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Greater Faydark - (Kelethin) <Echoes of Faydwer>

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258 POI's in Greater Faydark - (Kelethin)
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
29305 Lady Aileeta Reila Fae Mentor NPC 421.07,90.45,357.34 Xiane 11/06/06
29362 Lady Katri Eloranta Gives the Quest: An Introduction to the Fae Quest starter NPC 77.86,93.73,58.66 Taylinn 11/07/06
29364 Kurista High Priestess of Growth Tunare Deity NPC 44.00,93.00,78.00 Taylinn 11/07/06
29365 Altar of Tunare <No Description> Object location 46.34,93.22,77.99 Taylinn 11/07/06
29376 Master Bowyer Mossberge Starts the LVL 60 HQ Casualties of the War of the Fae (Walks forth and back) Reward: Raincaller Bow Quest starter NPC 457.91,97.46,361.10 Jiawkad 11/08/06
29387 Miella Maarsitotts <<Faerlie Language>> Faerlie Language Instructor for non Fae Scribe 245.98,109.59,364.16 Jiawkad 11/08/06
29437 Celinista Ryannalis Writs NPC 262.22,105.84,414.04 Taylinn 11/08/06
29442 Relc Tulin Writs NPC 85.95,89.43,479.74 Taylinn 11/08/06
29452 Sir Bayden Cauldthorn gives Mithaniel Marr Deity Quest Line NPC 167.77,111.88,95.33 Jiawkad 11/09/06
29534 Captain R.K. Irontoe Questgiver for 'In Honor and Service' HQ Quest starter NPC 135.95,111.50,102.52 johnathanbtn 11/09/06
29653 Jalmari Keletana Need for - The End of the Grender (wanders) Quest update NPC 64.81,92.99,49.24 Haamu 11/10/06
29655 Tallas Windrider <No Description> NPC 39.08,92.99,79.68 Haamu 11/10/06
29656 Zephyre Violethair <No Description> Quest starter NPC 52.96,93.83,77.44 Haamu 11/10/06
29657 Traeger Verdegreen <No Description> Quest starter NPC 51.96,93.21,75.92 Haamu 11/10/06
29662 Elia Redleaf Horticulturist NPC 148.23,111.51,117.63 Haamu 11/10/06
29663 Bark Chiselchin Defense Trainer (Wanders) Need for - An Introduction to the Fae Quest update NPC 158.01,108.75,157.70 Haamu 11/10/06
29676 Paanala Flutterleaf <No Description> NPC 273.85,106.43,127.03 Haamu 11/10/06
29688 Glurie Stonegrip Protectors of Growth Writ giver NPC 321.42,122.34,304.98 Haamu 11/10/06
29689 Laakra Opaamil <<Relic Seeker>> Protectors of Growth Relic Seeker Shop 338.42,122.35,300.95 Haamu 11/10/06
29700 Paiva Kapanen Barmaid Sells Alcoholic drinks Sells Tier 2 food and drink NPC 198.66,107.81,343.54 Haamu 11/10/06
29701 a Gigglegibber Goblin Gamblin' Game Vendor Upstairs in a room. NPC 206.48,114.14,354.30 Haamu 11/10/06
29708 Gunda Firehammer <No Description> NPC 221.24,76.19,501.80 Haamu 11/10/06
29713 Yarin Skystride Assigns writ quests for Sylvan Hunters faction. NPC 308.31,71.82,455.69 Haamu 11/10/06
29715 Princess Saphronia <No Description> NPC 398.05,145.23,167.83 Haamu 11/10/06
29717 Queen Amree - Updates the KA SQs 'Kunark Ascending: Beyond the Veil' and 'Kunark Ascending: A Nightmare Realized' for good aligned characters. Quest update NPC 422.30,136.62,262.79 Haamu 11/10/06
29720 Aerie Ilka Price: 21g 21s Upkeep: 82s 33c Vender/Vault Slots: 3 Slots Player housing 399.82,94.42,199.71 Haamu 11/10/06
29721 Hamnal Teolofin Need for - The End of the Grender (wanders) Quest update NPC 584.98,70.41,289.53 Haamu 11/10/06
29729 Sannor Vilika and Pirgetta Maarit Rush Order and Work Order tradeskill writs NPC 461.03,91.21,332.71 Haamu 11/10/06
29732 Aerie Kaksi Price: 96g 60s Upkeep: 3g 86s 40c Vender/Vault Slots: 3 Slots Player housing 380.11,105.83,487.30 Haamu 11/10/06
29733 Aerie Kolmas Price: 1p 68g 84s Upkeep: 6g 75s 36c Vender/Vault Slots: 5 Slots Player housing 383.64,105.83,506.42 Haamu 11/10/06
29734 Aerie Sajlen Price: 24g 36s Upkeep: 97s 44c Vender/Vault Slots: 3 Slots Player housing 442.29,111.05,508.15 Haamu 11/10/06
29735 a weathered memorial stone Place the offering at the memorial stone, for the quest, 'The Ritual of Calling' Quest update location 319.56,92.21,337.81 Haamu 11/10/06
29751 Poggle Fizzpop <No Description> NPC 554.00,114.00,472.00 Hopuk 11/13/06
29752 Lore and Legend Skeletons Click on bookcase to receive book on Skeletons Quest starter location 293.00,109.00,88.00 Hopuk 11/13/06
29822 Juha Windgift <No Description> NPC 461.44,91.71,163.29 JSNolan 11/15/06
29844 Raimo Heinila Wanders between the Protectors of Growth and Jysolin's Pub NPC 263.84,110.79,337.16 JSNolan 11/15/06
29847 Kalamar Vesinger Need for - Rumors of the Grender Quest update NPC 539.35,71.20,324.00 JSNolan 11/15/06
29853 Eleoona Faleisinae Need for - The End of the Grender (wanders) Quest update NPC 96.87,93.90,423.30 JSNolan 11/15/06
