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Moors of Ykesha - (Top) <The Shadow Odyssey>

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602 POI's in Moors of Ykesha - (Top)
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
38472 Mysterious Quellthulian merchants <<Shard Merchants>> Trades armor, jewelry, weapons, shields and charms for void shards Shop 1680.61,452.56,892.65 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38473 Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridor <No Description> Door 1033.00,116.00,-856.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38474 Ruins of Guk: Ykesha's Stronghold <No Description> Door 876.02,129.00,-895.09 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38475 Ruins of Guk: The Halls of the Fallen <No Description> Door 721.20,150.32,-924.63 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38476 Balloon Conductor The Overlook <No Description> Sokokarpost -1059.20,-104.50,-222.20 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38477 Padrock Vaultkeep <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank -18.60,-56.80,788.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38478 Katak <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank -465.60,-64.77,-1017.76 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38479 Lucrzzt <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank -467.57,-64.77,-1020.11 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38480 Lexia <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank 1839.06,452.90,793.22 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38481 Mingy Cobblepot <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank 1836.70,452.90,789.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38482 Hoppy Cogsplitter <<Fence>> Broker for player goods Shop 1789.30,452.80,770.90 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38483 Loppic Quicksell <<Broker>> Broker for player goods Shop -15.90,-56.00,794.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38484 Kull <<Broker>> Broker for player goods Shop -480.80,-64.80,-1011.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38485 goods bot 6vH <<Broker>> Broker for player goods Shop 1786.00,452.90,780.30 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38486 The Skystrider Boat to travel to Sinking Sands Boat 1919.68,452.98,1021.17 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38487 Balloon Conductor U.J.L. <No Description> Sokokarpost 1419.90,406.20,719.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38488 Balloon Conductor Tupta <No Description> Sokokarpost -36.20,-61.20,672.90 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38490 Balloon Conductor Firmroot Moot <No Description> Sokokarpost 158.90,-85.70,-418.20 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38491 Swapton Swiftfix <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor -48.80,-57.20,775.30 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38492 Feexzark <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor -467.10,-74.00,-930.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38493 Sewdark <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor -238.30,-85.20,-1000.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38494 Rikhop Valorarm <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor 104.97,-86.31,-416.49 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38495 Belfie Bentsprocket <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor 1799.50,452.60,959.70 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38496 Hopgip Goodsale <<Wholesaler>> Sells fuel for crafters Shop -38.93,-52.40,839.81 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38497 Fippit Goodsale <<Wholesaler>> Sells fuel for crafters Shop 2.73,-55.42,835.94 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38498 Valor Goodsale <<Wholesaler>> Sells fuel for crafters Shop -80.96,-54.29,816.72 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38499 Boggit Honorbound <<Weaponsmith>> Sells weapons Weapons -46.71,-56.94,769.11 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38500 Jingo Quicksew <<Tailor>> Sells cloth and leather armor Tailor 1.36,-54.48,843.99 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38501 Froppen Heavyanvil <<Shieldsmith>> Sells shields and fuel Armor -37.37,-56.24,783.76 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38502 Hopart Bigheart <<Provisioner>> Sells food, and drinks Provisioner -131.99,-44.64,664.65 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38503 Bogic Longjump <<General Goods>> Sells general items Shop -114.27,-45.66,660.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38504 Padton Longsip <<Provisioner>> Sells food, and drinks Provisioner -118.49,-44.19,673.63 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38505 Dihop Strongarm <<Bowyer>> Sells range weapons and ammunition Ammunition -47.40,-56.18,784.65 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38506 Flippit Valorcraft <<Armorsmith>> Sells chain armor, plate armor, and fuel Armor -42.91,-56.72,770.10 +Daybreak+ 12/01/22
38507 Roakoak Flipperwill <<Tupta Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Tupta faction Shop -23.56,-55.31,795.57 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38508 Thomryp <<Wholesaler>> Sells fuel for crafters Shop -374.72,-65.05,-1021.35 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38509 Pazzt <<Weaponsmith>> Sells weapons Weapons -258.34,-85.40,-1000.47 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38510 Gudsteech <<Tailor>> Sells cloth and leather armor Tailor -478.21,-73.98,-920.96 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38511 Nontz <<Shieldsmith>> Sells shields and fuel Armor -270.67,-85.90,-1003.15 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38512 Fuds <<Provisioner>> Sells food, and drinks Provisioner -314.52,-85.21,-1006.11 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38513 Potabak <<Provisioner>> Sells food, and drinks Provisioner -377.77,-65.05,-1023.53 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38514 Ziczak <<Bowyer>> Sells range weapons and ammunition Ammunition -377.80,-65.05,-1003.28 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38515 Lentak <<Bartender>> Sells alcoholic drinks and fuel Tavern -304.36,-77.35,-839.52 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38516 Patguk <<Armorsmith>> Sells chain armor, plate armor, and fuel Armor -251.45,-85.40,-1011.17 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38517 Lizz <<Grobb Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Grobb faction Shop -464.78,-64.77,-1005.46 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38518 Fribbit Longpaddle <<Survival Accord Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with survival accord faction Shop 128.91,-88.93,-476.25 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38519 Tandy Sprinklecog <<Tailor>> Sells cloth and leather armor Tailor 1782.90,452.60,942.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38520 Edna Wingrocket <<Fuel Merchant>> Sells fuel for crafters Shop 1844.98,453.02,843.75 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38521 Obidiah Punwicket <<Food Engineer>> Sells food, and drinks Provisioner 1675.86,452.56,931.72 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38522 Hukhuk <<General Goods>> Sells general items Shop -412.60,-84.00,-954.50 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38523 Bart <<General Goods>> Sells general items Shop 120.23,-86.16,-418.36 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38524 Gudfix <<Bowyer>> Sells range weapons and ammunition Ammunition 122.57,-86.15,-420.12 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38525 Torbil Wagglewrench <<Weapons Worker>> Sells ammunition Ammunition 1679.38,452.56,800.61 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38526 Poppy Sprockbock <<Munitions Twinker>> Sells ammunition Ammunition 1682.60,452.56,798.13 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38527 U.J.L. 1.0 <No Description> Site 1427.20,406.20,855.50 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38528 Tupta <No Description> Outpost -116.85,-44.40,746.30 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38529 Ykesha's Spine <No Description> Site 194.70,-105.20,-105.50 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38530 Obelisk of Ahkzul <No Description> Door 966.79,515.09,1851.26 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38531 Upper Shade Monument <No Description> Site 978.10,513.10,1812.26 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38532 The Lolly Cog <No Description> Site 1667.43,452.56,921.63 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38533 Dropship Landing Zone <No Description> Site 1850.41,452.56,897.65 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38534 Entrance to Guk Needed for the quest 'Bogstrutter's Field Guide to the Moors of Ykesha' Site 723.79,146.81,-859.31 +Daybreak+ 09/16/10
38535 Grobb <No Description> Outpost -235.45,-82.21,-906.37 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38536 Firmroot Moot <No Description> Outpost 127.11,-87.48,-440.43 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38537 Brokenskull Loft <No Description> Site 490.08,45.62,1188.78 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38538 The Anchor of Bazzul <No Description> Door -215.65,-51.71,147.95 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38539 Lower Shade Monument Also - Another curious abberation in the swamp area - for Bogstrutter's Field Guide to the Moors of Ykesha Quest Site -208.90,-52.76,131.84 +Daybreak+ 11/14/12
