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Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop [Solo] <Rise of Kunark>

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61 POI's in Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop [Solo]
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
66545 Climb out of The Crypt of Dalnir Takes you back to "Obulus Frontier". Zone 8.08,26.50,-4.47 lomonacov 07/11/18
65218 a risen crypt walker Level 100v skeleton. - Once the first crypt walker is defeated it starts the timed quest 'Put to Rest' requiring to defeat 19 more in 10? minutes. - In order to do this timed quest, you must jump and climb the crypt walls so that you can activate more crypt walkers when you get close enough. - Since there are only ~18 available before the next door is opened its strongly ADVISED to leave them be until you have aquired your [key to the collapsed tunnel] from the toxic slime. Quest starter NPC 40.00,8.38,-164.00 Phlegma 06/03/17
65209 a restless noble Level 100 skeleton. - Once you defeat him, a group of 3 risen crypt walkers will raise in this room. - Once this restless noble becomes accessible all needed risen crypt walkers for the timed quest 'Spider's Nest' can be accessed. Monster Solo 38.11,1.22,-238.61 Phlegma 06/01/17
65164 a risen crypt walker Level 100v skeleton. - Once the first crypt walker is defeated it starts the timed quest 'Put to Rest' requiring to defeat 19 more in 10? minutes. - In order to do this timed quest, you must jump and climb the crypt walls so that you can activate more crypt walkers when you get close enough. - Once the restless noble in this room has been defeated all needed risen crypt walkers for the timed quest 'Spider's Nest' can be accessed. Quest starter NPC 32.00,1.23,-238.00 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65165 a wrapped body Clickable mummy for "Hunted by Light" quest update. Quest update location 28.37,1.33,-199.42 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
68883 Fourth locked door Can be opened with your [key to the collapsed tunnel]. Cave entrance 21.80,1.40,-213.24 Pijotre 01/15/19
68884 a restless noble Level 100 skeleton. - Once you defeat him, a group of 3 risen crypt walkers will raise in this room. - Since there are only ~18 of 20 risen crypt walkers available before the next door is opened its strongly ADVISED to leave him be until you have aquired your [key to the collapsed tunnel] from the toxic slime. Monster Solo 11.73,1.23,-175.04 Pijotre 01/15/19
65167 a trapped foreman Level 100 iksar skeleton. - Drops [a junction box lever] needed to open the grate to the tube leading to The Frenzied Feeder. - Paths up and down this tunnel and roams through the rooms at either end. Monster Solo -83.00,-1.19,-273.00 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65194 Southern yellow teleportation pad Activates upon defeating Haggle Baron Dalnir and connects to the northern yellow teleportation pad in Dalnir's Forge. Teleporter -80.44,26.69,-66.43 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
68873 a risen crypt walker Level 100v skeleton. - Once the first crypt walker is defeated it starts the timed quest 'Put to Rest' requiring to defeat 19 more in 10? minutes. - In order to do this timed quest, you must jump and climb the crypt walls so that you can activate more crypt walkers when you get close enough. - Since there are only ~12 available before the next door is opened its strongly ADVISED to leave them be until you have aquired your [key to the collapsed tunnel] from the toxic slime. Quest starter NPC -71.54,33.25,17.58 Pijotre 01/12/19
65173 a corpse devourer Group of 3 Level 100v devourers. - These will add to the fight with the Frenzied Feeder if they smell its blood. Monster Heroic -697.20,13.29,-264.82 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65175 The Frenzied Feeder Level 101 devourer. - Drops [a teleportation rune] needed to activate the rune base to enter the norther part of the zone. - Circles the room clockwise. - When the other devourers smell its blood they'll add to the fight. - Spawns groups of 3 ravenous feeders (Level 101v devourers). Monster Named -661.61,11.02,-319.97 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65172 The River of Slime Discovery location. Site -636.32,-4.45,-330.55 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65174 a corpse devourer Level 100 devourer. - Paths up and down the river. Monster Solo -586.41,0.07,-412.87 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65155 The Haggle Baron's Warden Rotate this eastern statue to be granted passage through the first locked door to the east. Object location -5.60,28.40,-48.75 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
68886 Locked grate - Opens when you use your [a junction box lever] attached to the junction box. - Remember to use your [Slimeskin] before jumping into the toxic slime. - Waterbreathing does not work in slime, so you'll have to swim fast. Cave entrance -455.59,-10.90,-189.46 Pijotre 01/15/19
65168 empty junction box Attach your [a junction box lever] here, then pull the lever down to open the nearby grate to the tube leading to the Frenzied Feeder. Object location -418.83,1.23,-194.02 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
