33 Humudce 03/15/05
1092 Drammer Quickblade Level 13vv (AA) Monster Named 197.70,-47.39,-264.05 Humudce 03/15/05
1094 Shiv Lane <No Description> Object location 208.59,-47.20,-393.06 Humudce 03/15/05
1095 Lightbringer Wisp Level 18^^ wisp. - Drops a [burned out lightstone] to start the HQ 'The Return of the Light'. - Flies around in the area. Monster Named 703.02,-59.70,-137.81 Humudce 03/15/05
1096 Pride Lake <No Description> Object location 537.02,-49.98,-398.14 Humudce 03/15/05
1099 Pirates of Gunthak Also Raiders of Gunthak and Clerics of Gunthak Monster Solo -1101.48,-209.98,-850.84 Humudce 03/15/05
1100 Fisherman's Dock <No Description> Object location -1037.20,-145.40,-653.64 Humudce 03/15/05
1101 Aethus Kasyu <No Description> NPC -1235.99,-55.42,-496.58 Humudce 03/15/05
1102 ghostly orcs, spectral defenders Haunting the Siege Lands. Monster Solo -1280.43,-75.30,-322.56 Humudce 03/15/05
1103 The Siege Lands Also called Barrage Meadows for quest "A Tour of the Commonlands" Site -1300.49,-77.85,-253.02 Humudce 03/15/05
1105 Carrion Hounds <No Description> Monster Solo -1056.42,-50.47,-111.78 Humudce 03/15/05
1107 grove wisps, mith deer <No Description> Monster Solo -543.09,-50.19,-537.38 Humudce 03/15/05
1108 The Mourned - Touch your [burned out lightstone] to this memorial statue for the HQ 'Return of the Light'. - Dig up your altar components from the statue's foot for the Mithaniel Marr deity quest 'Building an Altar of Valor'. - Defeat the group of 3 phantasms of Odox (level 60-61^ ghosts) that spawn for the Swords of Destiny quest 'Liberating the Cavaliers'. Quest update location -591.51,-49.26,-629.03 Humudce 03/15/05
1110 Gimble Cognoggin Runs along path. NPC -217.73,-47.26,-616.48 Humudce 03/15/05
1111 Elephants <No Description> Monster Solo -266.04,-47.79,-493.79 Humudce 03/15/05
1112 Cannix Silverflame Updates the HQ 'The Return of the Light' and upgrades your [burned out lightstone] everytime you return to him to: - [faintly lit lightstone] - [dimly lit lightstone] - [softly glowing lightstone] - [glimmering lightstone] Quest update NPC -310.74,-47.30,-361.25 Humudce 03/15/05
1113 Dregs Sneaks Also Dregs Scouts Monster Solo -268.39,-47.94,-21.29 Humudce 03/15/05
1114 Commander Du'Nar DuNar spawns in this area. Lvl 16 + 4 warriors Monster Named 211.00,-48.00,467.00 Humudce 03/15/05
1115 Bloodskull Lumberjacks <No Description> Monster Solo -123.54,-47.97,548.84 Humudce 03/15/05
1116 The Hidden Vale Discovery location. Site -264.31,-47.91,824.89 Humudce 03/15/05
1118 Noxious Scorpion <No Description> Monster Solo -593.48,-48.56,609.69 Humudce 03/15/05
1119 Lonely Tower <No Description> Object location -1330.70,-52.79,577.39 Humudce 03/15/05
1121 Sian D'ior Starting person for the Freeport Journey is Half the Fun Quest NPC -945.75,-48.90,-55.64 Humudce 03/15/05
1122 Pillars of Freeport <No Description> Object location -935.85,-49.03,-31.49 Humudce 03/15/05
1123 Massive Emerald Beetles <No Description> Monster Solo -1100.12,-55.26,128.06 Humudce 03/15/05
1124 Speckled Rattlers <No Description> Monster Solo -1222.57,-78.27,118.73 Humudce 03/15/05
1126 Marrow Sappers <No Description> Monster Solo -844.82,-194.26,-977.13 geist27 03/15/05
1131 Glan Mostyn Patrols here Monster Named -375.89,-48.02,618.22 geist27 03/15/05
1134 War Duke Gesarius <No Description> NPC 1074.80,-42,-397 geist27 03/15/05
1140 Shield on Wall Shield on wall: Starts Lore & Legend: Orc quest Quest starter location -436.07,-44.09,-283.75 Itanius 03/15/05
1141 Axe on Wall Begins Grums Inspiring Axe quest Quest starter location -430.54,-44.09,-277.68 Itanius 03/15/05
1142 Impelia Abettus Starts Zarvonns Legacy quest NPC -432.33,-44.09,-275.63 Itanius 03/15/05
1143 A Wanted Poster Hangs on directional sign, starts The Secret Valley quest Quest starter location -482.08,-45.13,-301.59 Itanius 03/15/05
1144 Janus Fieri <No Description> NPC -460.56,-44.93,-335.73 Itanius 03/15/05
1145 Fisherman Safiya <No Description> NPC -473.03,-45.66,-353.72 Itanius 03/15/05
1147 Arconicus <No Description> NPC -506.98,-44.89,-316.13 Itanius 03/15/05
1148 Anders Blackhammer <No Description> Monster Named -523.58,-44.13,-302.21 Itanius 03/15/05
1150 Taskmasters Assistant Kozma and Merchant Edmond NPC -493.61,-43.89,-261.36 Itanius 03/15/05
1151 Grandma Twirlwhizzer and Mender Gubta NPC -507.26,-43.19,-261.48 Itanius 03/15/05
1153 An Engraved Stump Begins quest called An Engraved Stump. Level 15 Quest starter location 442.57,-49.21,581.38 Itanius 03/15/05
1155 An ancient mausoleum This is the entrance to The Chamber of Suffering. You need to loot a Rust Covered Key. Examine it. Then you can access the zone here. Zone 420.52,-51.67,363.23 Itanius 03/15/05
1474 Well and buckets (For sabotage quest) <No Description> Quest update location -1123.45,-57.80,-441.42 hemotem 03/20/05
1495 Bay Sifters Location of bay sifters, needed for Commonlands Creature Catalog Monster Solo -1365.99,-201.46,-975.48 kwippie 03/20/05
1782 Ohrgran Foulgore Level 15^ named Monster Named -1219.38,-47.88,608.38 diztorded 03/22/05
16072 Monitor Lizards Monitor Lizards, for Commonlads Creature Cataloguing quest Monster Solo -621.55,-41.84,104.59 bachaco 03/28/05
16109 Dranok Bileblood Quest giver for second part of Dirge/Troubadour. Answer correctly or pay. NPC -510.44,-48.59,693.57 bfs 03/28/05
16210 The Wall of Taros A tour of the Commmonlands checkpoint. Object location 162.03,-47.54,-676.99 Debillus 04/01/05
16228 Tartons Wheel Azia Rod Azia rod for Tartons Wheel quest. must inspect chest underwater for update Quest update location -538.34,-152.91,-1172.07 DaimyoTX 04/01/05
16467 A Lost Soul, Zarvonns Legacy Quest Mob For Access Quest Zarvonns Legacy. A lost soul spawns in the tomb after dark. Monster Named -1334.05,-68.66,333.23 Derringer 04/05/05
16498 Decaying Remains Bone Pile used to spawn Priest of Valmarr Monster Named 583.94,-53.59,469.52 Dimuyen 04/05/05
16543 Norrathian Express Mailbox Mailbox 523.54,-47.44,746.68 Humudce 04/07/05
16544 Norrathian Express Mailbox Mailbox 772.08,-46.45,-588.78 Humudce 04/07/05
16545 Norrathian Express Mailbox Mailbox -598.83,-47.94,-771.73 Humudce 04/07/05
16752 Bloodskull Mason Quest Big Game Hunting - Bloodskull pick Monster Solo -407.44,-48.04,552.15 Rrys 04/10/05
16723 An Abandoned Boat Kill 15 carrion hounds - lvl 13 quest A quest (Replace) -1059.16,-47.67,-225.13 farquhar1975 04/10/05
16724 Master of the Hunt Begins lvl 14 quest Dirty Sneaky Rats Kill Ratonga Dregs untill you recover the Journal. NPC -1082.88,-49.41,-236.06 farquhar1975 04/10/05
16734 Gierasa Kulnovich Zarvonns Legacy NPC 410.43,-47.77,-804.15 Rrys 04/10/05
16741 a parched nomad Madam Vis Far From Home quest NPC -137.02,-48.00,-809.82 Rrys 04/10/05
16745 Amoora Quest - A Rat Divided NPC -195.28,-47.78,165.10 Rrys 04/10/05
16746 Jaharin Quest - Cant We All Just Get Along - Ferink NPC -189.74,-47.53,139.29 Rrys 04/10/05
16747 Riki Quest - Cant We All Just Get Along - Ferink NPC -303.00,-47.53,-4.52 Rrys 04/10/05
16757 Grizzlefang Grizzlefangs Mane Monster Named 644.25,-59.80,-71.50 Rrys 04/10/05
16784 orders Confusion is the Key A quest (Replace) 1238.70,-40.68,344.75 Rrys 04/11/05
17522 The Giggling Orc Clicky rocks, starts The Giggling Orc quest. Quest starter location 60.66,-48.04,-34.28 mr.wolfie 04/14/05
17536 Mausoleum orcs and dervish meet at 8PM for: A Meeting Interrupted Object location 150,-48,-726 lorf 04/15/05
17815 Black Wolves <No Description> Monster Solo 65.25,-48.04,-552.91 WaldoNova 04/21/05
17870 Wasp Mound Update for Proof is in the Pudding quest Object location 37.29,-48.04,-37.16 gd1107 04/24/05
17884 Pile of logs for Stop The Bloodskull Lumberjacks kill quest Quest update location -112.32,-46.92,533.95 Galaji 04/25/05
19001 Stonetusk Level 24 Heroic elephant, grouped with 3 bull elephants and 2 juvenile bulls, all level 24 Monster Named 914.16,-47.44,40.03 Killarny 04/26/05
19011 Sergeant Borus Gives some minor quests NPC -1324.13,-52.17,581.14 Netstumbler 04/26/05
19015 Captain Ista offers lvl 33 quest The Trail of Slime NPC -1321.44,-52.04,582.55 truth5150 04/27/05
19016 Karmen the Swindler merchant sells an Old Key purchased from Dillan Bolefreg goes to a condemned catacomb near the oracle tower NPC -1338.67,-53.35,578.75 truth5150 04/27/05
19017 Jerimiah Halstetter sells a Goblins Notebook - The Hideout triggers quest lvl 30 Gobblerocks Hideout NPC -1335.67,-53.34,576.18 truth5150 04/27/05
19018 Master Jaedra offers quest Stolen Supplies lvl 28 ( was 21 when offered) NPC -1332.08,-51.60,592.22 truth5150 04/27/05
19023 Terra Thud Level 22 Heroic Rock Heap on top of plateau in middle of Dog Trapper Lake Monster Named 5.37,14.37,-772.52 reapinone 04/27/05
19025 Sentry Wasp Generic level 19 creature spawn, used for Big Game Hunting (part 3 of J.P. Fetermans quests). Monster Solo 52.69,-47.35,179.19 lcaige 04/27/05
19033 Brandus Levine Starting NPC for the Starting the Negotiations quest. NPC -1044.32,-146.03,-645.29 jaheem666 04/28/05
19034 Vtal Narin NPC for the Do or Die, Says Irizan quest. NPC -480.97,-45.51,-335.09 jaheem666 04/28/05
19036 Kivas Levine Named enemy to kill at the end of the A Meeting Interrupted quest. Monster Named 161,-48,-733 jaheem666 04/28/05
19608 Gustfeather Seen wandering this area Monster Named 913.81,-52.19,335.20 Mael13 05/02/05
19655 Water flask update Quenching Their Thirst quest Object location 98.21,-50.60,-328.38 Mael13 05/02/05
19697 Grug Geifr wanders in this area Monster Named 266.32,-48.04,75.94 Rrys 05/03/05
19824 Tower of Valmarr This is the tower that must be visited for A Rings Calling quest and it is located in the Ruins of Valmarr, but this is the specific tower out of several that are there. Object location 555.42,-30.78,193.50 Sinbad 05/08/05
19833 Chests of Torches Chests of Torches for the Forest Fire Sabotage Quest spawn all around the Crossroads village. You will need to douse more than one of them to complete the quest. Quest update location -159.80,-47.20,-819.70 ScottAdams 05/08/05
19839 The Obelisk of Lost Souls ''Shadowed Men have been sighted here. Freeport citizens are commanded to contact Pearl Honeywine within the Academy of Arcane Science with any information regarding these beings.'' Dungeon. Not always available. Caution, no exit. Explorers will have to gate out. Level 35-45. Zone 1060.75,-37.00,-452.00 Big Miggen 05/08/05
19842 Fallen Disciples Kirstehs Components - Part I - Fallen Disciples - grouped with Fallen Guardians level 18 Heroics. 1 Fallen Disciple & 3 Fallen Guardians A quest (Replace) 591.09,-52.33,476.36 Tripaphonic 05/08/05
19917 Chipped Ore Chipped ore for the quest An Eroded Key. Object location -48.00,-45.00,597.00 stoneysilence 05/11/05
19918 Magical Ore Magical Ore for the quest An Eroded Key. Object location 90,-46,604 stoneysilence 05/11/05
19919 Jagged Ore Jagged Ore for the quest An Eroded Key. Object location 161.00,-47.00,610.00 stoneysilence 05/11/05
19920 Magical Ore Magical Ore for the quest An Eroded Key. Object location 291,-46,655 stoneysilence 05/11/05
19932 Nethet 1st Contact for: The Mysterious Missing Shipment NPC -1272.92,-87.82,61.79 spelmyst 05/11/05
19934 Nikora NPC needed for quest : A friend In Need NPC -383.75,-50.64,-863.37 spelmyst 05/11/05
19946 Young Vulriches <No Description> Monster Solo -1020.00,-47.00,-274.00 stoneysilence 05/12/05
19947 The Underwurm A 17^ solo named roaming in the water. Monster Named 349.00,-50.00,-348.00 stoneysilence 05/12/05
19948 A Pile of Books (tattered journal) For the Deliver Help To Janus Fieri quest. Quest update location -155.39,-47.79,-829.23 Morevit 05/12/05
19999 An Old Gravestone Possable location for the 999 Year Old Port Treasure Quest update location 922.00,-45.00,-507.00 stoneysilence 05/13/05
20000 Rusted Gears <No Description> Object location 918,-44,-513 stoneysilence 05/13/05
20003 Assistant DVerin <No Description> NPC 909,-21,-521 stoneysilence 05/13/05
20004 Overseer Melicinn <Academy of Arcane Science> Everyone in the raid has to hail her to be able to access the zone "Echoes of Time: Epic". NPC 910.00,-9.67,-517.54 stoneysilence 05/13/05
20005 A Tortured Maid 2nd level of the tower. Monster Named 911,-25,-520 stoneysilence 05/13/05