29854 Lady Milika Vikaarinen Need for - The End of the Grender Quest update NPC 421.67,136.57,258.71 JSNolan 11/15/06
29888 Glavarius Marud Need for - War and Wardrobe HQ Quest update NPC 293.00,109.00,94.00 milodan 11/16/06
29983 a stack of books Markable item. Markable 133.69,109.28,180.11 DeeZaster 11/16/06
29984 War of Fay: The Eve of Battle Examine bookcase here to recieve the book War of Fay: The Eve of Battle book for your house. Object location 135.31,108.85,180.57 DeeZaster 11/16/06
30031 Portal to other Greater Faydark instances Travel to G-Fay2, G-Fay3, etc. when multiple instances are in use. You may also be able to right clikc a group member and port to their instance Zone 448.00,93.00,320.00 pi-eater 11/17/06
30238 Orc Spy for In Honor and Service Quest update location 148.86,110.83,78.46 hirebrand 11/19/06
30239 Ramp to Green Knoll <No Description> Site 449.69,91.71,156.91 hirebrand 11/19/06
30243 Loping Plains: Due South <No Description> Zone 75.00,100.00,530.00 hirebrand 11/19/06
30268 Branch to Order of arcana Branch short cut to order of arcania Object location 325.26,98.56,353.13 myristwood 11/20/06
30269 Branch to memorial short cut branch from arcane society to memorial stump Object location 286.22,107.04,416.89 myristwood 11/20/06
31391 Saelir Varryn NPC to start FP betrayal quests NPC 231.66,112.30,401.06 Grayfear 02/28/07
31818 lift rhympost for A Crusade to Faydwer Quest update location 42.00,93.00,85.00 myristwood 05/10/07
31819 library rhympost for A Crusade to Faydwer Quest update location 133.10,108.85,184.67 myristwood 05/10/07
31820 aerie rhympost for A Crusade to Faydwer Quest update location 433.10,105.83,509.92 myristwood 05/10/07
31821 bough rhympost for A Crusade to Faydwer Quest update location 177.00,125.00,61.00 myristwood 05/10/07
31822 memorial rhympost for A Crusade to Faydwer Quest update location 322.00,100.00,319.00 myristwood 05/10/07
32214 Aerie Khollo Price: 50g, 80,000 Status Upkeep: 2g, 8,000 Status Requirements: Guild lvl 30 Vender/Vault Slots: 3 Slots Guild housing 423.56,128.24,390.79 Wyldewood1 06/30/07
32215 Aerie Amree Price: 1p, 200,000 Status Upkeep: 3g, 50,000 Status Requirements: Guild lvl 30 Vender/Vault Slots: 5 Slots Guild housing 403.87,128.24,391.64 Wyldewood1 06/30/07
32556 Preston Pepperpicker Preston Pepperpicker, NPC for Trials by Pie (Bristlebane Deity Quest) NPC 531.50,71.20,294.51 gettinwestern 08/31/07
32761 Landing point from using Floret of Growth there is where you pop after using the crafted Floret of Growth house ite, Object location 438.05,92.99,294.15 uberfuzzy 11/05/07
34420 Book Pile Books on desk - Cauldron Hollow and Words of Pure Magic. Quest update location 133.77,109.75,176.55 Carthogen 01/14/08
34421 Crafting Trainer, Ikile Harmonia Tradeskill Tutor NPC 473.30,92.99,343.78 lomonacov 01/14/08
34996 Grandmaster Feldmanus Gives quest Journeyman Service NPC 463.00,91.00,364.00 AshketSolecist 04/02/08
35119 Farra Marthaen For quest Dispelling the Hate NPC 324.00,92.00,335.00 suzzyq0707 04/24/08
35864 Kelethin Guild Hall Price: 50p Upkeep: 50g, 50,000 Status Requirements: Guild Level 30 Vender/Vault Slots: 0 Guild housing 358.29,130.98,410.62 xxxhellboyxxx 10/08/08
36394 Granite Hills Platform <No Description> Site 137.53,93.90,448.27 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36395 Far Residential Aerie <No Description> Site 400.82,105.83,495.22 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36396 Near Residential Aerie <No Description> Site 417.55,94.42,183.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36397 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox 422.88,108.29,465.03 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36399 Fae Royal Court <No Description> Building 391.39,138.96,179.12 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36401 Nimess Sessi <<Citizenship Registrar>> Become a citizen of Kelethin here NPC 428.67,136.57,237.20 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36402 Sylvan Hunters <No Description> Building 299.55,71.82,442.35 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36403 Hoan Seastrider <<Munitions Specialist>> Sells ranged ammo Ammunition 297.67,71.83,449.09 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36404 Thaylwin Redleaf <<Bowyer>> Sells ranged weapons, ammo, and sandpaper Ammunition 298.61,71.82,434.35 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36405 Dirki Gerika <<Troubador Trainer>> Sells troubador spells Scribe 286.18,73.60,470.27 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36406 