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Runnyeye <Original>

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91 POI's in Runnyeye
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
1503 Teleport Pad to EL Exit teleporter, to save a lengthy fight back out. Or possibly panic exit if you train to here. Zone 180.19,-15.85,-188.79 Stanley Tweedle 03/20/05
1832 Life Among the Goblins Gives Lore and Legend: Goblin AKA Goblin Mastery Quest Quest starter location 100.73,-15.11,-110.08 razieljatier 03/24/05
16059 Evil Eye Rampage quest <No Description> Quest starter location 191.04,-15.95,121.33 swyn 03/27/05
16062 Goblin Rampage quest <No Description> Quest starter location 44.82,-16.00,-174.22 swyn 03/27/05
16071 Goblin Banker Bankers Favor quest. NPC 70.00,-15.00,-8.00 Mackentil 03/27/05
16089 Dead Mans Warning! quest Allows you to use the alternate exits in the zone. Quest starter location -102.59,1.47,-71.08 swyn 03/28/05
16090 Dyrilisia:Secrets of Runnyeye Begins RE2 access quest. NPC -101.33,0.99,-72.84 swyn 03/28/05
16092 puddle of gunk Required for Secrets of Runnyeye quest. Object location -84.55,1.01,-117.98 swyn 03/28/05
16147 A Sizable Problem Must Kill 15 GoreHorn PitMasters Quest starter location 12.28,-6.00,-208.74 hardnova 03/30/05
16284 The Clay Barrel <No Description> A quest (Replace) 203.35,-15.05,96.25 hardnova 04/02/05
16307 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Quest update location 204.30,-40.17,-160.02 cross_cut 04/02/05
16308 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Quest update location 178.84,-15.95,-47.35 cross_cut 04/02/05
16309 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Quest update location 144.74,-16.00,166.05 cross_cut 04/02/05
16310 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Quest update location 132.41,-14.27,172.33 cross_cut 04/02/05
16311 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Quest update location 150.39,-15.64,161.45 cross_cut 04/02/05
16313 Double + Good : Evil Eye Sac <No Description> Quest update location 71.52,-15.82,-235.07 cross_cut 04/02/05
16314 Double + Good : Final Box <No Description> Quest update location -66.12,2.75,-88.86 cross_cut 04/02/05
16315 Runnyeye Miners <No Description> Monster Heroic 87.00,-16.00,-82.00 cross_cut 04/02/05
16361 Attendant TithrVin <No Description> Monster Named -13.20,-6.00,-206.10 cross_cut 04/03/05
16362 Attendant GerkXik <No Description> Monster Named -18.30,-6.00,-215.48 cross_cut 04/03/05
16363 Attendant Xyrok <No Description> Monster Named -21.46,-6.00,-207.16 cross_cut 04/03/05
16364 Runnyeye Torturers <No Description> Monster (Replace) 231.49,-15.95,35.76 cross_cut 04/03/05
16365 Drina the Mess Cook <No Description> Monster Named 109.62,-16.01,-120.38 cross_cut 04/03/05
16366 The Runnyeye Chef <No Description> Monster Named 109.77,-16.00,-234.10 cross_cut 04/03/05
16368 Snorgle Filthwallow Gives quests: My Friend, Snorgle Filthwallow and Best Friends for Life NPC -62.55,-28.00,118.36 cross_cut 04/03/05
16397 Mudslinger Roams this area if up. Monster Named -29,3,-87 cross_cut 04/04/05
16963 Slay the Runnyeye Miners <No Description> Quest starter location -43.49,100.00,-1.72 hardnova 04/12/05
17533 Double + Good Click shackle to get quest. Quest starter location -83.00,1.00,-97.00 razieljatier 04/14/05
17535 Cerebus <No Description> Monster Named 215.00,-15.00,38.00 razieljatier 04/15/05
17537 a junk heap For Secrets of Runnyeye Quest. Object location 87,-15,-238 razieljatier 04/15/05
17539 stack of books For Secrets of Runnyeye Quest: stack of books Once you pick Baylzuthak (The choice to update the quest), a level 37 Book of Baylzuthak with 3 smaller adds will spawn and attack. Quest update location 202.00,-40.00,-130.00 razieljatier 04/15/05
