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Enchanted Lands <Original>

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453 POI's in Enchanted Lands
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
30526 2 Agitated Lamias Needed for Those Who Were Lost diety quest Monster (Replace) 522.98,-2.07,-812.82 jstradtman 11/25/06
25861 a barrel of lager A barrel of lager for the Lost Lager quest. The barrel is between the mill's wheel and the mill's building. Object location -7.94,-2.86,-626.61 inkar 11/09/05
1485 A Barrel of Locks <No Description> A quest (Replace) 131.81,-1.06,-498.89 Itanius 03/20/05
57228 a briarpaw Many roam here. Monster Solo -70.83,1.25,-338.42 dwark 05/07/12
42469 a Crazed Miner 37^^^ with 4-5 friends. No AXP given. Monster Named 383.23,4.81,-995.93 tempestryder 04/19/09
44512 a Crazed Miner <No Description> NPC 432.19,-3.62,-954.97 Thorguard 10/03/09
24134 A Creaky Rocking Chair A markable item. Markable -759.33,-1.41,-667.24 Hindu Pete 09/05/05
41938 a distorted nymph for quest enchanted lands creature catalog Quest update location -574.34,15.25,-795.07 bluja000 03/17/09
51443 A Fleetfin Seeker Named Fish, gives AA Monster Named 174.19,-25.17,91.99 Kaerou 07/10/10
29253 A Gate Caller Scion Hail A Gate Caller Scion to gain Shard for travel to The Bonemire (KoS) - Stay near portal to travel. Watch her for travel countdown time. NPC -379.78,-0.15,73.19 Redjohn 10/29/06
23762 a giant sand snapper 2 spawn points confirmed. Used in The Stronger Shell City Task. Monster Solo 529.00,-3.00,-891.00 Deadstone 08/08/05
54941 a giant spearfish Level 37v-38v, for the quest, 'The Bounties of the Sea' Monster Solo 664.00,-5.00,-512.00 donhead 08/15/11
25680 a gnarled creeper A gnarled creeper Lvl 36 Heroic^^^ Monster Heroic 581,7.70,-598 Propatri 10/11/05
24158 a Grove Burrower 33^^^ Badger, roams in this area. Does NOT award AA. Monster Named -353.14,2.60,115.01 Rrys 09/08/05
69691 a Grungetalon beastrider Scaling level 0^ goblin on a raptor. - Needed for the Brewday quest 'Bog Mountain's Eruption'. - Spawns when nearing this location. Monster Solo -74.47,-0.57,-556.65 Pijotre 03/08/19
64761 a half buried statue This portal takes you to: - "Isle of Vul" for the Mage Epic 2.0 quest 'Into the Maw', requires to wear your [Tobrin's Mystical Eyepatch]. - "Isle of Vul: Bellengere's Dark Spire" for the CD SQ 'Elements of Destruction: Shadow Casting in the Dark'. Door -1010.94,-1.12,-385.63 Elfrina 03/04/17
69706 a halfling pony Can be ridden back to the docks during the Brewday quest 'Rummage for Answers'. Horse 195.23,26.82,-892.27 Pijotre 03/08/19
43657 a klakrok drone Quest: Drodo's Goodies Monster Solo -156.19,1.02,-158.79 Atalon 07/19/09
39861 A Lamia Charmer Lamia Charmers can be found on this beach NPC 216.85,-1.32,-1068.74 gtbalm 12/10/08
57147 a lamia deathsinger and a lamia thrasher <No Description> Monster Heroic -440.01,21.69,-809.15 dwark 04/29/12
54580 a lamia temptress Proximity spawn location. Quest update NPC 409.85,0.94,-522.02 goldbishop 06/15/11
24173 a large valetail trout <No Description> Monster Solo 196.30,-5.31,-370.79 Nanran 09/09/05
42561 A large valetail trout lvl 34 mob needed for The Blood of The Bear, Part 3 Monster Solo -274.81,-6.38,-557.32 LordHarry 04/27/09
19030 A Miner Problem Starts with wheelbarrow Quest starter location 392.85,-1.08,-944.79 Xalorous 04/28/05
28482 A Mischievous maiden A Mischievous Maiden - Located in this area needed for 'Start of Something big' Monster Solo -200.23,2.57,-199.47 StarmanUK 06/26/06
26348 a Mistcaller mischiefmaker For the Start of Something Big quest Monster (Replace) -631.06,-14.01,117.38 ximbik 12/08/05
41939 a muckfin for quest enchanted lands creature catalog Quest update location -268.00,-6.66,-551.48 bluja000 03/17/09
51808 a nightblood cleaver ^ lvl 39 Monster Heroic -974.72,-1.02,-691.82 Sinclair 08/27/10
57153 a nightblood cleaver <No Description> Monster Heroic -856.11,-1.04,-642.07 dwark 04/29/12
57152 a nightblood cleaver and a nightblood hatecaller <No Description> Monster Heroic -720.41,3.83,-790.73 dwark 04/29/12
57368 a nightblood hatecaller <No Description> Monster Heroic -951.16,3.83,-818.09 dwark 05/26/12
23518 A Nightblood Hatecaller & A Nightblood Cleaver <No Description> Monster Heroic -892.87,0.26,-922.89 Ajenia 07/27/05
23517 A Nightblood Scourge <No Description> Monster Solo -789.99,3.02,-1020.24 Ajenia 07/27/05
41248 a pile of foul dirt diety quest update for Pranked. Bristlebane Quest update location -18.18,16.71,-804.31 shmagmurt 01/29/09
43176 A pile of foul dirt diety quest update for Pranked - Bristlebain Quest update location -63.50,16.17,-918.84 Kodeak Da'Freak 06/15/09
69688 a Runnyeye chopper Scaling level 0 goblin. - Needed for the Brewday quest 'Bog Mountain's Eruption'. Monster Solo -122.60,27.93,-651.40 Pijotre 03/08/19
69690 a Runnyeye chopper Scaling level 0 goblin. - Needed for the Brewday quest 'Bog Mountain's Eruption'. Monster Solo 156.64,33.95,-811.91 Pijotre 03/08/19
69687 a Runnyeye spellflinger Scaling level 0 goblin. - Needed for the Brewday quest 'Bog Mountain's Eruption'. Monster Solo 156.12,-2.32,-488.46 Pijotre 03/08/19
69689 a Runnyeye spellflinger Scaling level 0 goblin. - Needed for the Brewday quest 'Bog Mountain's Eruption'. Monster Solo 28.58,2.30,-471.16 Pijotre 03/08/19
47833 A Savage Serpent 38 heroic, chance to spawn after you kill the shoal serpents in this are. Monster Named -506.36,-5.22,-1041.05 Aeremyst 12/25/09
23748 a Seamist maiden Numerous Monster Solo -409.81,2.18,124.05 boblamond 08/06/05
28501 a seed of darkness This is a mob required for FP writ quest The Orb of confusion. Level 36 ^^^ mobs. Monster (Replace) 543.14,6.80,-601.55 linnx88 06/29/06
43389 A Spider Mound Patch of dirt that's the entrance to an instanced level 35 zone Cave entrance 426.31,23.85,-855.79 Azeed 06/25/09
50293 A Stable Master Horse transport here. Horse -199.29,4.47,-293.05 Waqtan 05/13/10
35807 a startled mini trotter One of the started mini trotters, needed for Carrots for Trotters. Monster (Replace) -824.00,-0.50,-698.00 Steath 09/27/08
31471 a Strange Cabbage - Collect the Strange Cabbage as "something that goes well with corned beef and brew" for the Brewday quest 'Snoogle's Presentation'. - Can only be seen while being intoxicated from a sip from your [Snoogle's Special Flask]. Quest update location 58.33,-0.97,14.86 Xiadarkelf 03/17/07
25636 a tainted glider The Storm Shepherds - The Calm Monster (Replace) -162.50,-10.43,-1270.11 Rrys 10/07/05
52660 a thicket deer <No Description> Monster Solo -146.48,6.09,-202.19 Ratherbflyin 01/23/11
50288 a void shriller lvl34 Monster Solo 143.31,4.11,-458.15 Sinclair 05/12/10
64273 a warped nymph (region) Find warped nymphs in this general location. Monster Solo -534.79,9.66,-750.75 Ferrangie 09/12/16
30527 Agitated Lamia Needed for Those Who Were Lost diety quest Monster (Replace) 554.03,-1.01,-719.10 jstradtman 11/25/06
30528 Agitated Lamia Needed for Those Who Were Lost diety quest. Monster (Replace) 524.26,-2.60,-888.49 jstradtman 11/25/06
30529 Agitated Lamia Needed for Those Who Were Lost diety quest. Monster (Replace) 525.38,-1.79,-927.56 jstradtman 11/25/06
30530 Agitated Lamia Needed for Those Who Were Lost diety quest Monster (Replace) 468.89,-1.59,-1038.76 jstradtman 11/25/06
