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Shard of Fear <Original>

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63 POI's in Shard of Fear
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
68709 The projection of Cazic-Thule Updates 'The Fallen Swords: All Roads Lead To...'. Quest update NPC 88.50,5.00,376.00 Pijotre 01/09/19
68708 Thule brazier Place your [skeletal destructor's corrupted mind] here to spawn Terror at the top of the shrine. Object location -57.03,10.73,-409.69 Pijotre 01/09/19
68707 Thule brazier Place your [skeletal lords corrupted mind] here to spawn Terror at the top of the shrine. Object location -48.77,20.63,-418.18 Pijotre 01/09/19
68706 Thule brazier Place your [skeletal masters corrupted mind] here to spawn Terror at the top of the shrine. Object location -40.91,30.86,-425.95 Pijotre 01/09/19
68705 Thule brazier Place your [skeletal destructor's heart of fear] here to spawn Terror at the top of the shrine. Object location 60.76,10.74,-409.15 Pijotre 01/09/19
68704 Thule brazier Place your [skeletal lords heart of fear] here to spawn Terror at the top of the shrine. Object location 52.64,20.92,-417.29 Pijotre 01/09/19
68703 Thule brazier Place your [skeletal masters heart of fear] here to spawn Terror at the top of the shrine. Object location 44.10,30.85,-425.19 Pijotre 01/09/19
68702 a turmoil toad Level 73^^^ froglok. - Clear all frogloks in the Boneyard to spawn Angst, including the ones spawned from clicking the tombstones. - Drops [Halasian Love Charm] needed to start the quest 'Another Lost Love'. Monster Heroic -17.44,20.16,230.24 Pijotre 01/09/19
68701 a shiverback terror Level 75^^^ gorilla. - Drops, like all gorillas, [an iksar doll] needed to start the quest 'Huggable Iksar'. Monster Heroic 321.02,65.45,185.34 Pijotre 01/09/19
68700 Fearmonger Level 74^^^ gorilla. - Needed for 'Huggable Iksar'. - Inside the pyramid. - Has a Fear. Monster Named 308.92,61.82,105.23 Pijotre 01/09/19
68699 Shiverback Pass Discovery location. Site 286.08,61.57,137.29 Pijotre 01/09/19
68698 Nightmare Valley Discovery location. Site -174.51,0.60,-233.81 Pijotre 01/09/19
68697 Shrine of Thule Discovery location. Site 1.54,2.41,-401.89 Pijotre 01/09/19
68696 Wellspring of Fear Diving into the wellspring teleports you back to Terrock's Bite. Teleporter 3.07,-4.92,-359.34 Pijotre 01/09/19
68695 Wellspring of Fear Diving into the wellspring teleports you to the Shrine of Thule. Teleporter 119.74,-2.16,-336.58 Pijotre 01/09/19
68694 Fear brazier Place your [a heart of fear] in both braziers to dissipate the blood barrier to the wellspring tower. Object location 128.71,0.06,-320.97 Pijotre 01/09/19
68693 a Thulian caller Level 73^^^ lizardman. - One of 3 callers whose corpses need to be moved onto the central platform after defeating them to spawn a frightflyer for 'With a Heart of Fear'. Monster Heroic -277.25,21.21,190.09 Pijotre 01/09/19
68692 a phantasm Level 75^^^ spectre. - These spectres can be found pathing along all paths in the zone and respawn after being defeated. Monster Heroic 48.06,4.40,397.74 Pijotre 01/09/19
68691 a Thulian caller Level 73^^^ lizardman. - One of 3 callers whose corpses need to be moved onto the central platform after defeating them to spawn a frightflyer for 'With a Heart of Fear'. Monster Heroic 246.22,58.65,-11.34 Pijotre 01/09/19
68690 The Skeletal Lord Level 74^^^ skeleton. - Needed for 'Through Gnomish Eyes', after defeating him investigate the skull to receive [a skeletal lords heart of fear] and [a skeletal lords corrupted mind]. - Spawned by defeating all groups of fetid fiends around the tower. Monster Named 210.71,10.92,-273.76 Pijotre 01/09/19
68689 a fetid fiend Level 73^^^ zombie. - Clear all groups around the bone tower to spawn The Skeletal Lord inside the tower. Monster Heroic 169.42,1.08,-269.32 Pijotre 01/09/19
68688 Terrock's Bite Discovery location. Site 134.80,0.39,-288.26 Pijotre 01/09/19
68687 The Skeletal Master Level 74^^^ skeleton. - Needed for 'Through Gnomish Eyes', after defeating him investigate the skull to receive [a skeletal masters heart of fear] and [a skeletal masters corrupted mind]. - Spawned by defeating all groups of fetid fiends around the tower. Monster Named 290.89,17.03,324.24 Pijotre 01/09/19