38748 Balloon Conductor Boarfiend Caves <No Description> Sokokarpost 666.86,350.61,245.31 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38800 Kali Hodpodge Quest giver Quest starter NPC 1862.02,453.27,950.94 brunoer 11/18/08
38803 cpt Wavesmasher named mob, when he dies 2 shadowy remenint pop Monster Heroic -1.00,760.00,-968.00 wrenchin 11/18/08
38804 missing part <No Description> Quest update location 1321.74,43.16,1057.27 Damanin 11/18/08
38805 Lore and Legend: Boarfiend click the fire pile to harvest the book The Least of Brell's Creatures Quest starter location 1586.46,456.25,10.58 Rybay 11/18/08
38806 South Signal Beacon Foundation South beacon foundation for the quest Missing Crew... and Ship Parts Quest update location 993.00,386.35,1019.00 Delaghar 11/18/08
38807 East Signal Beacon foundation East foundation for the quest Missing Crew... and Ship Parts Quest update location 1207.25,404.43,769.00 Delaghar 11/18/08
38809 West Signal Beacon foundation West foundation for the quest Missing Crew... and Ship Parts Quest update location 1367.00,408.00,806.20 Delaghar 11/18/08
38810 Ore for A cannon to Sail By multi locals in vacinity Object location 1328.00,408.00,832.00 Dragonryder 11/18/08
38811 Sweeper Bot for A Cannon to Sail By <No Description> Object location 1361.00,407.00,762.00 Dragonryder 11/18/08
38814 Shaman Zaz'i'zaz Update for Hail, Fair Reptiles Quest update location 1149.00,392.00,866.00 Dragonryder 11/18/08
38817 Tunnel Entrance to U.J.L 1.0 Tunnel between U.J.L. 1.0 Ykesha's Spine Cave entrance 788.00,344.00,280.00 Dragonryder 11/18/08
38819 Tunnel to Ykesha's Spine Tunnel entrance, between U.J.L. 1.0 Ykesha's Spine Cave entrance 1102.00,434.00,575.00 Dragonryder 11/18/08
38820 North Signal Beacon foundation North foundation for the quest Missing Crew... and Ship Parts Quest update location 1223.75,424.09,589.26 Turzen 11/18/08
38824 Cannon Use to get to other areas of the zone Transport 1563.71,453.70,817.75 jukka101 11/18/08
38826 Moors of Ykesha Spires Moors of Ykesha Spires Teleporter 1772.70,453.23,734.91 roy33pdx 11/18/08
38831 Caretaker Murgox Named NPC, Caretaker Murgox Monster Named 556.09,107.91,407.51 Vertigasen 11/18/08
38834 Mechanical Piece Missing Part for the Trail to the Past Heritage Quest Quest update location 1176.00,393.00,818.00 Yawgmouth 11/18/08
38835 Missing Parts Missing Parts for Trail to the Past haritage Quest Object location 1207.00,413.00,670.00 Yawgmouth 11/18/08
38838 Missing Part Missing Parts for the Trail to the Past Heritage Quest Object location 1288.37,410.00,677.00 Yawgmouth 11/18/08
38839 Missing Part Missing Part for the Trail to the Past Heritage Quest Object location 1382.50,410.00,659.00 Yawgmouth 11/18/08
38840 pile of discarded tags Quest: To Be Tagged, or Not To Be Tagged Quest update location 375.89,93.46,651.50 Miztyx 11/18/08
38841 Missing Part Missing Part for the Trail to the Past Heritage Quest Object location 1408.00,406.00,666.00 Yawgmouth 11/18/08
38845 Zi'za'zir Thalz'Iz'zir blacksmith for Purchasing Metal quest. Quest update location 1323.80,431.03,920.00 Pumbba 11/18/08
38849 Gabblin Bittlegrip Heritage quest starter Quest starter NPC 1655.00,452.00,876.00 kmarker 11/18/08
38851 berries 2 baskets for quest there are 2 baskets of berries here for the quest berry good sir Quest update location -36.83,-55.87,790.93 lisa9126 11/18/08
38854 Mechanical Piece Odd mechanical piece for 'Trail to the past' Quest update location 1467.00,437.00,558.00 bugsbunny2000 11/18/08
38856 Mechanical piece Odd Mechanical piece for 'Trail to the Past' Quest update location 1460.00,409.00,641.00 bugsbunny2000 11/18/08
38858 Go Bot z650i for The Signal Update for The Signal Quest update location 864.00,343.00,291.00 Dragonryder 11/18/08
38860 Garbage Stinky Suit Quest Garbage Stink Suit Quest Quest update location 1357.17,455.97,-233.31 wlverine 11/19/08
38865 Denmother Yugguh Level 77^ named boarfiend Monster Named 1390.00,455.95,-275.40 Ghostwall 11/19/08
38872 Entrance to Boardfiend Caves This leads back into the caverns of the boarfiends for piglets and Denmother Cave entrance 1347.95,455.75,422.46 mjones1052 11/19/08
38874 Aloe for Rummaging for Salve Harvest plants here for Rummaging with Salve quest Quest update location 1308.00,407.00,719.00 Ddrak 11/19/08
38881 Far Seas Express Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox -290.00,-78.00,-875.00 Memlock 11/19/08
38896 Snappyjaw 78^ Named Gator Monster Named 140.00,0.00,-248.50 Saroo 11/19/08
38898 Liaison Alden For Ship Out quest NPC -1119.71,-106.16,-272.08 Timon 11/19/08
38899 Hazmek Skullsoup Provisioner Provisioner -1113.95,-106.16,-268.87 Timon 11/19/08
38900 Chieftain Puggot Quest NPC - A Nuknok Delicacy NPC 1635.00,457.00,24.00 Tazron 11/19/08
38901 Dirby Sprocklit Quest starter Quest starter NPC 1706.25,452.56,900.85 mjones1052 11/19/08
38903 Petty Officer Zugtaz <No Description> NPC 1359.97,450.98,537.43 mjones1052 11/19/08
38904 Guggh <No Description> NPC 1359.97,450.98,537.43 mjones1052 11/19/08
38905 Brokenskull Handlers <No Description> Monster Solo 1363.79,450.98,575.01 mjones1052 11/19/08
38907 Nuknok piglets Nuknok Piglets for Sow the Seed of Destiny. level 73VV Monster Solo 1369.00,455.00,-261.00 Ghostwall 11/19/08
38908 Uncut Gems Gnomish Keepsakes quest. Uncut gems around these rocks. Quest update location 1272.00,409.00,796.00 Leandrum 11/19/08
38909 Plate of Rats A Plate of Rats for Nuknok Delicacy Quest update location 1396.70,455.45,-336.59 mjones1052 11/19/08
38910 Bugluk For Cultural Differences quest. Level 77 ^^ heroic Quest update NPC 1578.51,456.26,-3.46 mjones1052 11/19/08
38912 Rat plate clicky A Nuknok Delicacey Update Object location 1394.87,455.45,-335.70 Sahkeo 11/19/08
38915 Aloe Leaves rummaging for salve, aloe leaves Quest update location 1290.67,406.41,690.73 Mindo 11/19/08
38917 Beltza Gizzardslurper For Swabber the Deck - Beltza Gizzardslurper Monster Named 58.67,-71.50,-524.08 Dane Smith 11/19/08
38919 fallen cypress part of a quest fallen log at this loc Quest update location 12.18,-85.94,-521.25 videomaji 11/19/08
38923 Boat wreckage Wood/metal for deep sea diving quest Quest update location -1.00,462.09,-1.00 davl rannos 11/19/08
38925 Captain Reezz Beablood 78^^^ Monster Named 862.00,0.00,970.00 Saroo 11/19/08
38927 Berry Basket Berry basket for quest Berry Good, Sir Quest update location -121.82,-45.22,683.83 Eldooberino 11/19/08
38928 Berry Basket Berry Basket for quest Berry Good, sir Quest update location -133.42,-44.37,676.92 Eldooberino 11/19/08
38933 Refuse Heap From A dirty Job Object location 522.45,15.82,-52.98 Vrain 11/19/08
38935 Thalz'Iz'Zaz mystics and wardens. Thalz'Iz'Zaz mystics, wardens, monks, rangers for Rummaging for Salve quest, in The Moors of Ykesha. Monster Solo 1091.51,392.52,896.34 Eliana 11/19/08
38936 Refuse Heap A Dirty Job Object location 439.22,-38.44,-152.80 Vrain 11/19/08
38943 Missing Parts Missing Parts for Trail to the Past Heritage Quest Object location 1303.98,838.89,586.85 Elsheyin 11/19/08
38944 Dirty Job Refuse Refuse from Thullosian camps for a Dirty Job Quest update location 521.00,16.76,-43.57 medicup 11/19/08
38945 Dirty Job Update Refuse update point for a dirty job quest Quest update location 479.66,16.65,-12.25 medicup 11/19/08
38948 uncut gem Harvestable node for Gnomish Keepsakes Quest update location 1260.61,436.94,1028.27 groxnal 11/19/08
38950 Gnomish Keepsakes Gem for Gnomish Keepsakes quest Quest update location 1332.70,431.03,936.34 vithdos1 11/19/08
38952 Uncut Gem <No Description> Quest update location 1232.00,405.00,917.00 hroman21 11/19/08
38953 Uncut Gem <No Description> Quest update location 1243.00,410.00,927.00 hroman21 11/19/08
38959 Crafting Writ Givers (Rush and Normal) <No Description> Quest starter NPC 1856.00,452.00,847.00 hroman21 11/19/08
38977 Petty Officer Kimtiz <No Description> Quest starter NPC 919.00,28.00,832.00 FireStorm187 11/20/08
38978 Scabby Gabby Title: Deckhand Quest starter NPC 769.00,71.00,753.00 FireStorm187 11/20/08
38979 Grak Liversplat Title Swabber Quest starter NPC 1059.00,123.00,703.00 FireStorm187 11/20/08
38980 Kilip the green NPC needed for updating Who Dun It? Quest update NPC 19.00,-77.00,-264.00 FireStorm187 11/20/08
38982 Yurip Honorbound Swabber the Deck Quest update location 74.00,-91.00,-484.00 FireStorm187 11/20/08
38983 Liliadod Cogspinner <No Description> NPC 1731.55,472.70,934.61 Amiras 11/20/08
38992 The Incredible Lumberer <No Description> Monster Named 539.61,16.73,128.06 MoonDrake 11/20/08
38993 Brokenskull officers Brokenskull officers spawn here and all along the path to the south for The Missing Link quest. Monster Solo 978.02,386.00,1052.31 Eliana 11/20/08
38997 Gip's Body For quest Where has Gip Gone Quest update location 807.04,162.88,-684.48 kvnbratcher 11/20/08
38998 berry basket Berry basket for the quest Berry Goood, Sir Object location -98.41,-43.49,731.09 Elyana 11/20/08
39007 The Warlord 79^, AAxp, no chest drop...quest Monster Named 167.00,-81.00,-938.00 Soulsdesire 11/20/08
39009 Egg for quest: The Egg Harvest <No Description> Quest update location -185.00,-86.00,-286.00 Lindar 11/20/08
39010 Egg for Quest: The Egg Harvest <No Description> Quest update location 304.00,-88.00,-353.00 Lindar 11/20/08
39013 Canopy Drifters Flying snakes for the quest Carried away in the wind Monster Solo 1773.35,442.86,998.65 Dramico 11/20/08
39017 The Lolly Cog Discovery Site 1674.74,452.56,917.86 Lvstigers 11/20/08
39018 Ember Tizzlespring Quest giver to assist in the building of the return cannon. Quest starter NPC 1738.44,451.14,856.71 Lvstigers 11/20/08
39022 City Writs Good Three quest givers for good-aligned city writs in Moors Quest starter NPC 1581.18,452.22,880.51 blainenstewy 11/20/08