68869 First locked door Rotate the eastern statue of the Haggle Baron's Warden to be granted passage. Cave entrance -32.34,26.66,-50.38 Pijotre 01/12/19
65208 a large crypt key - Possible location to pick up the [key to the collapsed tunnel] needed to unlock the fourth locked door. - The key is inside the toxic slime pool and can be found from the platform by looking for a red glow. In order to survive the toxicity of the pool its needed to use your [Slimeskin]. Object location -307.18,-10.02,-130.19 Phlegma 06/01/17
65184 khukri blade mold Possible location for a small rectangular jewelry box on the table to gather the blade mold for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Quest update location -306.08,28.49,-469.50 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65170 Northern red teleportation pad Connects to the southern red teleporation pad. Teleporter -285.49,26.69,-240.00 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65169 rune base Place your [a teleportation rune] here to power up the teleporation pads throughout the zone. Object location -283.87,26.52,-143.25 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
68888 Southern red teleporation pad Connects to the northern red teleportation pad once [a teleportation rune] has been placed on the rune base. Teleporter -283.79,26.73,-139.86 Pijotre 01/15/19
65189 Dalnir's work chest - Can be opened with your [Dalnir's work chest key] to remove the [Greenmist Design Pattern] from it for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. - Requires having finished the SQ 'The Triumph of Fear'. Quest update location -280.80,26.94,-439.54 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
68881 Third locked door Can be opened with your [a crypt key]. Cave entrance -261.21,26.67,-50.23 Pijotre 01/15/19
65182 a sword stand Place your [a disenchanted sword] here to open the magically sealed doors. Object location -260.04,28.86,-401.52 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
68871 Tootooz the Cryptomaniac Level 101 goblin. - Roams around the room. Monster Named -245.73,30.44,-1.25 Pijotre 01/12/19
65192 Dalnir's Forge - Becomes usable upon defeating Haggle Baron Dalnir. - Used to craft [Greenmist khukri] using your [Greenmist Design Pattern] for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Tradeskill -244.17,26.57,-518.10 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65179 Enchanted Sword <Forge Guardian> Level 101 sword. - Grouped with the level 101 Enchanted Shield <Forge Guardian>. - Drops [a disenchanted sword] needed to open the magically sealed doors. - Has a knockback. Monster Named -233.44,32.53,-371.69 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65181 Dalnir's Forge Discovery location. Site -229.52,26.96,-472.76 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65171 The Forge Keeper Discovery location. Site -229.45,26.95,-343.53 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65180 Magically sealed door - Trying to push open this door will cause the Enchanted Sword and Enchanted Shield to become alive from the armed Di'Zok statue. - Can be opened after the disenchanted sword and shield have been placed on their stands. Cave entrance -229.43,27.10,-424.60 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65183 Haggle Baron Dalnir <Forgemaster> Level 101^ iksar skeleton. - Show him your [an Obulus wizard's mirror] during your conversation with him to receive [Dalnir's work chest key] for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. - Needed for 'Nowhere to Hide [Solo]'. - If you are not doing the KA SQ just hail him and choose to attack him. - He runs from forge to forge spawning adds at each one. Monster Named -229.39,26.61,-547.31 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65176 Armed Di'Zok statue Trying to push open the fifth locked door will cause the Enchanted Sword and Enchanted Shield to become alive from this statue. Object location -229.37,26.95,-374.61 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65162 The Reservoir of Slime Discovery location. Site -229.32,1.23,-189.93 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65193 Northern yellow teleportation pad Activates upon defeating Haggle Baron Dalnir and connects to the southern yellow teleportation pad by the zone entrance. Teleporter -229.29,27.14,-449.25 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65190 Dalnir's Forge - Becomes usable upon defeating Haggle Baron Dalnir. - Used to craft [Greenmist khukri] using your [Greenmist Design Pattern] for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Tradeskill -229.10,26.61,-553.99 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65178 Enchanted Shield <Forge Guardian> Level 101 shield. - Grouped with the level 101 Enchanted Sword <Forge Guardian>. - Drops [a disenchanted shield] needed to open the magically sealed doors. - The shield has a permanent taunt if both are close together. Monster Named -227.86,32.06,-374.21 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65191 Dalnir's Forge - Becomes usable upon defeating Haggle Baron Dalnir. - Used to craft [Greenmist khukri] using your [Greenmist Design Pattern] for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Tradeskill -214.11,26.57,-517.92 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65354 a risen crypt walker Level 100v skeleton. - Once the first crypt walker is defeated it starts the timed quest 'Put to Rest' requiring to defeat 19 more in 10? minutes. - In order to do this timed quest, you must jump and climb the crypt walls so that you can activate more crypt walkers when you get close enough. - Since there are only ~12 available before the next door is opened its strongly ADVISED to leave them be until you have aquired your [key to the collapsed tunnel] from the toxic slime. Quest starter NPC -201.00,26.49,5.00 Phlegma 07/16/17
