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Kunzar Jungle <Rise of Kunark>

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550 POI's in Kunzar Jungle
UID Name Description Type /Loc Submitter Date
41597 2nd Key Guardian <No Description> Monster Heroic -106.00,150.00,-995.00 kaverguy 02/21/09
51845 a Aathirian oathsworn patroller and seekers 4 heroic mobs walk along this road. For quest Danger Zone NPC -137.16,105.93,-462.66 adolf102 09/02/10
34255 A Battle Site This is the starting point for The Fate of Norrath quest. Quest starter location -214.30,149.60,-1110.30 soundchicken 12/29/07
33730 a bloodstripe kunzar bengal <No Description> Monster (Replace) -177.00,103.00,-372.00 evely_hellard 11/24/07
49994 a Bronze shackle monk <No Description> Monster Solo -78.94,-55.54,221.40 Sinclair 04/20/10
36979 a camp patcher <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor -443.51,148.53,-877.37 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
49993 a Clay shackle monk <No Description> Monster Solo -108.18,-66.69,232.41 Sinclair 04/20/10
34210 A Defiled Headstone Up ladder on ledge. Headstone engraved Rest Shulatu Darkscar. The name Kullaba Dreadpool is scrawled in soot and blood across the headstone. Additional runes are smeared across the stone. Object location 182.46,87.67,-426.39 aaelefein 12/23/07
33633 a docile earth elemental Several of these wander near fixed locations in this valley. NPC -548.00,-72.00,538.00 Galafk 11/23/07
40158 a docile earth elemental <No Description> Monster Solo -582.33,49.61,277.88 lomonacov 12/22/08
40430 a giant venom flow leech A kill for the Medicinal Properties quest Quest update NPC -14.17,-58.63,74.35 fernis 01/01/09
36971 a Jinisk banker <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank 629.99,38.30,-162.33 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35868 a Jinisk broker Functional broker (faction allowing) NPC 253.50,-44.40,51.40 Thinquar 10/09/08
36973 a Jinisk broker <<Broker>> Broker for player goods Shop 628.45,37.04,-127.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36974 a Jinisk buyer <<Merchant>> Sells crafting fuels Shop 660.71,36.54,-103.23 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
43760 a Jinisk mender Mender in Iksar village NPC -215.50,-82.19,285.04 ozadenya 07/30/09
36969 a Jinisk mender <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor 639.12,38.30,-83.79 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34914 a keen trakaraptor Quest npc for fury epic quest The Cunning of the Trakaraptor NPC -608.00,-40.00,269.00 Ashlian 03/15/08
52701 a kunzar scaleripper scaleripper Monster Solo 610.57,61.30,-524.03 _qubit 01/31/11
41451 a kunzar swampfly <No Description> Monster Solo -34.43,-113.27,507.32 davidrs 02/08/09
42210 a kunzar tiger <No Description> Monster Solo 255.71,-20.59,-140.56 Moriyha 04/01/09
41788 a liberated reet for the quest recover the lost slaves Monster Solo 457.49,-98.00,1031.92 davidrs 03/07/09
55069 A Page for the quest "Like A Book Without Pages" <No Description> A book page -387.80,22.77,-147.68 Keybordkiller 09/06/11
33968 a page for the quest Like A Book Without Pages <No Description> A book page -385.91,28.22,6.68 Onedring 12/04/07
33969 a page for the quest Like A Book Without Pages <No Description> A book page -443.55,20.43,2.66 Onedring 12/04/07
33970 a page for the quest Like A Book Without Pages <No Description> A book page -389.08,22.76,146.33 Onedring 12/04/07
33972 a page for the quest Like A Book Without Pages <No Description> A book page -269.63,11.51,129.66 Onedring 12/04/07
34163 a page for the quest Like A Book Without Pages <No Description> A book page -687.72,36.52,-205.99 Drudge 12/18/07
34164 a page for the quest Like A Book Without Pages <No Description> A book page -537.58,21.27,-90.59 Drudge 12/18/07
34165 a page for the quest Like A Book Without Pages <No Description> A book page -625.34,19.43,-131.12 Drudge 12/18/07
52448 a page for the quest: "Like a Book without Pages" Missing book page A book page -424.33,29.59,-89.01 Darkmoogle 12/12/10
39640 a pox-ridden reet slave The Will of Kyrtoxxulous (Warlock epic weapon quest) step 12 Quest update NPC -633.26,-68.85,485.88 cl-46 phoenix 12/03/08
33376 a renegade spy A renegade spy for the quest: Field Work NPC 25.76,-47.86,33.04 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
33377 a renegade spy location 2: a renegade spy for quest: Field Work NPC -383.34,137.47,-862.37 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
54364 a senior Clay shackle monk Offers the Shackle timeline quest starting wtih 'The Trial of Clay' Quest starter NPC -30.00,-50.00,167.00 donhead 05/29/11
49999 a shadow raptor <No Description> Monster Solo -676.76,-52.57,395.62 Sinclair 04/21/10
64630 a shard of unwavering duty - Defiler Priest Epic Weapon 2.0 Timeline - Awakening Bonds: The First Steps - Search for a shard of my unwavering duty Quest update location 180.00,87.00,-417.00 Silberschnee 01/17/17
64635 a shard of unwavering duty - Templar Priest Epic Weapon 2.0 Timeline - Awakening Bonds: The First Steps - Search for a shard of my unwavering duty Quest update location -121.00,3.00,-127.00 Silberschnee 01/17/17
36978 a Skulker buyer <<Merchant>> Sells general items Shop -462.77,147.08,-888.10 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
42125 A smoldering camp fire Second update for the Ranger Epic Weapon quest, 'Removing the Darkness From Within...' Quest update location -613.00,19.00,-99.00 fsaph 03/28/09
34695 a Spiritwracked Chokidai For Mystic Epicq, 80^^^ Monster Named -304.00,137.00,-411.00 Alrawn 02/16/08
52109 a Stalk of Earthvine for Mystic Epic Quest update location 573.60,-76.18,521.72 Ssirdna 10/18/10
58378 A stalk of earthvine Mystic Epic Object location 384.38,54.40,-489.61 Sephyron 09/28/12
43793 a stalk of earthvine for Mystic EPIC Quest update location -392.36,143.77,-627.83 armada 08/03/09
47969 a Stalk of Earthvine Occasional spawn location for the Stalk of Earthvine needed for Mystic fabled weapon quest. Quest update location 672.00,99.00,-649.00 Mellian 01/12/10
48013 a stalk of earthvine Possible spawn point for special harvestable for Mystic Epic Quest update location 672.74,-72.95,329.80 aalange 01/18/10
48012 a stalk of earthvine Possible spawn point for special harvestable for Mystic Epic Quest update location -26.12,96.79,-335.74 aalange 01/18/10
51037 A stalk of Earthvine Possible Harvest Point Quest update location 8.10,119.75,-283.50 Gunnyret 06/11/10
51038 A stalk of Earthvine Possible Harvest Point, Mystic Epic Quest update location -187.83,120.17,-597.74 Gunnyret 06/11/10
51039 A stalk of Earthvine Possible Harvest Point, Mystic Epic Quest update location -299.55,138.34,-601.49 Gunnyret 06/11/10
51040 A stalk of Earthvine Possible Harvest Point, Mystic Epic Quest update location -260.62,127.04,-726.39 Gunnyret 06/11/10
51858 a stalk of earthvine Possible spawn point for special harvestable for Mystic Epic Quest update location 656.36,-90.51,644.26 cobweb78 09/05/10
56142 A stalk of Earthvine Earthvine for Mystic Epic. Quest update location 121.68,95.18,-634.10 martineztherock 03/06/12
49992 a Stone shackle monk <No Description> Monster Solo -172.27,-69.96,189.03 Sinclair 04/20/10
35668 a Swifttail caste servant NPC for the Paladin epic weapon quest 'A Paladin's Crusade' NPC -251.00,-63.00,179.00 aadam 08/26/08
50000 a tatterback gorilla <No Description> Monster Solo -572.75,-9.45,205.57 Sinclair 04/21/10
34601 a timeworn spirit Mystic Epic Weapon - Step2 Monster (Replace) -447.05,141.12,-813.12 Berabow 02/08/08
58030 a veteran shardtroop 77^ Shardtoops and flurrybursts for Lake of Dismay and Doom, city of Jinisk faction quest, alt location, take sokokar here Monster Solo 634.29,-92.32,595.72 mysticspiral 08/16/12
41452 a vicious vespid hornet <No Description> Monster Solo -34.43,-113.27,507.32 davidrs 02/08/09
40414 aerating root cord Gathering location for the lichenclover root required for the quest The Sad Tale of Rhodoqiz Karazz Quest update location 768.28,69.90,-347.73 fernis 12/31/08
33542 Amulet of the Jade-Fist Harvestable vase for the quest: The Trial of Bronze Quest update location -149.10,148.12,-911.00 Wyldchyld 11/21/07
34915 an anxious iksar villager Mob for the fury epic quest The Cunning of the Trakaraptor Monster (Replace) -526.00,-41.00,444.00 Ashlian 03/15/08
43992 an elusive ice construct Lvl 73^, for quest Elementals Amongst Us Monster Solo 730.45,36.63,-171.25 dragonslayer7 08/29/09
41453 an emerald stoneleer level 76 Monster Solo -55.06,-103.65,472.94 davidrs 02/08/09
43255 An emerald stoneleer egg Quest update for Putting Them in One Basket. Quest update location 222.00,-107.86,530.22 AndonSage 06/18/09