20033 Bones Bones on the ground which start the quest The Bloodthirsty Coin. Kill 20 Bloodskull Pawns. Quest starter location -1335,-80,-238 stoneysilence 05/14/05
20105 Kregnok Legbreaker <No Description> NPC 1032,-41,-692 stoneysilence 05/16/05
20109 Lanati Noica 18^^^ Monster Named 1269.33,-43.51,141.94 spelmyst 05/16/05
20110 Wingle Knognogle 16^^^ Monster Named 1403.91,-34.06,159.29 spelmyst 05/16/05
20112 Becce Geil 18^^^ Monster Named 1371.36,-39.38,246.02 spelmyst 05/16/05
20144 Fallen Orcs / Fallen Orc Lieutenants <No Description> Monster Solo -1083.85,-61.13,-446.09 knuckles 05/17/05
20146 Thresh Bats <No Description> Monster Solo -1247.08,-70.10,280.83 knuckles 05/17/05
20210 Greythyn Ralstrom <No Description> Monster Named 486,-47,247 stoneysilence 05/20/05
20211 Wisp of Valmarr, Shade of Valmarr, Forlorn Sorcerer, Forlorn Missionary, Unresting Plight Spawned at night, comes in 3 waves. First wave: 1 Shade of Valmarrs and 3 Wisp of Valmarrs. Second Wave: 4 Unresting Plights. Third Wave: Greythyn Ralstrom, and a Forlorn Sorcerer, and Forlorn Missionary. Monster Named 486,-47,247 stoneysilence 05/20/05
20213 Drowned Dragoons, Acolytes and Priests Off the map but a bunch of Drowned Dragoons, Drowned Acolytes and Drowned Priests. Monster Solo -532,-151,-1178 stoneysilence 05/20/05
20214 A Druidic Staff <No Description> Object location 680,-59,-107 stoneysilence 05/20/05
20215 Stone Wall Quest: Completing a Cowards Job. Kill 25 Bloodskull Warriors. A quest (Replace) 130,-42,-833 stoneysilence 05/20/05
20219 Tidecrawlers <No Description> Monster Solo -847,-180,-818 stoneysilence 05/20/05
20220 Marrow Sappers <No Description> Monster Solo -873,-180,-1023 stoneysilence 05/20/05
20373 Ferink Starts Commonlands adventure path quest Quest starter NPC -292.42,-46.58,57.29 Proclarity 05/26/05
20390 Kraofla & Qeynosians For a Festering Problem (Froglok) quest. Monster Named 480.05,-28.70,-870.49 knuckles 05/27/05
20601 Kraofla for the quest, Search for the Missing Monster Named -585.24,-49.34,-623.36 anzalin 05/29/05
20705 Libertius For Qey to FP Betrayal. 3hr spawn NPC -1034.28,1.01,-634.42 shaggineq2 06/01/05
21035 Dervish Assassins, Ruffians, and some Zealots <No Description> Monster Solo 1270.08,-34.53,-107.20 Grayfear 06/05/05
21075 A Beserk Golem Triggered golem spawn for Golem Testing quest. Monster Named 634.75,-46.15,-447.78 Galaji 06/07/05
21081 An Unlucky Sightseer Markable Markable 4.84,-11.15,-761.84 Galaji 06/07/05
21364 Quest: Quenching Their Thirst Step 1: Water from a nearby river Quest: Quenching Their Thirst Level 12 Quest update location -103.82,-49.16,-59.55 Liriel 06/14/05
21599 A Silt Shark This creature is needed for the Commonlands Creature Catalog quest. Monster Solo -1276.87,-204.22,-1017.12 Neural Nebula 06/16/05
21608 monitor lizard for Commonlands Catalog Quest Monster Solo -1.18,-61.28,399.74 ede7722 06/17/05
21690 Roadmarker for 'Sabotage: A Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -841.42,-47.28,-76.07 blondiebear 06/22/05
21693 Roadmarker for 'Sabotage: A Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -330.97,-47.30,-338.29 blondiebear 06/22/05
21692 Roadmarker for 'Sabotage: A Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -577.99,-47.71,-443.64 blondiebear 06/22/05
21691 Roadmarker for 'Sabotage: A Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -648.21,-47.93,-215.05 blondiebear 06/22/05
21732 Pile of rocks Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1120.15,-62.78,-286.80 jedibarks 06/26/05
21733 Pile of rocks Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1155.58,-57.84,-119.50 jedibarks 06/26/05
21735 Pile of rocks Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1195.00,.59.79,.165.57 jedibarks 06/26/05
21736 Pile of rocks Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1239.22,-63.75,-184.46 jedibarks 06/26/05
21798 Gybergs Remains <No Description> A quest (Replace) 159.80,-48.04,-739.55 Kynre 07/01/05
22108 Blackshield Assassins <No Description> Monster Solo -471.75,-46.51,-678.89 Dakender 07/05/05
22121 Silt Shark <No Description> Monster Solo -1351.07,-167.77,-886.53 Zarkonica 07/07/05
22142 Barrage Meadows Used in the Tour of the Commonlands quest. Object location -1296.84,-77.26,-297.54 the_WiZ 07/09/05
22203 Dune Cobra for Commonlands Cataloging. Wanders. Monster Solo 20.68,-46.-2,46.19 Delameko Stone 07/14/05
22236 J.P. Feterman Gives a series of quests, starting with Proof is in the Pudding, ending with Grizzlefang. Final reward is choice of 5 items (2 for Brawler only). avg reward: 2s74c NPC -476.13,-44.77,-253.90 FlorenceSopher 07/18/05
22238 Madam Vi Series of quests to gather, then deliver water, then collect a gem from WC. Quenching Their Thirst, Far From Home, No Risk,No Reward, and Seer Stone. Avg reward 2s74c, final reward Gem of Foreboding (ring) NPC -471.20,-44.87,-293.60 FlorenceSopher 07/18/05
22261 Engineer Klaaska Second step in Disturbance quest. NPC -18.19,-39.6,-890.15 dudge669 07/20/05
22291 Graverobbers in Commonlands Mob used for Graverobber spoils quest. This mob only spawns at night in the mausoleums, and u must make sure all 3 mausoleums are empty before they will spawn Monster Named 103.53,-47.63,-194.63 Inibriate 07/21/05
22297 Sacred Bottle of Contentment For the Wheel of Vaniki Quest Object location -288.88,-48.32,135.81 Liandra 07/21/05
22298 Vial of Interaction For the Wheel of Vaniki Quest Object location -242.41,-47.75,-6.93 Liandra 07/21/05
22305 Ancient Alkaline Barrel Step from the Quest: The Wheel of Vaniki Quest update location -152.22,-47.81,-825.82 Liriel 07/22/05
22307 Quest: Quenching Their Thirst Quest Level 12 Part 3 (Water From The Sea) Object location -1066.27,-148.71,-648.45 Claudias 07/22/05
23509 Burnable Boats Burnable Boats for the Sabotage: On Dry Land quest. Boats on both sides of river Object location -236.90,-46.63,13.83 dragon0241 07/27/05
23685 Duststingers <No Description> Monster Solo -894.12,-77.21,-601.24 Drugar 08/04/05
23692 Sabotage: Chickens on the Loose One of the chicken coops for the sabotage quest Quest update location 1407.58,-34.64,178.14 panuby 08/05/05
23750 Farmer This is one of the farmers needed to be killed for farmers ring quest. This farmer is one of only 2 that I found that are not grouped with his cattle. Lvl 14 mob. Monster Solo -232.27,-47.66,-196.74 seedog 08/06/05
23754 Betrayal Quest Executioner Selindi: He sends you to Antonica to see Vishra. NPC -1342.26,-69.54,338.13 dclarkut 08/07/05
23777 ShinRee Avenger Commandlands Creature Catalogue Monster Named -312.79,-48.04,-902.30 Rrys 08/09/05
23778 a mith deer Commandlands Creature Catalog Monster Solo -383.98,-48.04,-781.16 Rrys 08/09/05
23797 Quenching Their Thirst This is the activation point for the lake water portion of the Quenching Their Thirst quest. Quest update location 431.79,-49.46,-390.26 snowywlf 08/12/05
23805 a Bloodskull scout Qst: Cooking With Barbarians Monster Solo -766.24,-48.04,106.04 Rrys 08/14/05
23807 a Bloodskull Corporal ^^ Lvl 13 Monster Named -781.65,-47.51,379.95 Rrys 08/14/05
23971 Signpost for Qeynosian Sabotage: A Simple Prank <No Description> Quest update location -219.07,-47.29,-523.55 cymorio 08/22/05
23973 A Jumjum Jar markable Markable -1003.71,-143.58,-632.39 Galaji 08/23/05
24033 a bucket (markable) <No Description> Markable -1124.83,-58.35,-448.54 darklingrose 08/25/05
24056 Killer Wasp Mound Proof is in the pudding quest. A quest (Replace) -37.02,-48.05,12.92 h0tr0d 08/26/05
24071 A Bloodskull DeForester Named orc, 14^^ spawns with friends by tree stump. Monster Named 3.95,-48.04,509.13 h0tr0d 08/28/05
24275 Orwen Neovra Orwen Neovra, starts and ends the quest The Search for Ariana NPC 391.92,-47.39,-813.18 Cazicbane 09/12/05
24272 Dinas Drefelin Dinas raoms around this area. Monster Named 456.69,-54.53,368.18 Aurien 09/12/05
24331 Ronam Olansk in one of the tents, gives QST: Quell the Undead NPC -158.80,-47.20,-819.70 Assartea 09/15/05
24451 Fallen Orcs <No Description> Monster Solo -1050.77,-66.00,-574.21 Bobum 09/17/05
24457 Bloodskull Priests/Warriors <No Description> Monster Solo -1093.42,-47.07,545.72 Bobum 09/17/05
24655 Lieutenant Cillian Level 30 Freeport Militia. Napping inside tower. NPC -1125.60,-56.86,169.41 Xaksur 09/18/05
24670 Heron Cogcarrier The 999 year old port Quest Multidirectional Aerospanning Locationator & Manual Powered Mechanical Digging Device (near tent - 5 pace West of Heron Cogcarrier) A quest (Replace) -1056.41,-145.45,-634.32 Kyna 09/19/05
24907 Old Freeport Sewer Grate (markable) <No Description> Markable -1277.21,-47.34,629.52 Morgonn 09/21/05
25085 Digger Wasp nest (Level 15) Much like termites, digger wasps build their nests into enormous mounds. Monster Solo -43.27,-48.04,-8.79 Hunter42 09/30/05
25663 grouping of seaweed <No Description> Object location -1232.08,-203.15,-708.30 Adwaup 10/09/05
25692 Gustfeather Level 25^ named griffon seen wandering here Monster Named -474.75,-46.51,-678.89 hackyman4 10/14/05
25715 Water Flask Update Quenching Their Thirst: Fresh Water Lake Object location 413.07,-48.51,-390.37 Gallandriana 10/18/05
25883 Dervish Camp Update: More Than Meets The Eye Table with map in front of ramshackle building gave update for quest Quest update location 1241.14,-40.70,345.43 Palomwen 11/10/05
26324 monitor lizzard this is another spot for checking on the monitor lizzard in the commonlands creature catolog Monster Solo -1170.21,-58.27,408.79 mydnyt_alyas 12/06/05
26412 Plains Hunters needed for the enforcement city task Monster Solo 469.03,-48.07,18.09 Shaphron 12/20/05
26464 speckled rattlers Speckled rattlers near the dead trees Monster Solo -532.42,-48.32,135.81 DRajagopal 01/01/06
26467 Dead Man's Valley This is one of the regions you must update on for the Farmer's Quest Object location -505.43,-48.04,-830.85 Trillain Prideseeker 01/02/06
26476 Plains Hunters Camp Plains Hunters Camp for Writ Quests... Novice and regular Plains hunters spawn in this area.. Monster Solo 453.94,-48.50,-29.19 Trillain Prideseeker 01/03/06
27085 Barrel for ''A Change in Plans''. Quest update location 1343.44,-40.33,261.98 nosht82 02/20/06
27150 Kraofla LvL 25 Froglok aggro Monster Named -159.80,-47.20,-819.70 Alluray75 02/22/06
27449 Earthen Tumblers <No Description> Monster Solo 1073.57,-50.84,166.38 Hindu Pete 03/09/06
27740 Pythus Quest mob for Find Pythus the Rogue quest. Spawns around here, but wanders from here to Crossroads and back. Monster Named -764.00,-47.50,-140.00 Andemon 04/20/06
27987 Scourge Rats for Freeport writs Monster Solo -2.83,-47.55,-107.22 Wyeth 05/15/06
27992 Zarvonna's Legacy: Skeletal Orc Lieutenant During the Zarvonna's Legacy quest, you are asked, at one point, to gather 5 skulls from the leaders of the skeletons, at the last attempted siege on Freeport. Monster Solo -1083.85,-61.13,-446.09 Drognan 05/15/06
28007 Bounty of the Overlord Wanted Poster Condemned to death by decree of the overlord. kill 15 bloodskull pawns A quest (Replace) 1216.58,-31.36,-258.52 Biancia 05/16/06
28048 a distressed merchant She appears around 7:00PM at night (game time) If you clear all of the orcs around her she will become a gratified merchant and you can sell and buy from her like a regular merchant. NPC -921.00,-46.00,537.00 Tsat 05/22/06
28114 A Fallen Blackguard Questgiver for the access quest, 'An Eroded Key' NPC -13.93,-44.29,246.22 unktehila 05/30/06
28115 An Orc Runner An Orc Runner can be seen passing by this spot Monster Solo -207.54,-48.39,336.41 unktehila 05/30/06
28116 An Orc Runner An Orc Runner can be seen running by this spot Monster Solo -72.84,-46.24,385.40 unktehila 05/30/06
28143 Valor's End Update for 'A Tour of the Commonlands' Object location -589.91,-49.37,-625.22 unktehila 06/01/06
28260 Silentsting Lvl 12 named Digger Wasp Monster Named -616.20,-48.04,-317.89 Homerus 06/15/06
28333 Freeport Bounty: Sandrik Ignol This named character is killed for the new betrayal sub-quest for Qeynos to Freeport. This named will only spawn when the player with the quest comes to these coordinates. Monster Named 1316.17,-31.95,383.93 Dracythis 06/17/06
28378 Gerun Pontian Militia Gate Patrolman - Level 10-ish questgiver NPC -1271.00,-88.00,45.00 kdreeves 06/18/06
