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Great Divide - (Iceclad) <Destiny of Velious>

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199 POI's in Great Divide - (Iceclad)
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
53192 a Iceclad sleeper shark update for A Helping Hand Quest update location -996.60,-554.71,-2084.62 nativwomn 02/26/11
54787 a Snowfang warrior lvl89 Monster Solo -987.72,-525.05,-2167.91 Sinclair 07/17/11
53149 an Iceclad sleeper shark 89^, Needed for the quest 'A Helping Hand' Monster Solo -979.87,-564.60,-2015.97 starlastona 02/26/11
53380 Totem Totem Location-Testing Their Icy Grip Quest update location -979.41,-542.46,-1818.18 lorenv27 02/28/11
53856 Frozen Parsnip Plant used in different crafting quests Object location -978.31,-503.67,-2264.39 itpaladin 03/19/11
61563 frosty den <No Description> Quest update location -974.65,-518.39,-2204.88 Odinwolv 08/11/14
61566 frosty den <No Description> Quest update location -973.24,-518.28,-2204.14 Odinwolv 08/12/14
57492 Frosty Den Gives brontotherium meat for Supplies for Thurgadin quest. Quest update location -959.00,-514.00,-2319.00 Drudge 06/24/12
54791 a hungry Snowfang gnoll lvl87 Monster Heroic -950.38,-516.46,-2263.47 Sinclair 07/17/11
54792 a Snowfang crossing guard lvl89 Monster Solo -950.38,-516.46,-2263.47 Sinclair 07/17/11
53519 Thurr Offers the quest 'To Be Up and To Arm' Quest starter NPC -945.00,-519.00,-2120.00 donhead 03/03/11
54788 a Snowfang defender lvl89 Monster Solo -941.95,-518.26,-2116.47 Sinclair 07/17/11
53116 Mirna Greatfrost Snowfang High Shaman Quest starter NPC -941.42,-518.90,-2145.35 nativwomn 02/25/11
52956 Snowfang Isle <No Description> Town -940.57,20000.00,-2136.94 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
54790 a Snowfang fisher lvl89 Monster Solo -932.98,-515.98,-2252.05 Sinclair 07/17/11
53120 an arctic sea flower Arctic sea flowers for the quest 'A Helping Hand', underneath the ice Quest update location -924.33,-560.48,-1958.54 crimsik 02/25/11
53558 Raawl Gnoll quest giver Quest starter NPC -922.80,-519.84,-2127.96 Padwen 03/03/11
53441 Ruffin To capture a dream Quest Quest update NPC -917.97,-522.14,-2079.49 Windsun 03/01/11
60305 Gryphon Update for the Playing Fetch quest. Quest update location -916.86,-523.30,-2031.69 Thalasala 05/04/13
53569 griffawn One of possible locations for your young gryphon when he lost. Quest: Playing Fetch (part of Flying mount tradeskill quest line) Quest update location -916.53,-523.33,-2031.74 Valendur 03/04/11
70927 Cooking Fire Used in tradeskill quest in great divide, you can make a house item from this cooking fire. Preserved Parsnip , recipe Far Seas Trading company : Basic Root Preserves. Tradeskill -915.98,-522.09,-2073.47 Saoil 11/24/19
55167 Bitter Snowfang Gnoll Quest - A Tower's Deadly Shadow Quest starter NPC -913.13,-521.79,-2068.55 Stardrama 10/09/11
53208 Ladder A ladder to climb up out of the ocean when you fall in. Object location -912.75,-523.83,-2190.90 Ademaro83 02/26/11
54789 Keel <No Description> NPC -909.52,-524.10,-2178.38 Sinclair 07/17/11
53627 Griggin Snowfang Quartermaster, Snowfang Gnolls faction merchant Shop -906.00,-522.00,-2081.00 donhead 03/07/11
53518 Snaps Offers the quest 'So Very Hungry' Quest starter NPC -905.00,-520.00,-2136.00 donhead 03/03/11
53628 Herrga Snowfang Relic Seeker, exchanges Cloudy Velium Jewels for Snowfang Gnoll faction Shop -902.00,-522.00,-2085.00 donhead 03/07/11
53117 Wuuf Snowfang Shaman Quest starter NPC -901.75,-519.49,-2116.32 nativwomn 02/25/11
