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The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Tradeskill Mission] <Planes of Prophecy>

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58 POI's in The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Tradeskill Mission]
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
67608 Return to Plane of Magic <No Description> Zone -34.21,-0.14,24.50 Pijotre 11/30/18
67609 An ancient scroll stand Click to receive the recipe [Traditions of Valor] to make [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. Quest update location -17.64,0.80,-7.03 Pijotre 11/30/18
67610 Forge Used to craft the [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. Tradeskill -20.88,1.05,-8.57 Pijotre 11/30/18
67611 remnant of valor Example location of component to gather to make the [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. Quest update location -15.58,0.06,1.07 Pijotre 11/30/18
67684 a fetid tuk knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - This is the first roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 65m from the Halls of the Fallen up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 14.56,-5.38,10.26 Pijotre 12/05/18
67685 a rotten tuk priest Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Grouped mobs hiding behind the doorframe left and right that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor]. Monster Heroic 64.82,-23.01,-38.68 Pijotre 12/05/18
67686 a fetid tuk knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 65m from the second locked door up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 68.22,-32.39,-86.20 Pijotre 12/05/18
67687 a fetid tuk knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 90m from the Cavern of the Ancient up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 97.32,-32.03,-114.36 Pijotre 12/05/18
67688 Halls of the Fallen Discovery location. Site 69.86,-23.17,-49.33 Pijotre 12/05/18
67689 The Chamber of Afterlife Discovery location. Site 60.01,-32.45,-106.31 Pijotre 12/05/18
67690 a baleful glimmer Group of 5? level 120^^^ Epic x4 spheroids. - 2 groups floating above the pool that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor]. - Whenever you see another pool check for these as they are often floating above. Monster Heroic 76.01,-24.00,-106.12 Pijotre 12/05/18
67691 Ladder Climbable ladder to get back out from the pool. Object location 72.98,-37.25,-121.02 Pijotre 12/05/18
67692 an Ancient Fungoid <Lord of Spores> Level 120^^^ Epic x4 fungoid - Need to banish him using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. - Once he has been banished red shinies will start spawning in the zone for 'The Nails That Built Guk'. Monster Named 106.95,-37.17,-193.67 Pijotre 12/05/18
67693 pure fungus Gather to absorb the slime from the small idol in the pool. - Spawns upon defeating an Ancient Fungoid. Quest update location 96.90,-35.11,-207.81 Pijotre 12/05/18
67694 slime engulfed small idol Pour your [pure fungus] on it to absorb the slime in the pool around it and to open the first nearby gate. Quest update location 68.68,-40.40,-112.08 Pijotre 12/05/18
67695 First locked gate This gate is locked until you have cleared the pool with your [pure fungus]. Cave entrance 106.14,-32.33,-115.96 Pijotre 12/05/18
67696 a decayed gaz knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 65m from The Atrium of Dust up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 124.62,-40.60,-130.28 Pijotre 12/05/18
67697 a decayed gaz knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs from north about 30m deeper in the zone up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 143.89,-43.38,-151.32 Pijotre 12/05/18
67698 Cavern of the Ancient Discovery location. Site 72.12,-34.64,-178.22 Pijotre 12/05/18
67699 Atrium of Dust Discovery location. Site 156.35,-46.11,-166.15 Pijotre 12/05/18
67700 a decayed gaz knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 45m from the Temple of the Prideful up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 176.75,-56.27,-191.36 Pijotre 12/05/18
67701 a corrupted gaz shaman Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Grouped mobs hiding behind the doorframe left and right that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor]. Monster Heroic 165.93,-61.08,-212.36 Pijotre 12/05/18
67702 Rideepa the Prideful <Arch Priestress> Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Need to banish her using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. Monster Named 173.27,-61.08,-235.30 Pijotre 12/05/18
67703 Temple of the Prideful Discovery location. Site 173.29,-65.06,-225.46 Pijotre 12/05/18
67704 squat troll statue Move this statue to a peculiar pedestal in the eastern part of The Chamber of Afterlife. Quest update location 173.23,-62.14,-246.02 Pijotre 12/05/18
67705 a peculiar pedestal Move the squat troll statue here to unlock the second gate. Quest update location 6.20,-32.42,-96.57 Pijotre 12/05/18
67706 Second locked gate This gate is locked until you have placed the squat troll statue onto the peculiar pedestal. Cave entrance 35.43,-38.96,-169.11 Pijotre 12/05/18
67707 a decayed gaz knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 80m from the Font of the Everliving up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 0.21,-39.35,-151.31 Pijotre 12/05/18
67708 a decayed gaz knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 60m from the Font of the Everliving up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic -2.28,-39.77,-194.40 Pijotre 12/05/18
67709 a reanimated unstable ghoul Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - An endless stream of ghouls comes up from the Font of the Everliving up the stairs and goes down the ramp to the east. At the bottom of this curved ramp they despawn. Follow one of them down the eastern ramp and keep using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] to banish the ones that come up from behind and the static groups on the sides. Once Froppit has been banished the pool will stop spawning more of them. Monster Heroic -82.81,-38.61,-174.54 Pijotre 12/05/18