43256 An emerald stoneleer egg Quest update for Putting Them in One Basket. Quest update location 254.36,-107.71,527.51 AndonSage 06/18/09
43317 an emerald stoneleer egg for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location 351.20,-109.85,478.47 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43318 an emerald stoneleer egg for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location 38.87,-106.76,492.89 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43319 an emerald stoneleer egg for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location 8.23,-108.76,489.31 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43320 an emerald stoneleer egg for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location -14.02,-101.97,488.60 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43322 an emerald stoneleer egg for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location -63.74,-81.40,381.36 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43624 an emerald stoneleer egg needed for the quest Putting Them In One Basket Quest update location 386.24,-109.46,499.79 blackroseanjel 07/17/09
43667 an emerald stoneleer egg update for putting them in one basket Quest update location 56.09,-90.38,488.56 nastiya 07/20/09
43693 an emerald stoneleer egg for Putting them into Basket Quest Quest update location 222.00,27.00,-108.00 Webrene 07/23/09
44065 an emerald stoneleer egg Quest update for Putting Them in One Basket Quest update location 140.00,-104.03,484.41 Faerel 09/03/09
44066 an emerald stoneleer egg Quest update for Putting Them in One Basket Quest update location 79.20,-112.39,509.13 Faerel 09/03/09
51006 an emerald stoneleer egg emerald stoneleer egg for Order of Rime repeatable quest, "Putting Them In One Basket" Quest update location 324.98,-106.84,501.93 blackdragoness 06/08/10
43314 an emerald stoneleer eggs for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location 98.67,-104.93,475.84 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43315 an emerald stoneleer eggs for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location 72.30,-105.35,464.45 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43316 an emerald stoneleer eggs for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location 234.58,-100.50,469.94 hikkymouse 06/20/09
43321 an emerald stoneleer eggs for Putting Them in One Basket Quest Quest update location -41.17,-94.27,421.70 hikkymouse 06/20/09
47502 An emerald stoneleer eqq Quest update for Putting Them in One Basket. Quest update location 271.09,-106.92,546.84 Jacu 11/07/09
34407 An Erollisi Mantrap For City Writs Monster (Replace) 306.30,57.29,-497.02 crowebait 01/12/08
36953 an iksar banker <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank 70.78,-111.94,558.97 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36952 an iksar banker <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank 205.19,-33.59,-50.86 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
55365 an iksar banker <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank 70.80,-111.90,559.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33632 an iksar buyer a Kunzar Jungle Villagers merchant. NPC -546.00,-41.00,383.00 Galafk 11/23/07
34209 an Iksar Buyer Merchant - Requires faction to use. NPC 148.66,117.91,869.59 Eldiroth 12/23/07
36968 an iksar buyer <<Merchant>> Sells general items Shop 594.37,65.35,-442.03 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36967 an iksar buyer <<Merchant>> Sells general items Shop -272.40,141.95,-483.11 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36966 an iksar buyer <<Merchant>> Sells general items Shop -101.93,-84.82,306.46 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36965 an iksar buyer <<Merchant>> Sells general items Shop 148.69,-117.91,868.59 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36964 an iksar buyer <<Merchant>> Sells general items Shop -226.16,-88.71,589.66 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36963 an iksar buyer <<Merchant>> Sells general items Shop -546.68,-41.17,384.05 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36954 an Outer Sebilis banker <<Banker>> Access to your bank Bank -311.42,-118.57,872.57 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36962 an Outer Sebilis buyer <<Merchant>> Sells crafting fuels Shop -329.93,-116.39,1006.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36956 an Outer Sebilis mender <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor -270.82,-117.83,1073.21 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34072 An Undergrowth Sabrecats An Undergrowth Sabrecats for quest. Monster (Replace) 503.12,-24.68,-19.51 MoonDrake 12/09/07
52303 animal spirits Defiler Epic Weapon Quest Quest update location -202.00,115.00,-336.00 Washuchan 11/19/10
52304 animal spirits Defiler Epic Weapon Quest Quest update location -471.00,12.00,124.00 Washuchan 11/19/10
52305 animal spirits Defiler Epic Weapon Quest Quest update location 652.00,98.00,-646.00 Washuchan 11/19/10
43809 Artifact Plunderable vase for the quest ''Higher Risk Career.'' Submitted by Shadow Guard of Venekor. Quest update location -173.57,147.30,-905.82 The Nexus One 08/03/09
43810 Artifact Plunderable Vase for the quest ''Higher Risk Career.'' Submitted by Shadow Guard of Venekor. Quest update location -148.37,148.12,-910.87 The Nexus One 08/03/09
43811 Artifact Plunderable Vase for the quest ''Higher Risk Career.'' Submitted by Shadow Guard of Venekor. Quest update location -156.52,148.12,-919.12 The Nexus One 08/03/09
49526 Artifacts Higher Risk Career update, Black Urns in and around building Quest update location -333.03,148.27,-951.67 dinghao 03/12/10
49527 Artifacts Higher Risk Career update, black urns in this building Quest update location -225.10,148.00,-943.85 dinghao 03/12/10
72333 Artifacts Artifacts in structure for High Risk Career. Appear as Urns. Quest update location -224.64,136.41,-868.39 ranma382 12/17/20
72332 Artifacts Artifacts in structure for High Risk Career. Appear as Urns. Quest update location -224.64,136.41,-868.39 ranma382 12/17/20
72331 Artifacts Artifacts for High Risk Career, in structure. Appear as Urns. Quest update location -312.00,137.75,-862.74 ranma382 12/17/20
33410 Assistant Pubbit Gives Quest: For the Love of Reet NPC 367.40,-109.79,895.97 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
33953 Associate Tuz and Associate Yssith NPC:s for quests NPC -96.00,-120.00,955.00 Marko 12/03/07
33509 Associates Tuz and Yssith Quest Givers Quest starter NPC -96.67,-119.62,954.18 Melodar 11/20/07
56066 Atira X'aphon Ritualist Leader of the "Primordial Menace" group. Quest: "They have searched an age for a dark champion". Stats: Level 85, Heroic, Shadow Knight epic weapon timeline. Quest update NPC 647.46,36.54,-145.31 coolthud 02/22/12
34198 Banker - an iskar banker A banker - gives you access to both your bank and your guild bank. NPC 128.76,90.23,-593.17 skywisepj 12/21/07
33557 Baron Terrask <No Description> NPC -212.00,-99.00,881.00 taskmax 11/21/07
33250 Bax Nazan Location of Bax for the Bring him Bax quest, behind a waterfall. Quest starter NPC 159.09,61.04,-563.64 shaitan 11/16/07
33963 Beginning of path heading up to Ry'zilk's Base Camp <No Description> Object location 795.57,69.99,-470.42 Eldiroth 12/04/07
43227 Bizzare Ice Creatures For the quest Dry Ice, they are little blue shards on the ground. Quest update location -71.78,104.55,-546.85 Tnccope 06/17/09
33578 Black Lotus Named erollisi flower, level 75^ Monster Named 379.00,53.00,-476.00 Ainanymous 11/21/07
34899 Black Reaver The Trial Of Steel Named Monster Named -319.44,149.67,-1011.11 MoonDrake 03/13/08
34293 Blackmarketmerchant Nokken Faktion required (40k), legendary armor items NPC -312.22,-57.06,334.36 Pitje 12/30/07
47902 Bloodstripe Kunzar Bengals <No Description> Monster Solo -15.97,120.02,-282.09 redneckhippy 01/03/10
63120 Blue Shiny Swifttail Shackle Links Expert Collection A quest Shiny -319.91,147.46,-970.44 unsaint 11/14/15
53953 Book page We Will Be Free Again - Page 5 A book page 862.99,55.52,-110.50 mdudarko 03/25/11
41005 Boulder for Quest: Restock the Wheel Caches of stone from nearby boulders. These are big stones, not the same as you mine for crafting ma Quest update location 91.00,-117.00,597.00 NitroJoe 01/25/09
33990 Braz Terrick Quests: 1. Mantraps for my Dearest (74) 2. A Mantle for her Heart (74) 3. A Dear for my Dear (76) NPC 626.00,37.00,-123.00 JSNolan 12/06/07
33605 Breakable Wall Breakable wall, behind the waterfall. For Guardian Epic update. Object location 376.00,7.22,-276.64 Buyirugh 11/22/07
33810 Brittlebone Skeletons <No Description> Monster (Replace) 362.40,-120.60,821.10 soundchicken 11/27/07
