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Splitpaw Crypts

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13 POI's in Splitpaw Crypts
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
70384 a wall weaver Scaling level 0 spider. - This like all spiders needs to be defeated to destroy the second set of spider webs to allow passage deeper into the crypts. Monster Solo -73.63,-68.02,-194.17 Pijotre 10/30/19
70383 a vengeful Splitpaw Scaling level 0 gnoll skeleton. - This like all gnoll skeletons needs to be defeated to destroy the first set of spider webs to allow passage deeper into the crypts. Monster Solo -32.04,-61.53,-60.08 Pijotre 10/30/19
70379 Bone barrier This is a permanent barrier in this instance. Cave entrance -27.00,-69.12,-209.40 Pijotre 10/30/19
70378 Spider webs These webs disappear and open up a passage deeper into the crypts after defeating the ~5 wall weaver spiders and after speaking with Hardy. Cave entrance -90.41,-69.79,-214.94 Pijotre 10/30/19
70377 Spider webs These webs disappear and open up a passage deeper into the crypts after defeating the ~5 wall weaver spiders and after speaking with Hardy. Cave entrance -56.51,-71.22,-191.26 Pijotre 10/30/19
70376 Spider webs These webs disappear and open up a passage deeper into the crypts after defeating the ~10 gnoll encounters. Cave entrance -32.99,-70.35,-179.32 Pijotre 10/30/19
70375 Spider webs These webs disappear and open up a passage deeper into the crypts after defeating the ~10 gnoll encounters. Cave entrance -81.64,-70.18,-149.50 Pijotre 10/30/19
70374 Ancient Splitpaw Totem Return your [polished Splitpaw ruby] to the totem, to put the riled gnolls to rest for the Night of the Dead quest 'Night of the Barking Dead'. Quest update location -59.29,-64.78,-226.47 Pijotre 10/30/19
70373 Rawndoc Gorepelt Scaling level 0^ gnoll ghost. - Needed for the Night of the Dead quest 'Night of the Barking Dead'. - Spawns after talking to Thieving Hardy. - At 75% he becomes invincible and you need to defeat the mindless bonescavenger/bonedcrapper gnolls that spawn on the surrounding burrows. - At 25% he will spawn gnoll spirit totems at your feet, if you're low on dps it is advised to destroy these first. Monster Named -52.33,-64.77,-225.34 Pijotre 10/30/19
70372 Thieving Hardy - Updates the Night of the Dead quest 'Night of the Barking Dead'. - Appears after retrieving the [polished Splitpaw ruby] from Nekrasov. Quest update NPC -4.92,-64.46,-193.13 Pijotre 10/30/19
70371 Nekrasov the Shadow - Searching the corpse of this ratonga treasure seeker yields a [polished Splitpaw ruby] from his hand for the Night of the Dead quest 'Night of the Barking Dead'. - Cannot be searched before the treasure seeker gear has been found. - After searching the body Thieving Hardy appears. Quest update location -2.15,-64.21,-189.67 Pijotre 10/30/19
70370 Treasure seeker gear Approaching the gear updates the Night of the Dead quest 'Night of the Barking Dead' as it provides a clue to another treasure seeker being here. Quest update location -83.40,-67.09,-57.28 Pijotre 10/30/19
70369 Exit the Splitpaw Crypts Leads back out to "The Thundering Steppes". Zone -85.13,-67.46,-38.93 Pijotre 10/30/19

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