78823 Altar of Karana for Darkpaw Celebration Quest update location 414.21,25.92,-937.18 ToddW 08/25/24
43307 an enchanted mushroom ring Leads to the 'Enchanted Naiad Grotto' during Moonlight Enchantments. Door -278.64,5.12,17.49 vaelenwolfe 06/20/09
63051 an undergolem area with undergolems for Sundered Ground event (level 33-35) you can chrono or mentor down till 40 to get quest update but you dont need to level down if you need only gravels Monster Solo 201.86,25.57,-943.51 unsaint 10/02/15
34578 Ashe Boderra Needed for Dirge Epic NPC 30.21,1.49,30.08 Triskele 02/06/08
1184 Augin Drodo Quest NPC and Person you turn in the EL FSRs to. NPC 46.39,1.49,28.12 Humudce 03/16/05
69681 Ayndrew Celladar Updates the Brewday quest 'Rummage for Answers'. Quest update NPC 48.54,1.52,41.43 Pijotre 03/08/19
32149 Banoo Corest needed for The journey is half the fun NPC 214.00,9.15,-247.00 Ysabet 06/19/07
17841 Barrel Initiates Sour Soils quest Quest starter location -774.00,-1.14,-653.82 Taylah Triskelion 04/23/05
16350 Barrel of Lager <No Description> Quest update location -89,21.47,-880.40 sorian 04/03/05
16351 Barrel of Lager Under Bridge half in the water Quest update location 51.62,12.62,-816.42 sorian 04/03/05
16352 Barrel of Lager <No Description> Quest update location 37.43,5.06,-689.75 sorian 04/03/05
20664 Barrel of Lager Barrel of lager for Lost Lager Quest Quest update location 285,-37,14 grizz 05/31/05
43949 Barrel of Lager For Lost Lager quest. Quest update location -9.88,-2.85,-620.19 GardenGnome 08/22/09
29285 Barrel Of Lager <No Description> Quest update location -58.98,-0.71,-527.78 realplasma 11/03/06
29286 Barrel Of Lager <No Description> Quest update location 10.01,-1.26,-628.21 realplasma 11/03/06
34880 Barrel of Lager For Lost Lager quest Quest update location 8.03,-5.48,-515.36 Tyndaleon 03/10/08
42555 Barrel of Lager Another barrel of lager for Lost Lager quest. Quest update location 81.41,13.54,-867.61 kjoetftfke 04/26/09
42796 Barrel of Lager <No Description> Quest update location -13.04,17.52,-816.67 aalange 05/19/09
52766 Barrel of Lager Barrel of Lager under water by the Rock. Very rare spawns Quest update location -64.05,-6.41,-581.37 Templaron 02/11/11
52767 Barrel of Lager Barrel next to the wood fence on land Quest update location 36.48,30.75,-932.58 Templaron 02/11/11
1210 BazTarog the Corrupter Level 40 ^^ mob. Needed for Foombys Stolen Goods (Heritage). Monster Named -481,+6,-903 Alemi 03/16/05
60612 Begonia Petals Location of flower petals to pick for the Anashti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Some flowers are here, others can be found searching nearby. Quest update location -395.13,4.44,34.79 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60613 Begonia Petals For Anshti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location -465.43,-0.90,61.71 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60614 Begonia Petals For Anshti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location -567.17,1.43,62.94 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60615 Begonia Petals For Anshti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location -613.79,7.45,62.48 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60616 Begonia Petals For Anshti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location -287.28,6.99,20.56 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60617 Begonia Petals For Anashti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location 26.89,0.67,-31.61 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60618 Begonia Petals For Anashti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location 75.97,-1.42,-47.26 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60619 Begonia Petals For Anashti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location 242.23,2.50,-154.23 Valkaarus 07/16/13
60620 Begonia Petals For Anashti Sul, "The Unwelcome Regents" quest. Quest update location 32.38,-2.69,-165.71 Valkaarus 07/16/13
1208 Bellendis Tempestcall Upstairs in granary. NPC 204.19,14.74,-259.39 Itanius 03/16/05
39837 Bellendis Tempestcall Quest update: Foomby's Stolen Goods Quest update NPC 204.19,14.74,-259.39 jazzaxe 12/09/08
35998 Berrybrook Field <No Description> Site 530.96,-4.96,-319.92 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
44139 Biddy Bobick First person to talk to for old Everfrost access quest. Quest is no longer required but cant be deleted if you accept the quest. Quest update NPC 50.14,1.52,37.94 Ademaro83 09/12/09
28589 Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part I - Page 3 Examine the rock by the water. A book page -203.30,-3.94,-496.88 Tainzor 07/08/06
25781 Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part I - Page 5 Examine pile of grain sacks on bottom floor A book page -1.92,-1.16,-619.64 Grazel 11/05/05
25789 Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part II - Page 11 Examine pile of rubbish by wall. A book page 100.27,30.96,-866.83 Grazel 11/05/05
25788 Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part II - Page 8 Examine nightstand on second floor. A book page -5.01,3.58,-626.23 Grazel 11/05/05
20153 Boat Schematic & Map For Document Retreival quest. Quest update location 9.50,-1.14,-620.84 knuckles 05/18/05
50401 Bobick Village Station <No Description> Horse 30.41,-0.81,-13.37 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
40604 Bobick's Landing Respawn location Respawn 44.80,-0.84,15.33 foolscotton3 01/08/09
35992 Bog Mountain <No Description> Site 106.84,32.08,-876.95 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
43482 Bogbottom Mill Exp POI, quest area as well Site 39.64,-1.14,-567.75 ths2872 07/02/09
36010 Bogbottom Mill <No Description> Building 4.22,-1.48,-632.47 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
1212 Bootstrutters Trail Guide to Far Shire <No Description> A quest (Replace) 277.00,25.00,-621.00 Alemi 03/16/05
16118 Bootstrutters Trail Guide to Fay Shire Triggers the Bootstrutters Trail Guide to Fay Shire quest A quest (Replace) -391,28,-658 Viris 03/29/05
1213 Bootstrutters Trail Guide to Gobland <No Description> A quest (Replace) 420,26,-950 Alemi 03/16/05
1214 Bootstrutters Trail Guide to South Mist <No Description> A quest (Replace) -190,25,-55 Alemi 03/16/05
50206 Bramblefoot Hills Bramblefoot Hills - Discovery AA Site -286.80,3.46,-678.49 Narina 05/06/10
35994 Bramblefoot Hills <No Description> Site -89.19,27.11,-979.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50405 Bramblefoot Hills Station <No Description> Horse -229.40,24.56,-994.77 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
69692 Brewing Bucket Charvis needs to be tipped to be enable the procurement of some Minotaur Hero Brew from this bucket for the Brewday quest 'Beers for Brell!'. Quest update location 92.16,24.92,-694.06 Pijotre 03/08/19
24159 Briarclaw Named bear for assorted quests Monster Named 4.24,4.47,-290.68 smstroble 09/08/05
40909 Briarclaw 36 ^^^ Named Bear Monster Named -12.50,4.02,-246.87 TheOneWolf 01/23/09
1159 Briarpaw Bears Also Great Briarpaw Bears Monster Heroic -115.18,-0.55,-228.53 Humudce 03/15/05
70127 Bristlebane Snack Snatcher Starting Region Step on this pad without a mount to queue up for the start of the Bristlebane Day quest 'Bristlebane Day Snack Snatcher: Enchanted Lands'. Quest update location 62.80,-0.86,27.71 Pijotre 03/28/19