68686 a fetid fiend Level 73^^^ zombie. - Clear all groups around the bone tower to spawn The Skeletal Master inside the tower. Monster Heroic 323.64,13.25,357.69 Pijotre 01/09/19
68685 a fetid fiend Level 73^^^ zombie. - Clear all groups around the bone tower to spawn The Skeletal Destructor inside the tower. Monster Heroic -193.23,25.98,405.33 Pijotre 01/09/19
68684 Eye of Thule Level 74^^^ evil eye. - Drops [a spirit enshrouded eye] for the Mystic Epic quest 'A Sleeping Stone: Sight of the First'. Monster Heroic -7.75,29.93,203.58 Pijotre 01/09/19
68683 Scareling Bogs Discovery location. Site -190.84,9.03,313.07 Pijotre 01/08/19
68682 The Fear Gate Discovery location Site 22.86,7.64,451.26 Pijotre 01/08/19
68681 Dracoliche Cravasse Discovery location. Site -34.61,52.83,9.31 Pijotre 01/08/19
59527 Ernie Gimblelock's body Once you click on the dead body, you'll receive [Ernie Gimblelock's Adventuring Journal], which once read, offers the quest 'Gimblelock's Short Adventure'. Quest starter location 59.60,3.46,442.32 donhead 01/14/13
57502 samhain Level 80 scarecrow. - Does high levels of heat damage and fears in an AOE around it. Best to keep ones distance. Monster Solo -161.87,14.80,257.31 goldbishop 06/26/12
57501 samhain Level 80 scarecrow. - Does high levels of heat damage and fears in an AOE around it. Best to keep ones distance. Monster Solo -148.94,14.58,232.18 goldbishop 06/26/12
57500 samhain Level 80 scarecrow. - Does high levels of heat damage and fears in an AOE around it. Best to keep ones distance. Monster Solo -172.27,14.42,206.31 goldbishop 06/26/12
57498 samhain Level 80 scarecrow. - Does high levels of heat damage and fears in an AOE around it. Best to keep ones distance. Monster Solo -212.78,19.36,142.05 goldbishop 06/26/12
57497 Sacrificial well of amygdalan sculptures To receive the heart finish these steps of a ring event: - Defeat the 3 Thulian Callers (level 73^^^ lizardman). - Move each of the 3 placeable corpses in the center of the well. - Each corpse will spawn a frightflyer (level 73^^^ thought bleeder) that needs to be defeated. - After defeating all 3 pick up [a heart of fear] from the center platform for 'With a Heart of Fear'. Quest update location -296.39,21.13,189.44 goldbishop 06/26/12
57496 Sacrificial well of amygdalan sculptures To receive the heart finish these steps of a ring event: - Defeat the 3 Thulian Callers (level 73^^^ lizardman). - Move each of the 3 placeable corpses in the center of the well. - Each corpse will spawn a frightflyer (level 73^^^ thought bleeder) that needs to be defeated. - After defeating all 3 pick up [a heart of fear] from the center platform for 'With a Heart of Fear'. Quest update location 258.21,58.58,-26.73 goldbishop 06/26/12
57495 samhain Level 80 scarecrow. - Does high levels of heat damage and fears in an AOE around it. Best to keep ones distance. Monster Solo 153.44,57.19,47.47 goldbishop 06/26/12
56051 The Skeletal Destructor Level 74^^^ skeleton. - Needed for 'Through Gnomish Eyes', after defeating him investigate the skull to receive [a skeletal destructor's heart of fear] and [a skeletal destructor's corrupted mind]. - Spawned by defeating all groups of fetid fiends around the tower. - Has a knockback. Monster Named -217.19,31.72,417.69 itpaladin 02/18/12
52205 samhain Level 80 scarecrow. - Does high levels of heat damage and fears in an AOE around it. Best to keep ones distance. Monster Solo -93.00,7.00,-162.00 donhead 11/01/10
51426 Urduuk the Desecrator - Updates the Guardian Epic quest 'The Search for Vel'Arek'. - When you return to free him you'll receive [Shackles of Horror]. Quest update NPC -245.69,25.76,-235.81 Mystara0001 07/08/10
50901 Ernie's Incorporeal-Visual Activators Pick up the goggles to finish 'Gimblelock's Short Adventure' and start 'Through Gnomish Eyes'. A quest Shiny 257.75,13.63,354.84 Grumble69 05/30/10
49927 a torn journal page Pick up the paper to finish 'Through Gnomish Eyes' and start 'With a Heart of Fear'. A book page 208.47,59.92,23.34 hempick 04/14/10