34543 Broker Sebilis broker: greater than indifferent faction needed NPC -175.20,-84.20,1140.20 gelphin 02/01/08
35819 Broker a Jinisk broker. Requires appropriate faction NPC 99.77,8.63,-140.00 Alnitak 09/29/08
36958 Bulgup Urple <<Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Synod Reet faction Shop 473.79,-96.68,906.13 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33380 Burynai Caves <No Description> Cave entrance -76.00,-29.00,-94.00 bigdaddygreg 11/18/07
40063 Captain Anguric Updates the HQ 'The Call of Fear'. Quest update NPC -438.24,-121.90,949.95 lordebon 12/17/08
33719 Captian Venk <No Description> NPC 640.70,38.30,-158.10 soundchicken 11/24/07
44093 Cat Tail Cat Tail for Fish Scales and Cat Tails quest. Quest update location -205.17,123.53,-626.26 merican 09/07/09
44094 Cat Tail For quest Fish Scales and Cat Tails Quest update location -241.92,128.25,-713.59 merican 09/07/09
33717 Chemistry Table <No Description> Tradeskill 650.90,38.30,-163.80 soundchicken 11/24/07
33855 Chest Quest update for Plunder's Camp. Object location -158.30,148.62,-932.66 babbler 11/29/07
34375 Chokidai Chokidai (for scramble the scent quest) Monster (Replace) 402.00,68.00,-540.00 firephoenix 01/06/08
37004 City of Mist <No Description> Site -224.00,146.00,-913.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33476 Climbable Rope <No Description> Object location 159.00,-26.00,-118.00 loucifa 11/19/07
38976 Climbable Rope Climbable Rope up to a small ledge with a gravestone Object location 212.54,68.38,-368.49 AndonSage 11/20/08
39103 Climbable Rope <No Description> Object location -239.00,-90.00,371.00 AndonSage 11/21/08
39110 Climbable Rope Climbable rope to the Abandoned Village Object location -229.50,-24.00,47.00 AndonSage 11/21/08
33974 Climbable Wall Leads to a ledge but seemingly no purpose up top. Object location 212.31,71.31,368.46 Onedring 12/04/07
33365 Climbing Wall rope ladder and bridge Object location -230.00,-24.00,46.00 zemo 11/17/07
47506 Clipboard to post Xuurk's notice Post the notice with Xuurk's intentions on this clipboard for the HQ 'The Path of Fear'. Quest update location 633.02,38.62,-124.46 DoragonMama 11/07/09
53985 Cluckatrice Quest, The Trail Of the StoneIn this area. Moves a little Site 586.47,-87.13,588.30 Ikec 03/29/11
53986 Cluckatrice Quest, The Trail Of the StoneIn this area. Moves a little Site 586.47,-87.13,588.30 Ikec 03/29/11
33664 Cluckatrice Level 75^ Cluckatrice Level 75^ Quest Mob for The Trial of Stone Monster Named 394.22,-63.59,212.61 grrantu 11/23/07
41547 cockatrice <No Description> Site 560.86,-72.32,359.74 loea 02/15/09
33405 Cookie Yevek Gives quest: Cookie's Vittles NPC -64.92,-116.38,656.49 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
33520 Cookies dump pile Examine pile during the night when it becomes available, this spawns NAMED Cookie Monster 76^^ heroic Quest update location -110.35,-122.92,626.54 haynangyl 11/20/07
37002 Dalnir's Wheel <No Description> Outpost 5.00,-123.00,770.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34600 Daluntiir Tiwele <No Description> NPC -181.07,11.23,-128.83 Berabow 02/08/08
33701 Dead Knights <No Description> Object location -214.94,149.33,-1112.81 evely_hellard 11/24/07
36972 Dealer Zaynx <<Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Jinisk faction Shop 622.90,37.04,-127.23 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33248 Di'Zok Lore and Legend Lore and Legend Di'Zok just outside sebilis to the right of the entrance. Quest starter location -588.43,-99.92,987.95 rhuargh 11/16/07
65952 Dirge shiny Possible location for Dirge epic 2.0 shiny A quest Shiny 540.78,-53.68,260.32 MieshaBB 12/13/17
65953 Dirge shiny Possible location for Dirge shiny epic 2.0 A quest Shiny 607.30,-83.66,424.14 MieshaBB 12/13/17
65954 Dirge shiny Possible location for Dirge shiny epic 2.0 A quest Shiny 300.58,-122.50,890.33 MieshaBB 12/13/17
65955 Dirge shiny Possible loaction for shiny for Dirge epic 2.0 A quest Shiny 554.96,-61.28,539.90 MieshaBB 12/13/17
65956 Dirge shiny Possible location for Dirge shiny epic 2.0 A quest Shiny 655.05,-76.75,324.79 MieshaBB 12/13/17
65957 Dirge shiny Possible location Dirge shiny epic 2.0 A quest Shiny 390.98,-115.93,760.49 MieshaBB 12/13/17
34548 Disk and knights (4)dead knights and a horse with a metallic disk floating above them Object location -212.00,149.00,-1113.00 gelphin 02/01/08
48129 docile earth spirit Conjuror epic mob needed for earthy heart,few in this area Quest update location -687.59,-44.25,347.36 soulphage 02/06/10
34958 Dominus Chottal Named Sathirian on top of the guard tower, lvl 83 Epic x4 Monster Named -495.01,-95.63,1095.00 Rhadamantys 03/28/08
33498 Doom Skeleton Named 77 ^^^ Heroic - Wanders the Swamp (Fears) Monster Named 137.25,-125.07,1017.47 Xiad 11/19/07
36989 Doom's Morass <No Description> Site 69.95,-119.11,1004.05 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34256 Door to the Moppet Shoppe Quest Update : The Fate of Norrath Object location -231.60,140.00,-1001.00 soundchicken 12/29/07
36988 Dragon Drool Lake <No Description> Site 120.62,-121.32,764.53 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
44063 Dragon Drool Leeches for Swatting the Pests Monster Solo 67.50,-126.91,756.27 Faerel 09/03/09
40718 Dragon Drool Leeches For Kelethin city writ - Level 75 Monster Solo 149.40,-119.42,855.19 Morganth-Silver 01/14/09
39014 Dragon Magic Look For on the ground Mistgoblin camp to the west Quest update location -55.00,149.00,-1072.00 Elfrina 11/20/08
33517 Dragon Magic confront a mistgoblin shaman A quest (Replace) -92.33,148.29,-619.49 haynangyl 11/20/07
40899 Dragon Magic One of the spawn points for evidence of dragon magic quest. Quest update location 11.88,142.42,-961.09 ScottAdams 01/23/09
43089 Dragon magic Look for the glowy spots around this area Quest update location -72.39,144.04,-661.01 bett2001 06/10/09
44019 Dragon Majic Loc of Shinny Quest update location -71.62,144.07,-663.14 Elfrina 08/31/09
44020 Dragon Majic Location of Shinny Quest update location -29.29,143.76,-724.21 Elfrina 08/31/09
32960 Druid Ring Kunzar Jungle Drud portal (must have Blessing of Tunare to use) Teleporter -152.17,1.86,-81.66 Rixot 11/14/07
33414 Duz Heronimous Gives quest: Scout their Defenses NPC 479.38,-97.37,1037.68 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
41311 Elder Jungle Quatchas Elder Jungle Quatchas for writ Monster Solo -331.19,16.26,23.87 hip_pockets 02/01/09
33391 Elite C-9 and Oathsworn Sentry <No Description> Monster (Replace) -393.00,141.00,-744.00 loucifa 11/18/07
33951 Emerald Stonegazers for City Task A quest (Replace) 391.00,-64.00,218.00 Triple 12/03/07
34406 Emerald Stonegazers Many roam here Monster Solo 84.36,-67.59,261.51 crowebait 01/12/08
39808 Emerald Stonegazers, Mature Kunzar Tigers Many around this area Monster Solo 198.10,-57.13,130.72 Thedev 12/08/08
33952 Emerald Stoneleer <No Description> Monster (Replace) 196.00,-102.00,470.00 Triple 12/03/07
40726 Emerald Stoneleer <No Description> Monster Solo -66.82,-90.16,411.19 Playfair1965 01/14/09
43617 emerald stoneleer egg for the quest Putting Them in One Basket Object location -11.69,-101.71,445.05 blackroseanjel 07/15/09
43623 Emerald Stoneleer Egg needed for the quest Putting Them In One Basket Object location 413.07,-108.09,512.26 blackroseanjel 07/17/09
51005 emerald stoneleer egg an emerald stoneleer egg for Order of Rime repeatable quest, "Putting Them In One Basket" Quest update location 219.07,-99.86,453.24 blackdragoness 06/08/10
33589 Emissary Tranz Faction Quest NPC for Tabernacle of Pain NPC 36.00,-69.00,226.00 Ainanymous 11/22/07
39184 Enchanter Glowwp Synod Reet Camp Quest Making it Invulnerable NPC 463.87,-97.99,1033.81 Afinia 11/22/08
36975 Engineer Trelk <<Mender>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor 791.55,89.00,-262.90 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33706 Engraved Desk <No Description> Tradeskill 671.90,38.30,-113.90 soundchicken 11/24/07
34545 Engraved Desk desk used for spell making Object location -245.00,-120.00,973.00 gelphin 02/01/08
41327 Enraged Poacher Spawn location for enraged Poacher. Pops after examining the campfire, horse and tent. Ranger will need to be out of group to spawn mob. Mob is 85^^^ with no adds and no special attributes, but bring friends to kill. Monster Named -455.00,42.00,-199.00 J_Freeman75 02/02/09
66466 Epic 2 Collection a swashbuckler's a swashbuckler's faulty / inferior / unaccaeptable deed - Kunzar <No Description> A quest Shiny -317.00,-86.00,730.00 Silberschnee 06/10/18
66467 Epic 2 Collection a swashbuckler's a swashbuckler's faulty / inferior / unaccaeptable deed - Kunzar <No Description> A quest Shiny -188.00,-74.00,1041.00 Silberschnee 06/10/18