Kalja Songstress <<Dirge Trainer>> Sells dirge spells Scribe 288.54,73.60,473.27 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36407 Eagereye Mayweed <<Ranger Trainer>> Sells ranger spells Scribe 284.21,73.86,478.47 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36408 Mulus Viinikka <<Swashbuckler Trainer>> Sells swashbuckler spells Scribe 279.62,73.60,479.95 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36409 Corrig Stonecutter <<Broker>> Broker for player goods Shop 245.28,76.22,467.62 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36410 House of Falling Stars <No Description> Building 99.00,89.44,494.38 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36411 Amma Ilaari <<Warden Trainer>> Sells warden spells Scribe 91.09,95.75,497.58 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36412 Meeha Pekko-Maarit <<Templar Trainer>> Sells templar spells Scribe 89.05,95.75,495.75 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36413 Illasko Silktree <<Mystic Trainer>> Sells mystic spells Scribe 113.11,91.21,501.19 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36414 Miah Tanglebranch <<Portals Trainer>> Trains druids on porting to druid rings they have found NPC 110.51,91.21,498.64 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36415 Pickle Velvetleaf <<Fury Trainer>> Sells fury spells Scribe 110.75,91.21,501.01 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36416 Helna Irongut <<Provisioner>> Sells food and drink and crafting fuel for provisioners Provisioner 108.61,93.93,438.25 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36417 Gumpy Gritstone <<General Goods>> Sells food, drink and general goods Shop 119.63,94.64,434.12 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36418 Order of Arcane City Tasks Site 278.56,105.12,398.98 +Daybreak+ 09/16/10
36419 Aelia Naeni <<Achievement Counsel>> Helps you reset your Achievement trees NPC 261.74,105.04,407.85 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36420 Zeego Miemo <<Warlock Trainer>> Sells warlock spells Scribe 245.58,106.82,418.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36421 Bresiya Tuuri <<Illusionist Trainer>> Sells illusionist spells Scribe 242.57,106.82,416.25 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36422 Morten Zantoff <<Teleport Trainer>> Trains wizards and warlocks on teleportation NPC 256.94,106.82,391.41 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36423 Jiaana Kaalikka <<Conjuror Trainer>> Sells conjuror spells Scribe 259.50,106.82,396.62 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36424 Buzz Vitikka <<Wizard Trainer>> Sells wizard spells Scribe 262.44,106.82,395.47 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36425 Jysolin Nerala <<Bartender>> Sells provisioner items and alcoholic drinks Tavern 205.39,107.81,339.48 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36426 Kismia Fernlee <<Shieldsmith>> Sells shields, and sandpaper Armor 272.63,125.12,265.22 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36427 Belinda Bayberry <<Armorsmith>> Sells plate armor, chain armor, coal, and sandpaper Armor 269.21,125.10,270.88 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36428 Jaasko Broadleaf <<Armsdealer>> Sells weapons and coal Weapons 268.79,125.10,278.39 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36429 Kaarlo Karpela <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor 276.08,125.53,278.67 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36430 Anaaj Greenblade <<Berserker Trainer>> Sells combat abilities for Berserkers Scribe 290.88,126.88,286.79 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36431 Ihieer Scytheleaf <<Paladin Trainer>> Sells combat abilities for Paladins Scribe 287.30,126.88,284.09 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36432 Sassirah Fallenleaf <<Tailor>> Sells crafting fuel, recipes for tailors and cloth and leather armor Tailor 298.13,127.15,256.07 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36433 Merchant Bergamot Fallenleaf <<Jeweler>> Sells jewelry Jeweler 299.76,126.91,253.13 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36434 Protectors of Growth <No Description> Building 342.60,122.34,294.22 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36435 Zemke the Wolf <<Guardian Trainer>> Sells combat abilities for Guardians Scribe 328.08,124.12,286.44 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36436 Allikaatja Piimarik <<Monk Trainer>> Sells combat abilities for Monks Scribe 325.38,124.12,285.03 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36437 Merchant Melilah <<Combat Arts>> Sells combat abilities Scribe 321.43,124.20,248.62 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36438 Merchant Pinehurst Deadleaf III <<Munitions Specialist>> Sells ranged ammo Ammunition 314.73,124.17,242.38 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36439 Scribe Hilja Saraste <<Linguist>> Sells language primers Scribe 296.89,124.18,229.99 +Daybreak+ 02/25/11