1482 Bucket of Fish Silence the Void Shrillers quest A quest (Replace) -288.98,-1.21,-558.36 Itanius 03/20/05
27557 Bumblethorn Patch Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to South Mist Quest update location 282.42,0.26,-116.77 SwordMage 03/24/06
24055 Burnspear - heroic level 34 wasp. Burnspear a tough heroic level 34 wasp roams here. Monster Named 174.70,7.10,-162.29 Hindu Pete 08/26/05
29086 Camfred NPC Camfred found here. NPC 302.77,-0.48,-292.84 DeeZaster 09/20/06
35988 Camp Ghobber 3rd run point for "The Journey is Half the Fun" HQ Building -790.00,0.00,-939.00 +Daybreak+ 12/12/18
71978 Camp Ghobber <No Description> Building -773.00,0.80,-968.40 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
51720 Camp Ghobble in Fay Shire Bootstrutter guide to Fay Shire Quest update location -725.66,2.57,-955.70 Zatris 08/11/10
17885 canvas sack Quest: Hunting for the Briarpaw Bag Quest starter location 208.44,10.36,-257.49 Rrys 04/25/05
54003 Captain Gnoggin Speak to him to board his boat The Jolly Gnoggin for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Gnary a Joke to Tell'. Quest update NPC -9.89,-3.62,17.13 AndonSage 03/30/11
16965 Captain Gullyshank <No Description> NPC 317.93,18.70,-412.35 wick 04/12/05
52223 Captain Screewoggins NPC pirate for the Swashbuckler epic quest 'A Strange Bird' Quest update NPC 40.00,4.00,117.00 donhead 11/05/10
31658 Captain SureSail Level 33^^^ Named Ghost. Monster Named -123.56,-19.62,109.56 grrantu 04/11/07
33144 Carlee Besser: Suspect Tribunal Diety Quest: True and False - Third Suspect in the case - Inside the Guard Shack, next to Chaplain Graveguzzle - Human Female, blonde, about yeh tall. NPC 286.66,5.69,-241.63 Adez 11/15/07
57309 Cave of Tangled Weeds <No Description> Zone -617.73,15.39,-758.90 farcrowe 05/19/12
31553 Cavern of Tangle Weeds Location of cavern including a heroic instance Cave entrance -382.08,26.05,-731.42 Dragonryder 03/24/07
44344 Cavern of tangled possable spawn location <No Description> Zone -510.43,12.21,-715.95 Asheun 09/25/09
22160 Cavern of Tangled Weeds instanced zone either heroic or single Zone -644.68,15.74,-713.98 nore 07/10/05
28554 Cavern of Tangled Weeds Solo and Heroic instances Zone -423.78,25.75,-798.70 FlorenceSopher 07/05/06
40608 Cavern of tangled weeds one of the possible locations Cave entrance -532.35,6.28,-858.55 Niriel 01/08/09
50599 Cavern of Tangled Weeds Moss clickable gives you access to the instance (and the heroic version) Zone -583.89,16.74,-676.74 sephiroth781 05/25/10
50955 Cavern of Tangled Weeds Little clickable bump on the ground with two zone options: Cavern of Tangled Weeds Heroic: Cavern of Tangled Weeds Door -384.35,25.61,-634.95 mockerofshoes 06/04/10
1521 Caves of Wonder <No Description> Zone 297,28,-931 jt26077 03/21/05
40267 Caves of Wonder a spider mound entrance to Caves of Wonder can appear here. Zone 388.61,27.56,-900.40 foozlesprite 12/26/08
23647 Caves of Wonder Instance. Lockout x hours. Level x Solo or Heroic. Zone 242.55,12.21,-978.47 Windel 07/31/05
31552 Caves of Wonder possible Location of caves including a heroid instance Zone 361.10,25.53,-954.54 Dragonryder 03/24/07
34308 Caves of Wonder Another possible location Zone 258.50,31.00,-847.00 twixter 12/31/07
1200 Chaplain Graveguzzle <No Description> NPC 286.5,-5.64,-245.86 Itanius 03/16/05
70126 Charlotte O'Piesmasher <Snack Master> - Offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Bristlebane Day Snack Snatcher: Enchanted Lands'. - The goal of this race is to collect as many apples and bread loafs as possible. To do so, use the runspeed buff you gain by running through the golden pies and avoid the slow down from the purple cabbages. Quest starter NPC 56.03,-0.89,17.64 Pijotre 03/28/19
34910 Charvis Drunkhoof <Brewer> You need to tip this minotaur to be able to procure some Minotaur Hero Brew from the Brewing Bucket in front of him for the Brewday quest 'Beers for Brell!'. NPC 93.95,25.09,-693.24 xxxhellboyxxx 03/13/08
17842 Chest Initiates Locked Lamia Chest Quest starter location -105.24,-5.39,-1128.59 Taylah Triskelion 04/23/05
20064 Chieftain Mermok Level 36 ^^ Monster Named 706.14,-2.59,-405.57 Xygar 05/15/05
44585 Chieftain Mermok Lvl 36^^^ mob with several friends. Monster Named 681.32,-177.00,-262.22 gmping 10/09/09
28111 Chieftan Mernok Named mob of Fog Grimmin spawns on the shore Monster Named 561.15,-5.38,-191.94 amazhion 05/29/06
41997 chimney, A Pollution Solution examined quest initiator Quest starter location 484.30,4.16,-610.73 Xietsu 03/23/09
34130 Chomper Named MOB Level 37 ^^^ Heroic, only aggro if you're in the water with him. Monster Named -238.57,-5.63,-533.12 Miladian 12/16/07
36016 Chomper's Pond <No Description> Site -254.36,-2.28,-521.59 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50407 Chomper's Pond Station <No Description> Horse -187.40,-2.96,-608.75 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
51719 Chompers Pond Bootstrutter guide to South Mist Site -227.70,-0.30,-567.96 Zatris 08/11/10
50846 chosen foes 2 drakotas spawn if u solo, or 4 if ur grouped Monster Solo -219.67,3.52,-87.97 morprulz 05/29/10
21595 Countess of Pain Level 38^^^ rare ring event spawn, kill mobs of darkflights in the area which may spawn a set of darkflights here, third round should be the Countess Monster Named -358.89,-363.00,-802.00 Phozfate 06/16/05
51181 Countess of Pain Named seamist faerie 38^^^ Monster Named -170.13,25.40,-667.06 rocketjones 06/18/10
19953 Cragshell lvl 39 ^^^ Saw him in the waters near the shore but underwater. Moves all along the shoreline from jetty at The Wall to north of the island. Hes a big crab Monster Named 641.01,-7.79,-558.59 Auglade 05/12/05
32672 Cragshell Wanders around here and the POI south of this one (probably a little further north upshore too). Level 39 ^^^ Epic x2 Crab. He's huge. Monster Named 514.02,-4.47,-845.12 beano 10/10/07
35177 Cragshell lvl 39^^^ Crab spotted roaming here Monster Named 380.00,-5.00,-1081.00 hempick 05/11/08
41716 Cragshell Cragshell was located roaming here. Monster Named -297.18,-5.45,-1220.75 Viturious 03/01/09
43171 Cragshell 39^^^ Paths in this area. Monster Named -865.05,-5.64,-1031.75 Atalon 06/14/09
32337 Cragshell heroic crab Cragshell wanders from the jetty at The Wall all the way to the north coast Monster Named 413.67,-2.03,0.00 josjikawa 07/20/07
22306 D'Niz Step from the Quest: The Missing Contestant NPC 118.18,-3.57,29.05 Liriel 07/22/05
26785 Darkcleanse Family Grave Marker stone for access quest, 'Putting Maltena to Rest' Quest update location -412.92,26.39,-608.28 Turzen 02/01/06
21661 Darkflight Fairies <No Description> Monster Solo -201.61,6.02,-568.10 shaggineq2 06/19/05
69683 defiled farmer Scaling level 0^^ halfling. - Needs to be hunted for its Seamist malt for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Monster Solo 220.60,3.37,-290.42 Pijotre 03/08/19
69684 defiled farmer Scaling level 0^^ halfling. - Needs to be hunted for its Seamist malt for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Monster Solo 592.43,1.66,-267.85 Pijotre 03/08/19
69685 defiled farmer Scaling level 0^^ halfling. - Needs to be hunted for its Seamist malt for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Monster Solo 595.66,5.91,-436.54 Pijotre 03/08/19