54194 Iceclad Ocean Got discovery for Iceclad Ocean (Traverse the Divide) under the water here Site -675.96,-545.17,-2274.62 greywolf369 04/21/11
53177 Lodizai <No Description> Site -1682.03,-518.76,-2436.96 Lera 02/26/11
52823 missing fishing party Sunken boat for when sharks attack quest Quest update location -1680.99,-543.86,-2114.09 Rollinco 02/25/11
53888 Iceclad Cutlassfish Fishy Treats for Hungry Beaks (Tradeskill Griffin Quest) Quest update location -1649.00,-543.00,-2545.00 litlbrat.2k1 03/21/11
53254 Ladder to climb out of the ocean Object location -1645.94,-543.60,-2360.29 Lera 02/26/11
53180 Woodworking Table tradeskill crafting station Tradeskill -1641.40,-532.85,-2379.70 Lera 02/26/11
53178 Forge tradeskill crafting station Tradeskill -1641.30,-532.99,-2385.63 Lera 02/26/11
53070 Matthew <No Description> NPC -1638.85,-533.00,-2380.72 Oosib 02/25/11
69451 Osh <New Speaker of Lodizal> - Being a great healer he is willing to help you restore Vasty's memoriy for the Mage Epic 2.0 SQ 'Curse of the Magic Thief'. Quest update NPC -1633.18,-534.60,-2429.91 Pijotre 02/15/19
53184 Nipik Speaker of Lodizal NPC -1633.11,-534.54,-2429.63 Lera 02/26/11
53175 Stissa, Emissary of the Speaker <Transport to Sinking Sands> Offers a transport option leading to the docks of "The Sinking Sands". Overland -1632.24,-530.35,-2399.82 Lera 02/26/11
53194 The Speaker's Gazebo <No Description> Site -1632.09,-535.33,-2427.48 Lera 02/26/11
53311 Shrine of Prexus Clickable shrine for the quest 'Steps to Acceptance' Quest update location -1632.00,-533.00,-2361.00 donhead 02/27/11
53101 Nipik Quest: A New Calling, Find Nipik, and Nipik walking stick Quest update NPC -1629.76,-503.12,-2275.36 Snapes 02/25/11
53310 Bowl of Evermelting Ice Clickable bowl for the quest 'Steps to Acceptance' Quest update location -1628.76,-532.86,-2358.33 donhead 02/27/11
53834 Naui Guide (guard) that will help you locate NPCs Monster Solo -1627.00,-536.00,-2416.00 donhead 03/16/11
53649 Driftwood Driftwood for the quest 'Stoking the Flames' Quest update location -1625.00,-542.00,-2547.00 donhead 03/08/11
53134 Second decoration Second decoration for Joy in Place of Sadness quest. Quest update location -1619.62,-535.25,-2406.32 Mysstie 02/26/11
52959 Fina's Retreat <No Description> Respawn -1617.62,20000.00,-2360.15 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
53096 Third Decoration Third Decoration for Joy in Place of Sadness Quest update location -1606.31,-537.67,-2371.65 JETarpon 02/25/11
69362 Kidder After acquiring the wax Kidder will be back here ready to update the Erollisi Day quest 'I Melt With You'. Quest update NPC -1605.99,-534.96,-2421.66 Pijotre 02/08/19
62637 Lady Liae Croae Offers the quest, 'The Footsteps of Destiny' Quest starter NPC -1604.00,-538.00,-2372.00 donhead 02/22/15
69358 Cippie Offers the Erollisi Day quest 'I Melt With You'. Quest starter NPC -1603.91,-534.25,-2423.63 Pijotre 02/08/19
60749 Keldrahgo the Stealthed the assassin for quest Footsteps of Destiny Monster Named -1601.97,-509.08,-2272.69 bjrichardson999 10/12/13
53183 Chitter Imports merchant Quest update NPC -1598.04,-533.29,-2420.06 Lera 02/26/11
76745 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1596.17,-792.67,-2095.38 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53077 ghostly arctic seaweed A Desperate Attempt - gather medicinal ingredients on the thin ice sheets Quest update location -1596.00,-532.00,-2535.00 nativwomn 02/25/11
76740 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1592.09,-792.75,-2196.76 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53094 Fifth Decoration Fifth Decoration for Joy in Place of Sadness Quest update location -1590.91,-537.12,-2394.30 JETarpon 02/25/11