36445 Risto Harila <<General Goods>> Sells food, drink and general goods Shop 430.97,108.29,461.56 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36446 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox 425.27,92.99,319.73 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36447 Innkeeper Twiggy <<Housing>> Sells items to place in your house Shop 441.02,93.07,316.76 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36448 Mikka Ashberry <<Armor Craftsman>> Sells crafting fuel Armor 452.62,97.56,339.78 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36449 Gruff Shadygrove <<Weapon Craftsman>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for weaponsmiths Weapons 462.33,97.56,343.07 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36450 Talofa Meera <<Carpenter>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for carpenters Furniture 464.94,97.48,361.86 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36451 Neela Filamaar <<Woodworker>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for woodworkers. Also update for Termite Troubles, Part I Furniture 464.01,97.48,352.14 +Daybreak+ 03/23/10
36452 Kaarl Ventrikur <<Alchemical Analyst>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for alchemists Potions 467.07,91.27,359.57 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36453 Kielo Noronen <<Broker>> Broker for player goods Shop 456.36,91.21,359.56 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36454 Armando Farpine <<Sage>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for sages Scribe 456.04,91.29,353.40 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36455 Ralika Mekkila <<Crafting Trainer>> Sells crafting recipes Artisan 468.46,92.99,333.79 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36456 Altan Brownwing <<Provisioner>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for provisioners Provisioner 529.75,71.20,307.72 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36457 Kale Vilaaka <<Provisioner>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for provisioners Provisioner 525.50,71.20,296.67 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36458 Bettina Meriaan <<Barmaid>> Sells provisioner items and alcoholic drinks Tavern 538.25,71.20,301.57 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36459 Restauranteur Brizeyl Myrika <<Provisioner>> Sells food, drinks, and crafting fuel for provisioners Provisioner 536.10,71.21,322.26 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36460 Sunneva Nepenthes <<Pet Merchant>> Sells house pets Shop 438.03,89.01,239.80 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36461 Nixia Cogsworth <<Tinkering Supplies>> Sells coal Shop 423.21,88.94,242.17 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36462 Professor Ebenezer Cogsworth VI <<Tinkering Trainer>> Sells recipes and abilities for tinkerers Artisan 420.82,88.94,241.29 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36463 Sade Maki <<Adorning Merchant>> Sells recipes and abilities for adorners Artisan 413.86,88.94,233.37 +Daybreak+ 02/25/11
36466 Merchant Fallulah <<Combat Arts>> Sells combat abilities Scribe 295.24,109.10,136.83 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36468 Dusty Diamond <<Jeweler>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for jewelers Jeweler 341.31,109.17,104.38 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36469 Merchant Nilamiyan Fayberry <<Bowyer>> Sells ranged weapons, ammo, and sandpaper Ammunition 320.81,109.11,132.94 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36470 Lyyti Eloranta <<General Goods>> Sells weapons and general items Weapons 347.77,109.10,139.74 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36471 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox 291.40,106.43,171.01 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36472 Aothis and Celea <<City Merchants>> Sells unique status items to guild members Shop 283.45,106.60,172.02 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36473 Katryn Litewing <<Guild Cloak Designer>> Design a guild cloak Shop 274.75,106.60,179.70 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36474 Dangaard Greymoor <<Guild Registrar>> Register a new guild here NPC 277.65,106.61,179.17 +Daybreak+ 08/31/17