69686 defiled farmer Scaling level 0^^ halfling. - Needs to be hunted for its Seamist malt for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Monster Solo 445.46,8.50,-441.89 Pijotre 03/08/19
32083 Defiled villagers defiled villagers on both sides of the river, mostly spawning near entrances to halfling holes Monster (Replace) 529.55,-1.55,-471.23 EmmaJBlackman 06/04/07
52255 Defiled villagers <No Description> Monster Solo 529.18,1.89,-544.98 Bahty 11/10/10
61014 demented runnyeye medic respawns quickly Monster Solo 169.01,26.61,-616.90 iconmaster 11/29/13
27005 Deputy Blumble Needed for I hate Old Plans NPC 223.68,14.33,-480.13 ScottAdams 02/14/06
21711 Deputy Bumblefoot 38^^^ gives AA; another spot he can appear at. Monster Named 221.00,28.00,-588.00 ScorchingIce 06/24/05
26009 Deputy Bumblefoot Level 38 ^^^ Monster Named 581.00,7.70,-598.00 NothraBin 11/22/05
28112 Deputy Bumblefoot 38^^^ Void-crazed halfling that gives AA. He has a few different spawn points along the coast. Monster Named 476.80,-0.98,-686.63 amazhion 05/29/06
48070 Deputy Bumblefoot 38^^^ possible spawn location. He has a knockback. Monster Named 487.70,25.41,-884.24 itpaladin 01/29/10
20402 Deputy Crookfellow Level 39^^^, gives AA. Monster Named 234.07,10.53,-461.64 hice 05/27/05
20403 Deputy Farweed <No Description> NPC -200.71,0.62,-277.17 hice 05/27/05
20401 Deputy Fuzgrout Level 42, gives AA. Monster Named 290.50,0.54,-233.47 hice 05/27/05
16776 Deputy Guzzlesea <No Description> NPC -189.13,0.71,-405.26 Troodon 04/11/05
31595 Deputy Hopple Final quest turn in for Plan the Fundraiser NPC 169.00,-1.38,-483.00 FenrisUnleashed 04/02/07
43666 Deputy Hopple Update to quest Plan the Fundraiser Quest update NPC 169.35,33.00,-472.20 Atmu 07/20/09
16778 Deputy Huckfar <No Description> NPC 46.53,2.61,-411.98 Troodon 04/11/05
16966 Deputy Jumbelly <No Description> NPC 255.71,-1.15,-364.96 wick 04/12/05
16961 Deputy Kegie <No Description> NPC -205.74,0.40,-353.19 wick 04/12/05
20249 Deputy Nettlebrine <No Description> NPC 26.34,-1.06,19.81 Morduccaj 05/21/05
36008 Deputy Outpost <No Description> Outpost 36.57,1.51,-402.52 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36007 Deputy Outpost <No Description> Outpost -206.33,-0.71,-340.90 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
16780 Deputy Stoutgut <No Description> NPC 169.77,-1.38,-483.51 Troodon 04/11/05
16777 Deputy Surlip Level 42, gives AA. Monster Named 18.19,-2.32,-449.98 Troodon 04/11/05
20404 Deputy Wicksnip <No Description> NPC -318.31,31.98,-281.09 hice 05/27/05
17556 Dilapidated Lockerbox Inspectable that mentions Brell Serilis Holy Symbol and and Goblins Object location -223-61,-14.41,-270.04 Macflynn 04/15/05
52721 distorted nymph For Enchanted Lands Creature Catalog Quest update location -529.79,14.55,-695.23 ellemenohpee 02/05/11
52722 distorted nymph for EL Creature Catalog Quest update location -654.82,15.30,-833.75 ellemenohpee 02/05/11
39663 Dobbins Fallvale For Dobbins' Maps Quest Quest update NPC 218.27,14.33,-477.62 DevianD 12/03/08
24268 Elddar Tree Arddin, the young Elddar Tree update location for A Lonely Tree-quest from Elddar Grove. Quest update location -566.60,5.40,-736.80 Starwise 09/12/05
30398 Element of Water Element of Water update for Koada'dal Magi's Craft signature quest. Monster Named 435.20,-5.70,-1087.12 Kesslerjw 11/22/06
24062 Elusive Hatecrawlers Level 34 solo Elusive Hatecrawlers are here. Use in I Hate Old Plans quest. Monster Solo 347.10,-1.86,-215.42 Hindu Pete 08/26/05
40844 Elusive Hatecrawlers Elusive Hatecrawlers for various quests. Monster Solo 271.27,3.13,-398.30 Kaerou 01/19/09
50813 Enchanted Lands Druid Ring Enchanted Lands Druid Ring - site with 2 adventure quest NPCs currently (Everfrost server at least?) and 1 tradeskill quest NPC for the ring rebuilding event questline Teleporter -547.17,-1.25,64.05 Noobkiller 05/27/10
34948 Enraged Octopus Level 83^^^ Enraged Octopus for Swashbuckler Epic quest. Spawned via clicking a chest in the shipwreck. Monster Named -77.41,67.01,145.99 Théodwyn 03/24/08
30617 Entrance mound to Tangled Weeds Zone An Entrance to Cavern of Tangled Weeds Heroic and non Heroic Zones Zone -516.49,15.47,-805.53 Iakona78 11/29/06
42379 Entrance to Obelisk of Lost Souls Entrance to the Obelisk of Lost Souls (kill shadowed rift watchers) Zone -772.89,0.06,-975.28 Keredh 04/12/09
28980 Essence of Darkness named 37 ^^^ floating Water Elemental - Solo. Monster Named 470.00,20.00,-800.00 Feyoen 08/24/06
63129 Fae Isle <No Description> Site -545.99,1.05,67.45 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36015 Fae Isle <No Description> Site -636.24,5.14,42.71 +Daybreak+ 11/16/14
25992 Fauna of the Enchanted Lands A-K - Page 5 Search barrel inside granary on left side. A book page 214.01,9.85,-262.55 Grazel 11/19/05
25778 Fauna of the Enchanted Lands L-Z - Page 10 Examine rubbish pile. A book page 43.53,30.95,-927.97 Grazel 11/05/05
25779 Fauna of the Enchanted Lands L-Z - Page 11 Examine pile of rubbish. A book page 81.48,36.74,-908.87 Grazel 11/05/05
28664 Fear Feeders Mob needed for first part of Blighted Heart Guard quest Monster Heroic 387.85,29.63,-841.92 Terri19047 07/17/06
40138 Feer Feeders <No Description> Monster Heroic 262.31,15.34,-1018.61 Zendaken 12/21/08
16037 Fellowship Tree one of the places to visit for Bootstrutters guide to Gobland Object location 346.7,28.06,-930.85 oseska 03/27/05
24270 Feral Lashers Lvl34 Solo Solo Level 34 Feral Lashers are found here and on the opposite hill North. Monster Solo 412.83,5.39,-266.81 Hindu Pete 09/12/05
1190 Ferocious Fish <No Description> A quest (Replace) -688,-1,-637 Gormond 03/16/05
44040 Ferocious Fish quest starter Click on rubble to acquire the quest Ferocious Fish (kill 15 muckfins). Quest starter location 287.86,-37.41,4.84 AndonSage 09/02/09
23920 fleetfin shark lvl 33 aggro mob wander here Monster Solo -483.00,-5.39,148.35 MjS 08/16/05
78097 Flyngin Leftfoot NPC (Enchanted Lands) for final turn-in for Bristlebane Day quest "Saddle Up!" Quest update NPC -275.59,-0.14,104.17 Lowretta 04/03/24
32176 Fog Grimmin whelps <No Description> Monster (Replace) 376.44,-3.54,-192.09 Blin Nukesem 06/24/07
32177 Fog Grimmins and Fog Grimmin watchers group of 35 heroic goblins Monster Heroic 553.03,-2.03,-229.78 Blin Nukesem 06/24/07
26784 Foomby Slopdigger HQ starter for Foomby's stolen goods.. NPC -688.27,-1.51,-639.60 Turzen 02/01/06
49542 Foomby's Stolen Goods Kill Chomper to get the update for the silver hoop. You need to kill fishes as they are placeholders for Chomper Quest update location -242.11,-6.41,-541.00 Sinclair 03/13/10
23521 Forgotten Barrel of Jum Jum Juice <No Description> Object location -774.25,-1.14,-653.37 Ajenia 07/27/05
28339 Freeport Bounty: Seamus Longtoe This named character is killed for the new betrayal sub-quest for Qeynos to Freeport. This named will only spawn when the player with the quest comes to these coordinates. Monster Named 485.85,-2.60,-319.09 Dracythis 06/17/06
35677 Fresh Water 4 the quest Ingredients for Valetail Stout (Step 1) This is the 1st location 4 the quest Ingredients for Valetail Stout (Starts in Rivervale Inn from the Bartender there) Quest update location -381.00,-5.00,-4.00 Onidia 08/28/08
54002 Galan Jokepeddler Offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Gnary a Joke to Tell'. Quest starter NPC 43.49,4.48,117.84 AndonSage 03/30/11