52958 Fina's Retreat <No Description> Town -1586.43,20000.00,-2390.82 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
53095 First Decoration First Decoration for Joy in Place of Sadness Quest update location -1576.54,-539.04,-2350.22 JETarpon 02/25/11
53172 Norrathian Express Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox -1574.64,-539.52,-2352.80 Lera 02/26/11
53170 Rox Othmir Messenger Lead NPC -1572.76,-539.71,-2352.93 Lera 02/26/11
53173 Rui Offers the quests 'A Feather on the Sea' and 'Joy in Place of Sadness' Quest starter NPC -1572.42,-536.31,-2413.10 Lera 02/26/11
76761 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1570.70,-792.67,-2235.28 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53887 Iceclad Cutlassfish Fishy Treats for Hungry Beaks (Tradeskill Griffin Quest) Quest update location -1569.00,-543.00,-2560.00 litlbrat.2k1 03/21/11
53171 Diu Othmir shaman NPC -1568.32,-538.33,-2338.95 Lera 02/26/11
56046 Lavam (beastlord epic update npc) Othmir to speak with during beastlord epic questline, must have 7.5k othmir faction to do so. Quest update NPC -1568.00,-515.00,-2272.00 greywolf369 02/15/12
53181 Loppa <No Description> NPC -1567.46,-536.03,-2406.79 Lera 02/26/11
53121 Fourth decoration Joy in Place of Sadness Quest update location -1565.34,-535.41,-2405.54 Expert 02/26/11
53169 Miau <No Description> NPC -1563.48,-539.03,-2346.13 Lera 02/26/11
76762 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1560.47,-792.71,-2055.25 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53164 source of Lodizal's illness update for "Plots and Twists" Quest update location -1549.57,-534.40,-2104.41 starlastona 02/26/11
53193 Ladder climb out of the ocean here Object location -1548.11,-543.64,-2431.30 Lera 02/26/11
53102 armorclad ice urchin update for multiple quests Quest update location -1542.15,-542.34,-2485.15 nativwomn 02/25/11
53885 Iceclad Cutlassfish Fishy Treats for Hungry Beaks (Tradeskill Griffin Quest) Quest update location -1542.00,-543.00,-2435.00 litlbrat.2k1 03/21/11
61567 frosty den <No Description> Quest update location -1535.33,-530.22,-2318.59 Odinwolv 08/12/14
53864 Snowy Mound <No Description> Quest update location -1533.62,-526.77,-2287.59 Waggon 03/19/11
76763 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1530.76,-792.68,-2002.04 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
61384 Amorclad Ice Urchins this is the real area for your city writ mobs and maybe normal quests for this mob,ignore the blue area in the north west. Object location -1530.49,-541.26,-2446.62 boogiered51 04/09/14
53889 Iceclad Cutlassfish Fishy Treats for Hungry Beaks (Tradeskill Griffin Quest) Quest update location -1530.00,-543.00,-2397.00 litlbrat.2k1 03/21/11
65927 Driftwood Harvest driftwood for Stoking the fles quest Quest update location -1528.82,-541.64,-2435.52 Gardee 12/06/17
76741 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1528.05,-792.69,-2182.29 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53886 Iceclad Cutlassfish Fishy Treats for Hungry Beaks (Tradeskill Griffin Quest) Quest update location -1527.00,-543.00,-2475.00 litlbrat.2k1 03/21/11
76760 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1524.72,-792.67,-2261.54 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
76744 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1522.04,-792.71,-2075.94 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