43835 Ancient relic chest Pick up the chest to receive [The Darkforge Breastplate] for the Shadowknight Epic quest 'Dingy Little Knick Knack...'. Quest update location -7.70,52.06,-478.99 Varthus 08/06/09
43834 Ancient relic chest Pick up the chest to receive [The Darkforge Greaves] for the Shadowknight Epic quest 'Dingy Little Knick Knack...'. Quest update location 244.64,8.43,-246.31 Varthus 08/06/09
43833 Ancient relic chest Pick up the chest to receive [The Blood Ember Bracer] for the Shadowknight Epic quest 'Dingy Little Knick Knack...'. Quest update location -85.43,44.40,33.55 Varthus 08/06/09
43832 Ancient relic chest Pick up the chest to receive [The Blood Ember Gauntlets] for the Shadowknight Epic quest 'Dingy Little Knick Knack...'. Quest update location 305.29,78.10,99.44 Varthus 08/06/09
43831 Ancient relic chest Pick up the chest to receive [The Blood Ember Shoulders] for the Shadowknight Epic quest 'Dingy Little Knick Knack...'. Quest update location 288.34,17.03,314.68 Varthus 08/06/09
42288 a mass of iksar spirits Level 80^^^ horror. - This is the falsity that needs to be dispatched for the HQ 'The Name of Fear'. - Spawns after talking to an Essence of Fear while on the HQ 'The Name of Fear'. - This is a piece of Syllokk, the false god worshipped by Venril Sathir, who calls himself its norrathian embodiment. Monster Named -6.86,20.16,262.03 Jusztin 04/07/09
42287 an Essence of Fear <The Will of Cazic-Thule> Updates the HQ 'The Name of Fear'. Quest update NPC 1.59,-1.70,-293.37 Jusztin 04/07/09
35461 Terror Level 76^^^ Epic x2 golem. - Grouped with an Amygdalan Knight and an Amygdalan Inquisitor. - Needed for 'With a Heart of Fear'. - Drops [Fragment of Fear] needed for the Guardian Epic quest 'The Search for Vel'Arek' and [Mark of Terror] for the Paladin Epic quest 'A Paladin's Crusade'. - At 90% health he spawns Elder Jhen (level 83 ^^^ skeleton) as an add to the encounter which needs drops [Blade of Harmony] for the Monk Epic quest 'The Broken Hand'. Monster Named 1.98,51.69,-466.43 akeel 07/04/08
35460 The Caretaker Level 74^^^ zombie. Monster Named -242.46,17.50,-210.17 akeel 07/04/08
35459 Dracoliche Level 75^^^ Epic x2 skeletal dragon. - Grouped with 2 fetid drake drakotas. - Paths through his Cravasse. Monster Named -86.16,44.34,9.18 akeel 07/04/08
35458 Kza'Bok Level 74^^^ gorilla. Monster Named 266.00,56.63,37.00 akeel 07/04/08
35457 Kyr'Tok Level 75^^^ gorilla. - Grouped with 2 Thulian ruffian lizardman. - Needed for 'Path of the Past - Shard of Fear'. - On top of the pyramid. - Has knockback. Monster Named 309.00,78.10,102.00 akeel 07/04/08
35455 Spinechill Venomfang Level 75^^^ spider. - Smaller than her common brethren it paths behind the small cliff. Monster Named 391.06,29.12,422.83 akeel 07/04/08
35454 Angst Level 75^^^ imp. - Spawns after clicking the tombstone once all frogloks in the Boneyard including the ones spawned from the other tombstones have been defeated. Monster Named 27.00,20.17,208.00 akeel 07/04/08
35402 a dark foal Needs to be herded by the one designated as its mother towards Terrock, who will become attackable after receiving this snack. NPC -234.30,0.99,-265.98 FlorenceSopher 06/21/08
35401 Terrock Level 75^^^ crocodile. - Becomes attackable after you offer him a dark foal as a snack. Monster Named 206.36,-8.33,-361.56 FlorenceSopher 06/21/08
35400 Fear brazier Place your [a heart of fear] in both braziers to dissipate the blood barrier to the wellspring tower. Object location 135.67,0.02,-329.02 FlorenceSopher 06/21/08
35397 Turmoil Boneyard - Discovery location. - Ain't no princess here, and all you will get from these frogs is warts. Site 76.20,20.16,261.58 FlorenceSopher 06/21/08
35396 Giant broken hourglass The sands of time do not flow here for Fear is eternal. Object location 101.50,7.75,332.77 FlorenceSopher 06/21/08
35395 The Swale of Viscera Discovery location. Site 298.48,11.16,401.46 FlorenceSopher 06/21/08
35394 The Fear Gate Takes you back to the Feerrott, when you run into the portal. Zone -6.57,11.56,482.37 FlorenceSopher 06/21/08

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