66468 Epic 2 Collection a swashbuckler's a swashbuckler's faulty / inferior / unaccaeptable deed - Kunzar <No Description> A quest Shiny -346.00,-116.00,1031.00 Silberschnee 06/10/18
66469 Epic 2 Collection a swashbuckler's a swashbuckler's faulty / inferior / unaccaeptable deed - Kunzar <No Description> A quest Shiny -393.00,-124.00,942.00 Silberschnee 06/10/18
66471 Epic 2 Collection a swashbuckler's a swashbuckler's faulty / inferior / unaccaeptable deed - Kunzar <No Description> A quest Shiny -115.00,-88.00,966.00 Silberschnee 06/10/18
41004 Fallen Tree To gather 3 lengths of fallen wood for Quest: Restock the Wheel Quest update location -122.00,-120.00,650.00 NitroJoe 01/25/09
44427 Feral Chokadai Scavengers City Writ Mob Monster Solo 298.27,68.30,-621.48 QuinnDexter 09/27/09
35116 ferocious elemental (80^^^ soloable) quest Broken Barrier: Wounded of the Earth (Warden epic weapon) pops if warden with quest is close. Monster Named -734.85,-53.72,412.55 Melianteri 04/24/08
34867 Field Chief Ry'zilk: QST <No Description> NPC 798.34,88.64,-267.27 lylli 03/09/08
50943 First Key Guardian "Claim The Phylactery" Monster Heroic -158.06,151.52,-1021.19 blackdragoness 06/03/10
33409 Fisher Ozrid <No Description> NPC 141.49,-120.28,913.51 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
34208 Fisher Rissen NPC who gives the quest The Mushrooms Ate My Daughter NPC 143.14,-119.42,854.08 Eldiroth 12/23/07
33728 Fisher Sivv <No Description> NPC 44.58,-124.46,850.02 evely_hellard 11/24/07
43507 Fishing for Faction Kill Kunzar scalerippers Quest update location -155.39,-88.28,321.62 Elfrina 07/04/09
36987 Foot of the Fangs <No Description> Site -100.08,150.38,-1105.03 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34835 Footprint Machine Footprint Machine needed for quest 'Disrupt the Deception' Object location 432.15,-10.30,1011.01 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
34837 Footprint Machine Footprint Machine needed for quest 'Disrupt the Deception' Object location 368.04,-110.65,974.51 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
39886 Footprint Machine Disrupt the Deception Quest update location 258.83,-117.84,962.05 Thedev 12/11/08
43080 Foraging Emerald Stonegazers (A mantle for her heart) Mobs for A Mantle for Her Heart Monster Solo 337.00,-38.00,-8.00 lomonacov 06/09/09
33411 Foreman Guppka <No Description> NPC 479.61,-98.68,909.11 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
33404 Foreman Vink Quest Giver NPC -64.06,-116.51,663.39 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
33702 Forge <No Description> Tradeskill 629.90,38.30,-84.40 soundchicken 11/24/07
50945 Fourth Key Guardian "Claim The Phylactery" Monster Heroic -356.72,151.52,-1004.78 blackdragoness 06/03/10
43880 Freeport Militia: Cave full of Elder quatchas Also SK epic update for bones Quest update location -352.69,30.78,-38.33 Elfrina 08/12/09
34834 Froglok Wind chime Wind chime needed for quest 'Disrupt the Deception' Object location 435.53,-105.01,1015.49 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
39885 Froglok Wind Chime Disrupt the Deception Quest update location 263.53,-117.73,955.39 Thedev 12/11/08
34798 Gadget Gadget needed for 'Ghosts in the wood' Object location 198.64,-117.44,921.75 bugsbunny2000 03/02/08
33870 Ganak's Old Crypt Disc AA Object location 527.99,-82.94,942.61 MomTZ 12/01/07
37008 Ganak's Old Crypt <No Description> Site 536.00,-93.00,941.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34391 Ghosts in the wood clickable items around tree Object location 363.66,-111.16,885.88 gelphin 01/09/08
35254 Ghosts in the Wood - Chimes <No Description> Object location 199.92,-120.34,843.78 Rahsmam 05/29/08
35255 Ghosts in the Wood - Chimes / Machine <No Description> Object location 199.45,-116.86,920.66 Rahsmam 05/29/08
35588 Giant Venom Flow Leeches For City Writ Seafury Buckaneers: Giant Venom Flow Leeches Monster Solo -22.00,-75.00,217.00 Memlock 08/05/08
41310 giant venom flow leeches <No Description> Monster Solo -158.86,-85.20,288.14 hip_pockets 02/01/09
34603 Glowing Ghostly Sword Ghostly sword stuck in the ground. For the paladin epic weapon quest line. Quest update location -701.02,30.38,-174.20 Zarimus 02/09/08
54975 Grandmaster Kordaz Level 81^ (AA) Monster Named -233.00,-60.00,172.00 donhead 08/24/11
33656 Gredix 74v linked with 2 crewmembers 74vv for eliminating the competition QST Monster Named 452.00,-50.00,98.00 zemo 11/23/07
43336 Green Shiny Swamp Fire Defense A quest Shiny -429.55,-81.85,593.08 Rhys1977 06/21/09
59425 Grenix <No Description> Quest update NPC 449.00,-49.00,99.00 Syrannor 12/27/12
34513 Gritgobbler Named burynai in back of the caves Monster Named -93.96,-40.73,-302.26 Tyndaleon 01/26/08
40896 Guard Tower For Quest: Arms delivery Quest update location 728.00,81.00,-532.00 NitroJoe 01/23/09
33693 Havik Thyx Havik Thyx NPC -228.00,-79.00,275.00 xelli 11/24/07
54759 Heirloom chest A trip tothe abandoned village Quest update location -204.50,2.48,-58.25 Ravencrofto 07/13/11
36986 Hidden Plunderers' Camp <No Description> Outpost -452.67,147.98,-883.35 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
40064 Hierophant Rodalia Updates the HQ 'The Call of Fear'. Quest update NPC -345.81,-116.53,1009.71 lordebon 12/17/08
34389 Highland Gorillas For writ Monster (Replace) -461.00,115.00,-421.00 jac 01/09/08
34061 Hollow log filled with Sporconid Cultivators and Sporelings <No Description> Monster (Replace) -28.09,-120.19,1023.82 Daggan 12/09/07
34191 Hunter Snake eye <No Description> NPC -380.23,42.88,-200.87 foxbad 12/19/07
42889 Ice-Dazed Iksar Update for Ethermere Escort Monster Solo 35.00,96.46,-411.74 Orpheus666 05/28/09
43206 Ice-dazed villagers for Ethernere Escort Quest mobs for Ethernere Escort, spread out around here. Monster Solo 99.89,91.72,-591.51 Diablo65 06/16/09
34049 Igoo 77^ Ape Lord Monster Named -489.00,109.00,-290.00 lointhegroin 12/08/07
44114 Igoo Another possible location for the named ape Monster Named -427.61,137.84,-304.79 Faerel 09/11/09
33863 Igoo the Apelord lvl 77 ^ named non aggro mob Monster Named -420.00,140.00,-470.00 Marko 11/30/07
40760 iksar loyal to venril for the love of reet quest Monster Solo 432.39,-111.93,707.20 eiseban 01/15/09
34294 Iksar-merchant faktion required NPC -225.16,-88.71,589.61 Pitje 12/30/07
54815 In Search of Vel'Arek Cave Entrance by water fall Cave entrance 369.31,-0.31,-335.27 Elfrina 07/20/11
35086 inner compound, auto update for Venture in Deep 1. Travel to for an automatic update. 2. Defeat the two rival plunderers that spawn. Quest update location -216.00,147.00,-979.00 Booutz 04/18/08
33473 Investigating the Rebels Jinisk sentry backpack harvestable, spawns in random loc next to Jinisk sentry remains A quest (Replace) 726.72,67.04,-520.48 haynangyl 11/19/07
37000 Jinisk <No Description> Outpost 643.00,36.00,-124.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34218 Jinisk - Makler Faktion required NPC 226.59,68.44,-318.41 Pitje 12/25/07
34047 Jinisk Broker Requires appropriate faction to use. NPC 629.64,37.04,-126.36 Eldiroth 12/08/07
34086 Jinisk Broker Requires faction to use. NPC 77.12,-117.91,868.19 Eldiroth 12/11/07
33378 Jinisk Caravan Caravan needed for Pilfer the Goods quest. Quest update location 408.48,-41.92,36.15 Eggie 11/18/07
33703 Jinisk factioned Merchent <No Description> NPC 659.90,36.50,-103.80 soundchicken 11/24/07
39806 Jinisk sentry backpack Investigating the Rebels Quest update location 715.05,68.54,-446.35 Thedev 12/08/08
34217 Jinisk-Mender (dt. -Flicker) Faktion required NPC 49.09,100.06,-397.02 Pitje 12/25/07
33964 Jungle Quatchas several in this area around The Shatterhorn mountain entrance into short tunnel into mountain also near tunnel contains Elder Jungle Quatchas. Monster (Replace) -267.00,9.25,-90.36 Onedring 12/04/07
42014 Jungle Quatchas Climable rope to the top Quest update location -229.68,-1.56,45.98 Elfrina 03/24/09
41470 Kaiaren's Scroll (click grave) for Monk epic <No Description> Quest update location 425.87,10.19,-368.33 Amiras 02/09/09
33387 Karriz Yazler (Quest) Rug Deliveries NPC 616.94,67.97,-595.95 Dramico 11/18/07
33367 Kazid Nazan Offers the quest: Bring Him Bax NPC 253.00,61.00,-358.00 dlsjr 11/17/07
43936 Kellaen Mednevn Rime faction start for this zone. Need disguise to talk to her. Quest starter NPC 688.62,-90.91,575.29 Penstar 08/19/09
51729 kerra tail kerra tail reeds needed for Fish Scales and Cat Tails Quest update location 76.31,85.24,-549.39 HurikaneX 08/15/10
52700 Kerss Rekssok Offers a questline starting with 'Threads for the Weave' Quest starter NPC 663.00,38.00,-130.00 donhead 01/31/11