76748 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1495.72,-792.67,-2268.32 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53195 a materialized demonic entity To the Rhythm of Our World update Monster Named -1494.98,-541.26,-2428.41 Lera 02/26/11
76746 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1490.76,-792.68,-2226.66 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53108 Diu To the Rhythm of Our World, quest update, Find Diu north of Fina's Retreat. Quest update NPC -1489.70,-541.26,-2427.03 nativwomn 02/25/11
54108 Blue Shiny <No Description> A quest Shiny -1481.87,-483.91,-2243.11 buntline 04/07/11
55831 Sana Sana NPC -1481.00,-515.00,-2256.00 Genesb1 01/14/12
60747 othmir corpses othmir killed by the assassin for quest Footsteps of Destiny Quest update location -1480.22,-522.09,-2376.17 bjrichardson999 10/12/13
76764 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1480.19,-792.73,-1993.85 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53179 Knowledge Scroll <No Description> Quest update location -1478.77,-527.93,-2555.76 koldawne 02/26/11
76765 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1477.08,-792.67,-2040.48 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
60748 dragon-burnt area following the trail of the assassin for quest Footsteps of Destiny Quest update location -1472.89,-536.94,-2197.49 bjrichardson999 10/12/13
53127 Knowledge Scroll <No Description> Quest update location -1471.03,-534.80,-2523.75 cdngrleh 02/26/11
53211 Portal to Nipik's Haven (once quest in EW completed) Teleporter -1470.04,-514.21,-2251.82 ZoahPorre 02/26/11
76743 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1463.49,-792.67,-2104.42 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
76747 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1457.20,-792.77,-2250.88 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53186 Clicker Othmir Defender, NPC for the quest 'Trouble on the Horizon' Quest update NPC -1451.19,-520.81,-2378.21 Lera 02/26/11
76742 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1449.36,-792.77,-2147.36 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
54794 Abandoned Snowfang Camp Gives AA Site -1449.32,-539.42,-2492.69 Sinclair 07/17/11
53470 Update for commotion Update for commotion for Building a Better Defense Quest update location -1439.99,-525.56,-2568.38 Aepelric 03/02/11
76752 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1436.43,-792.68,-1992.91 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
76751 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1436.11,-792.67,-2050.98 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
52957 Abandoned Gnoll Village <No Description> Site -1433.02,20000.00,-2574.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
53174 Knowledge Scroll <No Description> Quest update location -1424.27,-533.83,-2538.50 koldawne 02/26/11
53126 Knowledge Scroll <No Description> Quest update location -1415.36,-530.12,-2513.81 cdngrleh 02/26/11
76750 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1413.69,-792.68,-2164.96 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53309 Banik Othmir Fishing Lead, NPC for the quest 'Steps to Acceptance' and 'It's Fish or Nothing' Quest update NPC -1408.00,-543.00,-2076.00 donhead 02/27/11
53322 Nia <No Description> Quest starter NPC -1403.61,-538.23,-2096.65 Maria6886 02/27/11
53532 Noden Loadcrusher NPC that updates the quest 'Riding the Winds of Change' Quest update NPC -1395.00,-509.00,-2256.00 donhead 03/03/11