36475 Athinae Panteraas <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank 268.50,106.60,172.73 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36476 Venla Vaara <<Collector>> Collector to turn in your collections NPC 276.34,106.51,152.99 +Daybreak+ 08/31/17
36477 Merchant Vanaleon Parama <<Alchemist>> Sells potions, poisons, and crafting fuel for alchemists Potions 318.89,106.50,169.40 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36478 Philosopher Yubee <<Deity Historian>> Sells deity altars and books to craft altars Artisan 138.13,108.75,165.60 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36479 Lilia Posey <<Sage>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for sages Artisan 142.15,108.85,178.06 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36480 Piritta Silvarri <<Sage>> Sells many books Scribe 151.05,108.81,175.13 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36481 Missantra the Stylist <<Barber>> Allows you to change your appearance Shop 156.92,108.82,173.26 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36482 Almilla Sumac <<Broker>> Broker for player goods Shop 130.64,111.49,103.45 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36484 Granite Hills Acorn Lift <No Description> Site 70.11,93.92,413.58 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36485 Old Kelethin Acorn Lift <No Description> Site 61.38,93.07,27.85 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36486 Joleena's Restaurant Acorn Lift <No Description> Site 586.18,70.41,308.52 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36487 Bank <No Description> Building 277.00,107.00,170.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36488 Research Library <No Description> Building 138.00,108.00,176.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36489 Daanja Tigermaple <<Tailor>> Sells crafting fuel and recipes for tailors Tailor 171.00,108.00,173.00 +Daybreak+ 05/31/11
36490 Joleena's Restaurant <No Description> Building 537.00,71.00,320.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36492 Gearheart's Forge <No Description> Building 286.00,127.00,274.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36493 Tunare's Pages <No Description> Building 459.00,93.00,339.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36494 Jysolin's Pub <No Description> Building 217.00,110.00,357.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
38670 Kelethin Guild Hall Price: 50p Upkeep: 50g 50,000status Vendor and Vault Slots: 0 Requirements: Guild Level 30 Guild housing 357.76,130.97,411.49 xxxhellboyxxx 10/08/08
39801 Kaapo Mikko Scout's (Sylvan Hunters) guild Relic Seeker. NPC 295.24,78.09,458.47 howlingfang 12/08/08
40002 Magic Closet Leads to the "Frostfell Wonderland Village". - This portal is only available during the Frostfell Live Event from December to January. Overland 228.55,112.30,396.25 Dnoelle 12/15/08
40049 Green Sparkle green sparkle for the Decoration Additions in Kelethin quest Quest update location 126.25,93.90,411.14 Ealaynya 12/17/08
40050 Green Sparkle green sparkle for the Decoration Additions in Kelethin quest Quest update location 344.62,109.04,137.47 Ealaynya 12/17/08
40051 Green Sparkle green sparkle for the Decoration Additions in Kelethin quest Quest update location 321.07,92.21,335.74 Ealaynya 12/17/08
40053 Green Sparkle last green sparkle for the Decoration Additions in Kelethin quest. Quest update location 412.86,111.05,501.23 Ealaynya 12/17/08
40588 court house rhympost for A Crusade to Faydwer Quest update location 377.00,140.00,174.00 Liandra 01/07/09
40784 Lady Alethea Jyleel <No Description> NPC 534.00,77.00,321.00 emccarty 01/17/09
42354 The Fae Royal Hall <No Description> Building 425.52,136.64,236.76 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
42440 Frethe Zizlop - Offers the subquest 'Card Deals'. - As a quest reward for obtaining [Zoe's Wild Deck] for him you'll receive the [Tin Metal Helm] for Blat Berisen for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Tin Metal Protection'. Quest update NPC 267.10,125.10,274.00 toovak 04/18/09
42732 Noora Maki <<Adorning Trainer>> Adorning Trainer Tradeskill 414.26,88.94,235.35 bivont 05/11/09
