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Vegarlson: Council's Stronghold [Solo] <Chaos Descending>

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72 POI's in Vegarlson: Council's Stronghold [Solo]
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
68223 To Myrist, the Great Library <No Description> Zone 630.81,62.83,40.00 Pijotre 12/14/18
68295 a racer This racing snail speeds between the zone entrance and Gravel's Reach. Horse 645.30,62.83,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68296 massive mudglop Level 118^^^ spheroid. - Drops [magic mud] to feed to the hungry racers and like all other zone inhabitants [tectonic fragment]s of which you need 19 for 'Elements of Destruction: Layers of Order'. - These can be found all around Ragrax, Sepulcher of the Twelve. Monster Heroic 842.92,63.07,81.95 Pijotre 12/16/18
68297 The Great Gravelly One Level 118^^^ golem - Needed for ' [Solo]'. - Drops like all other zone inhabitants [tectonic fragment]s of which you need 19 for 'Elements of Destruction: Layers of Order'. - Joust when he build up heat and wind to avoid his knockback and power drain. Monster Named 876.94,62.54,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68298 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds between Gravel's Reach and the racer along the southeastern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 871.14,62.54,106.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68299 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds between Gravel's Reach and the racer along the northeastern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 865.32,62.54,-24.05 Pijotre 12/16/18
68300 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the southeastern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1027.09,62.54,145.25 Pijotre 12/16/18
68301 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the northeastern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1026.05,62.54,-66.22 Pijotre 12/16/18
68302 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the northern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1064.25,62.54,-344.03 Pijotre 12/16/18
68303 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the northern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1813.45,63.08,-361.14 Pijotre 12/16/18
68304 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the western wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1844.91,62.54,-327.68 Pijotre 12/16/18
68305 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the western wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1833.02,62.54,406.43 Pijotre 12/16/18
68306 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the southern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1050.02,62.54,423.52 Pijotre 12/16/18
68307 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the southern wall on the ground level after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1813.41,63.08,440.12 Pijotre 12/16/18
68308 Guardian of Gravel Level 118^^^ golem - Drops [Ethereal Gravel] needed for the Test of Gravel in Gravel's Reach. - He paths all along the western wall of Ragrax, Sepulcher of the Twelve on the ground level. Monster Named 1838.90,62.54,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68309 a vekerchiki macerators and lacerators Group of 6 level 118^^^ mephlins - Example location. - Drop like all other zone inhabitants [tectonic fragment]s of which you need 19 for 'Elements of Destruction: Layers of Order'. - These can be found in all corners of Ragrax, Sepulcher of the Twelve. Monster Heroic 1006.84,63.08,446.27 Pijotre 12/16/18
68310 Test of Gravel Place your [Ethereal Gravel] here, then watch, in order, through which 3 doors the floating ethereal gravel paths and repeat that order. - Passing the test severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Gravel, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Gravel] needed for the Council of Gravel. Object location 944.27,62.62,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68311 Northern Traversal Access Point For the Test of Gravel watch, in order, through which of these 3 doors the floating ethereal gravel paths. In order to pass the test you have to go through the same doors in the same order that the gravel pathed. Clicking an access point will teleport you to the point where you saw the next gravel spawn. - This is a group update, so let 1 player do it. Cave entrance 999.47,62.62,-1.68 Pijotre 12/16/18
68312 Western Traversal Access Point Place your [Ethereal Gravel] here, then watch, in order, through which 3 doors the floating ethereal gravel paths and repeat that order. - Passing the test severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Gravel, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Gravel]. Cave entrance 1083.24,62.61,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68313 Southern Traversal Access Point Place your [Ethereal Gravel] here, then watch, in order, through which 3 doors the floating ethereal gravel paths and repeat that order. - Passing the test severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Gravel, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Gravel]. Cave entrance 999.57,62.61,81.86 Pijotre 12/16/18
