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Chardok - (Entrance) <Rise of Kunark>

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72 POI's in Chardok - (Entrance)
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
33478 To Kylong Plains <No Description> Object location 205.00,10.29,-661.94 Rapideyez 11/19/07
33651 Horn of Zet <No Description> Object location 97.06,4.37,-433.00 Wyldchyld 11/23/07
33843 a bathezid gatekeeper Level 83^^^ Di'Zok. - Drops the green [a Bathezid gate crystal] to open the green Bathezid gate. Monster Heroic -353.87,-18.46,-547.10 Rapideyez 11/29/07
33935 Court of Korucust <No Description> Door -644.05,-66.00,204.31 barongarrett 12/02/07
34048 Chest containing Atrebe's Sniveling Children - Click the chest to receive [Atrebe's Sniveling Children]. - It is no longer necessary to get this book as the quest 'Lore and Legend: Di'Zok' can be started from any Lore and Legend item dropped by Di'Zoks. Quest starter location -93.59,-53.28,75.08 Daiquiry 12/08/07
34095 Kylong Plains sokokar post <No Description> Sokokarpost 185.04,11.57,-666.92 votary 12/12/07
34096 Nak'azar Cavern sokokar post <No Description> Sokokarpost -467.25,-66.74,-73.18 votary 12/12/07
34306 Stairs down These lead to the lower part of the Crossbridge Tower and then via the ramp outside to the entrance of The Temple of Kor-Sha. Cave entrance -390.63,-62.93,36.51 Rapideyez 12/31/07
34446 The Malefic Formation ring enent named. Monster Named 39.41,-23.30,-455.69 shiromvp 01/16/08
34447 Warlord Hir'roul <The Nak'azar Brigade> Level 83^^^ Di'zok. - Placeholder is a barracks lord. Monster Named -398.11,-61.46,0.15 shiromvp 01/16/08
34450 The Temple of Kor-Sha T2 Raid Instance Door -420.88,-148.93,-115.87 Triple 01/17/08
34498 Horn of Uzu <No Description> Object location 5.00,6.00,-393.00 Draakthor 01/24/08
34499 Horn of Roehn <No Description> Object location -32.00,6.00,-430.00 Draakthor 01/24/08
34500 Horn of Myr <No Description> Object location -32.00,6.00,-484.00 Draakthor 01/24/08
34501 Horn of Kab <No Description> Object location 4.00,6.00,-521.00 Draakthor 01/24/08
34502 Horn of Vul <No Description> Object location 59.00,6.00,-394.00 Draakthor 01/24/08
34666 Nak'azar gate Use your blue [a Nak'azar gate crystal] on the control mechanism to deactivate the blue gate barrier. Cave entrance -245.85,-62.91,4.08 Artemiz 02/13/08
34675 Statue of Thi'zok Troub Epic Qst Object location -352.00,-18.00,-541.00 mschaos 02/14/08
34676 Flame of Shazzuk Troub Epic Qst Object location 32.00,-23.00,-458.00 mschaos 02/14/08
34677 Eye of Gorowyn On second floor, easier to reach by jumping down to lower bridge. Object location -391.00,-103.00,-2.00 mschaos 02/14/08
34678 Hand of the Metal God Needed for Troub Epic Object location -34.00,-54.00,40.00 mschaos 02/14/08
34727 Bathezid gate Use your green [a Bathezid gate crystal] on the control mechanism to deactivate the green gate barrier. Cave entrance -248.93,-38.97,-350.35 Phlix 02/22/08
35009 Wildhorn the Rampager Named Rhino 79^^^ Monster Named -372.06,-55.85,-358.50 Aeudian 04/06/08
35028 Master Skyrider Koonzid 78^^^ sarnak named. Monster Named -74.67,-17.10,-300.80 shiromvp 04/12/08
35407 The Reservoir Defender 80^^^, water element golem named. Monster Named -515.00,-87.00,-331.00 shiromvp 06/23/08