28385 Argorym's Blade Chest containing this item starts An Orcish Trinket Quest starter location -411.00,-48.00,452.00 kdreeves 06/18/06
28386 Tecera Valnos <No Description> NPC 584.00,-47.00,701.00 kdreeves 06/18/06
28387 Arnisu Tobian NPC prisoner needed for The Bloodskull Threat NPC -233.00,-47.00,865.00 kdreeves 06/18/06
28388 Jyrok the Stone Level 18 orc. - Paths from here south along the eastern side of the vale and back. - Needed for 'The Bloodskull Threat' - Drops [Daughter of the Sky] needed for and to start the quest 'An Orcish Trinket'. Monster Named -323.42,-47.74,813.16 kdreeves 06/18/06
28389 Vurog Ma'gar Level 18 orc. - Paths from here north along the western side of the vale and back. - Needed for 'The Bloodskull Threat' - Drops [Son of the Sky] needed to start the quest 'An Orcish Trinket'. Monster Named -216.51,-46.94,849.12 kdreeves 06/18/06
28390 Captain Feralis Freeport Militia officer NPC -428.00,-44.00,-280.00 kdreeves 06/18/06
28391 The Spirit of Raegnir NPC for An Orcish Trinket NPC -1305.00,-78.00,-278.00 kdreeves 06/18/06
28392 Rilkrik Amateur orc scholar used in An Orcish Trinket NPC -517.00,-44.00,-303.00 kdreeves 06/18/06
28396 Captain Gaer Level 17 orc. - Grouped with 2 Bloodskull soldiers (level 17v orcs). - Needed for the HQ 'The Return of the Light'. Monster Named -856.04,-47.71,671.38 Claudias 06/19/06
28407 Northwest Arcanic Sentry one of six to be repaired for Broken Equipment quest. Object location 588.67,-47.45,165.37 Serraeted 06/19/06
28433 pure water Example location to collect a flask of [pure water] from this lake or the adjacent rivers for the Brewday quest 'Brell's Everlasting Brew'. Quest update location 492.77,-57.58,-343.55 Egg 06/21/06
28451 moon wisps Needed for Commonlands Creature Cataloging Monster Solo 106.00,-48.00,-415.00 relytor 06/22/06
28452 Brackencoat Named level 15^ heroic black wolf. Monster Named -58.62,-48.04,-543.62 Egg 06/22/06
28453 Condemned to Death by Decree of the Overlord A Note on a Tree gives a quest titled : Condemned to Death by Decree of the Overlord. A level 17 quest to kill 15 stone beetles in the Commonlands. Object location -1113.13,-61.80,-32.51 zadera 06/22/06
28458 Orc Emissary inside tower Monster Named -339.04,-48.43,537.05 Overfiend138 06/24/06
28459 W Arcanic Sentry To repair. For Broken Equipment quest. Object location 593.93,-48.23,290.22 Serraeted 06/24/06
28460 NE Arcanic Sentry To repair. For Broken Equipment quest. Object location 342.12,-47.43,174.52 Serraeted 06/24/06
28461 E Arcanic Sentry To repair. For Broken Equipment quest. Object location 354.99,-46.85,318.09 Serraeted 06/24/06
28462 SE Arcanic Sentry To repair. For Broken Equipment quest. Object location 355.48,-47.14,376.05 Serraeted 06/24/06
28463 SW Arcanic Sentry To repair. For Broken Equioment quest. Object location 558.83,-56.07,368.77 Serraeted 06/24/06
28465 Freshwater Crabs for Seafood Surprise Quest Monster Solo -1229.66,-49.90,582.35 Overfiend138 06/25/06
28492 Captain Garglass Named 14 v Skeletal Orc. Grouped with 3 - I think I counted - Shin'Ree Sentries also 14 v mobs. Roams around the area outside the entrance to the Wailing Caves. Monster Named -340.25,-44.73,-824.88 Neural Nebula 06/26/06
28499 Duststingers lvl 12 non-aggro solo mobs, come in groups of 2-3 single- or double-down arrows Monster Solo -771.22,-71.18,-680.73 Lodrelhai 06/29/06
28517 Black Wolves lvl 14-15 solo mobs (map shows loc in water, actually on south shore) Monster Solo -410.22,-46.69,-475.34 Lodrelhai 07/01/06
28518 Stone Beetles lvl 15-16 solo and soloable-group mob all over this hill. Needed for writ Quell the Infestation (Academy of Arcane Science, lvl 15-19) Monster Solo 152.90,-45.74,202.30 Lodrelhai 07/01/06
28523 Earthen Tumbler Level 17-18 solo Monster Solo 969.00,-49.00,333.00 Aekisu 07/02/06
28662 Wall of Taros This is an update for the Bootstrutter's Tour of the Commonlands Object location 236.72,-46.00,-500.85 Gromdall 07/17/06
28732 Renial Foefur Renial Foefur, named and KoS Kerra that spawns on the wharf at the Kerran Camp in the Commonlands. Monster Named -220.77,-47.01,72.67 Peter1968 07/25/06
28742 Bloodskull Scouts Where Bloodskull Scouts spawn Monster Solo -410.00,-48.00,339.00 Qonok 07/28/06
28757 Giant spiders Giant spiders. Monster Solo -622.45,-42.01,107.96 Skisuka 07/31/06
28837 Gutgnasher lvl 17^ named carrion hound Monster Named 577.39,-47.87,64.74 blackroseanjel 08/07/06
28832 Skullhammer Solo 18^ Vulrich wanders this area. Monster Named 1020.00,-46.00,46.00 Kaij 08/07/06
28865 Sir Bayden Cauldthorn Knight of Valor Start The Spear of the Sentries quest Quest starter NPC -1363.41,-83.07,-344.08 Poi 08/11/06
28891 Tarntanis and Merko Quetalis for The Spear of the Sentries Tarntanis is for The Spear of the Sentires. Upon turning in the signet ring of Merko to him, Merko spawns beside him for the next step in the quest. this is at the nomad camp in East Commonlands. note: i have tried multiple times to set this to show on EAST commonlands map, but when i submit the POI, it changes to west. i copied the loc correctly and have doublechecked it. i assume this error is because CL is split to 2 maps. but this loc is on the EAST CL map, NOT the west. A quest (Replace) -159.80,-47.20,-819.70 Jahiah 08/13/06
28894 Carrion Hound Pups These are for the quest Hunting the Predators Monster Solo -1004.23,-47.58,-211.61 hooahero 08/14/06
28918 Crates on the Nerves Crates to update crates on the nerves Quest update location 1323.34,-35.96,-189.34 mydnyt_alyas 08/17/06
28944 Southern Encampment Southern Encampment for Quest: Bloodskull Disruption Quest update location -252.00,-48.50,342.00 kas04 08/20/06
28945 Northern Encampment Northern Encampment for Quest: Bloodskull Disruption Quest update location -219.30,-48.00,257.30 kas04 08/20/06
28998 Ventar T'Kal Gives quests after you finish up with Rainus NPC -154.00,-48.00,-817.00 Qonok 08/27/06
29016 Hadden's Earring Quest Hadden's Earring look near behemoth skeleton at the bottom of ocean Quest update location -840.49,-148.95,-1000.00 adolf102 09/02/06
29047 Rainus Canton <No Description> NPC -1315.73,-51.23,598.56 adeyler 09/10/06
29055 A Mysterious Contact Used in Smugglers' Secrets quest. NPC 437.00,-45.00,-368.00 kdc2g 09/12/06
29056 Tiff Squeelunkle Starts the Smugglers' Secrets quest. NPC -231.00,-46.47,-845.97 kdc2g 09/12/06
29057 Blackshield Smuggler Camp Update spot for Smugglers' Secrets quest. Quest update location -468.75,-91.81,-961.76 kdc2g 09/12/06
29065 Lone Gravestone Markable object. Markable -284.63,-47.17,784.31 Iriek 09/14/06
29068 Blackshields Blackshield brutes, smugglers, and assassins. Monster Solo -415.70,-47.92,-852.82 Shadow312 09/16/06
29069 Jereth Blackshield Level 20 ^. Needed for Vassi's Orders - Part I and A Friend in Need. Monster Named -390.88,-59.59,-878.78 Shadow312 09/16/06
29073 Healer Hanif Healer Hanif is needed in some quests NPC 377.37,-46.75,-807.92 mw2099 09/17/06
29074 Stone Beetle Stone Beetles needed for Plain 'Ole Disease Object location 155.65,-42.07,21.62 Kaleriia 09/17/06
29077 Lucretias Domna needed for Plain 'Ole Disease NPC 112.61,-47.50,-223.84 Kaleriia 09/18/06
29148 Molting Scorpions Molting scorpions - commonlands creature catalog Monster Solo -866.00,-49.23,324.91 Fropple 09/30/06
29183 Surveyor Menak For world quest Disturbance and The Wheel of Vaniki NPC 43.07,-24.04,-883.56 Barshamm 10/13/06
29217 Water from a nearby river Update spot for the Quenching Their Thirst quest. Quest update location -49.98,-49.29,-307.57 Shadow312 10/22/06
29254 Molting Scorpions <No Description> Monster Solo -976.00,-48.00,102.00 LokiDeShadow 10/29/06
29809 Brazier 2 for Solusek Ro quest: Ro's Flame <No Description> Quest update location 20.36,-12.01,-738.23 Frinja 11/15/06
30178 Rune for Wizard Commonlands Portal Spell Rune for the Wizard Commonlands Portal Spell. Harvest the rune and return it to your local teleport trainer in a city. Quest update location 6.82,-45.73,-410.21 Araxen 11/18/06
30579 Graverobber Level 11-12 human. - Needed for the quest 'Graverobber Spoils'. - Placeholder is a lost soul. Monster Named -1316.26,-69.39,347.69 Otoran 11/27/06
30625 Captain Vertas Gives a series of quests. Wanders up and down between gates. NPC -462.56,-44.93,-335.73 Amiranda 11/30/06
30674 monitor behemoth Level 16 Monster Solo 323.50,-48.04,-46.73 Wrog 12/03/06
30675 Monitor Lizards Level 11-12 Monitor Lizards Monster Solo -342.81,-48.04,115.82 Wrog 12/03/06
30770 crate of cabbage This is for the Sabotage: Creepy Crawlers quest. Object location -522.95,43.80,-307.63 Ralgur 12/10/06
30771 crate of cabbage This is for the Sabotage: Creepy Crawlers quest. Object location -480.00,-44.00,-317.00 Ralgur 12/10/06
30772 crate of cabbage This is for the Sabotage: Creepy Crawlers quest. Object location -489.00,-43.00,-264.00 Ralgur 12/10/06
30775 Burly Armadillos Mobs used for City quest Monster Solo -952.00,-47.00,-80.00 kaaowen 12/10/06
30819 Crates on the Nerves Update spot for the bridge south of the Kerran village. Quest update location -143.00,-47.00,220.00 slackmessiah 12/23/06
30842 Crates on the Nerves Area for Crate north of the Hidden Canyon Station. Quest update location 598.56,-50.11,535.91 slackmessiah 12/25/06
30858 Crates on the Nerves Location of search for crates by the druid rings. Quest update location 658.52,-59.48,-95.64 slackmessiah 12/29/06
30881 Digger Wasps This is the new location for Digger Wasps Monster Solo -765.45,-61.50,-504.54 Numdydar 12/29/06
30900 Sunclaw Sunclaw: Named lvl 15^ lion Monster Named 219.68,-48.04,-715.37 gmping 12/30/06
30946 Rock Lionesses Rock lionesses with cubs, lions nearby Monster Solo 242.73,-48.04,-702.19 Akalia 01/06/07
31211 giant vulrich Level 17-18 Monster Solo 862.90,-49.10,152.65 adeyler 01/27/07
31214 Seepscale LVL 16 ^^^ heroic monitor lizard Gives aa; drop a legendary item LvL 13 sap Glazed Staff 4 wis 5 int 20 HP 20 Power two-handed crushing 9-28 damage All Fighters, All Mages, All Preists Monster Named 114.75,-42.85,52.28 mydnyt_alyas 01/28/07
31263 Thexian Excavators and Dragoons Dragoons needed for Kirsteh's Components - Part II Monster Solo 1362.45,-40.94,-261.09 Odaalu 02/04/07
31293 Thrumplate Named armadillo, wanders around Monster Named -1140.60,-58.91,-101.22 Banality 02/07/07
31403 Freeport Bounty:Sergeant Vorshel Second NPC kill for freeport bounty subquest Freeport bounty Must be at exact coordinates to spawn. Monster Named 35.00,-48.00,471.00 Mystearia 03/01/07
31405 Freeport Bounty:Gnawer Anklechewer Fourth Kill in the betrayal subquest freeport bounty. Must be at the exact coordinates for character to spawn A quest (Replace) -245.00,-47.00,7.00 Mystearia 03/01/07
31402 Freeport Bounty:Sergeant Frakin First kill for betrayal subquest freeport bounty. NPC spawns only when you are at the exact coordinates. Monster Named -166.00,-47.00,575.00 Mystearia 03/01/07
31406 Sir Groktog Sir Groktog, Quest NPC for the Sword of Destiny Quest Line. NPC 318.00,-46.41,238.57 ccarro63 03/01/07
31404 Freeport Bounty:Mooboya Tailtwister This is the third Kill in the betrayal subquest freeport bounty. Must be at the exact coordinates for character to spawn. A quest (Replace) -198.00,-45.00,78.00 Mystearia 03/01/07
31472 Bar of Brell Leads to the "Bar of Brell". - This portal is only available during the Brewday Live Event mid March. Overland -1217.83,-81.67,53.41 Xiadarkelf 03/17/07
31467 a Pink Elephant - Collect the Pink Elephant as "something that follows its own kind on the savanna" for the Brewday quest 'Snoogle's Presentation'. - Can only be seen while being intoxicated from a sip from your [Snoogle's Special Flask]. Quest update location 430.72,-47.35,-329.82 Xiadarkelf 03/17/07
31476 pure water Example location to collect a flask of [pure water] from the ocean for the Brewday quest 'Brell's Everlasting Brew'. Quest update location -1042.76,-161.54,-684.11 Mottoko 03/18/07
31590 Gifts from the Earth update. Gifts from the Earth update. First update. Quest update location 774.30,-46.40,-598.00 Sirveyor 04/01/07
31591 Gifts from the Earth update. Gifts from the Earth update. Buried chest. Second update. Quest update location 764.70,-46.50,-567.30 Sirveyor 04/01/07