41689 Garby Gigglegibber Profit of BristleBane. Needed for Bristlebane Diety quests NPC 73.93,-0.98,22.52 ellemenohpee 02/26/09
20045 General Bloodburn Level 41 Named Monster Named -994,-3,-619 mallyce 05/14/05
42479 General Bloodburn lvl41^^^Heroic with 3 Heroic buddies There is a second spawn of him on other side of this island Monster Named -974.08,-1.38,-697.00 Auronold 04/20/09
26063 giant spearfish The Bounties of the Sea quest Monster (Replace) 723.40,-5.50,-322.75 Ardath 11/29/05
26369 Giant Spearfish Giant Spearfish Monster (Replace) -224.80,-5.50,-1253.30 Lurin 12/10/05
32731 Giant Spearfish Various spawns in this area Monster Solo -1011.00,-14.00,-793.00 jobart3 10/26/07
70150 Gigglegibber Hunt Master <Master of the Hunt> - Offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Ratical'. - Sells [Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt List] after the first time Ratical has been completed, which starts the Bristlebane Day quest 'Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt'. Quest starter NPC -2.72,4.48,36.32 Pijotre 03/29/19
52421 Gixen <Santa Glug's helper> During Frostfell he will trade his 'Frozen Token of E'ci' for any 2 extra [Red Gifty Box]es, [Green Gifty Box]es, [Clockwonky Toy Monster]s or [Clockwonky Toy Gnome]s that were gathered from inside the Gigglegibber Gifty Storehouse. NPC 43.58,4.48,93.86 donhead 12/08/10
27419 Goblin GRIX For the Quest Runaway Goblin Step 1. You must examine a goblin, you can find it around the tree at this location. NPC -97.10,1.64,-547.33 Sahei 03/06/06
35987 Goblin Pass <No Description> Site 188.87,26.67,-767.35 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50404 Goblin Pass Station <No Description> Horse 159.32,25.56,-775.59 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47999 Granary Hill <No Description> Site 232.08,3.86,-248.56 dinghao 01/17/10
42802 Grove Badger <No Description> Monster Solo -225.20,3.86,-81.41 WaldoNova 05/20/09
42803 Grove Badger <No Description> Monster Solo -19.29,3.38,-134.41 WaldoNova 05/20/09
21195 Grove badgers <No Description> Monster Solo -13.00,2.00,-214.00 loci 06/10/05
23528 Grove Badgers and Seamist Maidens <No Description> Monster Solo -223.37,1.39,43.70 geist27 07/27/05
1206 Gubbo Chaley <No Description> NPC -41.91,0.76,46.21 Itanius 03/16/05
19819 Halfling village and Lamia Temptress I Hate Wimmin quest point Object location 398.61,-0.65,-504.82 Mael13 05/08/05
56215 Harvesting Area This is an excellent harvesting area, but note that the mobs are heroic, level 37-39 ^ or ^^, so either stick together, or come here after you're about level 49 or 50 and they've gone gray. This valley is usually very rich in nodes, and neighboring hills are also very good, the shoreline isn't so great. Tradeskill -309.31,-0.51,-823.31 mysticspiral 03/17/12
17829 Heart of the Forest Heart of the Forest used in the Bootstrutters Trail Guide to Fay Shire Object location -509.19,15.83,-683.89 dca 04/22/05
78664 Herald of the Stormlord For Year of Darkpaw 2024 Celebrations Quest starter NPC -372.46,-2.12,-1094.41 ToddW 05/18/24
78667 Herald of the Stormlord Karana's herald for YoD. Challenge Karana when rank 5 research is completed Quest starter NPC -371.11,-1.44,-1091.32 Chronia 05/22/24
1189 Heritage: Foombys Stolen Goods <No Description> A quest (Replace) -690,-1,-640 Gormond 03/16/05
26508 Heroic Tainted Gliders <No Description> Monster Heroic 600.00,-10.00,-765.00 brilyn 01/07/06
26509 Heroic Tainted Gliders <No Description> Monster Heroic 560.00,-10.00,-980.00 brilyn 01/07/06
26681 High Warden Tessla Level 36 Heroic with 4 Seamist Faries Monster Named -608.21,7.00,59.91 Darconis 01/26/06
21016 Hobs Fleetfoot <No Description> NPC -43.55,-3.97,-158.87 Liriel 06/04/05
1477 Honeybugger Burrow <No Description> Object location 490,0,-607 Itanius 03/20/05
29009 Hunting for the Briarpaw Bag Starts quest Hunting for the Briarpaw Bag. Examine the Grain Bags just inside the door of the mill. Quest starter location 208.00,0.00,-257.00 stoneysilence 08/30/06
52148 I hate those Wimmin' Update Update spot for I hate those Wimmin' Quest. Quest update location 454.25,0.01,-563.43 WolfhoundDark 10/22/10
70176 Imenand - Offers the Bristlebane Day quests 'Riddled Throughout the Land', 'Riddled Again' and 'Riddled Yet Again'. - This questline can be done once per year but only on the highest of silly days (1st of April). Quest starter NPC 37.32,-0.54,-4.23 Pijotre 04/01/19
17831 Isle of the Three Pines Isle of the Three Pines used in the Bootstrutters Trail Guide to Fay Shire Object location -938.17,-2.69,-679.22 dca 04/22/05
23523 Jubbs Tagglefoot <No Description> NPC -769.27,-1.39,-678.77 Ajenia 07/27/05
19029 Jum Jum Barrels, for Stolen Jum Jum update Clickable barrels, The Jum Jum Thief appears next. Quest update location 316.56,2.36,-376.50 Xalorous 04/28/05
1183 Kelbri Mossborn Quest NPC NPC 24.18,-3.46,47.71 Humudce 03/16/05
41981 Klakrok Drones Klakrok drones for Drodo's Goodies Quest Quest update location -104.14,2.72,-74.14 mspry 03/21/09
24126 Krankee Location for the Shortwine Burrow for the History of Barbarians Part III Object location 323.36,4.03,-198.25 skyarts 09/04/05
33145 Lahree Neif: Suspect Tribunal Diety Quest: True and False - Fourth Suspect in the Case - Inside the Guard Shack, Next to Deputy Blumble - Wood Elf, Female, Brunette, Cute, Obviously Guilty (j/k) NPC 222.19,14.34,-476.11 Adez 11/15/07
49273 Lamia Carvers Small Lamia Carver spawn Monster Solo -343.03,-1.36,-873.90 Glidingfrost 02/27/10
55081 Lamia Carvers For Leatherfoot Tales of the Teir'Dal, Part Three, Vol. 2. Large spawn of Lamia Carvers (Lavia Charmers are PHs for them.) NPC 69.16,-2.82,-1105.43 lothannon 09/11/11
17527 Lamia Carvers and Charmers Lamia Charmers needed for the I Hate Those Wimmin quest given by Deputy Stoutgut. Monster (Replace) 306,25,-590 Morevit 04/14/05
1197 Lamia Cave <No Description> Cave entrance -337,4,-628 Gormond 03/16/05
1492 Lamia Cave <No Description> Cave entrance -28.66,-3.26,-1117.03 Itanius 03/20/05
41435 Lamia Charmers Theres an abundance of them here Monster Solo 346.48,0.62,-1052.76 SaintMitchell 02/07/09
21590 Lamia Temptresses <No Description> Monster (Replace) 182,2,-1000 loci 06/16/05
19942 Lamia Temptresses Part of the I Hate Those Wimmin quest Monster (Replace) 229.08,1.21,-1045.35 Khellendrathas 05/12/05
23515 Lamia Thrashers & Lamia Deathcallers <No Description> Monster Heroic -558.25,-1.00,-909.19 Ajenia 07/27/05
23512 Lamia Thrashers & Lamia Deathsingers <No Description> Monster Heroic -380.43,25.31,-1004.94 Ajenia 07/27/05
36003 Lana Guzzlesea <<General Goods>> Sells food, drink and general goods Shop 36.73,1.90,40.31 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
24151 Last Straw: Squire Rustbucket <No Description> A quest (Replace) 9.50,-1.14,-620.84 adventguard 09/07/05
1198 Leelav Yekl Starts Heritage Quest: The Reaching Blade of the Assassin (Lvl 35) NPC 220.55,-3.27,-53.05 Itanius 03/16/05
43680 Lendel's Grand Lager Lost Lager quest barrel Object location 58.87,10.30,-756.10 Viking2054 07/21/09
16115 Lendels Grand Lager <No Description> A quest (Replace) 6.25,18.60,-943.06 eljer 03/29/05
54289 Lo'volonus (The Teachings of Yoru)NPC to talk to to defeat Oodan the Tranquil. Quest update NPC -99.00,31.00,-1127.00 shane99mh 05/18/11