69246 Kerss Rekssok <The Wised Eye> Offers the quest 'Eye in the Mist'. Quest starter NPC -255.27,149.62,-1114.71 Pijotre 02/04/19
43225 Khassp Xivvix For To the Pain! quest Quest update NPC -108.93,-84.97,304.99 Tnccope 06/17/09
33842 Kindo Youngfist NPC NPC -105.00,-85.00,300.00 Marko 11/29/07
39865 Klok Vrells Updates the quest Welcome to the Jungle Quest update NPC 736.03,37.08,-144.76 Eldooberino 12/10/08
33572 Krayark The Wild Named Sokokar 76^ Monster Named 555.56,-73.20,327.12 jtzako 11/21/07
33386 Kraz Rizzner (Quest) Rug Deliveries NPC 642.28,63.50,-486.35 Dramico 11/18/07
34060 Kriinz Nax Multiple Quest Giver Quest starter NPC 630.32,36.54,-122.85 Melodar 12/09/07
40860 Kullaba's Lair This is the instance for Defiler Mythical quest The Dream Scorcher: Part Two (solo encounter). Door 23.53,145.30,-963.16 Simeon 01/20/09
39788 Kunzar Scalerippers Update for Rhodoqiz Karazz questline Quest update NPC 236.31,-41.76,-8.87 Thedev 12/07/08
44062 Kunzar Scaleshredders Kunzar Scaleshredders for Restock the Wheel quest Monster Solo 90.99,-135.70,704.49 Faerel 09/03/09
48090 kunzar swampfly for swatting the pests Quest update location 219.85,-122.23,652.78 davidrs 01/31/10
34357 Kunzar Tigers Needed for Academy of Arcane Science Writ Monster (Replace) 57.80,-47.47,25.05 Ripchi 01/04/08
35219 Kunzar Tigers Faction Quest Object location 301.00,-13.00,-172.00 Elfrina 05/25/08
43248 Kyena the Eastern Lord One of the locations that Kyena stops at as she meanders around KJ. NPC 339.97,-113.62,650.34 Buyirugh 06/18/09
43818 Kyena the rider of the rime location 2 After speaking to Zakor you will meet Kyena here Quest update NPC 202.31,64.68,-528.21 kuzab 08/04/09
33093 Lake of Dismay (AA) Object location 584.52,62.95,-495.55 Rixot 11/15/07
37005 Lake of Dismay <No Description> Site 590.00,63.00,-488.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34871 leashed sokokar Needed for Stir Up Some Sokokars Object location 532.45,-76.05,569.36 lylli 03/09/08
34869 leashed sokokar Needed for Stir Up Some Sokokars Object location 589.40,-77.45,528.47 lylli 03/09/08
34868 leashed sokokar Needed for Stir Up Some Sokokars Quest update location 436.44,-76.11,461.80 lylli 03/09/08
34870 leashed sokokar Needed for Stir Up Some Sokokars Object location 551.10,-75.29,436.46 lylli 03/09/08
42322 leashed Sokokar needed for Stir Up Some Sokokars Quest update NPC 468.91,-75.98,493.87 Rhouvus 04/09/09
42323 leashed Sokokar Needed for Stir Up Some Sokokar Quest update NPC 437.51,-76.10,460.69 Rhouvus 04/09/09
43827 Let the Punishment Fit the Rime Kill rime near the City of Mist Quest update location -120.61,101.06,-413.42 Elfrina 08/05/09
41328 Lharnc the Confined SK epic update and kill location. Becomes agro upon hailing but only after killing his brother in Edgewater drains. Monster Named -323.00,150.00,-1017.00 J_Freeman75 02/02/09
41787 liberated reet wizard for the quest recover the lost slaves Quest update location 449.20,-97.89,907.22 davidrs 03/07/09
35583 Like a Book Without Pages A page for the quest Like a Book Without Pages A book page -445.86,19.00,-5.00 Memlock 08/04/08
47488 Like A Book Without Pages a page for the quest Like a Book Without Pages Quest update location -507.03,19.17,8.61 Flipflash 11/04/09
34031 Location of Heirloom Chest <No Description> Object location -228.65,2.93,-29.44 Daggan 12/07/07
34032 Location of Heirloom Chest <No Description> Object location -205.66,2.48,-58.42 Daggan 12/07/07
34033 Location of Heirloom Chest <No Description> Object location -177.47,11.23,-130.74 Daggan 12/07/07
34034 Location of Heirloom Chest <No Description> Object location -200.83,9.92,-120.14 Daggan 12/07/07
34035 Location of Heirloom Chest <No Description> Object location -210.11,10.79,-129.40 Daggan 12/07/07
35293 Location of Heirloom Chest Heirloom Chest for quest Trip to Abandoned Village, Object location -287.97,21.69,-4.69 jassari 06/08/08
35493 Lord Ghiosk 77 Heroic ^^^ Monster Named -242.00,147.00,-1000.00 Aeudian 07/06/08
56050 Lord Ghiosk Found him after Killing Golems on stairs Monster Named -164.22,146.26,-954.93 Tennun 02/17/12
50946 Lord Rak'Ashiir ^^^ with 2 linked ^. "Claiming The Phylactery". Killing the four key guardians opens the door to get to him. Quest spawn only. Monster Named -232.30,155.04,-1036.04 blackdragoness 06/03/10
33493 Loremaster Hax <No Description> NPC -366.27,-111.84,1049.53 Honumana 11/19/07
33506 Loremasters Loremasters are located here Monster (Replace) -359.64,-110.75,1052.08 Melodar 11/20/07
34178 Lucan, a moppet Glowing red moppet, lying on the group, needed for the step related to investigating the edge of the battleground. Object location -232.95,149.53,-1122.46 Buyirugh 12/19/07
36970 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox 660.30,36.54,-146.20 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36955 Mailbox <No Description> Mailbox -328.14,-118.12,868.48 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
52795 Mandolin for Trobador Epic Mandolin is in a box in the building in the North West corner inside. Quest update location -223.72,148.85,-951.83 ScottAdams 02/20/11
40459 Manifestation of Vel'Arek NPC for guardian epic weapon timeline Quest update NPC 530.05,-8.27,-436.60 lunal 01/02/09
33529 Marrax Find Marrax for quest: Mushrooms ate my Daughter NPC 163.01,-121.22,1078.49 Wyldchyld 11/20/07
34661 Mature Kunzar Tigers <No Description> Monster (Replace) 306.00,-40.00,10.00 crowebait 02/13/08
36957 Mender Kupput <<Synod Reet>> Mends your broken and worn armor Armor 488.10,-96.68,909.70 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33495 Merchant Crevik Start Quest : quatcha Hair pants NPC -269.32,-121.95,1035.66 Honumana 11/19/07
33477 Merrik Hanz <No Description> A quest (Replace) 103.00,8.63,-139.00 loucifa 11/19/07
34827 Missing Book Page page for -like many books without many...- quest A book page -301.46,23.18,-150.84 bugsbunny2000 03/04/08
34828 Missing Book Page page for -like many books without many...- quest A book page -268.85,11.33,-129.78 bugsbunny2000 03/04/08
50997 Missing Book Page in cave with the elder quatcha's A book page -407.12,33.43,-41.83 blackdragoness 06/07/10
35795 Missing Book Page for quest Like a Book Without Pages - in cave Missing Book Page for the quest Like a Book Without Pages. Located in the cave. A book page -356.00,31.00,-43.00 laralma 09/21/08
40510 Missing Page - Like a Book without pages Missing page for Like a Book without Pages quest A book page -318.45,25.57,-32.70 barcop 01/04/09
35087 Missing Page for quest One of the pages from : Like Many Books without Many Pages quest A book page -290.42,23.24,-192.34 Drudge 04/19/08
39197 Mistgoblin area Mistgoblin area for What Makes Them Mist and other quests Monster Solo -108.94,129.26,-639.74 lomonacov 11/22/08
55214 Mistgoblins for the quest "Take your own revenge" Monster Solo -29.41,133.07,-949.59 Kevdawg22 10/23/11
33575 Moocher Solo 74^ named leech Monster Named 588.40,65.90,-559.30 Tatanka 11/21/07
40801 Moocher- level 76^ leech AA- target from north shore Monster Named 537.31,63.57,-532.36 Sacraed 01/17/09
36950 Moppet Shoppe <No Description> Door -232.04,126.68,-1007.04 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
44106 muckshredders Kunzar muckshredders for Fish Scales and Cat Tails. Monster Solo -103.19,126.18,-849.49 Rabban 09/08/09
36982 Murkdwellers River <No Description> Site 651.85,-103.01,618.94 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35163 Mushroom Required for 'The Even Sadder Tale of Rhodoqiz Karazz' quest Object location 737.86,73.01,-354.17 Kaihoro 05/04/08
33531 Nightclaw Lv77^ NMD Trakaraptor, Lv77^ a shadow raptor as ph. Monster Named -680.00,-53.00,411.00 taskmax 11/20/07
33663 Old Whitefoot Level 78^ Old Whitefoot Level 78^ Named Quatcha AA Monster Named -438.40,41.24,-57.22 grrantu 11/23/07
33412 Oracle Boppit <No Description> NPC 469.43,-97.88,894.24 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
52718 Order of Rime Camp Camp needed to find scrolls for Threads for the Weave quest. Outpost 413.04,64.07,-525.83 Stardrama 02/04/11
37003 Outer Sebilis <No Description> Outpost -326.00,-123.00,956.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33510 Outer Sebilis Gate Gateway to Outer Sebilis Object location -88.28,-124.28,973.49 Melodar 11/20/07
39109 Pathway to Abandoned Village This is the beginning of a ramp that leads to a bridge and then to a climbable rope up to the Abandoned Village Object location -149.00,-46.00,37.00 AndonSage 11/21/08
33709 Planting the Seeds : quest update <No Description> Object location 675.60,38.80,-156.90 soundchicken 11/24/07
33710 Planting the Seeds : quest update <No Description> Object location 671.60,38.80,-128.10 soundchicken 11/24/07