31589 a Blackshield Dock officer A Blackshield Dock officer. Needed for An Acquisition quest. NPC -593.50,-145.40,-877.00 Sirveyor 04/01/07
31588 Ree Runner Runner of Ree runs by here. Needed for 'An Acquisition' quest. Monster Solo -256.00,-48.00,-959.00 Sirveyor 04/01/07
31640 Statuette of Sir William Taros Needed for 'Knights in the Round' (Swords of Destiny Timeline) Object location -550.00,-31.00,427.00 Numi 04/09/07
31736 Sergeant Gorak Level 40^^^ Heroic, was seen heading north along Shiv Lane with 5 friends toward gates in the rocks. Monster Named 235.93,-49.74,-752.74 Buyirugh 04/30/07
31747 Sabotage: Drain Them Dry- water barrels water barrels for betray quest Quest update location -166.37,48.04,-805.00 Sillewyth 05/04/07
31828 Sergeant Gorak 40^^^ Heroic with a 5 tunnel laborers Path from the West Freeport Gates to tunnel gates north-north-east of pride Lake. Monster Named -1235.80,-84.98,45.18 Buyirugh 05/12/07
31863 savanna lioness groups spawn here by pond, needed for writ Monster Solo 919.00,-60.00,-243.00 AshketSolecist 05/19/07
31948 Denter Lepidus Question NPC for Neriak Faction building quest after you have betrayed your own city and seek Neriak as your home. Neriak Bounty: Denter Lepidus. He spawns when you move near the location. Monster Named 522.95,-54.33,543.10 Eralynn 05/26/07
31967 Cavalier Statue 2 - Phantasm of Odox The second ghost (60^^) in a statue for Quest Series Sword of Destiny: Liberating the Cavaliers Monster Named 5.64,-50.42,-728.85 sucksuck 05/27/07
31981 a stone snake Commonlands Creature Catalogue Object location 534.24,-47.41,54.02 nativwomn 05/28/07
32026 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 93.41,-46.46,-343.65 Xiane 05/29/07
32025 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 30.60,-45.87,-280.49 Xiane 05/29/07
32024 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 20.87,-46.42,-264.18 Xiane 05/29/07
32022 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -15.43,-46.88,-184.71 Xiane 05/29/07
32023 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -12.63,-46.77,-192.21 Xiane 05/29/07
32021 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -45.10,-44.55,-125.28 Xiane 05/29/07
32019 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -29.54,-46.49,-291.83 Xiane 05/29/07
32020 Poisonous Fungus One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -60.08,-47.68,-180.84 Xiane 05/29/07
32015 Thexian Water Barrels One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 1337.25,-41.20,-171.31 Xiane 05/29/07
32013 Freeport Barrels Needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -519.00,-44.11,-306.82 Xiane 05/29/07
32014 Thexian Water Barrels One of several possible spawn points needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 1395.24,-34.71,-220.59 Xiane 05/29/07
32012 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points of unclean water needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -1013.00,-47.50,-237.45 Xiane 05/29/07
32010 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points of unclean water needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 380.98,-48.61,-414.69 Xiane 05/29/07
32011 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points of unclean water needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 537.79,-49.55,-558.67 Xiane 05/29/07
32009 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points of unclean water needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 467.81,-48.81,-325.04 Xiane 05/29/07
32008 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points of unclean water needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 621.48,-49.85,-459.35 Xiane 05/29/07
32090 Crates on the Nerves Update location for Crates on the Nerves quest: West of Zarvon's Tower at the end of the Path of Tears. Quest update location 1097.00,-39.00,-359.00 patchwork rogue 06/07/07
32108 Buried Treasure 999 Year Old Port quest, alternate location of the buried treasure A quest (Replace) -414.00,-48.00,365.00 Wrog 06/10/07
32303 Reetusk Named ^ elephant Monster Named -292.48,-46.09,-491.36 Xorpid™ 07/11/07
32322 Rama'nai Level 18^^^ lion. - Grouped with 2 savanna lionesses (level 18 lions) - Needed for the HQ 'The Return of the Light'. Monster Named 883.72,-57.88,12.80 Mr_Mc_Me 07/14/07
32334 The Wheel of Vaniki Clickable Rock next to the dock on the Ratonga side of the river. Has The Wheel of Vaniki, for the quest of the same name. Quest update location -233.18,-47.25,11.77 slackmessiah 07/19/07
32470 Bloodskull messenger Bloodskull messenger seen here. Needed for the quest An Eroded Key. Roams around a bit but not very far. Monster Named 212.33,-45.18,177.19 dspazguy 08/11/07
32496 Captain Surestout lvl 18^ apperead at the bow of the ship immediatly after the common cleric there is killed. Monster Named -1102.29,-205.69,-817.79 Pijotre 08/15/07
32498 Freeport Bounty:Sergeant Frakin Spawn point for Sergeant Frakin Monster Named -110.01,-42.49,610.85 slackmessiah 08/16/07
32563 Monitor Lizards New location for Monitor Lizards for quest: Common Lands Creature Cataloging. Monster Solo -556.29,-47.79,-118.57 Yadkin 09/02/07
32582 Commander Grik'Sna Orc Commander for The Search for Bloodskull Valley Quest Monster Named -713.62,-48.04,511.09 beano 09/08/07
32676 Pile of Rocks Pile of Rocks: Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1096.52,-55.75,117.55 Litrevan 10/11/07
32677 Pile of Rocks Pile of Rocks: Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1105.06,-55.83,159.81 Litrevan 10/11/07
32678 Pile of Rocks Pile of Rocks: Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1158.70,-58.79,199.37 Litrevan 10/11/07
32679 Pile of Rocks Pile of Rocks: Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1202.43,-61.81,220.60 Litrevan 10/11/07
32680 Pile of Rocks Pile of Rocks: Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1248.74,-62.42,233.69 Litrevan 10/11/07
32681 Pile of Rocks Pile of Rocks: Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1273.17,-62.57,238.90 Litrevan 10/11/07
32682 Pile of Rocks Pile of Rocks: Towers of Stone: Sabotage Object location -1391.23,-72.01,243.68 Litrevan 10/11/07
32684 Xrinchel Named giant spider Heroic ^ Monster Named -1.00,152.00,-50.15 Zilanthar 10/12/07
32691 Locked Chests Chests need a key. Object location 1484.57,-14.13,218.31 AstroCat 10/13/07
32715 Silt Shark Needed for Commonlands Creature Cataloging Monster Solo -797.75,-180.73,-1031.35 AstroCat 10/22/07
32745 Plains Elephants Elephants needed for the quest Big Game Hunting Monster Solo 523.00,-48.00,-226.00 Alteri 10/31/07
33776 Commander Ralio Lvl 20^ - Needed for quest: One Final Task Monster Named 1484.57,-14.13,218.31 Kokou 11/26/07
34120 Digger Wasps Needed for Big Game Hunting Monster Solo -657.00,-48.00,-332.00 Dadalus 12/16/07
34312 ZaZa Lenska ZaZa's Little Problem quest NPC -245.00,0.00,0.00 Grimoire 12/31/07
34517 Roadmarker for 'Sabotage: a Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -921.94,65.65,-397.86 Terfan 01/26/08
34518 Roadmarker for 'Sabotage: a Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -1012.20,-70.53,-537.98 Terfan 01/26/08
34522 Road Marker for 'Sabotage: A Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -225.05,-47.43,-616.87 Terfan 01/27/08
34523 Road Marker for 'Sabotage: A Simple Prank' <No Description> Object location -569.25,-48.27,-588.17 Terfan 01/27/08
34534 Bloodskull Tower Guards Quest: Bloodskull Intentions Monster Solo -550.00,-31.00,427.00 amclaughlin 01/29/08
34616 Phyriara N'Rhirae excavation leader Location of excavation leader for Neriak Bounty Quest Monster Named 1377.00,-40.00,-259.00 snowywlf 02/09/08
34617 Kazek, Freeport spy Location of Kazek the Freeport spy for Neriak Bounty Quest Monster Named 1063.00,-37.50,-713.00 snowywlf 02/09/08
34635 Scroll of Froglok Flesh. First piece for Guardian epic. Quest update location 618.14,-57.71,207.47 mojojojoe 02/10/08
34722 Qurst Tohsa's Instructor NPC -1336.10,-67.30,335.10 soundchicken 02/21/08
34930 Rhinoceros lvl 16-17 solo Monster Solo 350.00,-48.00,-590.00 Mustang8259 03/18/08
34931 bull rhinoceros lvl 17 solo Monster Solo 280.00,-48.00,-225.00 Mustang8259 03/18/08
35006 Xrinchel Level 12^ named giant spider, no AA. Received a Ornate Chest upon killing the enemy. Monster Named -1113.00,-39.00,323.00 hempick 04/05/08
35199 Amulius Ramio NPC needed to enter Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold for the quest The Return of the Light. NPC 22.99,-46.19,725.63 veruka247 05/17/08
35209 Undead Pirates Undead Pirates for A Strange Stone Wedge Quest (Pirates of Gunthak) swim almost straight out from Commonlands dock. Monster Solo -1102.29,-205.69,-850.84 goldenrose8 05/19/08
35256 Frund the Big Grin LVL 18 ^ mob. Monster Named 1236.94,-40.82,338.58 gmping 05/30/08
35446 Moon Wisps Wisps for Crates on the Nerves quest near Ulteran Spire. Monster Solo -135.00,-48.00,-461.00 HarshLanguage 06/29/08
35447 Crates on the Nerves Update Spot for update West of Ratonga village. Quest update location -90.00,-47.00,29.00 HarshLanguage 06/29/08
35541 an Arcane Science Teleportation Scholar Teleport to Timorous Deep(Gorowyn City Bottom) NPC -1243.59,-86.24,30.75 Berabow 07/21/08
35793 An Overcharged Emanation Named ^ wisp Monster Named -141.00,-48.00,-445.00 ziandria 09/21/08
35861 Mariner's Bell to Guild Halls Freeport Guild Hall, Tier 3 Price: 1000p Upkeep: 10p 200,000status Vendor and Vault Slots: 0 Requirements: Guild Level 70 Guild housing -1056.10,-144.92,-683.78 xxxhellboyxxx 10/08/08
38726 19 ^ Rogue Vizier <No Description> Monster Solo 828.00,-54.00,655.00 gelphin 11/16/08
38727 20^ Tortured Dragoon also roaming around are several 18-20 ruffians, deacons, defenders, charmers, abbots and champions Monster Solo 758.00,-54.00,681.00 gelphin 11/16/08
38729 19^ Rogue Vizier <No Description> Monster Solo 843.00,-54.00,620.00 gelphin 11/16/08
38914 Dante Sewershank Dante Sewershank lvl 14^ Named Ratonga Monster Solo -235.52,-46.66,14.68 gumby221 11/19/08
39042 investigate tomb update for HQ The Book of Thex : investigate tomb in commonlands, run to this location will auto update when you get close Quest update location 161.99,0.00,-736.82 axoitia 11/20/08
39066 The Shipyard Cove <No Description> Zone 63.45,-40.81,719.36 epitropos 11/20/08
39274 High Priest of Val`Marr Level 20 skeleton. - Grouped with 2 fallen champions (level 20v skeletons). - Needed for the HQ 'The Return of the Light'. - Spawns on top of the northern tower on the eastern exit of the ruins. Monster Named 385.69,-31.10,220.71 Drafin 11/24/08
39374 Quest: Quenching their thirst Location of water from fresh water lake Quest update location 415.06,-49.77,-383.34 Ceri 11/27/08
39420 Poisoned Grain Possible location of poisoned grain for Sabotage: Poisoned Grain quest. Quest update location -251.73,-47.66,-5.42 sbalic 11/28/08
39421 Poisoned Grain Possible location of poisoned grain sacks for Sabotage: The Poisoned Grain quest. Quest update location 1227.45,-40.26,350.63 sbalic 11/28/08
39455 Quest: More than meets the eye Location for scout the dervish camp for More than meets the eye quest Quest update location 1207.53,-32.84,422.51 Ceri 11/29/08
39478 Kason Withershadow <No Description> NPC -378.14,-47.13,-252.29 Tjurig 11/29/08
39763 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -446.53,-47.92,418.77 cambal 12/07/08
39795 Fierce Carrion Hounds For Big Game Hunting quest Quest update location 542.72,-46.41,65.79 bkbartgis 12/07/08
39799 The Captain's Deck Update for A tour of the Commonlands Quest update location 1414.61,-16.56,281.55 Sillepige 12/08/08
40066 Giant Spiders Solo Giant Spiders Monster Solo -646.61,-38.05,148.40 EGOne 12/17/08
40067 Massive Emerald Beetles Solo Emerald beetles Monster Solo -462.43,-48.04,86.92 EGOne 12/17/08
40104 A Festering Cadaver Solo L15^ Named, leaves a chest. Monster Named 139.20,-47.61,-223.52 jjdillon23 12/19/08
40274 Avatar of Valor Level 88^^^ Epic x 4 Avatar of Valor Monster Named -580.19,-49.02,-607.09 sdupmk 12/26/08
40275 shady character rendezvous point for smuggler's secrets Quest update NPC 439.61,-45.18,-367.45 JROCK81777 12/26/08