36000 Lookout Stump <No Description> Site 319.45,18.51,-410.02 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
1201 Lore and Legend: Goblin Goblin Mastery quest book in bookcase. Quest starter location 283.00,6.00,-245.00 Itanius 03/16/05
1204 Lore and Legend: Siren Examine desk for quest book. Quest starter location 49.40,1.52,38.29 Itanius 03/16/05
35997 Lost Village of Bobick <No Description> Outpost 41.77,1.49,51.42 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
55198 Luc Alechaser Deliver the troll's love potion to him for the Erollisi Day Guide quest 'Love Potion Number One'. Quest update NPC 44.75,1.52,42.70 donhead 10/17/11
23520 Lula Tagglefoot <No Description> NPC -778.07,-1.14,-654.43 Ajenia 07/27/05
36004 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox 37.78,1.49,32.30 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
69682 Maisy Sweetbread - Offers the Brewday quest 'Bog Mountain's Eruption'. - The zone-in can be reached easiest by using the halfling pony next to her. Quest starter NPC 36.31,-1.06,19.53 Pijotre 03/08/19
31240 Map of Tanglefoot Farms Location of one of the maps for the Document Retrieval quest. (inside the door, on the left side of the facing wall) Quest update location -764.20,-0.96,-672.98 Alteri 01/30/07
1203 Map on Wall Outside of building A quest (Replace) 42.68,1.49,47.29 Itanius 03/16/05
24113 Markable Dirty JumJum Jar <No Description> Markable 281.33,5.64,-245.83 Hindu Pete 09/03/05
35984 Midwater Bridge <No Description> Site 158.24,-0.39,-366.04 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
19775 Miner Gurgin Quest: Late for Supplies NPC -110.10,-7.68,-1119.88 Rrys 05/05/05
27607 Mischievous Maidens Mischievous Maidens Monster (Replace) -73.89,2.42,-109.56 Wyeth 03/29/06
44420 Mistcaller Maiden kill mistcaller sirens here and maiden will spawn Monster Named 278.35,-38.18,4.42 Faerel 09/27/09
52197 Mistcaller michiefmaker <No Description> Monster Solo -557.08,-19.91,161.05 legba11 10/31/10
16604 Mistcaller Mischiefmakers This is the general area where Mistcall Mischiefmakers spawn. Needed for a couple of the new quests. Monster (Replace) -293,-15,164 Daggan 04/09/05
35659 Mistcaller Siren One of the possible locations of Mistcaller Sirens. Monster (Replace) 275.40,-5.69,-50.61 lomonacov 08/25/08
16768 Mistcaller Sirens <No Description> Monster (Replace) 285,-37,14 Kabilos 04/11/05
35989 Misty Grove <No Description> Site -556.72,6.78,-754.42 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50406 Misty Grove Station <No Description> Horse -605.90,-0.76,-919.99 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
25699 Misty Mine Misty Mine location needed for Bootstrutters Trail Guide to Far Shire quest. Quest update location 399.00,-1.00,-1027.00 IdeoPraxist 10/16/05
35993 Misty Ridge <No Description> Site -100.07,0.14,-270.63 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33143 Moh Tzorwith: Suspect Tribunal Diety Quest: True and False - Second Suspect in the case. - Wanders a bit, but not far. He's the goblin with the big, glowing book over his head. NPC 47.99,0.39,-402.29 Adez 11/15/07
24671 Moss Covered Mound Entrance to Cavern of Tangled Weeds Zone -615.55,16.09,-806.66 O 09/19/05
59679 moss covered mound entrance to cavern of tangled tweeds Cave entrance -652.73,16.17,-751.88 michelleguay 02/21/13
29210 Muckfin <No Description> Monster (Replace) -21.80,-6.26,-532.76 realplasma 10/22/06
29211 Muckfin <No Description> Monster Solo -276.64,-6.26,-580.83 realplasma 10/22/06
16048 mudclaw crabs ( BIG ) a good swim to get to these Monster (Replace) 770.31,-16.55,-273.90 Sir Taleisin The Seer 03/27/05
16049 mudclaw crabs2 ( BIG ) another good swim to get to these Monster (Replace) 697.84,-15.72,-631.19 Sir Taleisin The Seer 03/27/05
20358 Mutton <No Description> NPC -183.49,4.52,-361.11 Liriel 05/24/05
34749 Muugu Named goblin w/goblin mercenary adds Monster Named -31.24,-0.20,-613.25 Tyndaleon 02/26/08
31465 Myr Druzaic Shrine Shrine for Words of Pure Magic Quest. If not found here, it can be found in Zek at 10.00, -38.68, -868.72 Object location -982.38,-2.30,-619.71 Qonok 03/15/07
39175 N'Kzak the Unnatural Named Nightblood 42 epic X3 ^^^ Monster Named -205.65,27.23,-1134.66 jester107 11/22/08
29171 Nerri Crowtoe 41v Soloable Named, no drops, bad faction:Guardians of the Vale Monster Named 35.53,1.49,27.50 FlorenceSopher 10/09/06
26507 Non-HeroicTainted Gliders <No Description> Monster Heroic 670.00,-10.00,-575.00 brilyn 01/07/06
29048 Overseer Ix Overseer Ix, a lvl 40^^^ Epic x2 GIANT eye located above the large stump. Monster Named -773.62,18.52,-974.12 Hindu Pete 09/11/06
19817 Overturned Bench The Lamia Thrasher Threat - kill 20 Lamia Thrashers (lvl 37) A quest (Replace) -780.90,-5.46,-968.21 Zannah 05/08/05
78663 Phalvina Walks this path. Merchant for Karana Avatar quest Quest update NPC -85.40,-2.99,-194.83 ToddW 05/18/24
34405 Pile Of Dirt This is where you find the Pile of Dirt for teh Bristelbane deity quest. Quest update location 53.37,10.69,-834.47 Coppafeel 01/12/08
61526 Prank'd - Pile of Dirt Foul dirt area for Prank'd Bristlebane diety quest. Found underwater in the pond. Quest update location 49.81,11.32,-852.28 RudgerWolvram 07/11/14
70151 Rakshatta Offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Plethora of Patchcraft Parts'. Quest starter NPC -29.15,0.48,52.45 Pijotre 03/29/19
43772 Red Shiney collection on a timer for Wooden salvage A quest Shiny 74.87,-1.18,29.17 dragonlevi 07/31/09
44166 Red Shiney Wooden Salvage Collection Quest A quest Shiny -261.01,-3.35,100.09 Skyhollower 09/13/09
44167 Red Shiny Wooden Salvage Collection Quest A quest Shiny 126.91,-3.51,33.47 Skyhollower 09/13/09
56589 Red Shiny Wooden Salvage Collection Quest A quest Shiny -396.00,-3.35,150.92 Albibear 04/07/12
20025 Remains of Jartellin for Heritage: Lost Legend of Lavastorm Quest update location -398.00,0.00,-624.00 jwrpalmer99 05/14/05
70410 Restless spirit Possible location for a named spirit waiting to be convinced to pass on to Ethernere for the Nights of the Dead quest 'A Dream, By Any Other Name'. Quest update NPC 347.84,28.13,-935.51 Pijotre 10/31/19
40598 rivergate cascade <No Description> Quest update location -408.76,-11.95,-54.57 ellemenohpee 01/08/09
36006 Rivervale <No Description> Overland -333.00,32.00,-277.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50402 Rivervale Station <No Description> Horse -198.75,4.35,-293.09 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38707 Robylie Sewnadel NPC needed for the Ranger epic weapon quest, 'Removing the Darkness From Within...' Quest update NPC -68.65,-1.56,-1087.68 Tyrail 10/30/08
43113 Roselia Goldencrust Quest NPC for the first Bristlebane Deity Quest Quest starter location 38.80,1.49,35.67 Liana 06/12/09
41645 Runnyeye Citadel Entrance to Runnyeye Citadel (previous POI is wrong) Door 118.73,29.52,-951.84 GoochBomb 02/23/09
59681 Runnyeye Hoard Pits Leads to the "Runnyeye Hoard Pits" during the Brewday quest 'Rummage for Answers'. Door 176.96,32.72,-889.60 bayfia 02/22/13
50991 Runnyeye mercenary <No Description> Monster Solo 67.65,28.88,-645.36 katie9999 06/05/10
35494 Runnyeye Scout Needed for the Quest A Barrel of Locks Monster Solo 141.31,20.49,-572.40 hubusch 07/06/08