17540 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Object location -20.81,1.75,-88.89 razieljatier 04/15/05
17541 Duke Zoryll Roaming Mob: For Secrets of Runnyeye Quest NPC 170,-41,-150 razieljatier 04/15/05
17542 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Object location -74,2,-95 razieljatier 04/15/05
17543 Double + Good Flag <No Description> Object location -100,2,-79 razieljatier 04/15/05
17665 Off limits by order of Overlord Baylzuthak Leads to "The Chamber of Rulgax". Door 179.98,-16.94,192.30 Keeg 04/18/05
17679 The Beguiler <No Description> Monster Named 201,-15,118 razieljatier 04/19/05
17835 Rune Sev Scroll in Second tier of structure. For To Speak as a Dragon quest Quest update location 61.76,-11.05,-13.74 adorya 04/22/05
17836 Evil Eye Teleporter This is another evil eye disc teleporter that takes you to the Enchanted Lands. Object location 136.04,-15.85,188.93 dablade 04/23/05
17882 Evil Eye Disc Port to EL Portal you can use after completing the Dead Mans Warning quest Zone 136.04,-15.85,188.93 dablade 04/25/05
19813 Bog Tower Crossing <No Description> Object location -58,0.11,57 Joebwan 05/07/05
19922 Blikritz Baubel-eye Named Goblin for Vestibule Access (List of Acquisitons For the Continuing of Research), around 40^^, kill the goblins in the room to make him spawn. Monster Named 157.65,-16.04,-120.42 spiralshaman 05/11/05
20372 Rune Kor from the Quest to speak as a dragon Quest update location -72.40,1.71,-95.17 Jaffa 05/26/05
20618 Anvil Inspect the anvil at this spot to reforge the blade as part of the Bone Bladed Claymore Heritage Quest. An ebon cluster is required for the process. Quest update location -11.23,1.13,4.62 Roamer 05/29/05
20630 The Runnyeye Brewmeister 38H^^^ Goblin, PH is group of 3 'a Runnyeye brewer' around pot Monster Named 45.31,-16.00,-177.44 adorya 05/30/05
20632 Master of the Guard 41^^^ Monster Named 193.41,-40.72,-147.90 adorya 05/30/05
20702 Gorehorn Hulks <No Description> Monster (Replace) -27.61,-6.01,-197.29 knuckles 06/01/05
21192 Runnyeye Apprentice Mobs needed for the Pawn Book quest Monster Heroic 101.61,-15.95,2.58 dablade 06/09/05
22200 Skewered Evil Eye Markable Item. Markable 124.79,-16.01,-244.61 Ajenia 07/14/05
22210 The Pawn - Runnyeye Smiths <No Description> Quest starter location -18.76,1.00,-3.13 Cyyrah 07/15/05
24246 Janitor Zolbuk <No Description> NPC -94.30,-28.00,119.40 smstroble 09/10/05
25841 enslaved warboars <No Description> Monster (Replace) -84.00,1.00,-77.00 dudge669 11/07/05
25843 savage warboars Savage warboars here and in hallway leading to the North/NW Monster Heroic 127.00,-15.97,-5.00 dudge669 11/07/05
25911 Skeleton on wall Examine skeleton to get a brittle note. Read note to get 'Dead Man's warning' quest. Quest starter location 233.36,-15.95,32.74 Grazel 11/12/05
26055 Riklin the Forgemaster Named 38^^^ Goblin Monster Named 95.80,-16.00,4.50 Rasdauer42 11/28/05
26383 Gorehorn Hulks Gorehorn Hulks Monster Solo 195.00,-15.00,96.00 The Nexus One 12/13/05
26384 Chest for The Last Straw Grumblerutt Chest for The Last Straw. Quest update location -75.11,1.00,-93.97 The Nexus One 12/13/05
26603 double good:crate <No Description> Quest update location -91.18,1.05,-95.22 Rrys 01/16/06
26668 The Gorehorn Butcher Level 36^^^ 4 friends (2x36vv 2x36v) Monster Named -19.49,-6.00,-175.17 cybersmurf 01/23/06
27086 Eyesore junk pile holds the sword Eyesore when you have completed the runaway goblin quest. Object location 84.78,-15.98,-231.02 Demoose 02/20/06