40303 Orcs of the Ree Update for Orcs of the Ree...Drop frenzy root in front of roaming orcs Quest update location 73.21,-46.41,-754.35 afcraiders 12/27/08
40375 Statue Update Uncovering the Truth Quest update location 609.36,-64.76,777.84 Penstar 12/30/08
40391 Water flask update 3 of 3 water flask updates for Quenching thier thirst quest Quest update location -1007.54,-148.77,-728.79 Kieram 12/30/08
40392 dangerous Zombies dangerous zombies for potion making quest Quest update NPC 129.05,-48.03,-204.26 Kieram 12/30/08
40398 Empty crates Empty crates for Crates on the Nerves quest Quest update location -440.25,-90.80,-962.26 Kieram 12/31/08
40422 Fierce carrion hounds Fierce carrion hounds for Big Game Hunting quest Quest update location 615.07,-59.96,-143.30 Kieram 01/01/09
40423 Barrel Quest starter for The Plunder of Gunthak Quest starter location -1097.85,-209.41,-846.48 Kieram 01/01/09
40600 Giant Spiders <No Description> Monster Solo -1122.29,-58.43,196.16 mite1785 01/08/09
40601 Brittle Skeletons For the quest Betrayal from Within Monster Solo -1303.31,-68.08,324.03 mite1785 01/08/09
40602 Hulking fire beetle <No Description> Monster Solo -901.13,-35.08,144.04 mite1785 01/08/09
40630 The Freeport Gates Revive Location Revive Location Respawn -1138.56,-65.41,-32.25 foolscotton3 01/09/09
40700 999 Year Old Port Hidden Treasure Alternate location for Hidden Treasure, 999 Year Old Port. Right next to the tree. Quest update location 631.50,-59.80,-65.00 DragonTayl 01/13/09
40722 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -521.30,-47.94,411.70 stixxlite 01/14/09
40720 Molting Scorpion Molting scorpions for Commonlands Creature Cataloging Quest update location -747.17,-47.78,159.97 PChauche 01/14/09
40723 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -561.11,-45.14,392.58 stixxlite 01/14/09
40724 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -350.48,-48.31,536.57 stixxlite 01/14/09
40725 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -319.68,-48.33,544.80 stixxlite 01/14/09
40786 The 999 year old port Found it buried here Quest update location -691.58,-34.12,218.64 icq1 01/17/09
40836 Charapace Lvl 12 ^ fire beetle Monster Named -916.20,-35.70,151.63 EntropicWit 01/19/09
40869 Burly Armadillo levels 11-12 Monster Solo -933.29,-69.86,-480.93 mordiken 01/21/09
40870 Banded Armadillos levels 10-11 Monster Solo -954.82,-48.29,-68.91 mordiken 01/21/09
40871 Mooshga Cooking quest npc NPC -1270.59,-87.83,29.93 mordiken 01/21/09
41181 Fetid Water Spot for Fetid Water Spawn Quest update location -246.28,-48.34,418.44 Terri19047 01/27/09
41182 Fetid Water Spawn for Fetid Water Quest update location -243.46,-48.69,440.35 Terri19047 01/27/09
41239 True Update Point for Lucan's Mount You must climb to top of Plautau for Tour of Commonlands Update Quest update location 5.56,-12.64,-767.78 gandold 01/29/09
41413 Bloodskull frenzy root A frenzy root needed for The Frenzy of the Bloodskulls quest Quest update location -954.50,-48.04,611.61 julsr 02/06/09
41446 Bloodskull orcs Bloodskulls warriors and priests roam this area Monster Solo -889.03,-48.04,602.05 Redhawker 02/08/09
41447 War elephants and trainers War elephants and trainers are found near this river Monster Solo -547.96,-45.74,275.48 Redhawker 02/08/09
41485 Sacrifice Artificat for Seeking Love's Fate Through Valor Quest update location 646.65,-64.86,827.54 theatreelf 02/10/09
41486 Valor Artifact for Seeking Love's Fate Through Valor Quest update location 568.89,-61.45,861.13 theatreelf 02/10/09
41487 Holy Spot Divine intervention from a god for Seeking Love's Fate Through Valor Quest update location 556.50,-70.88,868.86 theatreelf 02/10/09
41488 Evac Point <No Description> Respawn 1105.49,-41.46,-652.42 Rivercat196161 02/11/09
41529 Road Sign This is another location for a road sign needed for A Simple Prank Quest update location -822.39,-19.39,246.61 cwaddell2 02/14/09
41582 Fallen Orc Lieutenants Need to kill 4 of these for Zarvonn's Legacy quest. They are scattered around the area. Monster Solo -1130.84,-56.68,-426.88 lovingchristian 02/19/09
41583 Squire Glurrp For: Seeking Love's Fate Through Valor Quest update NPC 642.42,-54.89,745.71 Isaax 02/19/09
41611 Burnable Boat This is a burnable boat for the On Dry Land Betrayal Quest. Quest update location 370.56,-47.30,-435.34 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41612 Burnable Boat This is a burnable boat for the On Dry Land sabatage quest. Quest update location 528.29,-47.60,-338.39 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41613 Burnable Boat Burnable boat for the On Dry Land Sabatage Quest Quest update location -80.03,-47.51,-696.04 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41614 Burnable Boat Burnable Boat for the On Dry Land Sabatage Quest Quest update location 64.06,-47.45,-727.72 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41616 Burnable Boats Dog Trapper Lake had one burnable boat untill I burned it then it spawned 6 more boats. This woud appear to be the best place to go for the On Dry Land Sabatage Quest. Quest update location -32.69,-46.89,-599.35 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41617 Road Sign This is a destroyable road sign for the A Simple Prank Sabatage Quest. The best thing to do is just run along the roads in the common lands these appear to be random spawns along them. Object location 340.22,-47.13,-664.67 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41618 Road Marker This is a road marker for the A Simple Prank Sabatage quest. Quest update location 1141.11,-41.29,-256.56 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41619 Road Marker This is a road Marker for the A Simple Prank Sabatage Quest. Quest update location 943.85,-46.57,69.01 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41620 Road Marker This is a road marker for the A Simple Prank Sabatage Quest. These appear to spawn randomly along the roads in the Common lands. Object location 775.06,-45.02,171.69 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41621 Road Marker A raod marker for the A Simple Prank Sabatage Quest. They appear to spawn randomly along the roads in the common lands. Quest update location 669.50,-47.96,254.52 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41622 Road Marker A Road Marker for the A Simple Prank Sabatage Quest. They appear to be somewhat random pops alonjg the roads in the common lands, however, they do seem to be in the same general area. Object location 449.12,-47.28,254.68 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41623 Road Marker A Road Marker for the A Simple Prank Sabatage Quest. They apear to be random spawns along the roads in the commonlands, however, they do spawn in the same general area. Object location 393.19,-47.07,248.60 cwaddell2 02/22/09
41666 The Underworm Level 17 ^ Heroic mob roams here. Have sighted here multiple times in this area. Monster Heroic 542.67,-50.26,-463.43 lovingchristian 02/24/09
41669 The Black Gates The black gates for A Tour Of The Commonlands Quest. Quest update location 1482.76,-38.43,-400.90 lovingchristian 02/24/09
41767 A Fractured Stone Slab The last step in the Knights of the Round Quest, and part of the Sword of Destiny hallmark quest series Quest update location 519.87,-48.04,299.35 pettil 03/05/09
41785 The Ring of Nature Druid Ring Blessed Shrubbery: Blessing of Tunare. After gathering you can now travel to the Commonlands Rings Teleporter 683.60,-59.80,-100.30 Ninothing 03/07/09
41812 Scout Nonius 30^^^ - confirmed as giving AA. Monster Named -932.60,-48.68,-28.09 Chiss 03/09/09
41813 Scout Calvus 30^^^ - confirmed as giving AA. Monster Named -936.20,-47.67,5.08 Chiss 03/09/09
41910 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -378.08,-47.90,491.25 tearec 03/15/09
41911 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -308.60,-44.57,598.34 tearec 03/15/09
42006 999 Year Old Port One possible location for the hidden treasure 999 Year Old Port. Quest update location -865.43,-50.64,306.25 DragonTayl 03/23/09
42028 a stone snake spawns amongst the rocks in the Ruins of Val'Marr and required for Commonlands Creature Cataloging book quest. Monster Solo 440.86,-46.54,153.50 ceretrea 03/24/09
42123 Location of Explosions The explostions are in the supply crates. Right-click and hit search for explosions. Required for: Bloodskull Disruption Quest update location -239.82,-48.04,255.20 morbias1 03/28/09
42151 Belazzor Fribles, the Inept Scaling level 0 ratonga. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Fribles's Fate'. - Spawns on arrival. Monster Named -319.00,-47.00,-300.00 makingitbetter7 03/31/09
42199 Blat Berisen - Offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Tin Metal Protection'. - After returning to him with the [Tin Metal Helm] it is revealed that Blat is in fact the Planar Manifestation of The Grand Prankster himself. - As the Prankster he offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Rescuing the Princess - A Bristlebane Tale'. - You can give him your [Gigglegibber Mini-Comfort Crate] to turn it into a [Blessed Gigglegibber Mini-Comfort Crate]. Quest starter NPC -1104.53,-59.94,54.98 Edd 04/01/09
42377 a silt shark Needed for Commonlands Creature Cataloging Quest. PH is a young silt shark. Monster Solo -1070.00,-170.00,-760.00 jasonrobin 04/12/09
42413 The 999 year old port One possible location for the hidden treasure 999 year old port Quest update location 187.06,-47.65,307.52 Nasa 04/16/09
42729 War Elephants <No Description> Quest update location -338.85,-48.01,446.83 Elfrina 05/10/09
42740 Ladon Lvl 22^^^ and 2 22 ^^ friends Monster Named 1105.47,-40.56,-257.48 Linthead 05/12/09
42751 Fetid(Unclean)water Another possible location for Poison the water hole quest. Exile to Neriak. Object location -21.08,-49.32,350.75 cyberjudas 05/13/09
42750 Fetid(Unclean)water Another possible location for poison the water hole quest. Exile to Neriak Object location -40.79,-47.41,378.48 cyberjudas 05/13/09
42752 Ale barrels Exile to Neriak. Poison the water Hole quest update. Freeport Ale. Object location -525.34,-44.13,-306.87 cyberjudas 05/13/09
42756 Alt. 999 year old port treasure Loc. Alt loc facing the crossroads. Quest update location -336.24,-48.04,-887.14 FireFIghter_257 05/14/09
42809 Chest of Torches Chest of Torces used for Sabotage quest, Forest Fire. Quest update location -226.07,-47.77,139.22 ShadowX8m 05/21/09
42810 Chest of Torches Chest of torches for the Sabotage quest, Forest Fire. Quest update location -241.71,-48.04,-33.98 ShadowX8m 05/21/09
42811 Chest of Torches Chest of torches for the Sabotage quest, Forest Fire. Quest update location -475.39,-44.97,-316.17 ShadowX8m 05/21/09
43030 Mushroom Mushroom for Plain ole disease quest Quest update location 74.06,-48.49,-777.40 pagengamer 06/05/09
43033 Duskscreech Named bat that roams this area, ^ solo lvl 12, no AA, but can drop Ornate Chests. Monster Named -1399.94,-79.16,314.72 Khaniel 06/05/09
43032 999 year old port Another location for the 999 year old port. Quest update location -203.06,-48.04,124.39 pagengamer 06/05/09
43036 The 999 year old port One possible location for the 999 year old port treasure to dig up. Quest update location 413.35,-50.13,523.29 Crolack 06/06/09
43081 a silt eater <No Description> Monster Solo 957.54,-34.38,494.39 Sinclair 06/09/09
43393 The 999 year old port One of the possible spots for the treasure. Quest update location -612.37,-48.04,-320.14 freef 06/26/09
43450 999 Year Old Port Another 999 Year Old Port Quest update location 23.49,-47.09,113.25 Outlaw 06/30/09
43451 water flask water flask update for Quenching Their Thirst Quest update location -25.68,-49.17,-311.17 xanjaya 06/30/09
43526 Emra Shadydeal Level 15^ Named Blackshield. AA confirmed. Monster Named -443.49,-91.30,-997.65 Demorogue 07/07/09
43559 The 999 year old port Possible location for the 999 year old port. Quest update location -271.55,-47.92,-24.36 txdraw 07/09/09
43569 Buried treasure Possible location for Buried Treasure for quest The 999 year old port Quest update location 116.43,-47.65,544.82 Erudus 07/10/09
