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Qeynos: Qeynos Harbor

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74 POI's in Qeynos: Qeynos Harbor
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
848 Fence Fuddlesprock Fence Fuddlesprok is the Evil Side Broker for Qeynos. This location is under the Antonia Bayle Statue, You must get into the water to the left of the Statue and swim under it and through a tunnel to get to this NPC. NPC 879.06,-31.80,37.87 Humudce 03/09/05
856 Boulden Smitestone Speak with this NPC to start Feerrott access quest (lvl 32+) NPC 939.67,-25.55,29.39 bloodystump 03/09/05
1776 Royal Accountant Fowler Guildmaster - Create your guild here and get Guild Writs NPC 827.98,-23.55,123.73 Itanius 03/22/05
1780 Ian Cathlan Level 20 Armor Quest NPC NPC 796.11,-20.64,-32.74 Itanius 03/22/05
16129 Fish's Alehouse Luxury Apartment Price: 28g 98s 64000 status Upkeep: 1g 15s 92c 6500 status Requirements: Guild Level 10 Vender/Vault Slots: 2 Guild housing 802.04,-11.27,51.26 jgok 03/29/05
17473 Arrell Silvertongue Starts the Ranger Class Quest NPC 928.06,-25.56,53.50 Lobber 04/13/05
17874 Carpenter Paddock <No Description> NPC 937.81,-25.27,96.23 CNedra 04/24/05
20237 Through the Rathe Mountains Lvl 39 quest, examine the pile of books to your left as you enter the room. A quest (Replace) 823.29,-23.44,120.51 bodypopper 05/21/05
20238 Over Halas Lvl 42 Quest, examine the pile of books under the table in front and just to right as you enter the room Quest starter location 831.74,-23.55,123.35 bodypopper 05/21/05
21641 Escape Point Location where a scouts level 25 Escape ability will evac to. Object location 943.33,-25.52,27.63 EbonBlade 06/18/05
21758 a small ships spar For Of Spars And Sails And... Quest update location 817.08,-22.09,31.13 Sefner 06/29/05
22088 Dajor Botswein Quest: Of Spars and Sails and... (Level 27) NPC 985.51,-25.47,2.20 Liriel 07/05/05
22089 a sail A sail in a Barrel for the Quest: Of Sars and Sails and... Quest update location 797.40,-23.31,47.63 Liriel 07/05/05
22090 a ships map A ships map behind a wheel for the Quest: Of Spars and Sails and... Quest update location 804.47,-23.77,63.33 Liriel 07/05/05
22094 Barmaid Drinna <No Description> NPC 786.49,-23.23,85.68 Liriel 07/05/05
22217 Qeynos Harbor Black Market Qeynos Harbor black market Object location 902.13,-31.47,44.44 emiano 07/15/05
22219 Sir Aiden Godard <No Description> NPC 687,-21,3 Ancandune 07/16/05
22266 Pearl Honeywine Starting NPC for Disturbance quest Quest starter NPC 692.00,-20.00,-58.00 lonepiper 07/20/05
24015 Squire Moorford Part of the Fighter Training Part 2 quest. NPC 974.23,-25.52,21.98 LouJr 08/24/05
24417 A Safar of Majdul <No Description> NPC 924.83,-25.5,38.5 darklingrose 09/16/05
27044 Secret Entrance to South Qeynos Hidden door to South Qeynos, Need to jump on roof tops to get to this location. Possible Easter Egg. Zone 674.63,-20.47,70.43 LiquidFusion17 02/16/06
27652 Slayd Lancet npc NPC 791.83,-20.64,5.55 MjS 04/03/06
27934 Robert Newbury Qst: Graystone Bank Tally Delivery NPC 679.75,-20.05,-49.84 Moonwisper 05/12/06
28306 Vernon Tinworthy NPC for Trade Secrets quest, part of betrayal quest to become exile. NPC 803.43,-11.27,51.24 Sharra 06/16/06
28340 Freeport Bounty: Marvan Honeyjum This named character is killed for the new betrayal sub-quest for Qeynos to Freeport. This named will only spawn when the player with the quest comes to these coordinates. Monster Named 678.32,-19.81,-63.70 Dracythis 06/17/06
28829 Supplier Fuddlesprock Supplier Fuddlesprock offers the Trade Secrets quest (He is under the statue) Quest starter NPC 884.00,0.00,31.00 koelan 08/07/06
29156 Stove and Keg Outdoor crafting station Tradeskill 801.17,-23.77,56.03 diztorded 10/04/06
29163 Chemistry Table Outdoor crafting station Tradeskill 792.13,-23.26,98.84 diztorded 10/07/06
29164 Forge Outdoor crafting station Tradeskill 668.71,-20.66,14.51 diztorded 10/07/06
30846 Woodworking Table Outdoor crafting station Tradeskill 769.52,-20.69,-10.62 Vimvy 12/26/06
31133 Fish's Alehouse Luxury Apartment Price: 48g 30s Upkeep: 1g 93s 20c Requirements: None Vender/Vault Slots: 2 Player housing 801.05,-11.27,64.84 Kallah 01/18/07
31583 Randal Gromoe Needed for Kelethin to Qeynos quest 'Her People'. NPC 962.29,-25.56,93.91 Mr_Mc_Me 03/31/07
32708 Sprockfuddle For city betrayal quest found from tunnel under statue, go in water to eitherside of statue and swim under. NPC 895.70,-31.80,28.00 Afun 10/19/07
32766 Anuika Cresh and Betsie Fellhmmer NPCs needed for Quenos Harbor Rumor Mill Quest NPC 805.51,-23.77,59.40 patrkd 11/08/07
34631 Lyricist Keuhja Lyricist Keuhja, NPC for troubador epic weapon quest Quest update location 817.71,-14.23,36.84 Delaghar 02/10/08