33711 Planting the Seeds : quest update <No Description> Object location 697.80,39.50,-115.40 soundchicken 11/24/07
33712 Planting the Seeds : quest update <No Description> Object location 647.10,39.50,-86.20 soundchicken 11/24/07
33713 Planting the Seeds : quest update <No Description> Object location 625.50,37.00,-102.90 soundchicken 11/24/07
33715 Planting the Seeds : quest update <No Description> Object location 646.50,37.10,-140.20 soundchicken 11/24/07
33716 Planting the Seeds : quest update <No Description> Object location 650.90,38.30,-163.80 soundchicken 11/24/07
41323 Poacher Camp First updated location for ranger epic Quest update location -431.00,22.00,21.00 J_Freeman75 02/02/09
41324 Poachers campfire Campfire update for ranger Epic Quest update location -613.00,19.00,-99.00 J_Freeman75 02/02/09
41325 Poachers Horse A horse is the third update for the Ranger Epic Weapon quest, 'Removing the Darkness From Within...' Quest update location -415.00,23.00,-173.00 J_Freeman75 02/02/09
41326 Poachers Tent Fourth update location for the Ranger Epic Weapon quest, 'Removing the Darkness From Within...' Quest update location -525.00,43.00,-180.00 J_Freeman75 02/02/09
33808 Puncture 74^ Sabertooth (walker) with streak of tigers Monster Named -254.00,117.00,-337.00 zemo 11/27/07
65324 Purple shiny for Ranger's Self-Realization collection. 'I need to seek out my black spot.' - Finding Dolas (Scout Epic 2.0). A quest Shiny -26.22,-122.76,935.55 TheGreenEagle 07/05/17
65339 Purple shiny for Ranger's Self-Realization collection. 'I need to seek out my black shinspot.' - Finding Dolas (Scout Epic 2.0). A quest Shiny 84.98,-123.21,1027.25 ykrugernl 07/11/17
65340 Purple shiny for Ranger's Self-Realization collection. 'I need to seek out my black spot.' - Finding Dolas (Scout Epic 2.0). A quest Shiny 212.08,-117.29,922.10 ykrugernl 07/11/17
65341 Purple shiny for Ranger's Self-Realization collection. 'I need to seek out my black spot.' - Finding Dolas (Scout Epic 2.0). A quest Shiny 380.86,-86.31,915.78 ykrugernl 07/11/17
33522 Quartermaster Bizin QST Giver Quest starter NPC 800.67,88.63,-267.79 haynangyl 11/20/07
40065 Quartermaster Hedoral Updates the HQ 'The Call of Fear'. Quest update NPC -259.91,-117.83,1067.72 lordebon 12/17/08
36976 Quartermaster Kozik <<Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Ry'zilk's Renegades faction Shop 808.41,89.19,-266.19 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
52806 Quatcha For quest "Prove your Mettle, again". Look like Sasquatch creatures. Quest update location -284.42,19.49,-137.51 Stardrama 02/24/11
33613 Quest NPCs: Sirris Xanx, Ebenezer Sprockbok, Ireka Nazan <No Description> NPC -200.00,120.00,-600.00 Phlix 11/22/07
52534 ramp up to reet frogloks <No Description> Site 393.53,-112.42,878.39 lomonacov 12/27/10
41003 Rebel Camp for Quest: Assault on the Rebel Camp (kill renegade medics - placeholder are renegade infiltrators) Site 820.00,90.00,-450.00 NitroJoe 01/25/09
52401 Rebels Foe Investing the rebels 2nd part. You need 1/3 uniforms Quest update location 808.42,82.09,-469.26 Ikec 12/05/10
52402 Rebels Foe Investing the rebels 2nd part. You need 1/3 uniforms Quest update location 808.42,82.09,-469.26 Ikec 12/05/10
33608 Reet Camp Reet Camp with quest givers Object location 500.00,-100.00,900.00 Phlix 11/22/07
33494 Refugee Yurix Give Quest: A trip to the Abandoned Village NPC -324.75,-122.63,928.86 Honumana 11/19/07
33166 Revva Kaz Quest (Rug Deliveries) NPC 246.00,63.00,-363.00 zemo 11/16/07
42842 Rhodoqiz Karazz <No Description> Quest starter NPC 729.00,34.00,-82.00 reventlow 05/24/09
33374 Rhodoqiz Karazz in Cage The kidnapped and Caged Rhodoqiz Karazz for the quest The Even Sadder Tale of Rhodoqiz Karazz. NPC 774.10,75.45,-399.46 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
47529 Ride Watcher Zakor <No Description> Monster Solo 655.69,-90.12,560.39 Marreth 11/11/09
43226 Rime Invaders Let the Punishment Fit the Rime Quest update location -171.14,103.31,-380.61 Tnccope 06/17/09
34547 rock formation a (3) rock formation, the outer formations are stacked with the middle being a single Quest starter location -276.00,150.00,-1123.00 gelphin 02/01/08
33732 Rope Ladder (Climbable) <No Description> Object location -239.46,-81.46,370.40 takyn 11/25/07
36985 Ry'zilk's Base Camp <No Description> Outpost 798.93,88.62,-267.29 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36960 Salik Niss <<Bartender>> Sells alcoholic drinks Tavern -423.06,-110.86,822.38 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
40738 sarnak renegade infiltrators sarnak renegade snoopers <No Description> Monster Solo 774.78,71.65,-562.13 Playfair1965 01/15/09
34128 Sarnak seal for Snooping in Jarsath quest <No Description> Quest update location 787.98,88.64,-261.73 Drudge 12/16/07
47467 Sathirian milite <No Description> Monster Solo 466.76,-104.24,599.59 kiroda 11/02/09
33611 Sathirian Oathsworn mobs <No Description> Monster (Replace) -300.00,150.00,-600.00 Phlix 11/22/07
40685 Scalerippers <No Description> Monster Solo 637.36,61.31,-531.23 koros24 01/11/09
43980 Scamble the Scent Click on shinnies on ground Quest update location 786.41,69.36,-481.97 Elfrina 08/28/09
34238 Scout Brazik Level 74^ solo named. Monster Named 825.49,88.50,-513.00 Odrana 12/26/07
39657 Scout their Defenses Point for north side of Dalnir's Wheel Quest update location -16.00,-118.00,703.00 cl-46 phoenix 12/03/08
39658 Scout their Defenses Point for west side of Dalnir's Wheel Quest update location 21.00,-118.00,709.00 cl-46 phoenix 12/03/08
39659 Scout their Defenses Point for south side of Dalnir's Wheel Quest update location 74.00,-121.00,850.00 cl-46 phoenix 12/03/08
39660 Scout their Defenses Point for east side of Dalnir's Wheel Quest update location -46.00,-125.00,756.00 cl-46 phoenix 12/03/08
42471 Scout their Defenses Alternative update location for Scout their Defenses. Underwater for south side update. Quest update location 47.26,-135.66,799.43 koros24 04/19/09
34192 Severilous Level 82 Epic x2 Kunark dragon Monster Named -6.53,154.08,-881.37 Eldiroth 12/20/07
33699 Sewing Table & Mannequin <No Description> Tradeskill 650.10,38.30,-92.80 soundchicken 11/24/07
33521 Shardak the Silent NAMED 76^ Monster Named -421.40,155.49,-710.92 haynangyl 11/20/07
61372 shards of the manacle scattered part of: Hero Bracers Timeline Quest update location -64.24,-44.91,154.14 kronar 03/30/14
43203 Shardtroops and Flurrybursts for Scattered spawn points for quest mobs as well as several other types of unrelated Order of Rime members. Monster Solo 382.09,98.90,-679.85 Diablo65 06/16/09
33362 Sharpeye Scoz Kill Your Way into Our Hearts QST giver NPC 790.00,69.00,-453.00 zemo 11/17/07
41313 Shatterhorn Tunnel Back Entrance Shatterhorn Tunnel Back Entrance to bridge and Snake Eye Hunting Camp Cave entrance -354.27,44.48,-133.89 hip_pockets 02/02/09
41312 shatterhorn tunnel entrance Shatterhorn Tunnel Entrance for Elder Jungle Quatcha Cave entrance -357.50,27.54,-2.77 hip_pockets 02/02/09
64664 Shiny Possible assassin "Black Spot" quest shiny A quest Shiny 673.92,81.88,-187.17 Demunslayer 01/31/17
64665 Shiny Possible shiny location for Assassin "Black spot" A quest Shiny 677.76,82.23,-55.88 Demunslayer 02/01/17
33363 Skar a named Trakaraptor--Solo Monster Named -634.00,-70.00,524.00 dlsjr 11/17/07
49565 Skulker Ganiz npc for take your own revenge NPC -461.72,147.55,-884.87 celestina13 03/13/10
34055 Skulker Pyne Skulker Pyne, needed for Revenge for Ganiz. Monster Named -166.27,134.40,-869.81 Melodar 12/09/07
38918 Skulker Slythe Skulker Slythe - Quest NPC Quest starter NPC -450.08,148.39,-875.66 Cujun 11/19/08
33612 Skulker Traz Quest NPC NPC -400.00,140.00,-845.00 Phlix 11/22/07
34057 Skulker Urix Skulker Urix, needed for Revenge for Ganiz. Monster Named -301.97,135.02,-875.69 Melodar 12/09/07
43407 Slixin Drusar <No Description> Quest starter NPC -110.56,-85.05,305.88 Dunavin 06/27/09
33591 Snagglespine Level 74^ named chokidai Monster Named 675.00,88.00,-582.00 Ainanymous 11/22/07
36984 Snake Eye's Hunting Camp <No Description> Outpost -382.81,42.88,-199.51 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33985 Snorespore Level 77 ^ sporconid Monster Named 288.78,-120.74,993.86 Majali 12/05/07
33524 Sokokar Brood Mother NAMED 77^ Monster Named 556.95,-74.45,535.23 haynangyl 11/20/07