39024 Boarfiends (Nuknok pounders and gorers) Boarfiends (Nuknoks) in this general area, leading to the Nuknok tunnel and cavern. Monster Solo 1345.19,454.28,431.79 Eliana 11/20/08
39025 Druid Ring <No Description> Zone 1757.60,447.37,982.03 blainenstewy 11/20/08
39026 Quartermaster Stumps Named NPC for Retrieving the Artifact quest Monster Named 871.70,510.61,1834.52 gray808 11/20/08
39027 Broker Broker and Fence NPC 1786.01,452.75,774.35 blainenstewy 11/20/08
39028 Fang of Snaptail Under the waterfall, a small pile of dirt under the water. Quest update location 731.61,120.85,252.84 Erithe 11/20/08
39041 Third diseased tree For quest A Curious Sort of Patient Quest update location -137.00,-85.00,-221.00 Soulsdesire 11/20/08
39044 Second diseased tree For quest A Curious Sort of Patient Also for quest Clinical Trials for Trees Quest update location 62.00,-78.00,107.00 Soulsdesire 11/20/08
39046 Mug Updates a quest. Gives a quest too. Quest update NPC 162.56,-90.00,-463.36 Daggan 11/20/08
39047 Fourth diseased tree For quest A Curious Sort of Patient Quest update location 225.00,-85.00,-567.00 Soulsdesire 11/20/08
39053 Wayth Bitsnbobs Quest starter for the quests 'Hail, Fair Reptiles' and 'Rummaging for Salve'. Quest starter NPC 1695.22,452.56,800.02 Sir Dukester 11/20/08
39058 Grokkluz, Biggest gator in swamp Update for Sharp of tooth, Long of tail quest Quest update location -31.00,-88.00,-441.00 lordnightling 11/20/08
39061 Moon Rock Moon rock update for Shards of Luclin Quest Quest update location -726.57,-944.24,-183.34 Sarlac 11/20/08
39062 Tillage Moon Rock Moon Rock for Shards of Luclin Quest Quest update location -708.05,-943.66,-308.38 Sarlac 11/20/08
39063 Floppik's grave Place toothwort flowers for the quest Fallen But Not Forgotten Quest update location 207.47,-85.52,-774.70 Chronus 11/20/08
39064 uncut gem node Gnomish Keepsakes quest Quest update location 1280.43,407.37,815.05 Corpsegoddess 11/20/08
39069 Grunty Series starts with Over the Hills and Far Away Quest starter NPC -285.08,-77.34,-850.52 FlorenceSopher 11/20/08
39070 Yazz Guttswig Grobb Daily Alligator Tasks Mission Group Quest starter NPC -380.12,-82.65,-814.03 FlorenceSopher 11/20/08
39072 Belinza Skullsoup Grobb Daily Food Tasks Mission Group Quest starter NPC -466.33,-73.98,-924.79 FlorenceSopher 11/20/08
39075 Broken Axe Head Quest item and Quest Given Quest update location 824.19,162.77,-677.99 Vrain 11/20/08
39076 Shreds of Cloth Quest update and Quest given Quest update location 812.32,162.90,-688.96 Vrain 11/20/08
39077 Ruin Crawler For Putting a Spin on the Matter Quest Monster Solo 1118.00,393.00,799.00 hroman21 11/20/08
39079 Mountain Craawler For Putting a Spin on the Matter Monster Solo 931.00,381.00,914.00 hroman21 11/20/08
39082 EGG for The Egg Harvest <No Description> Quest update location 153.00,-86.90,-343.20 Proz 11/21/08
39086 Wooden Target Wooden Target needed for Ramble On Quest Quest update location -338.00,-78.34,-865.22 mjones1052 11/21/08
39088 Rope Rope for Ramble On Quest update location -403.24,-83.70,-805.67 mjones1052 11/21/08
39089 Hammer Hammer for Ramble On Quest update location -250.17,-85.40,-988.75 mjones1052 11/21/08
39090 Golden Jug Golden Jug for Ramble On Quest update location -368.68,-65.05,-1022.27 mjones1052 11/21/08
39091 Piece of Lead Piece of Lead for Ramble On Quest update location -283.25,-77.34,-854.74 mjones1052 11/21/08
39092 Egg - for The Egg Harvest quest <No Description> Quest update location 276.17,-87.82,-548.25 Proz 11/21/08
39094 General Grommut Stomp 79^^ 1150, 392, 865 Monster Named 532.02,150.00,163.96 Mystara0001 11/21/08
39104 Letters from Dropship Accordance Assistance - Letters from Home - Dropship update Object location 1790.03,453.08,799.83 Faeth 11/21/08
39106 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox 1791.15,452.56,795.40 Faeth 11/21/08
39112 Crafting area Crafting tables available for tradeskill. Woodworking table currently not available. Tradeskill 1857.00,452.00,841.00 nrumba 11/21/08
39116 Nesbit Quest giver Quest starter NPC 1396.28,406.31,768.20 substance 11/21/08
39119 Uncut Gem Uncut Gem location for Gnomish Keepsakes Quest update location 1038.69,391.00,995.86 vithdos1 11/21/08
39121 Uncut Gem Uncut Gem loc for Gnomish Keepsakes Quest update location 1123.91,395.82,1040.40 vithdos1 11/21/08
39123 Uncut Gem Uncut Gem loc for Gnomish Keepsakes Quest update location 1214.05,412.98,990.58 vithdos1 11/21/08
39124 Uncut Gem Uncut Gem loc for Gnomish Keepsake Quest update location 1130.41,395.67,1006.41 vithdos1 11/21/08
39126 Wik Wik - Update for Homage on Ancestral Grounds - spirit on the path to Grobb Quest update NPC -159.00,-82.52,-530.88 xerxia 11/21/08
39129 Thullosian grinder Groups of 1-3 level 78-79v ogres. - Needed for 'Academy of Arcane Science: Thullosian Grinders' and the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 394.55,80.87,366.73 hroman21 11/21/08
39130 Artifact Artifact For Ruined Within The Ruin Quest Quest update location 545.00,15.56,-159.33 1Sakura1 11/21/08
39132 Artifact Artifact - Ruined Within The Ruins Quest update location 499.00,16.00,-58.00 1Sakura1 11/21/08
39133 Artifact Artifact - Ruined Within The Ruins Quest update location 569.00,16.00,60.00 1Sakura1 11/21/08
39134 Refuse Heap Refuse Heap - A Dirty Job Quest update location 541.00,16.83,108.14 1Sakura1 11/21/08
39135 Artifact Artifact - Ruined Within The Ruins Quest update location 528.15,16.05,90.15 1Sakura1 11/21/08
39137 secret zone for HQ The Book of Thex <No Description> Door -515.34,-90.63,-674.79 bmvose 11/21/08
39139 missing part missing part location Quest update location 1358.00,412.00,646.00 Turgis 11/21/08
39147 Head Groomer Marrithex Required for Soko-What Quest NPC 452.40,41.46,1199.39 Callidus9 11/21/08
39149 Refuse Pile of Refuse for A Dirty Job Quest Quest update location 408.45,43.94,275.88 Prexous 11/21/08
39151 Pile of Refuse Pile of Refuse for A Dirty Job Quest Object location 796.23,124.89,123.80 Prexous 11/21/08
39161 bottle of gnomish grease for Accord Assistance - Swamp Foot Lotion Quest update location 1846.56,453.98,869.40 Xamtilly 11/22/08
39162 Tiki For the Homage on Ancestral Grounds quest Quest update NPC -92.86,-91.81,442.65 TraxZ 11/22/08
39165 Artifact Artifact for Ruined with Ruins Quest update location 444.53,43.50,228.50 Zzeedd 11/22/08
39170 Brokenskull Caves Entrance <No Description> Cave entrance 385.00,70.00,875.00 Phlix 11/22/08
39173 Blood Gorger For An Essential Repair Quest - they are all over the swamp. Monster Solo 157.00,-85.00,-605.00 hroman21 11/22/08
39174 Swamp Crystal Swamp Crystal for An Essential Repair Quest update location -13.00,-77.00,-256.00 hroman21 11/22/08
39177 Refuse heap Refuse heap for A Dirty Job Quest Quest update location 624.00,18.00,-205.00 Yawgmouth 11/22/08
39179 Swamp Crystal One of the Crystals for An Essential Repair, For Real This Time Quest update location -146.81,-85.11,-222.29 Kantaris 11/22/08
39181 Urp Blightblade Offers quest Quest starter NPC -42.19,-62.49,620.70 cincyspider 11/22/08
39187 Alligator Egg Alligator Egg, for quest Gator Care Quest update location -490.39,-91.84,9.58 radicate 11/22/08
39200 Nurtza Skullcrusher <No Description> Quest starter NPC -162.86,-82.88,-914.39 Amiras 11/22/08
39204 Captain Cogglespot for quest Assistance for Firmroot NPC 81.00,-88.00,-439.00 jazzaxe 11/23/08
39214 Node for Gnomish keepsakes <No Description> Quest update location 1168.00,400.99,764.98 lilithmoonstar1 11/23/08
39215 Uncut Gem Node Node Update for Gnomish Keepsake Quest update location 1147.35,399.20,765.86 lilithmoonstar1 11/23/08
39219 Grackz NPC For the quest Trollish Delicacies - Swamp Reeds Quest starter NPC -467.72,-73.98,-924.97 thebalance 11/23/08
39221 Egg Loc Egg location for The Egg Harvest quest. Quest update location 237.28,-87.09,-607.17 Conjureous 11/23/08
39224 Egg Loc Another egg location for The Egg Harvest quest. Quest update location 274.75,-87.51,-549.73 Conjureous 11/23/08
39225 Egg Loc Another egg loc for The Egg Harvest quest. Quest update location -42.98,-94.42,127.04 Conjureous 11/23/08
39226 Egg Loc Another egg loc for The Egg Harvest quest. Quest update location -118.46,-94.24,35.98 Conjureous 11/23/08
39231 Zul Zul - ancestral spirit for Homage on Ancestral Ground Quest update location 311.00,-92.50,-219.80 Staghorn 11/23/08
39235 Ruin Crawler For Putting a Spin on the Matter, and Fangs for the Assistance Quests Monster Solo 1025.56,392.52,935.21 Solothurn 11/23/08
39240 PvP Writs This merchant gives PvP Writs (PVP server only) Quest starter NPC 1694.36,452.56,932.10 microbolt 11/23/08
39242 ykeshan soft coal Clickeable item update for Communication Breakdown Quest. Quest update location 312.00,75.00,416.00 Solothurn 11/23/08
39244 ykeshan soft coal Clickeable item update for Communication Breakdown Quest. Quest update location 334.00,83.00,440.00 Solothurn 11/23/08
39245 ykeshan soft coal Clickeable item update for Communication Breakdown Quest. Quest update location 313.00,35.00,313.00 Solothurn 11/23/08
39246 ykeshan soft coal Clickeable item update for Communication Breakdown Quest. Quest update location 251.00,21.00,317.00 Solothurn 11/23/08
39247 ykeshan soft coal Clickeable item update for Communication Breakdown Quest. Quest update location 198.00,-17.00,253.00 Solothurn 11/23/08
39248 Beginning of path that leads to Brokenskull Loft Head South down this path starting here on your way to the Brokenskull Loft. Site 375.31,85.68,509.82 Solothurn 11/23/08
39249 Mummy and Poppy Lip Marrsquires parents. Mummy and Poppy Marrsquire Quest update location -146.82,-43.52,776.71 Kyrwulf 11/23/08