43587 999 yr old port 999 year old port spot Quest update location 261.55,-47.60,536.67 Glidingfrost 07/12/09
43602 The 999 year old Port One possible location to find the treasure Quest update location -348.95,-47.88,-295.99 roseyposey 07/14/09
43604 999 Year Old Port Location Another location of treasure. Quest update location 520.94,-46.87,-760.52 Demorogue 07/14/09
43626 Windfeder lvl 25 Greif Monster Heroic 409.92,-46.84,-335.22 Snorre 07/17/09
43727 a tortured soul For the writ: The Gathering of Bones Monster Solo 831.36,-45.88,-504.94 Codeseer 07/26/09
43771 Alt. 999 year old port treasure loc. <No Description> Quest update location 218.40,-46.15,-822.15 Tudana 07/31/09
43778 kizdean Gix's tomb The book of thex HQ update, Enter kizdean gix's Tomb. Object location 161.00,-49.00,-739.00 loadmaster69 08/01/09
43815 Fierce carrion hounds Fierce carrion hounds for Big Game Hunting Monster Solo 591.72,-59.83,-149.62 Kaikopere 08/04/09
43904 Commander Grik'Sna Spawned in the area Monster Solo -497.12,-48.04,536.01 fionakyle 08/15/09
43905 Commander Grik'Sna Spawned in the area Monster Solo -497.12,-48.04,536.01 fionakyle 08/15/09
43906 Pirates of Gunthak Undead Pirates for A Strange Stone Wedge quest Monster Solo -1067.72,-200.84,-828.08 pascaille 08/15/09
43940 999 Year Old Port Hidden Treasure Alternate Location for Hidden Treasure, 999 Year Old Port Quest update location 1011.43,-52.63,-125.62 avjaeger 08/20/09
43982 Bird Rock Commonlands Colonist Achievement Location Quest update location -513.10,-148.55,-1088.38 Mareid 08/28/09
44034 The Ancient Twistroot Solo named. Lv 19 non-heroic. Gives AA. Monster Named -226.07,-46.66,809.99 gonzothefunky1 09/01/09
44055 999 year old port another possable location for the 999 year old port quest Quest update location 731.63,-53.31,141.36 Daemos 09/03/09
44091 Mangled Horses Trestle Commonlands Colonist point of interest. Site 79.55,-45.94,-657.64 mrhodes 09/06/09
44145 Sabotage: Drain Them Dry water barrel Quest update location 388.12,-47.18,-814.20 dping28 09/12/09
44146 Sabotage: Drain Them Dry water barrel Quest update location -465.82,-45.59,-253.86 dping28 09/12/09
44147 Sabotage: Drain Them Dry water barrel Quest update location -532.35,-43.05,-290.53 dping28 09/12/09
44150 999 Year Old Port One possible location for the 999 Year Old Port treasure. Quest update location -1050.21,-48.00,-163.57 grunt 09/13/09
44178 Stingfate 13^ named scorpion Monster Named -911.82,-51.45,339.72 dinghao 09/16/09
44203 A shadowed rift watch 2 lvl 35 agro 1^ Monster Solo 1078.28,-42.67,-376.82 HERRETIXX 09/19/09
44269 Path of Tears Discovery location. - Needed for the achievement 'Commonlands Colonist'. Site 851.92,-45.65,118.36 Tananthalas 09/23/09
44266 Druid Plain Point of interest for the Commonlands Colonist Achievement. Site 128.71,-37.75,269.69 elskede 09/23/09
44265 The Road of Sorrow POI for Commonlands Colonist achievement. Site 288.15,-45.54,-664.38 Tananthalas 09/23/09
44257 Highwayman's Road POI for Commonlands Colonist Achievement Site -1022.67,-50.34,21.83 Tananthalas 09/23/09
44369 Dead Horse Valley location for Commonlands Colonist Achievements Quest update location 302.13,-46.63,-629.45 lachisistsao 09/25/09
44407 Highwayman's Road Commonlands Achievement Point Site -713.95,-47.84,-194.29 Chloestar 09/26/09
44419 The Underwurm level 17^ grants AA mob, wonders around a bit Monster Solo 436.37,-50.00,-490.90 pettil 09/26/09
44451 Yapping Maze <No Description> Object location 1050.71,-43.55,463.94 dlyoungii 09/28/09
44458 999 year old port another location for this random item Quest update location -1177.86,-49.70,454.64 jcordas 09/29/09
44505 999 Year Old Port Possible treasure location for 999 year Old Port Quest update location -793.24,-50.83,-267.71 dragnskratch 10/03/09
44589 999 Year Old Port Update for the 999 Year Old Port Quest in CL. Quest update location -763.42,-68.71,-558.57 SalientAnimal 10/10/09
44599 The 999 year old port Another possible location for finding the hidden treasure. Quest update location -211.16,-48.04,169.90 BoGcHiKa 10/11/09
44601 Shiv Lane <No Description> Site -44.55,-45.63,-658.08 Thorguard 10/11/09
44682 Southern Crossroads Savanna <No Description> Site -449.75,-48.04,-14.49 soundchicken 10/17/09
47441 999 Year Old Port Treasure Quest update location -404.59,-47.90,-655.15 Shadeed 10/30/09
47525 ZaZa Lenska ZaZa's Little problem quest, this is the correct poi Quest starter NPC -245.75,-46.36,15.36 noigel 11/09/09
47526 Wanted Poster Poster on tree Quest: Condemned to Death by the Decree of the Overlord Quest starter location 1388.99,-29.37,148.72 brownie42 11/10/09
47603 Watcher Daenso <No Description> Quest starter NPC -1385.46,-85.68,-339.74 echomsp 11/22/09
47634 importer strathcona importer strathcona for Neriak betrayal Bodyguard Duty Quest update location -1227.76,-83.63,34.47 Zellorian 11/28/09
47649 G'Thal G'Thal qenose broker for freeport on nagathan server NPC -19.79,-45.62,-836.39 graphcrasher 11/30/09
47672 a Dervish craftsman NPC for Bruiser Epic Weapon Quest update NPC 1410.00,-17.00,280.00 Petrosapien 12/02/09
47731 Monitor Lizards For Commonlands Creature Cataloging Quest update location -383.22,-42.35,225.86 Tinakori 12/10/09
47785 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points of unclean water needed for Exile to neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location -480.80,-49.98,-654.44 Avarice 12/19/09
47784 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points for unclean water needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 581.68,-49.22,198.93 Avarice 12/19/09
47783 Fetid Water One of several possible spawn points for unclean water needed for Exile to Neriak - Poison the Water Hole quest. Object location 653.01,-49.39,194.73 Avarice 12/19/09
47935 The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth Clickable book on nightstand near A Tortured Maid that starts the level 15 tome collection, 'The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth'. Additional collectible pages can be found nearby. A book page 913.22,-24.78,-514.03 donhead 01/11/10
47961 moon wisp a moon wisp Monster Solo -633.40,-50.00,-632.40 Prrfect 01/12/10
48021 Orc Siege Tower Location of the orc siege tower you need to destroy as part of the 'Bloodskull Disruption' quest. Quest update location -273.96,-47.54,345.58 donhead 01/20/10
48103 Gustfeather Named Griffin Gives AA lvl 25^ Monster Named -437.76,-48.04,15.43 Jamesc146 02/02/10
48214 Translated Page One of twelve pages that make up Assistant Researcher's Notes Quest update location 480.00,-47.98,-202.41 Sadria 02/15/10
48936 Pile of rocks Quest -- Sabotage: Towers of Stone Object location -1406.80,-84.13,-197.08 Waldainya 02/20/10
49279 translated page translated page for research assistant Quest update location -1096.34,-40.35,306.78 Celestian 02/28/10
49278 translated page translated page for research assitant Quest update location -423.82,-48.04,371.60 Celestian 02/28/10
49277 translated page translated page for research assitant Quest update location -336.54,-39.05,365.92 Celestian 02/28/10
49276 translated page translated page for research assitant Quest update location 281.63,-47.42,216.82 Celestian 02/28/10
49324 Arzachel update for A Source of Malediction Quest update NPC 644.63,-64.77,794.22 Ssirdna 03/01/10
49809 stone beetles Stone beetles can be found at this location hanging around a large rock. Needed for the Condemned to Death by the Decree of the Overload quest(Repeatable). Monster Solo 99.76,-46.75,351.31 zandrik 04/02/10
50007 Fallen Orc Leiutenant for quest Zarvonn's Legacy Monster Solo -1216.89,-48.70,-442.85 kel_varton 04/21/10
50026 undying essence from skeletons undying essence from skeletons Object location 498.00,-48.04,190.53 vengor 04/23/10
50078 valorian bloom harvest update for 'A Vision of Valor' quest Quest update location 623.38,-46.52,705.43 Maegyssa 04/29/10
50392 Vision of Valor quest Investigate the Keep of Marrsfist, collect a Vaolrian Bloom Quest update location 621.81,-46.36,702.72 yellowtwilight 05/24/10
51061 Pomegranate fruit Gather pomegranate fruit here for 1 of the 2 possible sub-quests for: Tribute to the Huntress quest (starts in No. Qeynos). Quest update location 623.65,-45.10,697.32 Maegyssa 06/12/10
51185 Small bunch of poppies markable Markable 471.36,-48.04,26.26 Shalin 06/18/10
51399 a strangely stitched zombie Wanders around this area. Monster Solo 903.30,-44.30,-598.44 Ratherbflyin 07/07/10
51444 Poster Possible location of a Wanted Poster Quest starter location 1035.36,-41.53,-673.11 Terri19047 07/10/10
51524 Friar Arlam Va'orr NPC for the quest Putting a Curse to Rest. NPC 568.68,-61.56,872.99 kezraela 07/14/10
51696 999 Year-Old Port Treasure Yet another possible location for the buried treasure. Quest update location -91.46,-47.70,-447.55 DocFlareon 08/07/10
48216 Shark Bait Rock Shark Bait Rock AA Loc Site -535.19,-148.42,-1183.50 +Daybreak+ 09/16/10
52028 Dalar R'taan NPC for 'In search of Lucan' quest (lvl85) Quest update NPC -28.14,-48.04,-408.01 llebegue 09/28/10
52042 a banded armadillo <No Description> Monster Solo -1032.16,-50.67,-17.11 Crolack 10/01/10
52058 High Lord William Taros NPC for quests 'Uncovering the Truth' and 'A Knight's Word'. Spawns when you click the statue. Quest update NPC 606.97,-64.76,780.73 donhead 10/07/10
52131 Hidden Vale Entrance This is where you find 2 of the items for the An Orcish Trinket quest. Quest starter location -198.57,-47.49,596.34 BriteLeaf 10/20/10
52200 Freeport City Festival Area Freeport City Festival Area Site -551.10,-48.64,-412.68 Mysstie 11/01/10
52213 999 year old port <No Description> Quest update location 95.81,-44.01,-121.04 nzsid 11/05/10
52288 Bloodskull Priests Update for Condemned to Death by the Decree of the Overlord Monster Solo -587.80,-46.42,477.97 Kayo327 11/19/10
52490 Named Scorpion "Stingfate" Lv 12 Dropped Treasured no AA awarded Monster Named -776.43,-47.85,122.81 silence_1 12/20/10
52624 Dead Man's Valley Correct update for AA Diso Loc Site -272.91,-46.91,-474.98 Shiroferetto 01/14/11
52625 Dog Trapper Lake Dog Trapper Lake AA Loc Site -6.19,-50.16,-722.54 Shiroferetto 01/14/11
53812 Captain Ogof Level 14 orc. - Grouped with 2 Bloodskull Mystics (level 14vvv orcs) and 2 Bloodskull soldiers (level 14 orcs). - Needed for the HQ 'The Return of the Light'. - Wanders the area after spawning here. Monster Named -671.14,-48.03,458.69 dysaster 03/13/11
54012 Coffin Gather this coffin in this wanderer camp for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Riddled Again'. Quest update location 413.69,-47.70,-806.08 Mysstie 04/01/11
54255 Inquisitor Irizan Gives the quest "Do or Die, Says Irizan" Currently there is a POI for him at the WFP gates; he is no longer there. Quest starter NPC -442.00,-43.00,-303.00 Kanissa 04/27/11
54284 Remains of Desdarn The Lost Legend of Lavastorm( 2nd Remains of the 10 Knights of the Flame ) Quest update location 249.00,-47.00,252.00 shane99mh 05/17/11
54845 999 year old port Possible location for 999 year old port Quest update location -555.74,-47.57,-40.32 aalange 07/23/11
55054 999 Year Old Poert Location Another possible location of the treasure. Quest update location 331.14,-47.88,-528.14 Reby 09/04/11
55113 Urday the Great For Quest "The search for Vel,Arek" Guardian qqEpec qquest. After you use the Shackles and he respans. My group member was killed instancely so I think I must solo him. He is Epec level 85. I died! I was level 88 Quest update NPC 583.62,-46.82,171.78 Ikec 09/27/11
55348 To Thieves Way <No Description> Overland -1251.76,-83.82,119.69 Vaats 12/07/11
55593 Quest: Hyena Jerky carrion hound Site -984.93,-47.59,-176.34 tmlclone 12/12/11
55592 sea north east Quest: Quenching their thirst, Step 3. Sea Water Site -997.55,-149.43,-707.37 tmlclone 12/12/11
55720 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1244.36,-40.71,236.52 Gardee 12/19/11
55962 Diana Heartstrings <Disciple of Love> Offers the Erollisi Day quest 'Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch!' to evil aligned players. Quest starter NPC -1098.24,-59.06,51.42 donhead 02/10/12