76766 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1390.00,-792.71,-2069.22 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53401 Abalone Abalone along this shelf needed for "Special Ingredients". Quest update location -1388.11,-544.28,-2217.75 dclarkut 02/28/11
52955 Icy Fingers Station <No Description> Grifftower -1387.56,20000.00,-2260.09 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
59305 Fina's Retreat Discovery XP Location Site -1386.90,-507.57,-2250.40 Pomodorro 12/11/12
76753 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1381.64,-792.70,-1961.27 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53436 Laput Questionable faith Quest Quest starter NPC -1381.22,-533.33,-2269.04 Psiche 03/01/11
54785 an othmir guard lvl87 Monster Solo -1380.65,-531.10,-2033.63 Sinclair 07/17/11
53103 Misa NPC NPC -1378.77,-533.46,-2144.52 nativwomn 02/25/11
53188 a juvenile krait, a winged krait, a krait patriarch <No Description> Monster Solo -1374.23,-540.48,-2396.79 Lera 02/26/11
53426 Erus Dal'viv Offers The Fallen Swords: Mystery in the Shadows quest NPC -1373.62,-533.07,-2268.91 Quicaigae 03/01/11
53529 Runt Offers daily Othmir faction quest 'Slippery as an Eel' Quest starter NPC -1373.00,-534.00,-2146.00 donhead 03/03/11
53253 Beckavar Othmir Captain for Snippy Neighbors Quest update NPC -1372.02,-509.15,-2253.76 Lera 02/26/11
53576 Badger Bones Bones for Gather badger bones quest Quest update location -1369.43,-517.28,-2571.25 Sutekh 03/04/11
76767 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1368.71,-792.67,-2028.41 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53550 Fynn Othmir of Velious faction merchant Shop -1365.00,-534.00,-2134.00 donhead 03/03/11
53653 Driftwood Driftwood for the quest 'Stoking the Flames' Quest update location -1364.00,-541.00,-2070.00 donhead 03/08/11
76749 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1360.39,-792.69,-2169.24 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53122 Priddie <<Banker>> <No Description> Bank -1357.30,-533.36,-2134.82 Cocolea 02/26/11
53619 Mira <No Description> NPC -1355.13,-534.00,-2157.89 Zaurian 03/06/11
53159 glacial tunneler 89vv, in groups of 3, needed for the quest 'Acid Armor' Monster Solo -1354.06,-515.23,-2548.42 nativwomn 02/26/11
53255 Cooking Fire Needed for Pelt Parlay tradeskill quest Tradeskill -1353.85,-533.06,-2154.21 Vyntion 02/26/11
53312 Pipkin <<Broker>> Broker NPC -1353.00,-533.00,-2138.00 donhead 02/27/11
53162 Iceclad lichen <No Description> Quest update location -1350.30,-530.76,-2685.12 starlastona 02/26/11
76754 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1349.44,-792.70,-1979.55 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53090 Narp Gives quest Crustacean Critters Quest starter NPC -1349.28,-534.18,-2158.75 nativwomn 02/25/11
53578 Badger bones bones for gather badger bones quest Quest update location -1348.78,-512.03,-2555.70 Sutekh 03/04/11
53577 badger bones bones for Gather Badger bones quest Quest update location -1348.25,-510.29,-2570.99 Sutekh 03/04/11
53313 Topi Othmir Relic Seeker, exchanges Cloudy Velium Jewels for Othmir of Velious faction Shop -1346.00,-534.00,-2139.00 donhead 02/27/11
53091 Yellow <<Mender>> <No Description> Armor -1343.03,-534.21,-2156.94 nativwomn 02/25/11
53595 Yellow <<Mender>> Mender Armor -1339.97,-534.16,-2154.22 Segram16 03/05/11
53579 Badger bones bones for Gather Badger bones quest Quest update location -1333.60,-508.53,-2568.16 Sutekh 03/04/11
53213 Shells "Pretty Shells" That are needed for the quest "The Shell Game" (Flat and tan a little hard to notice at first) Object location -1329.53,-540.70,-2049.92 Sinility 02/26/11