39250 Toothwort for Wik Toothwort for Wik for 'Fallen But Not Forgotten' quest Quest update location -55.55,-92.03,-99.91 blainenstewy 11/23/08
39251 Mechanical Piece An odd mechanical piece for the Trail to the Past quest. Quest update location 1234.40,423.51,612.59 AndonSage 11/23/08
39252 Mechanical Piece An odd mechanical piece for the Trail to the Past quest. Next to the rock wall, hard to see. Quest update location 1294.06,439.00,1048.37 AndonSage 11/23/08
39260 Aymee Quickspoke Far Seas Trading Representative, Gives Ship Out quest Quest starter NPC 1868.64,452.56,845.34 pookadook 11/23/08
39267 Berries berries for Berry Good, Sir Object location -34.72,-55.53,789.05 silverhand65 11/24/08
39271 Nesbit Quest NPC NPC 1397.80,406.21,765.66 Demonsfear 11/24/08
39273 Mog not really deep or Murky Quest starter location 132.57,0.00,-500.68 Veddrin 11/24/08
39285 Extra metal Search weapons rack next to Grunty for extra metal update Quest update location -281.00,-77.00,-853.00 greyhunt 11/24/08
39286 Extra Wood Extra Wood update for Ramble On. Search Pile of wood Quest update location -340.00,-77.00,-864.00 greyhunt 11/24/08
39290 Mildred Repair Bot Can repair your gear after you do Mildred's quest All Systems... Down (77) NPC 1401.00,406.00,759.00 AndonSage 11/25/08
39299 Artifact Artifact for the quest Ruined within the Ruins. Quest update location 554.09,105.45,204.67 AndonSage 11/25/08
39306 Special froglok tweaking tools Clicky on the ground for The Mysteries of Tik-Tok Quest update location -72.64,-52.77,813.45 faste70 11/25/08
39308 Ragheejb Yasir Gives the daily double instance mission for two Void Shards and 1 platinum Quest starter NPC 1733.25,451.14,886.44 Seesial 11/25/08
39320 Alligator Eggs Eggs for quest The Egg Harvest Object location -271.30,-90.46,-115.50 Fliss 11/25/08
39323 Professor Fondfate Update for Shadow Odyssey Chapter 3 Veilbreaker Down. When you arrive, 2 level 80^^ mobs spawn and attack NPC 365.00,20.00,148.00 kaverguy 11/25/08
39325 Swamp Crystal A swamp crystal for the quest An Essential Repair, For Real This Time Quest update location -181.86,-85.67,-140.88 AndonSage 11/26/08
39336 slimy slugs Goodies for Grobb harvest for goo Quest update location -316.00,-72.00,-1060.00 raven2002 11/26/08
39346 Cannon to Dropship zone click on cannon to be shot to Dropship. Transport 1406.00,406.60,692.07 lomonacov 11/26/08
39347 Refuse For Quest A Dirty Job Quest update location 729.41,1160.00,41.08 kulak 11/26/08
39370 The Bog of Eternal Stench You will receive the message, This patch of swamp smells foul. So foul, in fact, you feel as though you may smell bad eternally. You will receive poison that makes attacking impossible for 30 seconds. References the film Labyrinth. Site -123.03,-88.18,-316.54 Melfius 11/27/08
39382 Fip Marrsquire Quest for: Suspiciously Sokokar-ish Level 79, located in Firmroot Moot Quest starter NPC 111.53,-88.84,-498.73 Zanu 11/27/08
39383 Lip Marrsquire Quest Starter NPC for: Where Has the Gip Gone Level 79 quest, in Firmroot Moot. Quest starter NPC 110.43,-88.81,-500.40 Zanu 11/27/08
39386 Linguobot Quest Giver located in U.J.L., it issues Language quests. Quest starter NPC 1380.00,406.66,748.07 Zanu 11/27/08
39391 Mechanical Piece Missing part for the Trail to the Past Heritage Quest Quest update location 1227.49,421.16,1009.17 zoebmooch 11/27/08
39404 Captain Cogglespot For Quest Firmroot Moot Meet Quest update NPC 84.35,-88.60,-440.18 atcsandra 11/27/08
39405 The Great Morsley For Quest Firmroot Moot Meet Quest update NPC 69.80,-86.20,-436.30 atcsandra 11/27/08
39407 Mummy Poppy Marrsquire needed for quest: Mummy Poppy Marrsquire Quest update NPC -152.00,-42.00,777.00 jazzaxe 11/27/08
39409 Clay and Shellfish Freash Clay and Ykeshan Shellfish, ingredients for the Working Hard for Tupta quests Object location -133.18,-91.82,587.39 Ghostwall 11/27/08
39417 Ward Glanral <No Description> NPC -54.14,-79.10,471.28 jnils 11/28/08
39429 Soft Coal Soft coal for Communication Breakdown Quest update location 316.70,36.63,311.15 Tarvos{k} 11/28/08
39430 Soft Coal Soft Coal for Communication Breakdown Quest update location 107.25,-53.12,294.84 Tarvos{k} 11/28/08
39447 Residency of Ykesha <No Description> Site -1.02,93.00,-1.04 shedai 11/29/08
39460 Swamp Crystal A swamp crystal for An essential Repair, for real this Time Quest Quest update location -101.89,-78.02,-139.68 Sirdragonlord 11/29/08
39461 Swamp Crystal A swamp crystal for An essential Repair, for real this Time Quest Quest update location 38.35,-88.53,-198.60 Sirdragonlord 11/29/08
39475 Mailbox Mailbox Mailbox -290.62,-78.40,-875.37 Asor 11/29/08
39483 Merza Valorarm Quest NPC Quest starter NPC -34.00,-55.00,791.00 Vems 11/29/08
39489 artifact artifact for Ruined within the Ruins Quest update location 574.56,19.68,-92.25 argyle 11/29/08
39490 pile of refuse for 'A Dirty Job' Quest update location 688.24,105.61,-30.97 argyle 11/29/08
39491 artifact for 'Ruined within the Ruins' Quest update location 452.37,27.11,138.96 argyle 11/29/08
39493 artifact for 'Ruined within the Ruins' Quest update location 503.50,105.36,257.71 argyle 11/29/08
39497 Toothwart Toothwart for Wik Quest update location -110.89,-94.69,-7.10 Sirdragonlord 11/29/08
39498 Toothwart Toothwart for Wik Quest update location -205.14,-94.28,2.05 Sirdragonlord 11/29/08
39499 Toothwart Toothwart for Wik Quest update location -61.95,-94.54,7.64 Sirdragonlord 11/29/08
39500 Toothwart Toothwart for Wik Quest update location 4.50,-94.67,2.03 Sirdragonlord 11/29/08
39501 Toothwart Toothwart for Wik Quest update location 67.29,-94.54,-60.66 Sirdragonlord 11/29/08
39507 extra metal extra metal for Ramble On quest Object location -281.69,-77.35,-861.07 blainenstewy 11/30/08
39510 Sipbip <No Description> NPC -161.02,-14.64,820.16 jnils 11/30/08
39511 Egg for: The Egg Harvest Another Loc for harvested eggs. Quest update location 325.05,-87.23,-484.90 AlaynArriola 11/30/08
39530 Varick Stoutheart Tupta NPC for Ship Out Quest NPC -6.54,-54.56,838.50 Merrier 11/30/08
39614 Egg Egg for The Egg Harvest Object location -119.51,-94.56,34.93 CrankeBoy 12/02/08
39615 Egg Egg for The Egg Harvest Quest update location -221.35,-92.29,-20.30 CrankeBoy 12/02/08
39616 Pungent herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp foot lotion Quest update location 111.47,-87.31,-386.06 Willard1975 12/02/08
39618 Pungent herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp foot lotion Quest update location 105.27,-86.41,-547.33 Willard1975 12/02/08
39620 Pungent herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp foot lotion Quest update location -9.21,-85.47,-475.78 Willard1975 12/02/08
39621 Pungent herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp foot lotion Quest update location 6.22,-87.74,-476.80 Willard1975 12/02/08
39623 Fauna Stalker for an Essential repair quest Monster Solo 224.52,-85.49,-296.41 bnjmnlrd 12/02/08
39636 The Shadow Odyssey Armorer Class Armor Fabled Set Merchant Shop 1801.85,452.56,971.21 Faraday 12/03/08
39637 Monkey Quest mob for Tonal Reciprocance Quest update NPC 253.15,-82.66,-638.82 Rhys1977 12/03/08
39654 Sandstone rock Sandstone rock for swabber the deck - stock the loft Quest update location 114.77,-72.43,207.44 baffa 12/03/08
39655 Sandstone rock For Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -3.82,-86.26,208.05 baffa 12/03/08
39656 swamp mud swamp mud for swabber the deck - stock the loft Quest update location 59.76,-93.60,-145.52 baffa 12/03/08
39680 Chieftain Irtzit Bloodweaver For quest Officer Training - Chieftain Irtzit Bloodweaver Quest update NPC -344.61,-75.67,-883.75 jnils 12/04/08
39686 Sir Vipwi Marrswatch For quest Officer Training - Sir Vipwi Marrswatch Quest update NPC -108.53,-44.35,734.26 jnils 12/04/08
39723 Dropship Landing Mail Depot Click on box to collect letters for Accord Assistance- Letters From Home quest. Quest update location 1789.86,453.21,798.94 mysterymaiden 12/04/08
39725 Tupta Mail Depot Click on the Tupta Mail Depot box for Accord Assistance - Letters From Home quest. Quest update location -135.74,-41.74,769.27 mysterymaiden 12/04/08
39735 Froglok treasure Froglok tresure for Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location -65.14,-84.73,-115.76 colonelmt 12/05/08
39736 Froglok treasure Froglok treasure for Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location -188.47,-86.53,-90.93 colonelmt 12/05/08
39737 Froglok treasure Froglok treasure for Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location -99.58,-82.35,-465.60 colonelmt 12/05/08
39740 Dusky Gold Fauna Stalker For the quest Communication Breakdown. 1 minute respawn timer Quest update location -192.88,-78.38,-711.97 Kodeak Da'Freak 12/06/08
39744 Swamp Mud Quest Swabber the deck - Stock the loft. Quest update location 138.06,-94.75,-283.12 lagbolt 12/06/08
39745 Swamp Mud Quest, Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location 106.75,-87.76,-298.35 lagbolt 12/06/08
39778 Dusky Gold Fauna Stalker The Duskey Gold Faunta Stalker for the quest Communication Breakdown will spawn when you get to this location. Monster Solo 323.01,50.01,348.76 Kesslerjw 12/07/08
39779 Duskey Gold Fauna Stalker The Duskey Gold fauna Stalker for the quest Communication Breakdown will spawn here. Monster Solo 99.42,-55.40,305.90 Kesslerjw 12/07/08
39800 Ykeshan froglok Needed for The Mysteries of Ykeshan Monster Solo 606.59,105.36,-477.87 jnils 12/08/08
39805 Croc egg for the quest 'Gator Care - Egg Gathering'. Quest update location 145.07,-88.83,-185.87 Sirobi 12/08/08
39810 Zubzub Far Seas Trading Company Liason for the quest Ship Out. Gives the subquest Buckle Down. Quest starter NPC -445.82,-76.25,-910.30 Crisissa 12/08/08