55963 Stinky Sideswiper Offers the Erollisi Day quest, 'Hearts a'Flutter: Commonlands' Quest starter NPC -1100.00,-60.00,32.00 donhead 02/10/12
56208 a small pike <No Description> Monster Solo 243.87,-49.12,-342.08 jnils 03/17/12
56532 a mere guardian Level 16 elemental mere guardians in this pond, you're safe on the bridge. Monster Solo -11.66,-46.02,-659.13 mysticspiral 03/29/12
56550 The War of Skyshrine : Keeping the Enemies Close Click on the boulder to enter the zone Door 697.02,-48.78,430.85 Elfrina 04/02/12
57248 Bloodskull Valley (Shortcut) the most direct route to Bloodskull valley is to take a leaper to this area and go over the rocks, thru the empty Bloodskull Valley, and over the zone in doorway, then click the door to zone to whichever instance you want. No winding through mountains. Cave entrance 336.81,-24.91,692.58 mysticspiral 05/11/12
58056 Wanted Poster A Wanted Poster: wanted by decree of the Overlord. Examine poster starts quest. Quest starter location -298.70,-48.04,-849.69 gmping 08/18/12
58087 Revive Point South East Revive Point/Location South East Commonlands. Near the Sprawl entrance. Respawn -1291.40,-47.80,623.88 Ecnomorc 08/20/12
58086 Revive Point Crossroads Revive Point Crossroads Commonlands Respawn -474.45,-45.51,-332.21 Ecnomorc 08/20/12
58085 Revive Point North East Revive Point/Location Commonlands North East. Near Wailing Caves Respawn -146.26,-47.82,-825.30 Ecnomorc 08/20/12
58084 Revive Point North Revive Point/Location Commonlands North Respawn 382.22,-46.97,-809.45 Ecnomorc 08/20/12
58083 Revive Point South South Revive/Respawn Location for Commonlands Respawn 673.48,-48.15,433.55 Ecnomorc 08/20/12
58102 An apprentice of the Dismal Rage <No Description> NPC -1307.66,-78.73,-273.87 Niet3sche 08/25/12
58274 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1301.00,-38.00,337.00 donhead 09/17/12
58273 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1410.00,-17.00,281.00 donhead 09/17/12
58272 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1420.00,-20.00,292.00 donhead 09/17/12
58271 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1384.00,-29.00,318.00 donhead 09/17/12
58270 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1304.00,-42.00,251.00 donhead 09/17/12
58268 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1348.00,-31.00,19.00 donhead 09/17/12
58269 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1363.00,-39.00,224.00 donhead 09/17/12
58267 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1320.00,-41.00,114.00 donhead 09/17/12
58265 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1378.00,-34.00,159.00 donhead 09/17/12
58266 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarming the Dissidents' Quest update location 1348.00,-37.00,117.00 donhead 09/17/12
58263 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1433.00,-34.00,170.00 donhead 09/17/12
58264 Crate of Weapons For the quest, 'Disarm the Dissidents' Quest update location 1411.00,-34.00,180.00 donhead 09/17/12
59000 Mithaniel Marr Avatar of Valor Monster Named -919.79,-48.38,-52.19 Devvyn 11/17/12
59602 Mithaniel Marr spawn Mithaniel Marr spawn point Monster Named -1417.72,-75.31,261.41 Possessive 02/02/13
59833 Mithaniel Marr <No Description> Monster Named -11.73,-44.88,607.30 Pyroman 04/07/13
60501 Mithaniel Marr <No Description> Monster Named -1012.02,-48.04,638.99 Veta 05/21/13
60661 Dead Man's Walkway Dead Man's Walkway Achievement Exploration Update Site 205.00,-45.00,-355.00 Xiadarkelf 08/02/13
60679 Mithaniel Marr Avatar spawn point Monster Named 505.69,-54.38,531.83 tempter 08/24/13
60690 a moon wisp <No Description> Quest starter NPC -643.61,-49.79,-660.91 Ammon90 08/31/13
60691 a moon wisp <No Description> Overland -643.61,-49.79,-660.91 Ammon90 08/31/13
60744 Shadowy Deer Harbingers of Change Quest Quest starter location -735.27,-47.31,-165.64 Elfrina 10/09/13
60765 Shadow Stags Dark Stags that become aggresive when closse enough. Possible drop item that gives "Harbingers of Change" quest. Monster Solo -738.74,-47.46,-176.32 Mathuzilah 10/19/13
61535 Mithaniel Marr Avatar Monster Named 1105.79,-52.03,175.08 Elfrina 07/14/14
61536 Mithaniel Marr Avatar Monster Named 954.96,-60.13,-321.51 Elfrina 07/14/14
61537 Mithaniel Marr Avatar Monster Named 528.97,-50.72,569.39 Elfrina 07/14/14
61538 Mithaniel Marr Avatar Monster Named -681.48,-47.05,638.36 Elfrina 07/14/14
61539 Mithaniel Marr Avatar Monster Named -1324.20,-72.35,264.60 Elfrina 07/14/14
61540 Mithaniel Marr Avatar Monster Named -553.96,-46.90,-633.48 Elfrina 07/14/14
61541 Mithaniel Marr Avatar Monster Named 664.01,-41.38,-756.70 Elfrina 07/14/14
61628 Restless spirit Possible location for a named spirit waiting to be convinced to pass on to Ethernere for the Nights of the Dead quest 'A Dream, By Any Other Name'. Quest update NPC -1321.55,-69.33,329.85 Ponie_Highkeep 10/14/14
62189 Merry Chest Possible location of a Merry Chest, opened with A Merry Key, which contains a Frostfell crafting station, during the Frostfell Live Event. Object location -1255.00,-84.00,124.00 donhead 01/08/15
62531 a wanted poster Clicking on the poster opens quest: By Decree of the Overloard. Kill x amount of y mobs. Quest starter location 126.43,-48.04,489.24 gmping 01/31/15
62532 a wanted poster Clickon on the poster offers quest: By Decree of the Overlord. Where you kill x amount of y monsters. Quest starter location -1252.80,-87.92,59.10 gmping 01/31/15
62649 Thexian Tomes of Arcanum For the quest, 'In The Name of Hate' Quest update location -1321.00,-67.00,247.00 donhead 02/27/15
62650 Thexian Tomes of Arcanum For the quest, 'In The Name of Hate' Quest update location -1271.00,-65.00,250.00 donhead 02/27/15
62651 Thexian Tomes of Arcanum For the quest, 'In The Name of Hate' Quest update location -1207.00,-64.00,228.00 donhead 02/27/15
62652 Thexian Tomes of Arcanum For the quest, 'In The Name of Hate' Quest update location -1153.00,-61.00,209.00 donhead 02/27/15
62653 a Thexian Priest Click to get a Thexian priest robe, for the quest, 'In The Name of Hate' Quest update location -1261.00,-62.00,227.00 donhead 02/27/15
62744 Scarecrow A scarecrow that doesn't seem to do anything. Maybe related to a quest, though? Object location 1184.38,38.29,-227.02 hempick2 03/14/15
62769 Patchwork Patchwork Monster Solo -1374.26,-65.60,514.42 Elfrina 04/01/15
62980 Followers of Ullkorruuk For the quest "Treacherous Activity". Monster Heroic 586.00,-61.00,855.00 Sigrdrifa 07/08/15
62981 The Marr Devotary Instance for the quest "Treacherous Activity". Door 517.00,-71.00,870.00 Sigrdrifa 07/08/15
63050 an undergolem area with undergolems for Sundered Ground event Monster Solo -533.34,-47.96,100.76 unsaint 10/02/15
63768 Icsillinatis, The Marrow Fiend Level 17 Named. Chest drops and AA. Spawned close by after clearing all Marrow Sappers in the area. Monster Named -865.82,-196.95,-985.86 Alvie 01/26/16
63847 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo -1375.00,-66.00,507.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63848 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo 578.00,-59.00,-201.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63849 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo 321.00,-48.00,-609.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63850 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo -1143.00,-57.00,-344.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63851 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo -733.00,-48.00,555.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63852 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo 804.00,-54.00,624.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63853 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo -1133.00,-58.00,-313.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63854 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo 1034.00,-44.00,59.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
63855 a patchcraft howler Scaling level 0^^ animation. - Needed for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. - After defeating the first another patchcraft spawns (scaling level 0^^ animation). - Upon defeating the second patchcraft their patchcraft keeper (scaling level 0^^ goblin) will spawn. Monster Solo -118.00,-44.00,598.00 Sigrdrifa 03/28/16
64134 The Crypt of the Imprisoned Instance for "The Book of Thex" Heritage quest Door 164.98,-46.95,-743.62 knuckles 05/20/16
64622 a hidden tunnel Takes you to the "Cave of Shrines" as a prerequirement for the Priest Epic 2.0 quest 'Awakening Bonds: The First Steps'. Door -134.19,-10.74,791.27 Silberschnee 01/17/17
65385 Mk-Ginormous scrap heap Tinkerfest Public Quest - World Event occurs in July/August annyally - Three Stages - 1 -rt-click, get parts from repair bots, rt-click, hack disabled bots, kill 50 berserker bots (while in bot form) - stage 2 - click Kerser, floating bot follows MK, equip Magnifier, rt click chests and disarm, if you do not get a crafting screen walk away, it will explode - if you do, craft a bomb and throw it at MK-II, he will emote "Ouch" and take damage, when 50% health... - stage 3 - Pillars in corners of area must be destroyed, 5 rounds of 4 pillars before it is done; after pillars are down, run to the named MK-II because a random player will get an electric field on them and will not be able to move out of it - only the field hurts the boss, until the field hits him, the pillars will not reappear. Loot the chest and the ginormous pile - both - for all the loot. Quest starter location 124.54,-42.77,430.33 Phlegma 07/24/17
65507 small cavern Entrance for small cavern for Strange Sensations quest Quest update location 964.33,-15.44,559.39 Bunjie2650 09/24/17
66575 Elemental Tempest Mob for Against the Elements live event Monster Solo 840.42,-60.13,-213.84 elieenaroon 10/06/18
66584 Collection of ogre bones - Retrieve these remnants of the Rallosian Army for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - While the bones won't disappear after retrieving the remnants you'll need to get your 5 remnants from 5 different bone piles. Quest update location -422.02,-47.92,464.35 metacell 10/11/18
35978 Turmoil Cemetery <No Description> Site -1304.70,-69.30,344.33 +Daybreak+ 12/12/18
69410 Lucy Lovewing <Erollisi Day Promoter> Offers to take you back to Gorowyn in "Timorous Deep" if you are a citizen of Gorowyn. Overland -1243.38,-86.63,29.81 Pijotre 02/11/19
69413 Till death do us part - This is where you need to lead the dearly departed zombies to reunite the two undead lovers for the Erollisi Day PQ 'Love Will Lead You Back'. - To do this head to either the dearly departed zombie in the Turmoil Cemetery or the one in the Graveyard Plains and hand them the color of rose that matches its glow with the [a red rose] and [a yellow rose] that you can pick along its trail. - Make also sure to turn purple and black rose into ash to avoid adds from spawning. Object location -527.18,-48.00,64.38 Pijotre 02/11/19
69414 a dearly departed - Lead this dearly departed zombie to the spot "Till death do us part" to reunite it with its undead lover for the Erollisi Day PQ 'Love Will Lead You Back'. - To do this hand it the color of rose that matches its glow with the [a red rose] and [a yellow rose] that you can pick along its trail. - Make also sure to turn purple and black rose into ash to avoid adds from spawning. Quest update NPC -1320.66,-69.41,348.97 Pijotre 02/11/19
69415 a dearly departed - Lead this dearly departed zombie to the spot "Till death do us part" to reunite it with its undead lover for the Erollisi Day PQ 'Love Will Lead You Back'. - To do this hand it the color of rose that matches its glow with the [a red rose] and [a yellow rose] that you can pick along its trail. - Make also sure to turn purple and black rose into ash to avoid adds from spawning. Quest update NPC 113.83,-47.74,-232.57 Pijotre 02/11/19
69416 Skeletal Remains Markable object. Markable -1338.32,-69.50,333.95 Pijotre 02/12/19
69502 To a Time Between Times Leads to "The Chronoweave". - This portal is only available during the Chronoportal Phenomenon Live Event. Overland -1041.87,-68.44,-586.94 Pijotre 02/28/19