35440 The Chardok Trampler 80^^^ golem named. Monster Named -440.00,-67.00,-240.00 shiromvp 06/27/08
38876 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlecutter <No Description> Quest update location -334.00,-17.00,-563.00 Lethiana 11/19/08
38877 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlecutter <No Description> Quest update location -356.00,-17.00,-548.00 Lethiana 11/19/08
38878 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlercutter <No Description> Quest update location -299.00,-20.00,-539.00 Lethiana 11/19/08
38879 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlecutter <No Description> Quest update location -87.00,-43.00,63.00 Lethiana 11/19/08
38934 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlecutter Needed to put the Caroeth Barracks mobs into a stupor. Quest update location -422.00,-115.00,15.00 Lethiana 11/19/08
39968 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlecutter Needed to put the Caroeth Barracks mobs into a stupor. Object location -440.67,-87.02,13.55 Lethiana 12/13/08
42886 Caroeth gate Use your red [a Caroeth gate crystal] on the control mechanism to deactivate the red gate barrier. Cave entrance 105.53,-45.86,183.27 mulder09 05/27/09
44683 a syrrup barrel Barrel for putting alcohol in, a barracks servant will then deliver to soldiers in the barracks and cause them to sleep Object location 141.00,-55.00,67.00 1stop4 10/17/09
47480 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlecutter <No Description> Object location -5.00,-58.00,83.00 Lethiana 11/04/09
49656 a Nak'azar gatekeeper Level 81^^^ Di'Zok. - Drops the blue [a Nak'azar gate crystal] to open the blue Nak'azar gate. Monster Heroic -409.02,-66.39,19.20 Jacu 03/23/10
52644 a Caroeth ridgeguard assassin Level 83^^^ Di'Zok. - 2 of these assassins will jump down from above when you run through this canyon. Monster Heroic 101.00,-48.01,31.65 Prrfect 01/20/11
52645 a Caroeth ridgeguard assassin Level 83^^^ Di'Zok. - 2 of these assassins will jump down from above when you run through this canyon. Monster Heroic 160.50,-27.43,219.21 Prrfect 01/20/11
53973 The Wind Chamber Diiscovery location. Site 80.26,4.37,-506.58 Lera 03/27/11
53974 The Aerodrome Discovery location. Site -56.31,-19.63,-300.78 Lera 03/27/11
53975 a Bathezid aerodrome sentry needed for Gwalnax Brigade quest Into the Aerodrome Monster Heroic 28.95,-29.78,-328.05 Lera 03/27/11
53976 The Barracks of Bathezid <No Description> Site -282.02,-20.44,-490.02 Lera 03/27/11
54607 Totem of Ian'Eno for Into the Aerodrome Quest update location -73.54,-18.28,-319.90 Liandra 06/19/11
54609 Totem of Iar'Owt for Into the Aerodrome Quest update location -95.73,-18.56,-307.91 Liandra 06/19/11
54611 Totem of Iar'Ethre for Into the Aerodrome Quest update location -74.05,-18.56,-281.03 Liandra 06/19/11
55977 A Drenched Zombie Swash Epic <No Description> Monster Solo -482.79,-85.66,-335.77 Galicus 02/13/12
56080 a Caroeth gatekeeper Level 84^^^ Di'Zok. - Drops the red [a Caroeth gate crystal] to open the red Caroeth gate. Monster Heroic 203.03,-72.95,89.32 uberfuzzy 02/25/12
56095 The Bridge Keeper Level 82^^^ golem. - Drops the [Ethernere Crystal] needed to access the Court of Korucust. - Paths counterclockwise around the Crossbridge Tower. Monster Named -434.34,-66.07,-27.74 ultramagnuss 02/27/12