65177 a shield stand Place your [a disenchanted shield] here to open the magically sealed doors. Object location -198.91,28.86,-401.13 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
68889 Magically sealed door Can be opened after the disenchanted sword and shield have been placed on their stands. Cave entrance -198.45,27.12,-328.15 Pijotre 01/15/19
68879 a restless noble Level 100 skeleton. - Once you defeat him, a group of 3 risen crypt walkers will raise in this room. - Since there are only ~12 of 20 risen crypt walkers available before the next door is opened its strongly ADVISED to leave him be until you have aquired your [key to the collapsed tunnel] from the toxic slime. Monster Solo -198.00,26.49,10.00 Pijotre 01/15/19
68882 Second locked door Can be opened with your [a crypt key]. Cave entrance -197.08,26.67,-50.27 Pijotre 01/15/19
65185 imbued tynnonium Possible location on the table to gather Tynonnium for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Quest update location -184.04,28.46,-465.37 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65206 an obulus vase Possible location for a vase containing [a crypt key] to open the second and third locked doors. Object location -180.67,30.46,68.66 Phlegma 06/01/17
65188 imbued tynnonium Possible location on the table to gather Tynonnium for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Quest update location -176.46,28.42,-439.74 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65158 a cracked wall - Can be destroyed upon defeating Tootooz the Cryptomaniac. - Destroying this wall starts the timed quest 'Spiders Nest'. This requires you to clear the 4 waves of the ring event in the crypt behind the wall in 4 minutes. Quest starter location -176.42,31.59,31.67 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65161 a crypt stalker Group of 4-8 level 100v spiders. - Part of ring event for the quest 'Spider's Nest' that needs to be finished in 4 minutes. - 1st wave: 4 groups of 4 level 100vv crypt stalkers. - 2nd wave: 2 groups of 6 level 100vv crypt stalkers. - 3rd wave: a group of 8 level 100vv crypt stalkers. Monster Heroic -176.36,28.91,66.96 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65160 a venomous queen Level 100v spider. - Spawns in the coffin as the 4th and final wave of the ring event for the timed quest 'Spider's Nest'. Monster Solo -176.23,26.52,52.65 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65186 a bin of infused coal Example location for the 3 coal bins and 3 carts in this room to gather [coal of the crypt] for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Quest update location -162.53,26.94,-470.75 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
65187 bundle of fear-soaked leather Possible location for a small bag on the floor to gather Leather for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Quest update location -161.42,26.94,-441.94 Sigrdrifa 06/01/17
68870 The Restless Halls Discovery location. Site -160.89,26.50,10.00 Pijotre 01/12/19
68880 an obulus vase Possible location for a vase containing [a crypt key] to open the second and third locked doors. Object location -153.30,30.43,40.21 Pijotre 01/15/19
68887 Goop Footed - Running over one of these buff circles will give you a speed buff. - Spawns upon defeating The Googantuan. Object location -152.22,1.23,-190.08 Pijotre 01/15/19
65157 a cracked wall Can be destroyed upon defeating Tootooz the Cryptomaniac. Cave entrance -145.25,31.59,31.02 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65159 a venomous stalker Level 100v-100 spider. - Grouped with 1-2 level 100v crypt stalker. Monster Solo -145.21,26.50,59.82 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65156 Caszire the Dark Open the coffin lid to be able to pick up [an Obulus wizard's mirror] for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon'. Quest update location -144.99,27.29,53.22 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65166 an open valve - Closing any open valve will spawn The Googantuan. - The pipes next to most valves can be used to leave the pool. Object location -114.34,1.23,-184.01 Sigrdrifa 05/31/17
65207 The Googantuan Level 101 elemental. - Spawns by closing any open valve on the pipe next to that valve. - Drops [Slimeskin] which allows the caster when used to temporarily survive the toxic slime. - Spawns a lot of adds, which might require you to kite him around the room. Monster Named -114.00,-4.02,-170.00 Phlegma 06/01/17
68872 a restless noble Level 100 skeleton. - Once you defeat him, a group of 3 risen crypt walkers will raise in this room. - Since there are only ~12 of 20 risen crypt walkers available before the next door is opened its strongly ADVISED to leave him be until you have aquired your [key to the collapsed tunnel] from the toxic slime. Monster Solo -108.00,26.00,-16.00 Pijotre 01/12/19

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