43187 Barb Islenet - Offers the subquest 'Wine for the Lady'. - As a quest reward for reaquiring her [Thundermist Merlot] you'll receive the [Pretty Pink Goggles] for Zoe Hertzflip for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Ogled Goggles'. Quest update NPC 134.13,108.85,178.02 SeriousWolf 06/16/09
43524 Llaken Piirit Relic Seeker House of Falling Stars (Priest Guild) NPC 88.50,89.44,492.28 Quikslyver 07/06/09
43779 Mage relic seeker Ovlaat Vikkum Buys Mage status items NPC 280.02,105.04,404.58 Azeed 08/01/09
43780 Priest relic Seeker Llaken Piirit NPC 92.33,89.44,491.97 Azeed 08/01/09
43962 Zoe Hertzflip - Offers the subquest 'Ogled Goggles'. - As a quest reward for obtaining the [Pretty Pink Goggles] you'll receive [Zoe's Wild Deck] for Frethe Zizlop for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Card Deals'. Quest update NPC 196.99,107.81,344.56 Sahei 08/24/09
43964 Abner Siblet - Offers the subquest 'Fribles's Fate'. - As a quest reward for defeating Fribles you'll receive the [Thundermist Merlot] for Barb Islenet for the Bristlebane Day quest 'Wine for the Lady'. Quest update NPC 537.37,77.49,320.78 Sahei 08/24/09
44258 a worried froglok Disciple of Love Quest starter NPC 291.65,106.43,164.53 Celidur 09/23/09
44274 Timeless Chronomage This NPC will help you temporarily change your level. NPC 443.74,91.71,184.44 Dolby 09/23/09
47363 Scribe Eljas Aravirta <<Research Assistant>> Sells spells Scribe 313.58,109.10,115.64 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47431 sul sphere for kelethin betrayal Quest update location 103.62,95.94,495.00 Raull 10/29/09
47432 sul sphere for kelethyn betrayal Quest update location 342.39,128.61,287.97 Raull 10/29/09
47433 sul sphere for kelethyn betrayal, search the backpack on the chair. Quest update location 537.53,71.20,297.44 Raull 10/29/09
47434 sul sphere for kelethy betrayal, in the chest. Quest update location 314.81,109.10,116.92 Raull 10/29/09
47490 Attendant Larinia (The Conservatory) Proving Grounds quest giver Quest starter NPC 311.41,109.04,138.88 afcraiders 11/05/09
47693 Forge <No Description> Tradeskill 278.12,125.10,265.74 thepriz 12/07/09
47694 Work Bench <No Description> Tradeskill 335.31,109.17,98.82 thepriz 12/07/09
47695 Engraved Desk <No Description> Tradeskill 339.26,109.17,95.30 thepriz 12/07/09
47696 Chemistry Table <No Description> Tradeskill 345.36,109.17,100.91 thepriz 12/07/09
47697 Work Bench <No Description> Tradeskill 341.21,109.17,106.10 thepriz 12/07/09
47698 Stove & Keg <No Description> Tradeskill 526.37,71.20,294.22 thepriz 12/07/09
47699 Stove & Keg <No Description> Tradeskill 528.77,71.20,309.90 thepriz 12/07/09
47700 Work Bench <No Description> Tradeskill 463.39,91.22,345.79 thepriz 12/07/09
47701 Chemistry Table <No Description> Tradeskill 467.05,91.21,361.74 thepriz 12/07/09
47702 Engraved Desk <No Description> Tradeskill 453.23,91.21,352.66 thepriz 12/07/09
47703 Sewing Table & Mannequin <No Description> Tradeskill 458.95,97.45,365.58 thepriz 12/07/09
47704 Woodworking Table <No Description> Tradeskill 466.12,97.48,360.27 thepriz 12/07/09
47705 Woodworking Table <No Description> Tradeskill 465.72,97.48,353.76 thepriz 12/07/09
47724 Sewing Table & Mannequin <No Description> Tradeskill 171.95,108.89,179.74 thepriz 12/09/09
47725 Sewing Table & Mannequin <No Description> Tradeskill 176.99,108.89,174.42 thepriz 12/09/09
47726 Engraved Desk <No Description> Tradeskill 136.13,108.85,171.92 thepriz 12/09/09
47727 Chemistry Table <No Description> Tradeskill 139.45,108.85,182.04 thepriz 12/09/09
47753 Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber Offers the Frostfell quest 'A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber)'. - There is a different version of this quest for every 10 adventure levels. - Using mentoring (i.e. from a Chronomage) all different level versions can be done. Quest starter NPC 409.99,138.35,215.87 Mysstie 12/12/09
47790 Gutten Gigglegibber <Frostfell tree handler> - Offers the Frostfell quest 'Decoration Additions in Kelethin'. - After you have finished the quest he will sell you more [Frosty Frostfell Tree Ticket]s for 1 platinum. Quest starter NPC 217.79,76.19,439.99 Darn 12/19/09
47916 City Festival: Kelethin Kelethin City Festival Site 565.76,44.35,48.74 Terranwolf 01/07/10
48064 Old Kelethin Location update for Greater Faydark Gypsy .... ride the lift to the top Quest update location 45.67,92.99,23.63 fsaph 01/27/10