68314 Access to Upper Level Traverse the ruins up to The Builder's Stratum on level 2. - Spawns upon passing the Test of Gravel. Teleporter 1021.50,62.62,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68315 Access to Lower Level Traverse the ruins back down to Gravel's Reach on the ground level. Teleporter 996.56,275.20,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68316 Access to Upper Level Traverse the ruins up to The Earthen Way on level 3. - Spawns upon passing the Test of Stone. Teleporter 1192.24,275.05,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68317 Access to Lower Level Traverse the ruins back down to The Builder's Stratum on level 2. Teleporter 1119.06,465.28,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68318 Access to Upper Level Traverse the ruins up to the Arborian Overlook on level 4. - Spawns upon passing the Test of Soil. Teleporter 1356.02,465.26,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68319 Access to Lower Level Traverse the ruins back down to The Earthen Way on level 3. Teleporter 1246.59,634.94,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68320 Access to Upper Level Traverse the ruins up to the Council of Four on the top level. - Spawns upon passing the Test of Leaves. Teleporter 1443.31,635.08,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68321 Access to Lower Level Traverse the ruins back down to the Arborian Overlook on level 4. Teleporter 1364.03,784.58,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68322 Council of Four Discovery location. Site 1430.59,784.93,38.88 Pijotre 12/16/18
68323 Arborian Overlook Discovery location. Site 1261.07,635.19,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68324 The Ancient Grove Discovery location. Site 1384.99,635.08,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68325 The Earthen Way Discovery location. Site 1140.70,465.38,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68326 Shrine of Soil Discovery location. Site 1303.65,465.19,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68327 The Builder's Stratum Discovery location. Site 1024.36,275.15,40.00 Pijotre 12/16/18
68328 Sanctum of Stone Discovery location. Site 1143.06,274.93,40.00 Pijotre 12/17/18
68329 Ragrax, Sepulcher of the Twelve Discovery location. Site 843.41,63.07,40.00 Pijotre 12/17/18
68330 Gravel's Reach Discovery location. Site 964.46,62.62,40.00 Pijotre 12/17/18
68331 Aggregahn <The First Builder> Level 118^^^ golem - Needed for ' [Solo]'. - When he says "I can destroy as easily as I can build!" then use your [Ethereal Stones] to build an Aggregate Wall between him and you to be protected from his blasts. Monster Named 1076.13,274.86,39.38 Pijotre 12/17/18
68332 Guardian of Stones Level 118^^^ golem - Drops [Ethereal Stones] needed for Aggregahn and the Test of Stone in the Sanctum of Stone. - He paths all along the western wall of The Builder's Stratum on level 2. Monster Named 1762.99,275.74,40.00 Pijotre 12/17/18
68333 Test of Stone Upon placing your [Ethereal Stones] here, 4 soldiers of stone spawn, note the doors the outer 3 are standing near, then note in which order you kill those 3 and after the fight walk through the doors in the same order. - This is a group update, so let 1 player do it. - Passing the test severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Stones, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Stones] needed for the Council of Stone. Object location 1110.22,274.93,39.83 Pijotre 12/17/18
68334 Northern Portal Access Point The northern soldier of stone spawns here for Test of Stone. After the fight, depending on wether the northern soldier of stone was defeated first, second or third walk through this door first, second or third (in the same order). - Making the doors hum to pass the test is a group update, so let 1 player do it. Cave entrance 1170.41,274.93,-1.84 Pijotre 12/17/18
68335 Western Portal Access Point The western soldier of stone spawns here for Test of Stone. After the fight, depending on wether the western soldier of stone was defeated first, second or third walk through this door first, second or third (in the same order). - Making the doors hum to pass the test is a group update, so let 1 player do it. Cave entrance 1254.07,274.93,39.25 Pijotre 12/17/18
68336 Southern Portal Access Point The southern soldier of stone spawns here for Test of Stone. After the fight, depending on wether the southern soldier of stone was defeated first, second or third walk through this door first, second or third (in the same order). - Making the doors hum to pass the test is a group update, so let 1 player do it. Cave entrance 1170.56,274.93,81.29 Pijotre 12/17/18
68337 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the southeastern wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1013.48,275.74,90.59 Pijotre 12/17/18
68338 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the southern wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1718.96,275.74,353.48 Pijotre 12/17/18
68339 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the southern wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1134.28,275.20,336.01 Pijotre 12/17/18
68340 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the western wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1751.20,274.86,-230.19 Pijotre 12/17/18
68341 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the western wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1740.50,274.86,311.98 Pijotre 12/17/18
68342 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the northern wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1134.32,274.86,-257.64 Pijotre 12/17/18
68343 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the northern wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1718.97,275.74,-274.35 Pijotre 12/17/18
68344 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the northeastern wall on level 2 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1013.33,275.73,-10.92 Pijotre 12/17/18
68345 a hungry racer This racing snail speeds along the northeastern wall on level 3 after you feed it your [magic mud]. Horse 1128.18,465.71,0.41 Pijotre 12/17/18