57252 Blasting Keg for "Keeping the Stone Man Down" Object location -548.43,-85.66,-337.03 jhogan1975 05/11/12
57253 Ewer must be on "The Rhino Spy" quest only shows up after killing named Object location -513.43,-87.31,-359.43 jhogan1975 05/11/12
58468 Totem of Iar'Rofu <No Description> Quest update location -419.20,-65.61,-17.19 Ventnoir 10/21/12
58469 Totem of Iar'Efiv <No Description> Quest update location -419.19,-65.71,30.69 Ventnoir 10/21/12
58470 Totem of Iar'Xis <No Description> Quest update location -429.31,-127.14,-47.00 Ventnoir 10/21/12
60798 Insta-Fizz Fuzzlecutter <No Description> Object location -546.44,-68.47,241.38 FieryArcher 11/15/13
65063 Warlord Kilrok Caroeth <The Caroeth Brigade> Level 84^^^ Di'Zok. Monster Named 201.85,-72.91,73.71 Adaefia 05/26/17
68826 To Kylong Plains <No Description> Zone 212.33,12.14,-666.46 Pijotre 01/12/19
68827 Gate access control Use your green [a Bathezid gate crystal] on this control mechanism to deactivate the green Bathezid gate barrier. Object location -237.69,-36.69,-348.72 Pijotre 01/12/19
68828 Gate access control Use your green [a Bathezid gate crystal] on this control mechanism to deactivate the green Bathezid gate barrier. Object location -260.52,-40.80,-352.90 Pijotre 01/12/19
68829 The Rhinoceros Pen Discovery location. Site -364.14,-49.19,-401.40 Pijotre 01/12/19
68830 The Water Chamber Discovery location. Site -514.51,-85.66,-314.92 Pijotre 01/12/19
68831 The Crossbridge Tower Discovery location. Site -460.81,-66.07,8.70 Pijotre 01/12/19
68832 Nak'azar Cavern Discovery location. Site -524.68,-66.74,-65.72 Pijotre 01/12/19
68833 Gate access control Use your blue [a Nak'azar gate crystal] on this control mechanism to deactivate the blue Nak'azar gate barrier. Object location -254.77,-64.03,-1.36 Pijotre 01/12/19
68834 Gate access control Use your blue [a Nak'azar gate crystal] on this control mechanism to deactivate the blue Nak'azar gate barrier. Object location -236.54,-58.62,9.59 Pijotre 01/12/19
68835 The Hall of Clay Discovery location. Site -99.52,-43.43,43.14 Pijotre 01/12/19
68836 Silzok Foi'zarth <The Master Animator> Level 84^^^ Di'Zok. Monster Named -89.76,-43.43,57.07 Pijotre 01/12/19
68837 Gaodon <The Shackle Keeper> Level 82^^^ golem. - Not to be confused with the non-aggro Gaodon <The Heart Keeper> above. Monster Named -52.66,-54.45,49.93 Pijotre 01/12/19
68838 The Barracks of Caroeth Discovery location. Site 189.75,-59.34,107.71 Pijotre 01/12/19
68839 a barracks servant Level 84^^^ Di'Zok. - Very soon after he has been defeated he will respawn here and run down into the mess hall of the Barracks of Caroeth. Monster Heroic 133.46,-54.97,68.99 Pijotre 01/12/19
68843 Gate access control Use your red [a Caroeth gate crystal] on this control mechanism to deactivate the red Caroeth gate barrier. Object location 112.51,-47.17,175.55 Pijotre 01/12/19
68844 Gate access control Use your red [a Caroeth gate crystal] on this control mechanism to deactivate the red Caroeth gate barrier. Object location 98.18,-44.64,190.81 Pijotre 01/12/19
68877 The Runes of Gor - Collect [The Runes of Gor] for the Troubador Epic quest 'An Ayonic Journey'. - Found by the pool under the bridge close to a Caroeth gatekeeper. Quest update location 207.39,-72.97,92.21 Pijotre 01/15/19

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