39815 Gator Care - Egg Gathering Harvest Spot Quest update location -81.97,-94.14,-53.33 tongo79 12/08/08
39816 Alligator Egg For quest Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location -541.64,-93.09,-20.06 tongo79 12/08/08
39817 Alligator Egg For quest Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location -262.60,-94.15,-47.44 tongo79 12/08/08
39818 Alligator Egg For quest Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location -159.77,-87.90,45.97 tongo79 12/08/08
39819 Crocodile Egg For quest 'Gator Care - Egg Gathering' Quest update location 214.06,-93.27,-16.30 tongo79 12/09/08
39820 Alligator Egg For quest Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location 338.75,-91.41,-122.18 tongo79 12/09/08
39821 Alligator Egg For quest Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location 105.03,-93.55,-239.83 tongo79 12/09/08
39822 Alligator Egg For quest Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location -192.22,-88.96,-68.37 tongo79 12/09/08
39823 Alligator Egg For quest Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location -193.20,-91.04,-55.26 tongo79 12/09/08
39858 Brokenskull Handlers Handlers found here for Soko-Flee quest Monster Solo 217.94,33.22,1002.52 Slaid99 12/10/08
39863 Vegupa Marrsheart crusader of Guk part of the Firmroot Moot Meet quest. Quest update NPC 83.48,-88.13,-436.73 mkhays 12/10/08
39864 escaped baby gator Survival Concerns quest update Quest update NPC 265.00,-85.00,-359.00 mkhays 12/10/08
39866 Swamp Spice Bush For Zubzub's munchie quest, part II Quest update location 216.05,-87.37,-397.09 mysterymaiden 12/10/08
40029 Amelia Bogstrutter She give the Quest Bogstrutter's guide to the Moors Quest starter location 1613.25,452.94,825.26 Elfrina 12/16/08
40045 egg for the egg harvest <No Description> Quest update location 238.39,-86.77,-605.95 jeline9 12/16/08
40091 Dusky Golden Fauna Stalker Have to walk near here for pop Monster Solo -52.28,-85.10,-481.86 shriba 12/18/08
40092 Dusky Gold Fauna Stalker walk near here for pop Monster Solo -115.47,-83.25,-476.12 shriba 12/18/08
40093 Dusky Gold Fauna Stalker Will pop when near here Monster Solo -190.97,-83.01,-463.33 shriba 12/18/08
40094 Dusky Gold Fauna Stalker Will pop when near here Monster Solo -187.17,-83.27,-499.35 shriba 12/18/08
40097 Gator Infestation mini-ring event 2 groups of 2 then 3 to complete Quest update location -141.30,-84.68,-848.90 shriba 12/18/08
40122 Tupta Tupta Outpost Outpost -14.75,-57.38,692.48 Zanu 12/20/08
40195 Mechanical Piece Missing parts for Trail to the Past heritage quest Quest update location 1137.50,392.60,891.40 Slippingandslid 12/24/08
40208 swamp mud swamp mud for Swabber the deck quest - Stock the Loft Quest update location 77.44,-87.69,-342.21 jake0110 12/24/08
40209 swamp mud swamp mud for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -14.63,-87.77,-314.20 jake0110 12/24/08
40210 fallen cypress fallen cypress for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -51.03,-84.70,-546.71 jake0110 12/24/08
40211 fallen cyrpess fallen cypress for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -192.39,-85.59,-260.49 jake0110 12/24/08
40212 fallen cypress fallen cypress for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -219.16,-86.18,-167.28 jake0110 12/24/08
40213 fallen cypress fallen cypress for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -242.91,-87.20,-138.39 jake0110 12/24/08
40214 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -137.65,-86.92,-36.71 jake0110 12/24/08
40215 swamp mud swmp mud for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -120.76,-94.83,2.50 jake0110 12/24/08
40216 swamp mud swamp mud for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -88.11,-94.95,-38.95 jake0110 12/24/08
40217 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -117.22,-88.06,-27.03 jake0110 12/24/08
40218 fallen cypress fallen cypress for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -70.16,-83.10,-118.31 jake0110 12/24/08
40219 fallen cypress fallen cypress for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -66.27,-81.83,-137.14 jake0110 12/24/08
40220 swamp mud swamp mud for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location 109.32,-94.20,-238.53 jake0110 12/24/08
40221 swamp mud swamp mud for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location 112.55,-94.61,-245.79 jake0110 12/24/08
40222 fallen cypress fallen cypress for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -10.01,-82.37,-384.84 jake0110 12/24/08
40223 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -97.72,-84.96,-370.89 jake0110 12/24/08
40224 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -72.55,-83.39,-234.21 jake0110 12/24/08
40225 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -52.86,-78.30,-207.12 jake0110 12/24/08
40226 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -3.24,-86.03,207.31 jake0110 12/24/08
40227 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -117.88,-87.99,-26.61 jake0110 12/24/08
40228 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -52.20,-78.13,-206.44 jake0110 12/24/08
40229 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -97.14,-84.73,-369.77 jake0110 12/24/08
40230 sandstone slab sandstone slab for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -72.96,-83.41,-234.96 jake0110 12/24/08
40234 z-bot XGO Clockwork robot for The Shadow Oddyssey, Chapter 1: Come Sail Away. Quest update location 1149.67,392.52,857.84 trigger2 12/24/08
40236 Sandstone slab Havestable quest update for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -94.31,-85.48,-371.21 zoebmooch 12/24/08
40237 Sandstone Slab Harvestable quest update for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft (random spawn location) Quest update location -21.62,-82.96,333.34 zoebmooch 12/24/08
40288 Egg for The Egg Harvest Locaton of alligator eggs for The Egg Harvest quest from the Grobbs Quest update location -222.37,-91.69,-20.35 Elric 12/26/08
40318 Pungent herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp Foot Lotion Quest update location 214.86,-87.40,-397.36 Schandlich 12/28/08
40319 Pungent herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp Foot Lotion Quest update location 245.37,-87.60,-370.18 Schandlich 12/28/08
40320 Pungent Herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp Foot Lotion Quest update location 233.36,-87.28,-366.59 Schandlich 12/28/08
40321 Pungent Herbs Pungent herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp Foot Lotion Quest update location 216.80,-87.68,-369.07 Schandlich 12/28/08
40335 Froglok Treasure Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location -186.18,-86.22,-339.94 Khazur 12/28/08
40336 Froglok Treasure Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location -101.02,-82.45,85.00 Khazur 12/28/08
40360 Scrounger Lumph 77 ^ Named Boarfiend. Also quest update for Mysteries of Tik-Tok for the scrap of metal. Monster Named 1634.24,456.26,47.15 Kennin 12/29/08
40374 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox 1798.22,452.56,929.24 jnils 12/30/08
40378 Brokenskull Plans Plans for A Higher Purpose Object location 850.20,21.08,969.55 slntnsnty 12/30/08
40380 Toothwort For fallen but not forgotten Object location -24.16,-95.50,79.24 cedricfish 12/30/08
40381 Toothwort For fallen but not forgotten Object location -19.87,-94.65,129.10 cedricfish 12/30/08
40382 Monkey fir Tonal Reciprocance quest Monkey for tonal reciprocance quest Quest update location 171.41,-85.70,-204.90 gunnakilu 12/30/08
40383 monkey for Tonal reciprocance quest Monkey for tonal reciprocance quest Quest update location 312.32,-85.05,-586.56 gunnakilu 12/30/08
40384 Monkey for Tonal reciprocance quest monkey for tonal reciprocance quest Quest update location -9.00,-77.80,-225.14 gunnakilu 12/30/08
40385 monkey for toanl reciprocance quest monkey for tonal reciprocance quest Quest update location -101.15,-88.10,-61.82 gunnakilu 12/30/08
40445 sandstone slab Quest- Swabber the deck- Stock the loft Quest update location 264.31,-67.61,79.94 sokkan 01/01/09
40446 fallen cypress Quest Swabber the deck - Stock the loft Quest update location -86.16,-85.46,-221.41 sokkan 01/01/09
40472 artifact <No Description> Quest update location 738.64,111.57,-14.00 bru 01/03/09
40474 First Diseased tree First diseased tree for quest A Curious sort of Patient Also "diseased tree closest to entrance of Tupta" for quest Clinical Trials for Trees Quest update location 127.20,-88.76,-188.02 valerhian 01/03/09
40511 The Egg Harvest Quest <No Description> Object location 369.94,-87.46,-382.48 fzt6kt 01/04/09
40537 Shaman Skullcleave quest starter Quest starter NPC 89.97,-89.73,-463.89 Penstar 01/05/09
40547 swamp reed Swamp reed for Trollish delicacies - Swamp Reeds Object location 210.33,-94.30,-20.04 slntnsnty 01/05/09
40575 Dudley Sprocklit NPC update for A Cannon to Sail By Quest update NPC 1404.62,406.16,706.31 Mermut 01/07/09
40589 Fallen Cyprus fallen cyprus for stock the loft quest Quest update location 11.90,-86.05,116.49 jake0110 01/07/09
40599 missing part For HQ Trail to the Past Object location 1305.03,431.03,960.48 Eldooberino 01/08/09
40683 Soko-Flee Brokenskull Handlers Monster Solo 470.67,37.54,1230.11 afcraiders 01/11/09
40776 Grobb Shellfish Needed ingredient for Grobb Daily tradeskill tasks Quest update location -21.31,-87.90,-500.82 sarebear 01/16/09
40777 Grobb Shellfish needed for Grobb daily tradeskill tasks Quest update location -80.33,-87.68,-434.73 sarebear 01/16/09
40778 Grobb Shellfish Needed for Grobb daily tradeskill tasks Quest update location -72.22,-88.04,-385.11 sarebear 01/16/09
40839 The Gods Must Be Crazy missing clockwork piece, Amuderya Quest update location 855.48,508.25,1531.77 XustinuS 01/19/09