36993 Sokokar Post Abandoned Village <No Description> Sokokarpost -135.00,3.00,-97.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36992 Sokokar Post Hidden Plunderers <No Description> Sokokarpost -484.00,148.00,-902.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36994 Sokokar Post Jinisk <No Description> Sokokarpost 609.00,37.00,-112.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36991 Sokokar Post MurkDwellers' River <No Description> Sokokarpost 695.00,-90.00,654.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36996 Sokokar Post Outer Sebilis <No Description> Sokokarpost -379.00,-124.00,931.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36995 Sokokar Post Tabernacle of Pain <No Description> Sokokarpost 20.00,-74.00,240.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36983 Sokokar Roost <No Description> Site 506.56,-76.14,560.24 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33359 Sonjaz Manx QST giver NPC 596.00,66.00,-452.00 zemo 11/17/07
47758 Speaker Rup For Quest Training a Menace Quest update NPC 434.90,-97.96,888.83 Purgpow 12/13/09
34100 Special Agent Froak <No Description> A quest (Replace) 484.44,-97.95,1022.59 Daggan 12/13/07
40316 Special Agent Froak Synod Reet Camp Quest NPC for Synod Delivery Service. Deliver provisions to undercover scouts within Sebilis. Quest starter NPC 484.94,-97.98,1023.46 Onetree 12/27/08
39220 Spectral Godmother Needed for the Even Sadder tale of Rhodoqiz Karazz Quest Quest update location 729.30,34.60,-82.20 Josefwagner 11/23/08
47631 Spell scroll Spell scroll for Threads for the Weave Quest update location 410.89,98.82,-622.83 Sillepige 11/28/09
47632 Spell scroll Spell scroll for Threads for the Weave Quest update location 389.26,71.27,-565.31 Sillepige 11/28/09
47473 spell scroll threads for the weave. Quest update location 429.14,64.53,-558.94 Raull 11/03/09
47474 spell scroll threads for the weave. Quest update location 362.47,69.11,-598.62 Raull 11/03/09
43353 Spell Scrolls Threads for the Weave quest spell scroll location Quest update location 365.14,98.84,-629.07 Anjil 06/22/09
40994 Sporconid cultivators 2 cultivators spawn here for quest Truffle Hunting Quest update NPC 273.34,-119.41,757.63 ScottAdams 01/24/09
33577 Sporconid Den Mother Lv77 ^ QuestMOB Monster Named 220.00,-118.00,1001.00 taskmax 11/21/07
43351 Sporconid Eyesore Seafury Buccaneers: Sorconid Eyesores Monster Solo 149.40,-118.26,954.37 Codeseer 06/22/09
48091 sporconid redcap for the quest swatting the pests Quest update location 226.32,-122.52,787.29 davidrs 01/31/10
35681 Sporconid Redcaps for Arcane Order writ <No Description> Monster (Replace) 299.25,-120.39,834.88 Terfan 08/30/08
34542 Sporelings sporelings are on and around a log by den mother,very easy to miss due to their tiny size,lvl 73^^ (arrows down) Monster Named 218.00,-118.00,999.00 gelphin 02/01/08
33390 Spying on our Potential Allies Iksar camp with evidence of the iksar activities. Object location -449.10,148.10,-889.67 loucifa 11/18/07
50388 Stalk of Earthvine A Sleeping Stone: Resoring Valor...possible spawn point. Quest update location 117.71,91.91,-482.84 Alwaysyoung 05/24/10
43246 stoneleer egg Emerald stoneleer egg for Putting Them in One Basket quest Quest update location 264.89,-106.18,502.78 dlirious117 06/18/09
44149 Stoneleer Egg Egg for Rime Faction Quest Quest starter location -98.10,-103.51,452.16 cedricfish 09/13/09
33519 Stoneneb Named 75-76^ Monster Named 55.72,-90.43,489.14 haynangyl 11/20/07
34125 stoneneb 75^ solo easy Monster Named -546.00,-41.00,383.00 revisionary5 12/16/07
34495 Stoneneb Named stonegazer/cockatrice Monster Named 394.74,-63.93,240.02 Tyndaleon 01/23/08
41662 Stoneneb 76^ Gives AA Monster Named 204.82,-72.77,331.52 GoochBomb 02/24/09
51886 Stoneneb 76^ gives AA Monster Named 234.67,-61.22,208.92 Ssirdna 09/11/10
33704 Stove & Keg <No Description> Tradeskill 678.10,38.80,-85.40 soundchicken 11/24/07
36959 Supplier Brillz <<Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Dalnir's Wheel faction Shop -1.48,-122.55,725.32 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
43207 Swamp Fire Defense Trakraptor Alley Quest update location -429.49,-81.89,593.58 geffil 06/16/09
43208 Swamp Fire Defense Trakaraptor Alley Quest update location -512.51,-72.37,484.43 geffil 06/16/09
43209 Swamp Fire Defense Trakraptor Alley Quest update location -597.79,-45.62,357.54 geffil 06/16/09
43210 Swamp Fire Defense Ward in Outer Sebilis Quest update location -86.37,-120.10,951.94 geffil 06/16/09
43212 Swamp Fire Defense Gates of outer sebilis Quest update location -71.94,-118.31,1011.63 geffil 06/16/09
43213 Swamp Fire Defense 4th ward Quest update location -315.26,-99.24,728.29 geffil 06/16/09
48093 swampflies for the quest swatting the pests Quest update location 9.58,-121.37,630.37 davidrs 01/31/10
37001 Tabernacle of Pain <No Description> Outpost -67.00,-44.00,150.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33383 Tangor Bringing Down Tangor quest. Monster Named -426.77,138.88,-354.85 antgfc 11/18/07
33406 Taskmaster Gax Gives quest: Swatting the Pests NPC -3.50,-120.63,736.75 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
34399 Taskmaster Oriss he is level 77^ ...needed for Investigate the Escape Monster Named -7.84,-112.01,682.75 gelphin 01/10/08
33408 Taskmaster Scally <No Description> NPC 7.95,-122.89,774.03 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
33407 Taskmaster Tsrazz <No Description> NPC 5.49,-124.51,745.82 Wyldchyld 11/18/07
33514 Taskmaster Urz <No Description> NPC -293.56,21.64,3.92 Honumana 11/20/07
34088 Tatterback Gorillas <No Description> Monster (Replace) -330.00,4.00,104.00 Triple 12/11/07
36980 The Abandoned Village <No Description> Site -184.82,9.85,-112.13 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
48171 The Big Boss Needed for Bruiser Epic Questline. Monster Heroic 421.00,46.00,-297.00 snflanigan 02/11/10
35866 The Cluckatrice Wanders around in this area. Monster Named 371.00,-109.00,487.00 Thinquar 10/09/08
51902 The Cluckatrice He can wander quite far from the stoneleers. Found him up by the sokobars. Quest update NPC 604.61,-84.21,433.91 Grumble69 09/14/10
58402 The Consequences of a Berserker Rage Berserker Portal update Quest update location -19.96,149.57,-1014.04 Elfrina 10/04/12
36981 The Crypt Grounds <No Description> Site 426.97,-114.30,945.83 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
35259 The Fate of Norrath Quest Dead Soldiers Click to get quest Object location -212.00,149.00,-1116.00 Elfrina 05/30/08
36990 The Rubble Rabble Burrow <No Description> Site -76.52,-29.52,-104.57 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33866 The Rubble-rabble ClodBuglar Lvl 76 ^ Monster Named -197.60,-36.13,-101.46 Ouse Swiftriver 11/30/07
52284 The Sebilite Sentinel Golem 78 ^^^ heroic. Monster Named -560.40,-103.87,950.52 camelotcrusade 11/17/10
37006 The Shatterhorn <No Description> Site -356.00,25.00,5.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
33829 The Venom Flow <No Description> Object location 10.56,85.71,-518.10 Melodar 11/28/07
47365 The Venom Flow River <No Description> Site -137.57,107.58,-554.83 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
50944 Third Key Guardian "Claim The Phylactery" Monster Heroic -319.04,151.52,-1045.36 blackdragoness 06/03/10
43409 Thress Kivatei Thress asks you to fill supply boxes. Click boxes for quest: Set of Bone Plates- Rime Faction Quest. Quest starter location 684.29,-90.77,572.16 Bulkhead33 06/27/09
36998 To Fens of Nathsar <No Description> Overland 980.00,60.00,-108.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36999 To Fens of Nathsar <No Description> Overland 712.00,-100.00,607.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
71988 To Lost City of Torsis <No Description> Door -259.00,150.00,-1156.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
68716 To Sebilis, Capital of the Sathirian Empire Leads to "Sebilis". Door -583.93,-103.88,949.39 Pijotre 01/10/19
34841 Totem Totem (source of power) for quest 'What Makes Them Mist' Quest update location 6.38,143.63,-801.42 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
34840 Totem Totem (source of power) for quest 'What Makes Them Mist' Quest update location -35.99,141.61,-779.34 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
34844 Totem Totem (source of power) for quest 'What Makes Them Mist' Quest update location 18.69,144.29,-710.46 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
34842 Totem Totem (source of power) for quest 'What Makes Them Mist' Quest update location 31.41,144.05,-814.19 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
34843 Totem Totem (source of power) for quest 'What Makes Them Mist' Quest update location 41.49,143.43,-769.50 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
33089 Trader Hisk Varn Quests (Rug Deliveries) NPC 726.85,36.83,-135.47 Rixot 11/15/07
33966 Tradesman Zaalk Faction Merchant NPC -421.77,-110.86,826.66 Junaru 12/04/07
38731 Tradesman Zaalk <<Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Outer Sebilis faction Shop -422.46,-110.86,831.56 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