48095 Freesia Ticklewing Update for Dirge Epic - gives you Flute of a Thousand Colors. Quest update NPC 161.72,108.82,171.45 vexpersona 01/31/10
48470 Kelethin Jysolin's Pub Teleporter Teleports you withing Kelethin. Old Acorn Lift, Far Residential Aerie, Kelethin First Regional Bank, Near Residential Aerie Teleporter 199.47,112.44,395.79 SwedishElk 02/17/10
48471 Kelethin Far Residential Aerie Teleporter Teleports you within Kelethin. Jysolin's Pub, Kelethin First Regional Bank, Near Residential Aerie, Old Kelethin Acorn Lift Teleporter 439.11,108.29,449.47 SwedishElk 02/17/10
48472 Kelethin Near Residential Aerie Teleporter Teleports you within Kelethin. Far Residential Aerie, Jysolin's Pub, Kelethin First Regional Bank, Old Acorn Lift Teleporter 446.85,91.71,169.13 SwedishElk 02/17/10
48473 Kelethin Teleporter Teleports you within Kelethin. Kelethin First Regional Bank, Jysolin's Pub, Far Residential Aerie, Near Residential Aerie Teleporter 45.23,92.99,21.88 SwedishElk 02/17/10
48884 Quark Quickmend <Mender> Quark Quickmend <Mender> to fix your worn out armor. Armor 292.02,109.04,131.20 Mysstie 02/19/10
49590 Kelethin First Regional Bank Teleporter Teleports you within Kelethin. The Near Residential Aerie, Jysolin's Pub, The Far Residential Aerie, Old Kelethin Acorn Lift Teleporter 300.66,109.18,108.84 SwedishElk 03/16/10
50421 Voyage Through Norrath <No Description> Bell 463.90,91.70,181.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50422 Voyage Through Norrath <No Description> Bell 342.50,109.40,124.20 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
51776 Chronomages Chronomage, tasker and reward merchant NPC 444.00,91.00,184.00 lomonacov 08/20/10
51805 Chronomage <No Description> NPC 444.17,91.71,182.66 lomonacov 08/26/10
52044 Amy Recolo Tradeskill Career Counsellor NPC 474.54,92.99,355.53 Daggen 10/01/10
52081 Ambassador Gibrien Marsden Change of Citizenship Quest starter NPC 457.31,88.94,226.48 JLonier 10/14/10
52259 Ikile Harmonia <<Tradeskill Tutorial>> <No Description> Artisan 473.00,93.00,344.00 kai1211 11/11/10
52481 Aimee Updates the Frostfell guide quest 'Lost Frostfell Gifts'. Quest update NPC 238.32,112.30,396.75 donhead 12/15/10
52483 Gilles Chillborn<<Inquisitor Trainer>> Inquisitor Trainer, Sells Inquisitor Fun Spells. Scribe 100.37,95.70,489.67 Triab 12/16/10
54391 Scribe Hilja Saraste <<Spell Scrolls>> Sells language primers and defiler, fury, illusionist, mystic, templar, and warden spells Scribe 296.89,124.18,229.99 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
54392 Sade Maki <<Transmuting Trainer>> Sells recipes and abilities for transmuters Artisan 413.86,88.94,233.37 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
54432 Firiona Vie Quest NPC for "Tangled Roots of Growth" HQ Quest update NPC 424.98,136.57,261.20 Koval 06/02/11
54537 Shadow Attacker If on An Introduction to the Fae, you will be attacked here. Quest update location 143.64,108.75,168.93 Terri19047 06/11/11
54555 Derek Travllor Qeynosian Emissary NPC 458.68,88.99,229.14 Terri19047 06/13/11
54558 Stove <No Description> Tradeskill 464.61,97.48,335.35 Terri19047 06/13/11
54559 Forge <No Description> Tradeskill 462.72,97.56,343.80 Terri19047 06/13/11
54560 Sewing Table <No Description> Tradeskill 456.10,97.56,343.41 Terri19047 06/13/11
54561 Forge <No Description> Tradeskill 451.01,97.55,339.74 Terri19047 06/13/11
54576 Mobin Grosch <<Bruiser Trainer>> Sells Bruiser combat arts Scribe 331.37,124.12,288.24 Terri19047 06/15/11
54874 Gnomish Sprits Refill this Container for the Tinkerfest quest 'Tinkerfest Cheer'. Quest update location 300.69,107.10,151.80 donhead 07/29/11
54979 Nimess Sessi <<Citizenship Registrar>> Become a citizen of Kelethin here NPC 415.95,136.57,233.77 +Daybreak+ 08/31/17
54980 Silver Leaf Inn <No Description> Inn 436.00,93.00,326.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
55363 Jimmie Gearbender <<Fence>> Broker for player goods Shop 332.82,45.56,334.55 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
55795 Trundo Flitterfling <Tracker Mercenary> Fae mercenary with Ranger abilities, including Track. Mercenaries 194.84,107.81,347.83 kross_nyr 01/10/12
55796 Keyrin Curetouch <Forest Spirit Mercenary> Wood elf mercenary with warden abilities. Mercenaries 196.34,107.81,348.80 kross_nyr 01/10/12
56243 Lonegon Bogh <Assassin Trainer> Sells combat arts for Assassins Scribe 293.78,73.60,472.55 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
56244 Lythe Dur'gun <Beastlord Trainer> Sells beastlord abilities Scribe 292.14,73.60,469.59 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