76768 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1326.03,-792.74,-2132.76 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53161 badger bones So Very hungry quest updates, harvest item Quest update location -1324.22,-509.87,-2519.55 nativwomn 02/26/11
55155 Updates for A Dying Idol Quest Iceclad Lichen, Oceanspray Wisp and Armorclad Ice Urchin updates! Quest update location -1320.04,-535.33,-2685.61 goodrichkenn 10/05/11
53549 Misa The spot to set one of the traps for the trap trip quest. Quest update location -1312.55,-544.20,-2057.70 cyback 03/03/11
53150 a glacier eel tunnel update for "Slippery as an Eel" and "So Very Hungry" (clickable dens in this area, have a chance to spawn a glacier eel) Quest update location -1307.00,-539.48,-2357.95 starlastona 02/26/11
76755 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1292.79,-792.67,-1955.64 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53124 a great icemaw 89^^ shark gives AA. Not really technically a named but still marked with a star. Monster Named -1290.62,-547.35,-1903.83 itpaladin 02/26/11
74839 Windswept Frostflower several here along the ridge Furniture -1286.90,-515.41,-2158.56 Lera 02/20/22
53325 a glacial tunneler Quest mob for Acid Armor Monster Solo -1282.37,-521.60,-2450.55 Aepelric 02/27/11
52819 Winged Kraits <No Description> Monster Solo -1279.02,-538.57,-2327.27 Traelauk-AB 02/25/11
53580 badger bones bones for gather badger bones quest Quest update location -1278.48,-498.50,-2550.40 Sutekh 03/04/11
53575 Frostdeath dervishes Island where you can find frostdeath dervishes. Needed for "A Tower's Deadly Shadow". Quest update location -1277.72,-521.81,-1708.27 dclarkut 03/04/11
60738 a shadowy krait New quest starter since Heroic 85 characters were introduced. Possibly leading up to new Channeler class quest. Quest starter location -1277.16,-540.49,-2382.25 Valkaarus 10/04/13
76757 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1276.95,-792.69,-2048.05 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
76759 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1271.35,-792.69,-2158.20 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
76756 Oceanfull Shell <No Description> Object location -1267.44,-792.69,-2003.24 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53189 Venomwing <No Description> Monster Named -1266.42,-540.49,-2345.10 Lera 02/26/11
53305 Velious flower Velious flower for gathering obcession. looks like a flower bush Quest update location -1258.01,-529.37,-2209.51 Nuamai 02/27/11
76758 Oceanfull Shell on ocean floor Object location -1252.64,-792.70,-2091.19 Ceyarrecks 08/19/23
53123 Venomwing 87^^ flying snake roams around the area Monster Named -1247.97,-541.93,-2415.87 itpaladin 02/26/11
53652 Driftwood Driftwood for the quest 'Stoking the Flames' Quest update location -1243.00,-542.00,-2170.00 donhead 03/08/11
53650 Driftwood Driftwood for the quest 'Stoking the Flames' Quest update location -1241.00,-541.00,-2072.00 donhead 03/08/11
54783 a windy wisp lvl 87 Monster Solo -1208.94,-537.51,-2060.20 Sinclair 07/17/11
54784 a risen Snowfang gnoll lvl89 Monster Solo -1208.94,-537.51,-2060.20 Sinclair 07/17/11
53190 Arjon <No Description> NPC -1205.57,-542.05,-2456.20 Lera 02/26/11
54087 Blue Shiny <No Description> A quest Shiny -1191.70,-416.68,-1881.44 buntline 04/06/11
76724 an Iceclad crab Familiar Daily Mission Quest update location -1191.68,-542.22,-2267.64 Kixxa 07/19/23
54001 Glacial Tunnelers Kill Glacial Tunnelers Monster Solo -1189.94,-504.44,-2561.20 Elfrina 03/30/11