34632 Lyricist Trucci Lyricist Trucci, NPC for troubador epic weapon quest Quest update location 828.20,-24.70,-23.00 Delaghar 02/10/08
35717 Work Bench A Jewelers outdoor crafting station. Tradeskill 684.21,-20.66,21.50 DonoDog 09/06/08
35869 Sewing Table Mannequin Outdoor crafting station Tradeskill 770.00,-20.60,-16.50 Thinquar 10/09/08
38802 Forge <No Description> Tradeskill 679.30,-20.60,25.70 Alnitak 11/18/08
40149 Sarbith Plegnog for The Broken Pen quest Quest update NPC 725.98,-20.83,-72.73 kojuro 12/21/08
40682 Rosalina Goodfallow The Shadow Odyssey Starter NPC Quest starter NPC 940.50,-25.50,27.50 Mac O Lee 01/11/09
40866 Engraved Desk crafting station for sages and scholars Tradeskill 791.88,-23.26,103.59 Alnitak 01/21/09
42163 Frethe Zizlop Quest: Tin Metal protection Quest update NPC 677.52,-20.66,20.38 DavidSachs 03/31/09
44272 Timeless Chronomage This NPC will help you temporarily change your level. NPC 892.00,-25.00,17.00 Dolby 09/23/09
47741 Royal Librarian Brinn Quest starter for Qynos world event GU54 Quest starter NPC 811.63,-23.77,54.07 jcordas 12/11/09
47936 Welmia Deepheart (a shady patron) A Piece of Heart for Swashbuckler Epic.There is no quest update bubble until after you talk to her. Quest update NPC 935.80,-19.55,4.18 takafunk 01/11/10
49407 an iksar warrior <No Description> Quest starter NPC 856.14,-25.46,22.85 jnils 03/06/10
49408 an iksar observer <No Description> Quest starter NPC 854.99,-24.52,28.80 jnils 03/06/10
49409 an iksar commander <No Description> NPC 858.32,-25.47,25.27 jnils 03/06/10
49410 a gnome researcher <No Description> Quest starter NPC 855.98,-25.60,52.31 jnils 03/06/10
49411 a gnome researcher <No Description> NPC 854.11,-24.47,51.03 jnils 03/06/10
49412 a gnome researcher <No Description> Quest starter NPC 850.61,-25.51,62.04 jnils 03/06/10
49414 Scion of Bhaast Use your BG rewards to buy armour Armor 878.14,-25.43,26.81 jnils 03/06/10
50275 a pirate first mate Giver of battlegrounds quests for Smuggler's Den Quest starter NPC 901.62,-25.33,83.92 Groovyphoenix 05/11/10
50276 a gnome observer Giver of battlegrounds quests for smuggler's Den Quest starter NPC 901.62,-25.33,83.92 Groovyphoenix 05/11/10
50341 Ambassador Duryo Valstath New location for Qeynos Citizenship quest giver Quest starter NPC 826.39,-23.55,123.04 DavidSachs 05/18/10
52228 Guster Malirious NPC Port Authority official for the Swashbuckler epic quest 'A Piece of Heart' Quest update NPC 930.00,-25.00,104.00 donhead 11/06/10
52395 Velnia NPC needed for the Swashbuckler epic quest 'High Seas Adventure' Quest update NPC 912.00,-25.00,94.00 donhead 12/01/10
55330 Litheon McElhannon <<Reforging>> Updates the quest 'Urgent Summons' NPC 670.38,-20.66,14.25 donhead 12/07/11
55353 Jennis Proudhilt <<Mercenary>> Paladin Mercenary Mercenaries 817.21,-23.36,66.80 donhead 12/07/11
55354 Bildi Pieflinger <<Mercenary>> Troubador Mercenary Mercenaries 814.03,-23.27,60.28 donhead 12/07/11
55355 Kyren Darkcloud <<Mercenary>> Swashbuckler Mercenary Mercenaries 812.12,-23.27,58.28 donhead 12/07/11
55356 Bdorn Alehammer <<Mecenary>> Templar Mercenary Mercenaries 803.90,-23.77,62.09 donhead 12/07/11
55803 Kell Silentfang Monk Mercenary Mercenaries 810.57,-23.27,43.50 kross_nyr 01/10/12
56191 Stamper Jeralf Inquisitor Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired him from Freeport Mercenaries 813.54,-17.27,50.21 Liandra 03/15/12
56192 Blurt Grasplung Defiler Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired him from Gorowyn. Mercenaries 801.37,-11.27,58.87 Liandra 03/15/12
56193 Denva Loogei Berserker Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired him from Gorowyn. Mercenaries 804.97,-11.27,56.43 Liandra 03/15/12
56194 Gandol Deathwing Necromancer Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired him in Neriak Mercenaries 805.81,-11.27,53.24 Liandra 03/15/12
56195 Vittia Direshadow ShadowKnight Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired her from Neriak Mercenaries 806.74,-11.27,52.23 Liandra 03/15/12
56196 Firus Scorchtouch Wizard Mercenary Mercenaries 803.98,-23.27,69.17 Liandra 03/15/12
56197 Bordis Glacierbane Conjuror Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired him from New Halas. Mercenaries 804.29,-23.73,63.23 Liandra 03/15/12
56198 Nevis Yewkus Mystic Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired him from New Halas. Mercenaries 815.50,-23.27,55.82 Liandra 03/15/12
56199 Trundo Flitterfling Ranger Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired him from Kelethin. Mercenaries 818.73,-23.27,47.24 Liandra 03/15/12
56200 Keyrin Curetouch Warden Mercenary. Appears here once you have hired her from Kelethin. Mercenaries 816.86,-23.27,46.72 Liandra 03/15/12

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