56245 Chronomages Chronomage task and reward merchants NPC 444.22,91.71,182.76 +Daybreak+ 08/31/17
56246 Proving Grounds Portal Portal to Proving Grounds Lobby Overland 309.77,109.04,143.77 +Daybreak+ 08/31/17
58535 Gibrien Marsden <<Assistant City Registrar>> Become a citizen of Kelethin here Site 457.00,88.90,229.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
58856 Yono Sylnu Faction Merchant (Tunare's Pages). Sells recipe for AA mirror. Artisan 451.39,91.21,343.66 Yadaw 11/15/12
61831 Semiramis the Wise One of the Nebulous Newsies for the Guide given quest Altar of Malice - The Nebulous Newsies Quest update NPC 431.80,138.35,246.84 angelickisser 11/20/14
61832 Melenkurion the Mischievous One of the Nebulous Newsies for the Guide given quest Altar of Malice - The Nebulous Newsies Quest update NPC 178.40,111.44,93.59 angelickisser 11/20/14
61836 Shanta d'Elfie One of the Nebulous Newsies for the Guide given quest Altar of Malice - The Nebulous Newsies Quest update NPC 261.57,126.88,280.18 angelickisser 11/20/14
62972 Shrine to Erollisi Quest update for "Love's Foundation" Quest update location 353.00,131.00,369.00 Sigrdrifa 07/07/15
63046 Mathal Dewpetal Sundered Ground event NPC (Next step of Malice Threat event) start quest: Sundered Ground, an Investigation for the Order of Arcane (only for GOOD aligned. all EVIL aligned need to visit Neriak-Lanxena T'Xith) Quest starter NPC 269.60,105.04,412.52 unsaint 09/26/15
63047 Aldaelon Rootbed Malice Threat and Sundered Ground event merchant for GOOD aligned exchange Primordial Malice Bauble for various items also you can exchange Arcane Umbra Gravel for Primordial Malice Bauble Shop 266.28,109.59,374.05 unsaint 09/26/15
63357 Tinkered Portal-Gate Leads to "Thalumbra, the Ever Deep". Overland 298.85,127.45,308.40 Elfrina 11/20/15
63698 Dangle Springbolt Offers the quest timeline, "Underdepths Saga" Quest starter NPC 323.67,109.04,159.19 kyrain 12/10/15
63699 Zeen Corblecog <No Description> Quest update location 303.59,126.88,302.29 kyrain 12/10/15
65560 To Champion's Respite Battlegrounds Lobby Overland 309.77,109.04,143.77 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
66089 Latinna Spiritgear <Channeler Trainer> Sells channeler spells Scribe 133.00,93.00,447.00 Ibreaku1 01/28/18
68417 G'shugahplum Gigglegibber - Offers the Frostfell quest 'Feelin' Gifty in Kelethin!'. - After you got the names for him he gives you 6 gifts to distribute to the correct one of the 6 persons from earlier. - Available after finishing 'A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber)' once. Quest starter NPC 406.93,138.35,212.02 Pijotre 12/18/18
68653 Gutten's frosty Frostfell tree - During Frostfell a [Frosted Frostfell Tree] can be bought for a [Frosty Frostfell Tree Ticket]. - These tickets can either be purchased for 1 platinum from Gutten Gigglegibber or are received from doing the 'Decoration Additions in [...]' quests in Qeynos, Kelethin, Gorowyn or New Halas from the 4 different Guttens there. Furniture 222.60,76.19,440.58 Pijotre 01/03/19
69411 Lucy Lovewing <Erollisi Day Promoter> Offers to take you to "Antonica" near the North Qeynos gate during Erollisi Day if you are a citizen of Kelethin. Overland 291.21,106.43,165.64 Pijotre 02/11/19
70065 Eifae Goldthorn - Updates the TS quest 'Mischief Managed: Forming the All's Eye Guild'. - She makes cloaks and scarfs with amazing patterns. - As it is more of a hobby to her she isn't much interested in becoming famous, but just honing her skills. Quest update NPC 338.86,109.17,97.58 Pijotre 03/25/19
70169 a Bristlebane Day merchant Sells Bristlebane Day related house items, mounts, recipes and spells for your [Fool's Gold]. Shop 458.27,92.99,324.58 Pijotre 03/31/19
70246 Unstable Tinkered Portal Leads to "Steamfont Mountains". - This portal is only available during the Tinkerfest Live Event. Overland 298.58,106.43,151.20 Pijotre 07/23/19
70422 Skeer Deekat <Gigglegibber Goblin-ish> Offers the Nights of the Dead quest 'This Won't End Well...'. Quest starter NPC 284.05,106.43,134.36 Pijotre 11/01/19
71189 Londiar Inygad <Adorning Daily Tasks> Daily Adorning, Tinkering and Transmuting tasks Quest starter NPC 457.00,91.00,331.00 McJeff 02/20/20
76068 Voyage Through Norrath travel through Norrath Bell 340.30,109.04,124.35 CazicLady2 01/25/23
77680 Elonjhnir Louthe <<Coercer Trainer>> Sells Coercer spells Scribe 242.80,106.82,421.22 Ahlyrial 01/06/24

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