35495 Runnyeye Scout Needed for the Quest A Barrel of Locks Monster (Replace) 14.53,3.37,-489.23 hubusch 07/06/08
43352 Salt Snappers For The Curious Augur's Three Meanings of Life quest. Monster Solo -43.68,-3.25,-4.13 ilydamdris 06/22/09
52769 Salted Minnows Minnows in Rivervale Quest update location -110.00,10.00,-236.00 ellemenohpee 02/13/11
39976 Sand Snappers Loc of sand snappers for city task The Snapping Turtles Monster Solo -380.43,-1.14,147.84 Vonatar 12/13/08
1158 Sarma Singebellows Offers repeatable quest, "Helping Sarma Singebellows" Also a step in the Enchanted Lands "Curious Augur's Three Meanings of Life" quest NPC -194.81,-3.43,-260.26 Humudce 03/15/05
19667 Scorpupine Level 36^^ Heroic lasher Monster Named 572.33,-0.95,-361.85 seymour 05/02/05
23516 Seamist Coast <No Description> Object location -679.88,-2.98,-1020.86 Ajenia 07/27/05
35996 Seamist Coast <No Description> Site 158.53,-3.25,21.26 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
39607 seamist fairies seamist fairies for quest seaside expansion lvl 32 multiple Monster Solo -227.42,-0.11,-152.46 jcordas 12/02/08
35991 Seamist Plains <No Description> Site 323.66,6.73,-543.97 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35982 Seamist Plains Village <No Description> Site 410.71,5.09,-548.42 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
48084 Seamist Sprite for Far Seas Requisition ENC0457 Monster Solo -150.60,-0.71,10.90 Exec 01/30/10
42336 Seamist Sprite Seamist Sprite needed for ENC0457 Monster Solo 78.32,-0.70,6.67 Sirveyor 04/10/09
32113 Seamist Sprites Seamist Sprites needed for ENC0457 Monster Solo -185.35,2.65,-183.89 richardaroy47 06/12/07
42335 Seamist Sprites Seamist Sprite Needed for ENC0475 Monster Solo -14.87,-0.25,-8.51 Sirveyor 04/10/09
54935 Seamist Sprites <No Description> Monster Solo 63.98,-2.21,-167.48 lothannon 08/14/11
39830 Seamist Wardens For Enchanted Lands Creature Cataloging Monster Solo -592.85,4.86,59.87 Elfrina 12/09/08
28500 Seed of Obscurity Seeds of obscurity. Lvl 35-36 / mobs. Monster (Replace) 473.00,2.74,-480.60 linnx88 06/29/06
1199 Seher Beanbrewer <No Description> NPC 287.04,4.76,-212.81 Itanius 03/16/05
1479 Seridd Sanctum <No Description> Object location 472,0,-799 Itanius 03/20/05
20371 Shalwyn Sparroweye Quest: Runaway Goblin NPC -171.46,34.17,-835.32 Murtano Laorte 05/26/05
61377 shards of the manacle scattered part of: Hero Bracers Timeline Quest update location -66.31,19.31,-867.09 kronar 03/30/14
31823 Shaydra the Wicked Level 37^^^ spider Monster Named 339.00,28.00,-929.00 sstair 05/10/07
16370 Shaydra the Wicked <No Description> Monster Named 273.45,16.27,-966.20 cross_cut 04/03/05
58364 Shiny Pick it up A quest Shiny -89.29,21.85,-871.97 Elfrina 09/26/12
52393 Shortwine Burrow Discovery location (XP/AA) Site 326.00,-1.00,-210.00 donhead 12/01/10
40999 Shortwine Burrow For Bootstrutter's Guide to Far Shire. Quest update location 433.74,2.37,-265.87 byrath 01/25/09
47730 Shortwine Burrow <No Description> Site 385.92,5.59,-312.41 dinghao 12/09/09
35990 Shortwine Burrow <No Description> Building 302.32,-0.48,-293.88 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
1194 Silence the Void Shrillers <No Description> A quest (Replace) -288,-1,-557 Gormond 03/16/05
30951 Sir Fetz Questgiver NPC 282.52,0.27,-118.00 mailhunter 01/06/07
1186 Sir Tatters Quest NPC NPC 282.42,0.26,-116.77 Humudce 03/16/05
52424 Small wooden box Update for Quest Screewoggins Stranded. Part of Swashbuckler Epic Weapon Timeline. Quest update location -89.76,-18.32,149.00 Legor 12/09/10
16733 Solo Lamias Solo lamias ranging from 36 to 38 Monster Solo 61.01,-0.09,-1101.12 baelthal 04/10/05
25130 spearfish <No Description> Monster (Replace) 457.27,-23.50,-144.39 h0tr0d 10/02/05
38970 Spearfish <No Description> Monster Solo -612.00,-16.00,138.00 Silthian 11/19/08
41246 spearfish <No Description> Monster Solo 325.87,-5.46,-69.37 shmagmurt 01/29/09
31238 Squire Rustbucket (The Flag) <No Description> Object location 10.99,-1.14,-604.98 realplasma 01/29/07
32147 Statuette of Sir Dydius (Inside the Misty Mine) One of the 50 statues for Knights in the Round, part of the Swords of Destiny timeline Object location 401.00,-5.00,-932.00 FireForkTS 06/19/07
32612 Stench Guard 3^ Heroic with 4 other goblins Monster Named -50.00,-10.00,-920.00 maugankar 09/23/07
54934 Stolen Jum Jum 1st update (Inside Inn by Bar) Quest starter location 42.84,1.52,37.07 lothannon 08/14/11
24064 Suffering Lashers & Bloodthirsty Lashers Levels 34 to 35 solo. Suffering Lashers used in I Hate Old Pans quest. Monster Solo 369.83,-1.42,-400.82 Hindu Pete 08/26/05
36014 Tagglefoot Farms Bootstrutter Guide to Fay Shire Quest update location -759.50,-2.13,-663.46 +Daybreak+ 05/25/10
63808 Tagglefoot Farms <No Description> Site -738.95,-2.27,-665.86 Chronia 03/15/16
1319 The Barnacled Chest <No Description> A quest (Replace) 451.20,-5.28,-205.07 Itanius 03/17/05
1205 The Curious Augur <No Description> NPC -4.26,4.48,64.90 Itanius 03/16/05
31618 The Death Usher 38^^^ Heroic mob, sometimes spawns in place of a lamia deathcaller, thrasher, or carver Monster Named -419.17,-3.78,-611.77 thisisnotneeded 04/05/07
35986 The Foul Stench boostrutter guide to Gobland Site 65.60,13.00,-783.10 +Daybreak+ 05/25/10
48199 The Gates of Runnyeye The Gates of Runnyeye - for the Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to Gobland (entrance to Runnyeye) Quest update location 109.82,30.34,-951.05 Happinea 02/14/10
36012 The Glittering Mine Bootstrutter Guide to Far Shire Quest update location -40.37,-2.97,-1118.56 +Daybreak+ 05/25/10
51714 The Goblin Ward The Goblin Ward update for the quest Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to South Mist Quest update location 150.85,8.40,-449.03 Mysstie 08/10/10
36002 The Granary Hill <No Description> Building 204.88,13.12,-263.26 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
22109 The Grave Usher Named lamia (found inside lamia cave) Monster Named -424.86,-5.48,-620.76 knuckles 07/06/05
42915 The Great Guard The Great Guard disco Site 286.58,-2.76,-163.25 Simmeon 05/28/09
36001 The Great Guard <No Description> Building 286.59,0.68,-226.97 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50403 The Great Guard Station <No Description> Horse 303.37,1.13,-246.77 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
16187 The Guppy Clear the halfling ghosts to spawn a named ghost Captain, Bootstrutters guide to south Mist Quest update location -77.41,67.01,145.99 phred 03/31/05
35985 The Hole <No Description> Site 141.12,4.99,-537.76 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
41294 The Last Diary Entry Click on book shelf on the wall, 2nd floor, over bed. Give the quest The Last Diary Entry to slay twenty Runnyeye Mercenaries in the Enchanted Lands. Quest starter location -6.79,3.15,-623.37 Stardrama 02/01/09
35995 The Lazy Drain <No Description> Site 535.68,-4.28,-465.94 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36011 The Misty Mine <No Description> Site 403.40,-1.36,-1028.88 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
28502 The Orb of Darkness. This is where seeds of darkness spawn which you need to kill to complete the quest. Object location 543.14,6.80,-601.55 linnx88 06/29/06
35983 The Riverwatch <No Description> Site -173.11,0.97,-266.26 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36009 The Runnyeye Ward <No Description> Site 153.19,8.73,-438.70 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