53167 a sacred shell update for "To the Rhythm of Our World" (clickables on edge of land, just below water's surface) Quest update location -1185.93,-542.45,-2393.23 starlastona 02/26/11
53200 an Iceclad coral update for Joy in Place of Sadness Quest update location -1183.56,-557.16,-2445.76 nativwomn 02/26/11
56044 Axiom of the Great Wolf - beastlord epic update green shiny update near Tower of Frozen Shadows A quest Shiny -1169.00,-452.00,-1519.00 greywolf369 02/15/12
54781 an Iceclad crab lvl87 Monster Solo -1166.15,-541.92,-2486.54 Sinclair 07/17/11
54782 a frostbite shadowbeast lvl89 Monster Solo -1163.66,-537.61,-2059.55 Sinclair 07/17/11
53099 Osh Quest: A New Calling Quest update NPC -1147.89,-544.49,-2664.53 Snapes 02/25/11
52954 Tower of Frozen Shadow <No Description> Site -1142.59,20000.00,-1805.97 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
53119 Killing a Dying Race; a risen Snowfang gnoll <No Description> Quest update location -1138.78,-538.36,-2213.28 Expert 02/25/11
53191 Snowfang Isle <No Description> Site -1137.53,-538.38,-2293.37 Lera 02/26/11
53728 blue shiny spawns here and/or on top of one of the protruding "leaves" of the tower. A quest Shiny -1122.14,4.55,-1817.80 itpaladin 03/10/11
53660 Magical Source quest update for Power from the Tower Quest update location -1121.53,-522.47,-1654.27 akdom 03/08/11
54786 a lesser ice shade lvl89 Monster Solo -1114.84,-534.72,-2221.27 Sinclair 07/17/11
53098 sacred shells To the Rhythm of Our World, quest giver is shaman Diu. gives faction for Othmir. Quest update location -1111.77,-543.95,-2370.17 nativwomn 02/25/11
53113 Spire No 2 Location update for Focus on the Ice quest Quest update location -1102.02,-530.36,-2290.43 nativwomn 02/25/11
53921 Captain Gunnhilde Bluebeard <No Description> NPC -1101.04,-526.04,-1723.16 FireStorm187 03/24/11
53115 Spire No 1 Location update for Focus on the Ice quest Quest update location -1096.39,-535.52,-2197.08 nativwomn 02/25/11
53458 delgain the frightful ^^ 92 named mob, updates the fallen swords. Monster Named -1080.17,-494.06,-1587.01 kiara11 03/02/11
52952 To Tower of Frozen Shadow <No Description> Door -1073.15,20000.00,-1670.87 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
53730 blue shiny on a leaf of the tower of frozen shadow A quest Shiny -1072.09,-351.63,-1604.69 ziggyzw 03/10/11
74831 Bitter Herb for "Herbal Cure." There is a blue shadow for this quest but it runs along a crevasse and could be mistaken for a stream or creek. Object location -1071.48,-529.23,-2279.11 trifocal 02/13/22
53437 Delhagin the Frightful Named for The Fallen Swords: Mystery in the Shadows Monster Named -1054.96,-507.24,-1601.09 Traelauk-AB 03/01/11
61565 frosty den <No Description> Quest update location -1043.57,-516.15,-2300.86 Odinwolv 08/12/14
53729 blue shiny <No Description> A quest Shiny -1035.97,-467.32,-2297.73 itpaladin 03/10/11
57493 Frosty Den Gives brontotherium meat for Supplies for Thurgadin quest. Quest update location -1033.00,-515.00,-2324.00 Drudge 06/24/12
53112 Spire No. 3 Location update for Focus on the Ice quest Quest update location -1027.34,-511.72,-2371.16 nativwomn 02/25/11
53148 arctic sea flowers update for "A Helping Hand" (in water, under platform) Quest update location -1021.77,-565.41,-1984.58 starlastona 02/26/11
53196 arctic sea flowers for the quest A Helping Hand, harvest item, underwater on the bottom of the ice sheet Quest update location -1017.53,-563.96,-1975.46 nativwomn 02/26/11

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