40840 Swamp spice bush Swamp spice bush for Zubzub's munchies part II Quest update location 114.63,-87.47,-387.07 xndienx 01/19/09
40851 Dusky gold fauna stalker For communication breakdown quest Quest update location -101.42,-79.01,-564.79 ozbatov 01/20/09
40875 Void_touched Venom Update for Killing creatures given by Lucius Quest update location -158.27,-86.42,50.20 Elfrina 01/22/09
41067 Reedip Marrstongue Reedip Marrstongue NPC 9.31,-53.80,836.96 crawler409 01/25/09
41089 Sandstone Slab Quest: Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location 223.85,-64.91,152.25 stressfree00 01/26/09
41091 Sandstone Slab Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location 264.80,-59.15,125.57 stressfree00 01/26/09
41095 Pungent herbs <No Description> Quest update location 287.64,-84.20,-283.60 piva 01/26/09
41183 Recorderbot lwf8.6 Gives quest Tonal Reciprocance. Quest starter NPC 107.31,-88.18,-444.70 1Aliileegh 01/27/09
41244 Professor Fondate Quest update for The Shadow Odyssey chapter 1 NPC 1739.73,451.14,846.90 1Aliileegh 01/29/09
41333 Croc egg, Gator Care Croc Egg Object location -93.55,-85.63,-82.82 Khrump 02/02/09
41427 Froglok Treasure Quest update for Treasures of Tupta Quest update location -203.85,-86.28,-149.65 Garvie 02/07/09
41428 Froglok Treasure Quest update for Treasures of Tupta Quest update location -160.92,-83.53,-407.90 Garvie 02/07/09
41429 Froglok Treasure Quest update for Treasures of Tupta Quest update location 68.66,-85.84,-306.43 Garvie 02/07/09
41463 Ranger Zim'zi'ai Starts quest series Soko-flee. Quest starter NPC 1287.71,415.23,850.59 blondiebear 02/08/09
41477 Croc Egg Croc Egg for the Quest - Gator Care - Egg Gathering Quest update location 82.96,-89.22,-54.93 GVX 02/10/09
41514 uncut gem node forgnomish keepsakes Quest update location 943.41,385.61,992.18 Crzy4Krzy 02/13/09
41515 uncut gem node for gnomish keepsakes Quest update location 939.28,386.50,1013.03 Crzy4Krzy 02/13/09
41615 Mountain Crawlers, Wild Sokokar For Celestial Watch: Mountain Crawlers and Protectors of Growth: Wild Sokokar Monster Solo 1442.95,407.19,656.71 Hinabo 02/22/09
41633 Forge Useable forge for Buckle Down Tradeskill -363.29,-65.05,-1034.36 lashofh 02/22/09
41642 Weeping Toothwort Weeping Toothwort for the quest Fallen But Not Forgotten Quest update location 103.82,-87.21,-551.60 Mermut 02/23/09
41672 Thullosian grinder Groups of 1-3 level 78-79v ogres. - Needed for 'Academy of Arcane Science: Thullosian Grinders' and the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 422.40,-42.37,-150.79 truth5150 02/25/09
41708 Thullosian poker Level 79 ogre. - Needed for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 484.28,17.07,-80.55 wakela 02/28/09
41723 swamp mud swamp mud for Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft Quest update location -117.32,-94.01,341.17 Qenenya 03/01/09
41732 Mechanical piece Trail to the past Quest update location 1386.98,406.49,755.23 Exs666 03/02/09
41765 froglok treasures Treasures of Tupta - Brokenskull Raid Quest update location 420.87,71.19,863.96 tongo79 03/05/09
41795 pirdy <No Description> NPC 168.02,-80.32,-390.06 davidrs 03/09/09
41864 Piece of Cloth Offers Quest Evidence Torn Piece of Clothing Quest starter location 808.49,162.53,-692.72 dlyoungii 03/12/09
41875 ykeshan aloe bushes <No Description> Quest update location 1323.53,407.16,715.15 davidrs 03/13/09
41936 cooked rats update for nuknok delicacy Object location 1397.83,455.45,-332.76 davidrs 03/17/09
41953 groluk gator wrangler Quest starter location -388.87,-83.70,-845.06 davidrs 03/18/09
41954 hophip valorfeet daily tradeskill task at firmroot moot Quest starter location 156.10,-89.48,-469.08 davidrs 03/18/09
41960 Thullosian barsher Level 78-79v ogre. - Needed for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 464.67,15.82,-25.99 Charminu 03/19/09
41992 Broken Skull Loft Also - The Brokenskull outpost in the Rathe Mountains - for Bogstrutter's Field Guide to the Moors of Ykesha quest Site 415.75,73.48,851.33 drdeathbane 03/22/09
42032 Fallen Cypress For Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft quest. Quest update location 87.97,-93.39,50.05 dlyoungii 03/24/09
42033 Sandstone Rock For Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft quest. Quest update location 162.71,-82.78,86.37 dlyoungii 03/24/09
42035 Fallen Cypress For Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft quest. Quest update location 153.92,-89.79,-18.17 dlyoungii 03/24/09
42038 Swamp Mud For Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft quest. Quest update location 241.50,-94.54,-256.72 dlyoungii 03/24/09
42039 Sandstone Rock For Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft quest. Quest update location 247.03,-94.12,-252.89 dlyoungii 03/24/09
42411 Voracious Stone Gnawer Mob for the quest Taking Inventory. They are on top of the wall Monster Solo 1375.79,415.58,697.49 Chilron 04/15/09
42559 Ursel Wrenchwan Ursel Wrenchwan - NPC update for the Distributing Tasks quest Quest update NPC 1874.40,465.55,861.55 Kiern 04/27/09
42790 missing part missing part for the Trail to the Past Heritage Quest Quest update location 1176.17,393.42,818.15 mojojojoe 05/18/09
42807 The Egg Harvest Egg Quest update location -43.97,-94.49,129.11 Shodinjido 05/20/09
42816 Bittee Silvertail TSO Fabled Armorer NPC 1802.65,452.56,967.09 Elfrina 05/21/09
42823 Dirby Umbridge <No Description> Quest starter NPC 1705.00,452.00,901.00 reventlow 05/22/09
42923 lucius vandermarr quest giver Quest starter NPC 101.78,-86.45,-426.29 davidrs 05/29/09
43059 Working Hard for Tupta Tuptan Hardwood Quest update location -98.49,-82.20,590.28 Elfrina 06/08/09
43060 Clinical Trials for Trees Use the potion from Tupta Quest update location 235.21,-84.31,-557.23 Elfrina 06/08/09
43095 Froglok Treasure Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location 91.07,-89.38,-245.42 bob2k03 06/10/09
43096 Froglok Treasure Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location -202.31,-87.65,25.09 bob2k03 06/10/09
43097 Froglok Treasure Treasures of Tupta - Swamp Thieves quest Quest update location -240.86,-91.42,-37.19 bob2k03 06/10/09
43572 A Dirty Job samples of Thullosian Flesh Quest update location 624.18,17.79,-206.84 drewmaster 07/10/09
43580 ykeshan Shellfish Working Hard for Tupta - Pottering Around Object location -133.14,-95.04,566.53 drewmaster 07/11/09
43581 ykeshan shellfish Working Hard for Tupta - Pottering Around Object location -157.38,-95.73,602.71 drewmaster 07/11/09
43582 Fresh Clay Working Hard for Tupta - Pottering Around Object location -165.86,-91.83,588.78 drewmaster 07/11/09
43678 Missing clockwork Missing Clockwork for The Shaddow Odyssey Chapter 1 Quest update location 1147.23,392.52,863.28 africaflyboy 07/20/09
43708 Unstable Tinkered Portal Leads to "Steamfont Mountains". - This portal is only available during the Tinkerfest Live Event. Overland 1779.46,452.72,835.39 Fizzgig 07/24/09
43737 Clay Deposit Malodorous Clay for Goodies for Grobb - Fundamental Furnishings (mud bowls) along the stream Quest update location -210.39,-90.09,-1094.13 Mysstie 07/28/09
43787 Thexian Scholar Click rock to find Thexian Scholar inside. Quest update NPC -514.04,-90.56,-676.48 Truthwalker 08/02/09
43829 Stones Swamp-smooth pebble used in Goodies for Grobb - Accessorizing Grobb Style to make Trollish stone clubs Quest update location -464.47,-75.03,-900.40 Mysstie 08/06/09
44013 Kroaka Quest update ''The Spirit Sees All'' Quest update NPC 103.75,-89.70,-465.98 Zips 08/31/09
44107 Treasure for Tupta - Brokenskull Raid treasure for Tupta Update located in the cave. Object location 539.46,47.82,541.96 Groovyphoenix 09/10/09
44108 Treasures of Tupta - Brokenskill Raid update for treasures for Tupta, located all over the cave there were three in this area. Object location 647.88,70.92,695.52 Groovyphoenix 09/10/09
44109 Treasures of Tupta - Brokenskull Raid Update for treasures of Tupta - Brokenskull Raid, located all inside the cave this was another point found. Object location 693.78,71.98,891.36 Groovyphoenix 09/10/09
44551 TSO Armorer Buy TSO Armor Armor 1821.26,452.56,971.92 Elfrina 10/05/09
47442 Accord assistance Accord assistance Letters from Grobb Object location -289.08,-78.41,-876.03 piva 10/30/09
47446 Bloodskull Trolls Needed for Quest Smash the Enemies of Grobb Monster Solo 261.00,23.36,319.69 pascaille 10/31/09
47522 Uncut gem node For the quest 'Gnomish Keepsakes' Quest update location 1084.68,389.50,1050.53 Waggon 11/09/09
47572 Zubzub update for Ship Out Quest update NPC -445.90,-76.25,-912.69 cyberroze 11/17/09
47663 Hambert Cogpocket Distributing Tasks Quest update NPC 1837.00,452.00,869.00 Prez 12/01/09
47664 Rickty Sprockwaggle (roaming around) Distributing Tasks Quest update NPC 1844.79,452.75,879.53 Prez 12/01/09
47668 Swamp Reeds Swamp Reeds for Goodies for Grobb - Swamp Reeds Quest update location -43.57,-94.13,-34.86 Mermut 12/02/09
47692 croc egg croc egg for egg harvest Object location -81.07,-94.59,-52.22 Edd 12/07/09
47747 Bow of Airship Bow of Airship for Over the Hills and Far Away Quest update location 78.84,-82.87,-419.97 starhunt 12/12/09
47748 Stern of Airship Stern of Airship for Over the Hills and Far Away Quest update location 79.14,-86.78,-407.11 starhunt 12/12/09
47814 Treasures of Tupta <No Description> Quest update location 642.48,72.16,956.68 Gerras 12/22/09
47815 Treasure of Tupta <No Description> Quest update location 924.63,28.07,831.97 Gerras 12/22/09
48047 Refuse pile <No Description> Quest update location 402.00,-46.00,-73.00 lomonacov 01/24/10
48089 escaped baby gator spawn point for the Gator Care quest Quest update location -9.63,-91.08,-132.38 Tanriel 01/31/10