67710 Froppit the Everliving <Master Summoner> Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Need to banish him using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. - Once he has been banished the endless stream of ghouls from the Font of the Everliving stops spawning. Monster Named -75.18,-47.66,-246.07 Pijotre 12/05/18
67711 Font of the Everliving Discovery location. Site -76.03,-52.06,-229.95 Pijotre 12/05/18
67712 Wall puzzle There are three wall plates that can be pushed. All 3 need to be pushed in and the sequence can vary. Try pushing in one of them, and if it pops back out, try one of the other two. Eventually, you will figure out the order that they want to be pushed in, and they will stay in. This opens a door to the east on this platform. Quest update location -52.00,-42.97,-258.54 Pijotre 12/05/18
67713 Locked door This door is unlocked and opened once the wall puzzle has been solved successfully. Cave entrance -81.17,-43.02,-264.98 Pijotre 12/05/18
67714 a deadly cadavodile Level 120^^^ Epic x4 crocodile - Lying on the lakeshore you need to banish him using your [Restored Chalice of Valor]. Monster Heroic -79.48,-67.51,-318.63 Pijotre 12/05/18
67715 Mouth of Destruction Discovery location. Site -54.90,-63.49,-366.91 Pijotre 12/05/18
67716 Molinap the Destructor <The Hoard Lord> Level 120^^^ Epic x4 drakota - Need to banish him using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. - Once he has been banished the third locked gate unlocks. Monster Named -78.38,-31.32,-388.35 Pijotre 12/05/18
67717 Third locked gate This gate is locked until you have banished Molinap. Cave entrance 6.28,-33.48,-322.26 Pijotre 12/05/18
67718 an ancient cadavodile Level 120^^^ Epic x4 crocodile - Lying at the bottom of the darkened well. Target him from above then jump to the right and use your [Restored Chalice of Valor] to banish him. Monster Heroic 35.08,-59.24,-288.35 Pijotre 12/05/18
67719 Darkened well Point of no return (apart from evac). Make sure you already picked up 3 red shinies up to this point and target the crocodile below from up here before you jump down. Cave entrance 34.99,-34.02,-318.47 Pijotre 12/05/18
67720 a fetid shin knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 50m from the southeast corner of The Halls of Usurpation up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 23.95,-60.41,-280.19 Pijotre 12/05/18
67721 a fetid shin knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 50m from the western part of The Halls of Usurpation up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 50.19,-60.26,-254.47 Pijotre 12/05/18
67722 The Halls of Usurpation Discovery location. Site 69.03,-59.59,-255.16 Pijotre 12/05/18
67723 Ritual sacrifice table Move and place a cadavaerous froglok body on this table. Quest update location -23.47,-59.59,-254.87 Pijotre 12/05/18
67724 Cadavaerous froglok body Move and place it on one of the ritual sacrifice tables. Quest update location 20.32,-59.31,-226.79 Pijotre 12/05/18
67725 Cadavaerous froglok body Move and place it on one of the ritual sacrifice tables. Quest update location 121.53,-64.52,-264.82 Pijotre 12/05/18
67726 Cadavaerous froglok body Move and place it on one of the ritual sacrifice tables. Quest update location 81.55,-62.78,-262.14 Pijotre 12/05/18
67727 a fetid shin knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 30m from south coming from the other side of the wall up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 98.14,-64.94,-252.18 Pijotre 12/05/18
67728 Ritual sacrifice table Move and place a cadavaerous froglok body on this table. Quest update location 107.28,-64.20,-251.12 Pijotre 12/05/18
67729 Ritual sacrifice table Move and place the last of 3 cadavaerous froglok body on this table. Once this 3rd froglok is being burned a Ghoul Usurper will spawn in this alcove, so make sure to retreat to the northwest corner immediately after placing the body. Quest update location 152.12,-64.45,-258.68 Pijotre 12/05/18
67730 a Ghoul Usurper <The Curse Bringer> Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Need to banish him using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. - Once he has been banished the fourth locked gate unlocks. Monster Named 148.62,-64.26,-255.88 Pijotre 12/05/18
67731 Fourth locked gate This gate is locked until you have banished a Ghoul Usurper. Cave entrance 124.71,-64.07,-286.09 Pijotre 12/05/18
67732 a fetid shin knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 20m from east coming from the other side of the wall up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 123.18,-64.26,-294.71 Pijotre 12/05/18
67733 a putrid shin warrior Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Grouped mobs hiding behind the doorframe left and right that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor]. Monster Heroic 118.57,-67.96,-342.53 Pijotre 12/05/18
67734 a fetid shin knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Another roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 60m from the northeast of the Sanctuary of Rot up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 137.69,-68.18,-350.95 Pijotre 12/05/18
67735 a fetid shin knight Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - The last roamer that you need to banish using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] - He runs about 60m from the north of the Sanctuary of Rot up to this spot and then teleports back. Monster Heroic 127.02,-68.66,-363.61 Pijotre 12/05/18
67736 Lord Kurpep <The Shin Lord> Level 120^^^ Epic x4 undead froglok - Need to banish him using your [Restored Chalice of Valor] for 'Restoring Valor'. - This finishes the mission and you're receiving your reward. Monster Named 123.92,-68.10,-386.88 Pijotre 12/05/18
67737 Sanctuary of Rot Discovery location. Site 123.68,-68.01,-375.55 Pijotre 12/05/18

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