27156 Runnyeye Lackey and Runneye Servant History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. I Runnyeye lackey and Runnyeye servant spawn here with Runnyeye cook and The Runnyeye Chef. Monster (Replace) 110.24,-16.00,-232.96 sheklen 02/22/06
27739 An Oculus Defender lvl 40^^ named spawn roams the hallway Monster Named 180.05,-16.95,160.50 blackroseanjel 04/19/06
27818 Attendant Mealix/Bilri'Te Two evil eyes that spawn in this room. Monster Named 169.64,-15.67,-202.32 normist2 05/02/06
27935 The Shift Boss Named goblin, 39 ^^^ Monster Named 82.00,-16.00,-83.50 chupacabra 05/12/06
29170 The Gorehorn Forsaken <No Description> Monster Named -87.00,1.00,-125.00 Apocryphic 10/08/06
31703 the Thing of Shattered Iron 39^^^ for R2 access quest Monster Named 215.31,-15.95,31.47 Xiingwolf 04/20/07
32117 The Clay Insurgent Named lvl 35^^^ with 3 or 4 more Monster Named -24.31,0.99,-70.58 ulircqel 06/13/07
32118 Horgez The Hoarder LvL 35^^^ spawns here PH is a Gorehore Hoarder Monster Named -83.29,0.98,-69.06 ulircqel 06/13/07
32119 Viroc Bloodlust Very rare spawn lvl 37^^^ Named Monster Named -18.23,-6.00,-188.57 ulircqel 06/13/07
32160 Double Good Small Flag Quest update location -13.00,2.00,-87.00 stoneysilence 06/20/07
32321 an oculus illusionist several oculus patrol this area Monster (Replace) 40.80,-17.00,-97.01 JanoRhae 07/14/07
32361 Riklin the Forgemaster 38^^^ Named gobin has been seen here as well as at the forge. Monster Named 193.00,-40.00,-165.00 hotglass3308 07/26/07
32698 a Gorehorn pitmaster couple groups of them in room Monster Heroic -85.38,1.00,-144.30 uberfuzzy 10/15/07
35287 Runnyeye Diviners Part of Memories of Misty Thicket Quest. Shares spawn table with runnyeye warlocks, clubbers, and assassins. Monster Heroic 175.45,-16.00,-195.49 richardaroy47 06/07/08
39093 Evil Eye Lore Legend Starter for Evil Eye L L Quest starter location -24.72,1.36,-57.08 Eowaubeth 11/21/08
39772 The Overlord's Throne Room Zone in to The Overlord's Throne Room. Door 178.00,-17.00,-229.00 lordebon 12/07/08
40300 Furnace furnace to use to boil blood in runaway goblin quest Quest update location 97.00,-16.00,-110.00 fsaph 12/27/08
43165 a Runnyeye diviner For the Remember Rivervale Quest Monster Heroic 116.73,-16.00,-108.10 Sinclair 06/13/09
43574 To Enchanted Lands Door to the Enchanted Lands Door -101.92,-27.77,48.25 Auronold 07/10/09
43959 Hammerhead L36^^^ Heroic minotaur, gives AA Monster Named 15.91,-6.02,-206.47 jjdillon23 08/24/09
47891 runnyeye warlocks shared spawns, clubbers, healers and warlocks Monster Heroic 121.88,-15.03,176.90 cascb 01/02/10
49701 a runnyeye crusader lvl 40^ goblin, provides AA Monster Named 208.34,-15.98,141.90 piratte 03/27/10
49727 a runnyeye warlock Gives AA, lvl 39 ^^ heroic, rare spawn Monster Heroic 160.25,-16.00,-111.08 BiteTyson 03/28/10
50958 Goblin Dining Room <No Description> Site 121.89,-15.23,-121.48 blackdragoness 06/04/10
50959 The Muddite Pool <No Description> Site -23.11,1.00,-77.27 blackdragoness 06/04/10
51315 savage warboars <No Description> Monster Heroic 206.29,-15.97,40.30 blackdragoness 07/02/10
52130 runnyeye diviner gives AA, in large group Monster Heroic 138.26,-16.03,184.31 camelotcrusade 10/20/10
55159 Runnyeye Brawlers, Tricksters, and Defilers Tricksters and Defilers are the PH. Monster Heroic 55.00,-14.00,-171.00 Darksmoozy 10/07/11
65502 Papers for pre expansion quest Object location 89.72,-15.95,-23.16 Malachon 09/20/17
65503 Goblin Fetish Fetish for pre expansion quest "Strange Sensations" Object location 61.92,-15.37,1.40 Malachon 09/20/17
65506 an unfinished spellbook For Strange Sensations quest Quest update location 191.95,-15.65,-47.30 Bunjie2650 09/24/17

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