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Map Tutorial - Section 8 - Map Submission

Before you Submit

There are just a couple minor things to check before you submit your map:

  • Verify that you have exported the final version of your map as a JPG, especially if you made changes during the verification process.
  • Verify that the DDS files you are going to submit are the final versions.
  • Verify that your DDS files are in the right format (DXT1, ARGB 4 bpp | 1 bit alpha) and with no Mip Maps. The total size of your file should be about (height x width)/2.
  • Make sure the JPG map names match up with the DDS map names.


See Figure 8.1 below for a screenshot of a submission.

  1. Go to maps.eq2interface.com (Hint: you are already there)
  2. Click the Forum button on the top menu
  3. Go to the EQ2MAP New maps sub forum
  4. Click the New Thread button
  5. The subject should be:
    [Map] <Zone Display Name>
  6. Include the following information in the body of your message:
    • Complete Map XML, surrounded by [CODE][/CODE] tags.
    • Any info about the map or mapping process, or shoutouts to your guild, homies, etc.
    • Any notes about the map, zone, or subzones
  7. Click the Manage Attachments button
    1. Attach your JPG file(s), in order of the map XML (IE: 0, 1, 2, etc)
    2. Attach your DDS file(s), in order of the map XML (IE: 0, 1, 2, etc)
  8. Check back to answer any questions or comments the EQ2MAP staff may have.
  9. If there are no issues with your map, your map will be pushed live and the [Map] tag will be changed to [added], as soon as an administrator has reviewed it.
Figure 8.1 - Forum Submission (Click to Enlarge)
Figure 8.1 - Forum Submission
(Click to Enlarge)

Questions and Feedback

You can contact the author with questions or feedback by posting in the announcement thread in the EQ2MAP forum or via Private Message on the eq2i forums.


I would like to thank the following people for their assistance, hope I didn't forget anyone:

My sister Bee, who twisted my arm into doing "just" one or two more maps, even though I hadn't played EQ2 in years. She reminded me just how much I enjoyed mapping. Her feedback on early drafts was invaluable. I just hope that now she will forgive me for getting her a copy of EQ2 all those years ago.

gm9 of the EQ2MAP team, who continues to support the project even though he no longer plays. His assistance with Javascript and the EQ2MAP backend helped to give this document some really spiffy bells and whistles. His thoughtful feedback caused me to rewrite entire sections and create new figures. Thanks especially for putting up with me being a minor primadonna and a major geek.

Kyrhie, who not only alpha tested the document, she made a whole map in order to do so!

Dolby, who has hosted, run, and maintained the eq2interface.com site for all these years. His support and leadership have given the EQ2MAP a home and a direction.

Thank you to the several other mappers who gave feedback and assistance throughout the creation of this document.

Official Project
This is an official community team project supported by EQ2Interface.com
Current Stats
There are currently 45,015 points of interest on 1,718 maps.

New POIs:
» Debris Sample
  Zimara Breadth
» Melista
  The Sinking Sands
» Nulvatok
  The Thundering Ste...
» Kuutanya
  Zimara Breadth
» Altar of Solus...
» an arachnid sa...
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a prickly arma...
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a vengeful ekimmu
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a bluefin manta
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» an enchanted e...
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a vicious snapjaw
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a Raj'Dur blac...
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a desert coyote
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a cacti abhorr...
  Raj'Dur Plateaus
» a dryland corp...
  Raj'Dur Plateaus

EQ2MAP Copyright ©2004 - Hosted by: EQ2Interface.com
Everquest II is a registered Trademark of Daybreak Game Company.