16360 The Sludge Creep 39 H^^^ Monster Named 8.00,11.00,-864.00 cross_cut 04/03/05
39364 The Storm Shepards - Tammin Whipperwillow - Page 1 Click lantern inside of the mine A book page 400.00,-4.75,-940.00 monnie101 11/27/08
26043 The Storm Shepards - Tammin Whipperwillow - Page 8 Search the lantern on the table next to Bellendis Tempestcall upstairs A book page 206.85,15.26,-258.07 maeobe 11/25/05
32175 The Storm Shephards - The Gremius Hazzengvar Pg. 7 Examine reeds A book page 59.10,12.27,-818.54 yotain 06/24/07
25776 The Storm Shepherds - Darnalithenis of Felwithe - Page 2 Examine rocking chair. A book page 528.18,4.04,-342.39 Grazel 11/05/05
25895 The Storm Shepherds - The Downpour - Page 4 Examine plant-light. A book page 606.15,3.88,-274.30 Grazel 11/11/05
26541 The Storm Shepherds - The Downpour page 5 Click on lantern over mine entrance. A book page 404.13,6.93,-1016.34 Grazel 01/09/06
25896 The Storm Sheppards - Tammin Whipperwillow - Page 9 Examine rubble. A book page 290.30,-36.03,0.41 Grazel 11/11/05
25777 The Storm Shepperds - Darnalithenis of Felwithe - Page 11 Examine barrel. A book page 328.39,-0.92,-206.85 Grazel 11/05/05
25775 The Storm Shepperds - Gremius Hazzengrav - Page 6 Inspect the smaller pile of turtle shells on the docks by Augin. A book page 50.26,1.53,28.77 Grazel 11/05/05
25785 The Storm Shepperds - Tammin Whipperwillow - Page 4 Examine nightstand inside farmhouse. A book page -765.39,-1.39,-671.02 Grazel 11/05/05
25782 The Storm Shepperds - The Calm - Page 3 Examine a rock by the path. A book page -809.45,-1.93,-695.06 Grazel 11/05/05
25783 The Storm Shepperds - The Calm - Page 7 Examine rock. A book page -781.00,0.50,-820.00 Grazel 11/05/05
43847 The Storm Shepperds-The Calm-Page 5 Ground spawn Object location 118.16,-0.88,-488.28 porsche928guy 08/07/09
43536 The Unwelcome Regents - Fill Point for Thin Glass Vial Anashti Sul Diety Quest #2; Use your Thing Glass Vial Here. Quest update location -391.95,-5.56,-31.74 Adez 07/08/09
25787 The Wall - Page 10 Examine outcropping on tree. A book page -953.24,-5.34,-667.29 Grazel 11/05/05
25786 The Wall - Page 4 Examine cart. A book page -770.06,-5.10,-956.94 Grazel 11/05/05
40699 Thicket Deer 2 to 3 Thicket Deer spawn point Monster Solo -42.35,3.23,-43.06 Veddrin 01/13/09
55242 thicket deer thicket deer spawn point Site -149.76,-0.99,-10.64 buddhaheal 11/06/11
23519 Tilly Tagglefoot <No Description> NPC -774.03,-1.40,-670.70 Ajenia 07/27/05
38962 Tinmizer's Astounding Frost Disruptor, Part B Tripod-like item for Crossing the Fanged Sea access quest. Quest update location -778.36,-1.14,-655.00 Mikejf57 11/19/08
69501 To a Time Between Times Leads to "The Chronoweave". - This portal is only available during the Chronoportal Phenomenon Live Event. Overland -470.46,-2.49,63.19 Pijotre 02/28/19
26413 To The Gigglegibber Hideout This man hole cover takes you to: - "Gigglegibber Gifty Storehouse" for the Frostfell quest 'Raiding the Gifty Storehouse'. - "Gigglegibber Hideout" for the Bristlebane deity quest 'Coin Job'. - "The Gigglegibber Hideout" for the Frostfell quest 'The Tale of the Gigglegibber Grump' Door 41.01,-30.11,117.94 ScorchingIce 12/20/05
61525 Tobel Patadash Bristlebane Prophet and Diety Quest Starter Quest starter NPC 1.37,4.48,37.36 RudgerWolvram 07/11/14
20065 Treedin Merrythorn rescue for Drafling quest NPC -1.10,3.13,-623.67 vindrus 05/15/05
60684 Tunnel entrance to Runnyeye <No Description> Cave entrance 88.17,38.55,-908.12 eisfalcon 08/26/13
70165 Turry Goldsworth Offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Pains of Herding'. Quest starter NPC 9.22,-1.50,10.08 Pijotre 03/30/19
16358 Twisted Nymphs <No Description> Monster Solo -568.00,14.00,-683.00 cross_cut 04/03/05
52827 Ulteran Spire Portal - Teleporter <No Description> Teleporter -391.06,-1.06,75.20 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
43625 Valetail Trout <No Description> Monster Solo -227.82,-5.58,-224.87 Cassiopeya 07/17/09
16767 Vanished Explorers <No Description> Monster (Replace) -120.01,-19.78,112.51 Kabilos 04/11/05
44398 Vargbend Cogwinder <Ekroosik's Replicators> NPC -377.18,7.42,105.81 igthar 09/26/09
41990 Viceclaw LVL 36^^^ Heroic Named Crab by rocks Monster Named 767.86,-17.57,-279.75 Leupold2 03/21/09
26810 Void Observer Freeport writ mob Monster (Replace) 81.00,36.00,-900.00 sekl 02/02/06
41496 Void Observers For Lore and Legend: Evil Eye Monster Solo -158.12,32.59,-1044.59 Mujahid 02/11/09
22103 void shrieker <No Description> Monster Solo -3.11,-2.08,-414.77 Rrys 07/05/05
29081 Void Shrillers Void Shriller bats for quests Silence the void shrillers and writ Screech and Scratch Go to Freeport Monster Solo -184.74,2.85,-419.19 Launcelot 09/20/06
42653 Void Watchers Void watchers for Evil Eye Lore and Legend Monster Solo -91.79,25.82,-637.83 srschenk 05/05/09
50408 Voyage Through Norrath <No Description> Bell -3.20,4.48,89.99 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33497 Warped Nymphs Needed for Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Three, 2nd Ed. Monster Solo -508.67,15.48,-769.92 Elderaamaf 11/19/07
1202 Wasps Lots of Wasps. Impaler wasps, lancer wasps, unruly impalers are on a shared spawn, weakened wasps are not part of it. Monster Solo 178.27,1.61,-102.69 Itanius 03/16/05
36013 Waterfall <No Description> Site -392.54,-5.41,-37.59 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50767 WE Drakes <No Description> Site 211.75,0.83,-72.64 flutieflakes 05/27/10
76996 Weejei Carriere From Regions Beyond NPC 284.68,4.84,-209.15 Duraselb 10/15/23
23814 Winters Deep Pier Bootstrutters Guide to Fay Shire Object location -921.00,0.30,-929.00 Amiral 08/15/05
24001 Withering Villagers & Threatening Commoners Levels 35-36 solo. Area is filled with these mobs and can be used for the quest I Hate the Hole in the Wall. Monster (Replace) 424.59,0.73,-593.28 Hindu Pete 08/24/05
17677 Wood Pile Starts Poisonous Tails quest (kill 20 feral lashers) Quest starter location 298.94,-0.08,-290.91 Taylah Triskelion 04/18/05
59522 Wooden Salvage <No Description> A quest Shiny 72.46,-1.00,21.46 Akul 01/12/13
59523 Wooden Salvage <No Description> A quest Shiny 62.49,-3.16,46.77 Akul 01/12/13
24266 Wuugu Wuugu Lvl 35^^^ Heroic named Goblin grouped with 5 Runnyeye mercenarys Monster Named 296.00,25.90,-725.10 Starwise 09/12/05
54823 Wuugu lv 35 Heroic 3^, Star Monster Named 192.22,32.54,-749.88 goldbishop 07/21/11
33141 Zhemp Whardo: Suspect Tribunal Diety Quest: True and False - First suspect Investigator Tzizzink sends you to. NPC -205.08,0.40,-347.42 Adez 11/15/07
33140 Zherran Tzizzink: Field Investigator Tribunal Diety Quest: True and False - Contact NPC -25.62,0.48,46.58 Adez 11/15/07
70124 Zruk Offers the Bristlebane Day quest 'Pot of Luck'. Quest starter NPC 56.97,-1.49,0.21 Pijotre 03/28/19
25771 Zuugu Named 36^^^ goblin and friends Monster Named 47.09,24.94,-796.57 sstair 11/05/05
28113 Zuugu Named goblin Zuugu 34^^^ that spawns at a small camp. Spawns with around 5 buddies level 32-34 Monster Named 80.36,30.32,-896.99 amazhion 05/30/06
40865 Zuugu Named Goblin Level 36^^^ Heroic Monster Named 85.43,15.33,-824.76 pircddrgn 01/21/09

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