49248 Thullosian spearer Level 78v ogre. - Needed for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 530.31,10.60,-93.44 Faerel 02/26/10
49249 Thullosian spearer Level 78v ogre. - Needed for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 358.37,14.09,95.84 Faerel 02/26/10
49423 Broosha Gatormarrow Daily Tradeskill Tasks NPC -474.15,-73.98,-923.74 gblack 03/06/10
49429 Urdu Urdu -- speak to him for the Emergency portal repairs quest Quest update NPC -1079.16,-98.51,-214.46 vexpersona 03/07/10
49562 tunnel entrance tunnel loc Cave entrance 950.93,119.52,660.11 dinghao 03/13/10
49563 Tunnel up to loft <No Description> Cave entrance 778.54,72.64,723.77 dinghao 03/13/10
49564 Bridge <No Description> Cave entrance 262.43,74.71,772.67 dinghao 03/13/10
49639 swamp reed <No Description> Quest update location -463.93,-94.43,-8.11 Curuthanir 03/21/10
49640 swamp reed <No Description> Quest update location -557.84,-94.30,-12.34 Curuthanir 03/21/10
49642 swamp reed <No Description> Quest update location -170.64,-94.55,21.89 Curuthanir 03/21/10
49643 swamp reed <No Description> Quest update location -93.25,-94.57,-13.94 Curuthanir 03/21/10
49644 swamp reed <No Description> Quest update location -49.92,-94.30,-21.21 Curuthanir 03/21/10
49905 Swamp Crustaceans For Accord Assistance - To Dye For: hard to see, but look for little white shells in the water near shoreline. Quest update location 91.36,-88.53,-390.34 xauron 04/12/10
49906 Swamp Crustaceans Accord Assistance - To Dye For Quest update location 228.37,-88.13,-363.08 xauron 04/12/10
50280 Brokenskull Swabber Needed for writ: Seafury Buccaneers: Brokenskull Swabbers. They are here and all along the southern pass. Monster Solo 978.73,386.08,1057.23 camelotcrusade 05/11/10
50282 Thullosian grinder Groups of 1-3 level 78-79v ogres. - Needed for 'Academy of Arcane Science: Thullosian Grinders' and the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 589.99,125.12,147.75 camelotcrusade 05/11/10
50484 Voyage Through Norrath <No Description> Bell 1915.22,453.19,1007.71 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50986 Pile of refuse for "A dirty job " quest Quest update location 561.39,107.87,403.58 mcargo2 06/05/10
51045 Green Shiny froglok treasure for "Treasures Of Tupta - Curious Gnomes". found throughout Dropship Landing. on the ground. A quest Shiny 1645.83,452.98,827.65 blackdragoness 06/11/10
51046 froglok treasure "Treasures Of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1764.86,452.56,767.25 blackdragoness 06/11/10
51047 froglok treasure "Treasures Of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1731.83,452.56,810.81 blackdragoness 06/11/10
51048 froglok treasure "Treasures Of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1677.43,452.56,817.97 blackdragoness 06/11/10
51049 froglok treasure "Treasures Of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1579.99,452.80,815.75 blackdragoness 06/11/10
51050 froglok treasure "Treasures Of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1685.24,452.56,873.19 blackdragoness 06/11/10
51053 odd plant residue gives quest "Evidence? Odd Plant Residue" which is needed along with the axe head and torn clothing for "Who Dun It?" Quest starter location 804.83,162.64,-689.30 blackdragoness 06/11/10
51073 swamp reed "Trollish Delicacies - Swamp Reeds" Quest update location -344.59,-94.62,-45.44 blackdragoness 06/13/10
51074 froglok treasure "Treasures Of Tupta - Swamp Thieves" Quest update location 7.36,-85.73,-384.83 blackdragoness 06/13/10
51081 froglok treasure "Treasures of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1749.87,452.56,908.43 blackdragoness 06/15/10
51082 froglok treasure "Treasures of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1851.91,452.56,919.48 blackdragoness 06/15/10
51083 froglok treasure "Treasures of Tupta - Curious Gnomes" Quest update location 1717.84,452.68,842.15 blackdragoness 06/15/10
51150 a swamp reed "Trollish Delicacies - Swamp Reeds" Quest update location 48.93,-93.19,-229.56 blackdragoness 06/17/10
51219 dusky gold fauna stalker stalker for Communication Breakdown quest Quest update NPC 19.62,-73.10,317.02 Jrel 06/25/10
51409 Guk Drop Point Guk Balloon Drop point, no return trip Transport 705.01,178.10,-782.93 jmatuska 07/08/10
51772 Voracious Stone Gnawer For the quest: Unique Appendages Monster Solo 1337.33,431.03,963.20 yellowtwilight 08/20/10
51801 Nuknok fish for Cod, that was Horrible quest. Quest update location 884.65,339.73,354.26 ZoahPorre 08/25/10
51824 Grezelda Razmadash NPC for quest " Unlock Their Secrets " Quest update NPC 80.15,-88.54,-440.77 Purgpow 08/29/10
52066 Zraxth's Unseen Arcanum zone in for Zraxth's Unseen Arcanum Zone 631.46,151.27,-845.99 Noobkiller 10/12/10
52071 Hidden Path to Zraxths Arcanum <No Description> Object location 679.26,147.59,-862.40 ZoahPorre 10/13/10
52202 Thullosian meat tender Level 78v ogre. - Needed for the HQ 'The Word of Fear'. - Drops [Book of Thullosian Writing] or [Scroll of Thullosian Graffiti] for 'Sufficient Samples of Thullosian'. Monster Solo 378.47,-46.95,-97.61 makingitbetter7 11/01/10
52203 Warmonger Urziton Offers the 'Smash the Enemies of Grobb!' repeatable quests for Grobb faction. Quest starter NPC -325.00,-86.00,-977.00 donhead 11/01/10
52269 Toothwort <No Description> Quest update location 99.22,-87.19,-602.59 liladieni 11/12/10
52283 Hop Wrenchwit <No Description> Quest starter NPC 100.05,-86.40,-423.16 DavidSachs 11/17/10
52525 Zara Dreamhopper teleports you to the Guk area NPC 1733.61,447.62,972.02 Ssirdna 12/25/10
52577 Alligator Eggs The Egg Harvest Quest update location -120.92,-93.33,37.64 bashy 01/01/11
52578 Alligator Eggs The Egg Harvest Quest update location -44.34,-94.34,129.24 bashy 01/01/11
52618 Pungent Herbs Another Spawn point for Pungent Herbs for Accord Assistance - Swamp Foot Lotion Quest update location 61.22,-86.94,-513.34 Artemisclyde 01/12/11
53764 Bag with Oldar's armor - Upon grabbing his armor a crap worker grouped with a scrap harvester (scaling level 0vv-0v clockworks) will attack for the Brewday quest 'Thurgadin Ice Brew'. - Can be found on the upper platform. Quest update location 1748.33,472.06,902.38 Zaurian 03/11/11
54084 fallen lumber Provides mud-caked lumber for Grobb tradeskill quests Object location -78.00,-84.00,-460.00 donhead 04/04/11
54160 Mog Quest: Homage on Ancestrial Grounds. The last of (4) you need to talk too.Involved in 2 quests one being 'The mysteries of Tik-Tok.The other place on the map is wrong. Near village, not in cave. He will also offer a new quest to go to Tupa ans talk to Tiptup. Quest update location 135.00,-89.00,500.00 Ikec 04/16/11
54167 Missing Part Trail to the past Quest update location 1323.48,436.25,1059.25 Ikec 04/16/11
54168 Missing Part Trail of the Past Quest Quest update location 1323.48,436.25,1059.25 Ikec 04/16/11
54174 Innothule Gliders Hunt Gliders in this area for Quest "New:Halas Slinther'n Glidin" All around in area. 10 needed for quest Honor Gained Self and Guild Level 77 - 85 Quest update location 64.94,-82.67,74.56 Ikec 04/18/11
54178 Woodworking Table For Crafting quest.Working Hard For TupaYou will need fame withTupa tribe. Tradeskill -77.87,-53.73,814.27 Ikec 04/19/11
54291 Tiptup Strongheart NPC questgiver Quest starter NPC -128.96,-45.41,684.27 Prof72 05/19/11
54463 Chemistry Table <No Description> Tradeskill -383.86,-65.05,-1040.11 Liandra 06/03/11
54464 Woodworking Table <No Description> Tradeskill -369.11,-65.05,-1003.34 Liandra 06/03/11
54467 Sewing Table <No Description> Tradeskill -471.28,-73.98,-935.40 Liandra 06/04/11
54468 Stove <No Description> Tradeskill -463.25,-73.98,-924.02 Liandra 06/04/11
54469 Engraved Desk <No Description> Tradeskill -481.39,-73.98,-925.42 Liandra 06/04/11
54503 Stove <No Description> Tradeskill -4.41,-54.27,841.72 Liandra 06/08/11
54504 Sewing Table <No Description> Tradeskill 4.50,-53.54,845.89 Liandra 06/08/11
54505 Chemistry Table <No Description> Tradeskill 10.45,-53.80,833.53 Liandra 06/08/11
54506 Engraved Desk <No Description> Tradeskill 0.54,-55.03,825.73 Liandra 06/08/11
54696 an Innothule glider <No Description> Monster Solo -160.40,-83.11,-492.34 Sinclair 06/30/11
54711 Forge <No Description> Tradeskill -87.87,-52.73,823.40 Liandra 07/06/11
54712 Work Bench <No Description> Tradeskill -87.57,-53.24,810.52 Liandra 07/06/11
54772 a Brokenskull handler lvl77 Monster Solo 451.81,41.89,1195.96 Sinclair 07/15/11
54773 subdued sokokar lvl78 Monster Solo 463.49,37.75,1220.17 Sinclair 07/15/11
54795 Ykeshan troll lvl78 Monster Solo 720.13,147.48,-886.43 Sinclair 07/17/11
54796 Ykeshan froglok lvl78 Monster Solo 720.13,147.48,-886.43 Sinclair 07/17/11
54875 Gnomish Spirits Refill this Container for the Tinkerfest quest 'Tinkerfest Cheer'. Quest update location 1771.81,453.33,836.67 donhead 07/29/11
54894 Artifact Artifact for quest "Ruined within the Ruins" Quest update location 568.34,17.67,-140.70 stryndael 08/03/11
55246 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 768.47,341.15,253.71 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55247 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 779.74,341.17,266.82 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55248 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 810.26,341.96,281.25 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55249 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 798.33,341.97,295.65 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55250 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 822.68,341.20,316.21 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55251 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 815.79,341.85,298.08 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55252 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 840.05,341.64,310.61 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55253 Nuknok fish <No Description> Quest update location 865.90,341.87,320.64 rv9aguy 11/10/11