68346 a cursed guard Level 118^^^ pirate golem - Upon defeat he extends a platform so you can reach the floating stones that reach down to Solum Isle. Monster Heroic 1236.71,465.71,-185.94 Pijotre 12/17/18
68347 Stone platform Upon defeating the cursed guard this platform extends so you can reach the floating stones that reach down to Solum Isle. Object location 1234.59,464.98,-220.77 Pijotre 12/17/18
68348 Solum Isle Discovery location. Site 719.43,85.86,-382.68 Pijotre 12/17/18
68349 Escargore Level 118^^^ snail - Example location. - Needed for ' [Solo]'. - It paths clockwise around Solum Isle. - Joust when it is giving someone the googly eye. Monster Named 620.18,17.21,-318.07 Pijotre 12/17/18
68350 Guardian of Soil Level 118^^^ golem - Example location. - Drops [Ethereal Soil] needed for the Test of Soil in the Shrine of Soil. - He paths from here down through the arch to the water and back. Monster Named 662.71,54.85,-377.70 Pijotre 12/17/18
68351 Access to 3rd Level Traverse the ruins back up to The Earthen Way on level 3. - Spawns upon defeating Ecargore and the Guardian of Soil. Teleporter 645.45,14.09,-454.21 Pijotre 12/17/18
68352 Test of Soil Upon placing your [Ethereal Soil] here 3 soil mounds and 3 earthly podwalkers spawn. You have to defeat each earthly podwalker over the corresponding mound. Repeat this process with 3 waters of Awuidor and 3 flits of radiance - Passing the test severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Soil, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Soil] needed for the Council of Soil. Object location 1274.00,465.20,39.78 Pijotre 12/17/18
68353 Northern soil mound Defeat the northern earthly podwalker, waters of Awuidor and flit of radiance over this mound. Upon doing so an ethereal plant will grow from which you can take [Ethereal Leaves] - Passing the test also severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Soil, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Soil]. Object location 1331.75,466.85,23.15 Pijotre 12/17/18
68354 Southern soil mound Defeat the southern earthly podwalker, waters of Awuidor and flit of radiance over this mound. Upon doing so an ethereal plant will grow from which you can take [Ethereal Leaves] - Passing the test also severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Soil, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Soil]. Object location 1335.53,466.76,55.10 Pijotre 12/17/18
68355 Western soil mound Defeat the western earthly podwalker, waters of Awuidor and flit of radiance over this mound. Upon doing so an ethereal plant will grow from which you can take [Ethereal Leaves] - Passing the test also severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Soil, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Soil]. Object location 1386.03,466.91,39.39 Pijotre 12/17/18
68356 Test of Leaves Upon placing your [Ethereal Leaves] here 6 arborian tenders and their forest familiars spawn. - Passing the test severs the plane's link to the Ethereal Leaves, so that you can take some [Severed Ethereal Leaves] needed for the Council of Leaves. Object location 1361.25,635.08,39.77 Pijotre 12/17/18
68357 an arborian tender 6 grouped level 118 arborians with their forest familiars - Spawn upon placing your [Ethereal Leaves] on the Test of Leaves and spawn Lesha Needleleaf upon defeat. Monster Heroic 1498.19,635.08,39.74 Pijotre 12/17/18
68358 Lesha Needleleaf <Keeper of the Grove> Level 118^^^ arborian - Needed for ' [Solo]' and 'Study of Earth: The Stonghold [Solo]'. - Spawns upon defeating the arborian tenders. - Defeating her concludes the Test of Leaves. Monster Named 1434.01,635.44,39.33 Pijotre 12/17/18
68359 Portal to Heart of Thudos Spawns upon defeating the Council of Leaves and imbuing your [Inert Vegarlson Purifying Rune] with your 19 [tectonic fragment]s. Needed for 'Elements of Destruction: Layers of Order'. Teleporter 1504.94,784.28,41.47 Pijotre 12/17/18
68360 Portal from Heart of Thudos Takes you back to the Council of Four on the top level of Ragrax, Sepulcher of the Twelve. Teleporter -16.49,121.21,30.25 Pijotre 12/17/18
68361 The Thudos Corestone Use your [Imbued Vegarlson Purifying Rune] on the corestone for 'Elements of Destruction: Layers of Order'. - This will knock you back. Quest update location -216.49,113.68,161.51 Pijotre 12/17/18
68362 Council of Gravel Level 118^^^ arborian? - Needed for ' [Solo]', 'Study of Earth: The Stonghold [Solo]' and 'The Elemental Planes: Spells Readied [Solo]'. - Upon defeat the Council of Stone will attack. - Use your [Severed Ethereal Gravel] to make him and his damage reduction smaller. Monster Named 1431.33,794.84,143.95 Pijotre 12/17/18
68364 Council of Stone Level 118^^^ arborian? - Needed for ' [Solo]', 'Study of Earth: The Stonghold [Solo]' and 'The Elemental Planes: Spells Readied [Solo]'. - Upon defeat the Council of Soil will attack. - Use your [Severed Ethereal Stones] to create a wall between you and him to protect yourself from his damage. Monster Named 1530.69,794.93,58.96 Pijotre 12/17/18
68365 Council of Soil Level 118^^^ arborian? - Needed for ' [Solo]', 'Study of Earth: The Stonghold [Solo]' and 'The Elemental Planes: Spells Readied [Solo]'. - Upon defeat the Council of Leaves will attack. - Use your [Severed Ethereal Soil] on him. Monster Named 1530.27,794.93,21.42 Pijotre 12/17/18
68366 Council of Leaves Level 118^^^ arborian? - Needed for ' [Solo]', 'Study of Earth: The Stonghold [Solo]' and 'The Elemental Planes: Spells Readied [Solo]'. - Use your [Severed Ethereal Leaves] on him to protect yourself from his damage. Monster Named 1432.30,794.51,-64.30 Pijotre 12/17/18

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