70155 Enter the Prankster's Story Leads to "A Sinister Place in the Emerald Jungle" during the Bristlebane Day quest 'Rescuing the Princess - A Bristlebane Tale'. Door -1095.85,-58.82,48.34 Pijotre 03/30/19
70216 Dire Wolves <No Description> Monster Solo -500.68,-46.21,-626.59 Elfrina 05/23/19
70428 Gersberms Gigglegibber - Offers the Nights of the Dead quest 'Ghost Hunter: Commonlands'. - The goal of this race is to collect as many ghosts as possible in 2 minutes 30 seconds. - At the start of the race there are green and yellow ghosts in the race area. Capturing a yellow ghost will also let you see and capture blue ghosts for about 15 seconds. Quest starter NPC -1101.77,-60.23,31.81 Pijotre 11/01/19
70429 Ghost Hunter Starting Region Step on this pad without a mount to queue up for the start of the Nights of the Dead quest 'Ghost Hunter: Commonlands'. Quest update location -1091.86,-58.44,20.37 Pijotre 11/01/19
70430 Aether Racing Referee <The Flying Freebooters> - Offers the City Festival quest 'Aether Racing: Commonlands'. - Beat a time of 119 seconds for the [Title: Portal Jumper]. Quest starter NPC -928.71,-108.26,-692.98 Pijotre 11/01/19
70431 Aether Race Teleporter! Step on this pad without a mount to be teleported to the starting line for the City Festival quest 'Aether Racing: Commonlands'. Teleporter -926.94,-107.35,-680.87 Pijotre 11/01/19
70629 Roslyn Mischeva <the Mischeva Play-Actors> Offers the Heroes' Festival quest 'The Play's the Thing'. Quest starter NPC -586.49,-47.70,-334.46 Pijotre 11/17/19
70633 Darathar Level 10^^^ x4 dragon animation. - Part of the public quest 'Mighty Darathar', that asks to defeat Darathar, which is one of the puppets that spawns during Heroes' Festival. - Needed for the Heroes' Festival quest 'The Play's the Thing' and the achievements 'Darathar's Reprise' and 'Mischeva's Champion'. - This puppet can also be defeated in Antonica. Monster Named -608.89,-48.04,-348.26 Pijotre 11/17/19
71217 Dragon statue <No Description> Object location -1108.05,-57.20,-532.54 metacell 03/08/20
71275 Possible Random Beast'r Egg Pop Beast'r Eggstravaganza Event Object location 617.00,-65.00,788.00 Diabolo-Menthe 04/13/20
71276 Possible Random Beast'r Egg Pop Beast'r Eggstravaganza Event Object location 448.00,-54.00,427.00 Diabolo-Menthe 04/13/20
71277 Possible Random Beast'r Egg Pop Beast'r Eggstravaganza Event Object location 962.00,-22.00,551.00 Diabolo-Menthe 04/13/20
71278 Possible Random Beast'r Egg Pop Beast'r Eggstravaganza Event Object location 1412.00,-17.00,285.00 Diabolo-Menthe 04/13/20
71282 Possible Random Beast'r Egg Pop Beast'r Eggstravaganza Event - sometimes in the nostrills of the carved entrance of the Wailing Caves Object location -213.00,-33.00,-912.00 Diabolo-Menthe 04/13/20
71283 Possible Random Beast'r Egg Pop Beast'r Eggstravaganza Event - On the hill around the undead Shin'Ree cementary Object location -282.00,-35.00,-933.00 Diabolo-Menthe 04/13/20
74892 Western Nomad Camp (Lepers) Western Nomad Camp for "Riddled Again." A camp of lepers. Quest update location 393.31,-47.57,-802.19 trifocal 04/01/22
74954 Possible Random Beast'r Egg Pop Beast'r Extravaganza Event - inside building Object location -192.94,-47.16,143.30 Zagard 04/17/22
75247 Miaw Shell or High Water (Oceansfull) Quest update NPC -988.14,-199.38,-901.31 Alnitak 08/21/22
76306 Patchwork Howler Patchwork Howler for Bristlebane Quest. Monster Solo 589.59,-55.63,429.51 Mathuzilah 03/24/23
76988 Savannah Leaves Beginner Botany: Commonlands Plants location for Savannah Leaves. Quest update location 771.21,-60.37,-193.27 martineztherock 10/13/23
76989 Bits of bark Beginner Botany: Commonlands Plants Bits of bark location. Quest update location 551.80,-54.66,506.73 martineztherock 10/13/23
76990 Turmoil grave moss Beginner Botany: Commonlands Plants Turmoil grave moss location. Quest update location -1330.70,-69.50,352.32 martineztherock 10/13/23
77040 Yrrey Burbridge NPC (Commonlands) for final turn-in for Heroes' Festival quest "Scattered Charms." Quest update NPC -497.44,-43.72,-264.24 Lowretta 11/07/23
50399 Voyage Through Norrath <No Description> Bell -1052.62,-144.92,-686.24 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50400 Travel within Freeport <No Description> Bell -1054.18,-144.99,-680.69 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
42353 Dog Trapper Lake <No Description> Site 15.84,-13.71,-749.85 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35980 To Sprawl <No Description> Overland -1439.00,-80.00,418.50 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35977 Gobblerock's Hideout <No Description> Door -1405.00,-71.00,245.30 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35974 The Dog Pond <No Description> Site -1032.40,-51.00,-240.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35972 Freeport Docks <No Description> Bell -1047.30,-144.90,-674.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35971 Smuggler's Dock <No Description> Outpost -597.50,-145.00,-880.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35970 Freeport Station <No Description> Grifftower -608.00,-48.00,-770.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35969 Wailing Caves <No Description> Door -226.90,-48.00,-908.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35968 The Wasp Hill <No Description> Site -0.38,-34.39,22.35 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35967 Bloodskull Valley <No Description> Door 0.00,-48.33,727.37 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35966 Valley of the Rogue Magi <No Description> Door 678.68,-47.34,458.02 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35965 The Ruins of Val'marr <No Description> Site 422.40,-48.93,360.69 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35964 Forgotten Valley <No Description> Site 464.00,-53.81,469.48 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35963 East Nomad Camp <No Description> Outpost -159.80,-47.20,-819.70 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35960 West Nomad Camp <No Description> Outpost 398.40,-47.90,-798.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35959 The Dervish Encampment <No Description> Outpost 1300.68,-40.06,311.50 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35958 Druid Ring <No Description> Teleporter 683.60,-59.80,-100.30 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35956 To Fallen Gate <No Description> Door 1484.00,-38.00,-405.30 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35955 To Nektulos Forest <No Description> Overland 1116.50,-42.40,-635.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35954 Nektulos Station <No Description> Grifftower 770.70,-46.00,-597.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35952 Hidden Canyon Station <No Description> Grifftower 514.10,-47.00,750.90 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35951 Rilkrik <<Crossroads Supplies Officer>> Sells armor Armor -522.10,-43.98,-307.06 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35950 Merchant William <<Armorsmith>> Sells armor and shields Armor -530.63,-44.13,-309.18 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35949 Merchant Valary <<Weaponsmith>> Sells weapons, ranged weapons and ammo Weapons -530.30,-44.13,-301.02 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35948 Gubta <<Mender>> Repairs your broken and worn armor Armor -505.57,-43.45,-255.68 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35947 Merchant Edmond <<Provisioner>> Sells food and drink Provisioner -494.50,-43.89,-262.40 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35946 Marcus <<General Goods>> Sells food, drink and general goods Shop 673.36,-52.82,438.97 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35945 The Overlord's Edge Boat to travel to Kylong Plains Boat -1061.85,-147.38,-695.59 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35942 Mariner's Bell to Guild Halls <No Description> Bell -1055.39,-144.91,-683.28 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35940 Ruins of Befallen <No Description> Site 632.76,-64.77,791.61 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35939 Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted <No Description> Door 680.89,-67.06,803.93 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35938 Befallen: Halls of the Forsaken <No Description> Door 519.52,-70.61,869.46 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35937 Befallen: The Necrotic Asylum <No Description> Door 567.23,-58.54,916.72 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
52825 Ulteran Spire Portal - Teleporter <No Description> Teleporter -11.60,-46.50,-417.20 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
52826 Darklight Wood <No Description> Overland 193.20,-45.52,-864.58 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
48217 Horse Fly Trail <No Description> Site -577.28,-49.26,-475.86 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47358 Yapping Maze <No Description> Site 1171.62,-45.29,148.05 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47357 Dead Horse Valley <No Description> Site 604.73,-48.04,-287.91 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47356 Road of the Plaguebringer <No Description> Site -387.45,-48.85,-150.77 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47353 The Path of Tears <No Description> Site 927.58,-46.66,76.65 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47352 Corpse Pitch Bridge <No Description> Site 342.11,-46.30,248.29 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47350 The Lost Wall <No Description> Site -619.87,-146.54,-1222.31 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47351 The Murderer's Bridge <No Description> Site -276.84,-46.08,-406.98 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47349 Highwayman's Road <No Description> Site -651.04,-48.20,-222.74 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47343 Bird Rock <No Description> Site -564.07,-148.17,-1099.82 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47344 Graveyard Plains <No Description> Site 123.80,-48.02,-234.24 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47345 Druid Plain <No Description> Site 278.15,-48.04,-229.59 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47346 Dead Man's Walkway <No Description> Site 206.38,-46.10,-342.74 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47347 Shiv Lane <No Description> Site 195.65,-47.46,-267.63 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47348 The Road of Sorrow <No Description> Site 643.17,-44.86,-663.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
56241 To The City of Freeport <No Description> Overland -1331.00,-88.10,44.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
60800 Crossroads <No Description> Outpost -447.56,-45.49,-284.51 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
71975 To Graveyard <No Description> Overland -1394.60,-86.20,-334.70 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
71974 Zarvonn's Tower <No Description> Door 892.00,-45.00,-517.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
71976 Turmoil Cemetery <No Description> Site -1296.00,-69.00,339.40 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
71977 Steelbone Family Crypt <No Description> Door -1329.00,-69.00,332.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
77584 Merry Chest Possible Location Object location 388.75,-46.85,-820.74 Laurieps 12/21/23
77585 Merry Chest Possible Location Object location -428.57,-45.38,-290.08 Laurieps 12/21/23
77586 Merry Chest Possible Location Object location -1051.67,-145.43,-636.37 Laurieps 12/21/23
77860 Priest Minka NPC (Commonlands) for final turn-in for Erollisi Day quest "Can't Fight This Feeling." Quest update NPC 591.37,-48.09,717.24 Lowretta 02/09/24
78139 Savannah Leaves Beginner Botany: Commonlands location for Savannah Leaves Object location 729.20,-59.80,-84.19 thisisnotneeded 04/18/24
78686 Herald of the Truthbringer <Mithaniel Marr Herald> NPC -838.62,-48.22,198.06 Vlasdorian 06/08/24

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