55313 Alligator Eggs The Egg Harvest Quest update location 60.26,-87.45,-516.10 DenChief 12/04/11
55870 toothwort for fallen but not forgotten Quest update location 135.82,-88.27,-668.90 Trinity3205 01/20/12
55931 Gurlig Valorheart NPC that continues The Shadow Odyssey signature timeline, offers a series of quests starting with 'Heroes Honored' Quest starter NPC 119.00,-89.00,-476.00 donhead 02/01/12
55989 Axiom of Courage - beastlord epic update green shiney update near UJL 1.0 (also 1350 407 734 or 992 435 744) A quest Shiny 1289.00,417.00,890.00 greywolf369 02/14/12
55990 Axiom of Conviction - beastlord epic update green shiny update near Ykesha's spine cave (also up to 785 345 280) A quest Shiny 869.00,383.00,525.00 greywolf369 02/14/12
55991 Green shiny Axiom of Overwhelming Odds - beastlord epic update Near area below boarfiend cave balloon station A quest Shiny 525.00,107.00,344.00 greywolf369 02/14/12
55994 Axiom of Bravery - beastlord epic update green shiny update near stream in the middle of Ykeshas spine) A quest Shiny 645.00,125.00,125.00 greywolf369 02/14/12
55995 Axiom of Fearless - beastlord epic update green shiny update near firmroot moot (also up to -10 -77 -256) A quest Shiny 213.00,-84.00,-565.00 greywolf369 02/14/12
55998 Grizznok (beastlord epic update kill) beastlord epic update kill (reported 96^^^, 60mil HP and stifles) Quest update NPC -44.00,-54.00,816.00 greywolf369 02/14/12
56154 Rotheck Dragonforge Quest NPC for The White Dragonscale Cloak Quest update NPC 1803.55,452.56,963.54 itpaladin 03/09/12
57440 Green shiny Axiom of courage - Beastlord Epic Update A quest Shiny 1036.19,433.31,745.81 Talageia 06/08/12
58238 Axiom of Bravery Beastlord Epic green shiny A quest Shiny 786.00,126.00,271.00 Aiirbornne 09/15/12
58404 Innodthule threadspinners <No Description> Monster Solo -65.31,-80.26,503.73 laveerne 10/06/12
58443 Sissili Safety Conductor - Boarfiend Caves for Firmroot Moot Meet quest. Quest update NPC 668.11,350.61,245.28 Stardrama 10/16/12
58490 Alligator Egg <No Description> Quest update location -494.08,-91.83,11.08 Ventnoir 10/24/12
58491 Brokenskull Officers Brokenskull officers for the writ given inside this zone by the docks Monster Solo 350.04,93.40,671.32 ekodo 10/25/12
58492 Innothule threadspinners Threadspinners for the writs given at the docks within this zone Monster Solo 3.00,-83.66,304.35 ekodo 10/26/12
59480 Brokenskull Defender requested for the shadow odyssey : chapter 7 Monster Solo -139.16,-62.13,128.83 Ventnoir 01/05/13
59481 Brokenskull Defender involved in the 7th chapter of the shadows odyssey timeline Monster Solo 52.69,-75.99,243.57 Ventnoir 01/05/13
59482 Brokenskull Defender for the quest shadow odyssey : chapter 7 Monster Solo -108.68,-87.14,-59.41 Ventnoir 01/05/13
59589 fallen lumber Harvest item for quest, Goodies for Grobb (harvesting produces mud-caked lumber), there are fast repop nodes here, usually 3 Quest update location -213.84,-82.08,-415.21 mysticspiral 01/28/13
59666 Axiom of fearless (Beastlord epic update) Another possible location for axiom of fearless A quest Shiny -232.46,-87.62,-129.42 Teranova 02/14/13
59667 Axiom of fearless (Beastlord epic update) Another possible location for axiom of fearless A quest Shiny 75.85,-84.90,-608.71 Teranova 02/14/13
59668 Axiom of Overwhelming Odds (Beastlord Epic Update) Another possible location for axiom of overwhelming odds A quest Shiny 633.95,105.09,259.75 Teranova 02/15/13
60109 Ulteran Spire Portal - Teleporter <No Description> Teleporter 1767.23,452.63,734.09 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
61215 Freluup Quest Starter for Brothers in Chains Quest starter NPC 71.00,-88.00,-462.87 kezraela 01/25/14
61373 shards of the manacle scattered part of: Hero Bracers Timeline Quest update location -1.88,-81.40,-391.01 kronar 03/30/14
62770 Candle Gather this candle that was shipped here for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Riddled Yet Again'. Quest update location 1679.93,453.79,803.39 Mysstie 04/01/15
64565 Escape Spawn This is the location you will spawn when you use the Escape Skill Site 1744.24,451.14,853.41 Egony 12/19/16
65374 marker of the dead First marker of the dead to find Naya'Patel for 'The Map is a Key. The Key is a Map?' - Scout Epic 2.0 Quest update location 313.26,-84.25,-435.63 ykrugernl 07/20/17
65375 marker of the dead Second marker of the dead to find Naya'Patel for 'The Map is a Key. The Key is a Map?' - Scout Epic 2.0 Quest update location 427.33,-51.59,-186.44 ykrugernl 07/20/17
65376 marker of the dead Third marker of the dead to find Naya'Patel for 'The Map is a Key. The Key is a Map?' - Scout Epic 2.0 Quest update location 641.40,16.64,-215.10 ykrugernl 07/20/17
65377 marker of the dead Fourth marker of the dead to find Naya'Patel for 'The Map is a Key. The Key is a Map?' - Scout Epic 2.0 Quest update location 573.88,108.39,-476.30 ykrugernl 07/20/17
65378 marker of the dead Fifth marker of the dead to find Naya'Patel for 'The Map is a Key. The Key is a Map?' - Scout Epic 2.0 Quest update location 752.55,169.67,-668.13 ykrugernl 07/20/17
65379 Naya'Patel: Realm of the Dead Click ladder to get in. This is the zone needed after finding the markers of the dead for 'The Map is a Key. The Key is a Map?' - Scout Epic 2.0 Zone 642.95,151.28,-832.39 ykrugernl 07/20/17
65426 Artifact For the quest Ruined within the Ruins Quest update location 508.92,105.33,181.19 Waggon 08/03/17
68489 a self-delivering gift Possible location to collect 1 of 3 of the gifts for the Frostfell quest 'Gallivanting Gifties' around the Druid Rings. Quest update location 1777.63,452.56,954.96 Pijotre 12/22/18
69506 To a Time Between Times Leads to "The Chronoweave". - This portal is only available during the Chronoportal Phenomenon Live Event. Overland 1882.24,452.56,949.51 Pijotre 02/28/19
69670 incarnadine keg pump - Grab the Keg Pump for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. - Can be found on the upper platform. Quest update location 1756.63,472.16,903.89 Pijotre 03/08/19
69671 incarnadine keg pump Grab the Keg Pump for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1744.28,452.56,957.45 Pijotre 03/08/19
69672 incarnadine keg pump Grab the Keg Pump for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1787.63,452.56,939.49 Pijotre 03/08/19
69673 incarnadine keg pump Grab the Keg Pump for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1829.51,461.65,892.67 Pijotre 03/08/19
69674 incarnadine keg pump Grab the Keg Pump for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1693.11,452.56,795.77 Pijotre 03/08/19
69675 incarnadine keg pump Grab the Keg Pump for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1779.65,452.90,764.72 Pijotre 03/08/19
69860 incarnadine gauge regulator Grab this Gauge Regulator for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1767.66,472.16,909.92 Pijotre 03/15/19
69861 incarnadine gauge regulator Grab this Gauge Regulator for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1838.15,452.56,977.80 Pijotre 03/15/19
69862 incarnadine gauge regulator Grab this Gauge Regulator for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1785.33,452.90,758.87 Pijotre 03/15/19
69863 incarnadine gauge regulator Grab this Gauge Regulator for the Brewday quest 'Ale in a Day's Work'. Quest update location 1650.61,453.05,877.91 Pijotre 03/15/19
70166 Skystrider herd Once you find this skystrider herd you need to look for its missing shepherd Weylin Slipfoot at the base of the dock for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Pains of Herding'. Quest update location 1874.85,452.56,892.78 Pijotre 03/30/19
70256 Page for The Minds of Meldrath Gather this page for the Tinkerfest quest 'Tinker-Bound History'. A book page 1703.07,452.56,815.60 Pijotre 07/24/19
70266 Nell <Tinkerer> - Help Nell for her good friend Didyma for the Tinkerfest quest 'The Legend of the Geargobbler'. - After retrieving the [left-handed sonic wrench] for her she'll give you a [Clockwork Admin Key] to investigate the Geargobbler myth. Quest update NPC 1743.56,452.56,793.86 Pijotre 07/25/19
70271 Snafu Fizzbrip Offers the Tinkerfest quest 'A Clockwork Snafu'. Quest starter NPC 1754.70,472.16,911.11 Pijotre 07/26/19
76136 Doorknob Deep in Brokenskull Cave NPC 820.00,20.00,960.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76137 Raeg Faec Tuptan Lookout, deep in Brokenscull Cave NPC 836.00,20.00,959.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76138 Sir Norbert Reilly and Kraus Deep in Brokenscull Cave NPC 874.00,20.00,984.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76139 Cracky Krakatoa and Lessy Peng Deep in Brokenscull Cave NPC 853.00,20.00,934.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76140 Snappie Jurstin Deep in Brokenskull Cave NPC 681.00,72.00,860.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76141 Frogmo and Froggins McShade Deep in Brokenskull Cave NPC 673.00,72.00,865.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76142 Laupy Nooggen Deep in Brokenskull Cave NPC 723.00,71.00,906.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76143 Botheg and Oribi Chansez Deep in Brokenskull Cave NPC 620.00,72.00,956.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23
76144 Nicholas Slipacus and Croark Windslasher Deep in Brokenskull Cave NPC 617.00,72.00,970.00 M_Prov_Eli 02/20/23

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