36977 Trafficker Galax <<Faction Merchant>> Sells items to those with Hidden Plunderers faction Shop -442.76,148.63,-882.28 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
47780 trained war sokokar trained war sokokar Monster Solo 572.98,-74.27,385.63 ziggyzw 12/18/09
52672 Training Supplies Crate Needed for "Training a Menace" - "I should destroy the sokokar training supplies. Need to destroy (1 of 6) Quest update location 416.83,-76.19,455.65 focusedonhim 01/27/11
52673 Training Supplies Crate Needed for "Training a Menace" - "I should destroy the sokokar training supplies. Need to destroy (1 of 6) Quest update location 450.59,-76.00,486.06 focusedonhim 01/27/11
52674 Training Supplies Crate Needed for "Training a Menace" - "I should destroy the sokokar training supplies. Need to destroy (1 of 6) Quest update location 501.73,-76.14,553.42 focusedonhim 01/27/11
52675 Training Supplies Crate Needed for "Training a Menace" - "I should destroy the sokokar training supplies. Need to destroy (1 of 6) Quest update location 535.17,-75.91,553.64 focusedonhim 01/27/11
52676 Training Supplies Crate Needed for "Training a Menace" - "I should destroy the sokokar training supplies. Need to destroy (1 of 6) Quest update location 570.83,-76.13,540.40 focusedonhim 01/27/11
52677 Training Supplies Crate Needed for "Training a Menace" - "I should destroy the sokokar training supplies. Need to destroy (1 of 6) Quest update location 551.47,-76.34,467.98 focusedonhim 01/27/11
34109 Training wall For The Trial of Rock quest A quest (Replace) -121.83,-60.36,127.46 Eldiroth 12/15/07
33982 Trakanasaurs for quest - Prove Your Mettle Monster (Replace) -690.00,26.00,-150.00 lointhegroin 12/05/07
33090 Trakanasaurus Rex Lvl 80^^^ Epic x2 (roams area to N and S) Monster Named -637.77,-42.35,324.90 Rixot 11/15/07
37007 Trakaraptor Alley <No Description> Site -638.00,-65.00,443.00 -Daybreak- 11/29/23
34089 Trakaraptors <No Description> Monster (Replace) -700.00,-41.00,311.00 Triple 12/11/07
33603 Tralb the Mystic Spiritcaller NPC, inside Ganak's Old Crypt, spawns as a 76^ while on the quest, 'Taking it to the Source' Monster Named 644.43,-92.84,941.19 Buyirugh 11/22/07
64925 Troubador's Self-Realization Epic 2.0 Collection - Finding Dolas a troubador's unacceptable deed - Kunzar Jungle A quest Shiny 557.00,-69.00,1326.00 Silberschnee 04/21/17
64926 Troubador's Self-Realization Epic 2.0 Collection - Finding Dolas a troubador's unacceptable deed - Kunzar Jungle A quest Shiny 106.00,109.00,235.00 Silberschnee 04/21/17
64927 Troubador's Self-Realization Epic 2.0 Collection - Finding Dolas a troubador's unacceptable deed - Kunzar Jungle A quest Shiny -595.00,-17.00,250.00 Silberschnee 04/21/17
64928 Troubador's Self-Realization Epic 2.0 Collection - Finding Dolas a troubador's unacceptable deed - Kunzar Jungle A quest Shiny -330.00,17.00,104.00 Silberschnee 04/21/17
64929 Troubador's Self-Realization Epic 2.0 Collection - Finding Dolas a troubador's unacceptable deed - Kunzar Jungle A quest Shiny -390.00,-93.00,622.00 Silberschnee 04/21/17
64930 Troubador's Self-Realization Epic 2.0 Collection - Finding Dolas a troubador's unacceptable deed - Kunzar Jungle A quest Shiny -383.00,-76.00,788.00 Silberschnee 04/21/17
35536 Un-Natural Storm Un-natural storm part of the Storms of mystery world event Monster Named 268.00,58.00,-356.00 skywisepj 07/20/08
40901 Update Dragon Magic Update for Dragon Magic quest Quest update location 40.41,144.07,-801.48 ScottAdams 01/23/09
34512 Update for a Simple Scouting Mission Two Iskar Talking for Update Object location 690.30,36.67,-143.53 Sahei 01/26/08
35555 Update for Dragon Magic Quest Update 'investigate North of mistgoblins for dragon camp' Quest update location 26.18,152.91,-831.35 bugsbunny2000 07/28/08
40900 Update for Dragon Magic Quest Update for Dragon Magic Quest Quest update location -15.24,144.06,-847.23 ScottAdams 01/23/09
33911 Update for Simple Scouting Mission Two Iksar villagers talking that updates for scouting the village near the renegades. Object location 560.52,66.13,-588.95 Xamtilly 12/02/07
43205 Updates for quests Threads for the Weave and Lake of Dismay and Doom Scattered spawn points for quest mobs concerning the quest Lake of Dismay and Doom, as well as several other types of unrelated Order of Rime members. This exact location also spawns up to two small, non-tabable scrolls for Threads for the Weave, on a 1 minute respawn timer (aprox.). Quest update location 400.54,71.62,-554.61 Diablo65 06/16/09
52796 Urth Klavik Urth Klavik, ^named boss needed for "Cutting the head from the beast" quest. Monster Named 632.65,36.54,-114.70 Maysamo 02/20/11
39040 Vespid Bees Vesped hornet and Vespid cosm-caller in this area Monster Solo 877.01,55.75,-113.20 Stichedup 11/20/08
52719 Vespid Hornets All around as you enter the zone Quest update location 975.70,59.02,-104.94 Stardrama 02/04/11
48092 vespids for the quest swatting the pests Quest update location -44.79,-124.67,756.57 davidrs 01/31/10
34592 Vicious vispid hornets along with cosm-caller hornets all at lvl 76 Monster Solo -97.40,-124.20,688.80 gelphin 02/07/08
33856 Wall repairer South Update for Deliver the Lunch Pails. Third update after West. Object location -243.29,135.81,-881.07 babbler 11/29/07
33854 Wall repairer West For Deliver the Lunch Pails Second update after North. Object location -133.28,146.26,-907.14 babbler 11/29/07
52533 Warden Epic initial mob One of the places "a shifting ethereal elemental' spawns to begin Warden Epic Quest. Drops a shifting elemental shard, right click shard to begin Epic Quest. Quest starter location -572.56,-72.44,532.59 Tallarain 12/27/10
62805 We Will Be Free Again - Page 5 <No Description> A book page 466.64,-20.06,-106.46 greywolf74 04/23/15
62804 We Will Be Free Again - Page 6 <No Description> A book page 441.82,-22.31,-108.81 greywolf74 04/23/15
56052 Weapons rack location for paladin epic Sword of Malevolence clicky spot for paladin fabled epic Quest update location -109.07,-39.25,191.06 itpaladin 02/18/12
33479 What Makes Them Mist Totems and Tablets around this area. Quest update location 24.28,154.54,-863.64 haynangyl 11/19/07
33635 Wild chokidai predators updates for writs and other quests requiring any chokidai Monster (Replace) 440.00,99.00,-634.00 travelah 11/23/07
34836 Wind chime Wind chime needed for quest 'Disrupt the Deception' Object location 370.36,-110.94,973.07 bugsbunny2000 03/05/08
34797 Wind chime Wind chime needed for 'Ghost in the wood' Object location 201.13,-117.62,919.06 bugsbunny2000 03/02/08
43946 Wind Chimes for Ghosts in the Wood This is the location of the wind chimes for Ghosts in the Wood Quest update location 346.92,-119.85,802.43 wigg666 08/21/09
51303 windchimes disrupt the deception Quest update location 360.09,-113.17,879.16 blambert 07/02/10
33535 Witchdoctor Hazar Level 76^ Witchdoctor Hazar Level 76^ shaman gave an AA and dropped a treasured chest. Grrantu Monster Named 7.50,153.92,-909.14 grrantu 11/21/07
33708 Woodworking Table <No Description> Tradeskill 674.40,38.30,-161.80 soundchicken 11/24/07
35798 Woodworking Table Woodworking Table Object location -457.81,-104.22,855.71 Pyroman 09/25/08
33707 Work Bench <No Description> Tradeskill 671.80,38.30,-134.30 soundchicken 11/24/07
34231 Worker (east) for Deliver the Lunch Pails <No Description> NPC -340.00,147.00,-998.00 trevyn 12/26/07
34234 Worker (north) for Deliver the Lunch Pails <No Description> NPC -254.00,140.00,-1001.00 trevyn 12/26/07
34232 Worker (south) for Deliver the Lunch Pails <No Description> NPC -243.00,135.00,-881.00 trevyn 12/26/07
34233 Worker (west) for Deliver the Lunch Pails <No Description> NPC -130.00,146.00,-909.00 trevyn 12/26/07
48128 wounded earth elemental Conjuror epic Earthy Heart mob to kill for heart, once again same spot as warden epic Quest update location -746.83,-53.57,408.93 soulphage 02/06/10
34929 Written Tablet - What Makes Them Mist <No Description> Quest update location -5.00,144.00,-843.00 Boneli 03/18/08
34928 Written Tablet - What Makes Them Mist <No Description> Quest update location -82.00,154.00,-806.00 Boneli 03/18/08
34927 Written Tablet - What Makes Them Mist <No Description> Quest update location -23.00,154.00,-873.00 Boneli 03/18/08
34647 Xenur Rashss The Heart of Treachery Monster Named -314.00,42.00,-209.00 Jida 02/11/08
68890 Xuurk <The Hand of Cazic-Thule> He will bless your [Greenmist khukri] with fear turning it into [Sacred Greenmist] for the KA SQ 'Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon' . Quest update NPC -348.28,-116.53,1010.37 Pijotre 01/15/19
33358 Yarvis Urx QST Giver NPC 609.00,66.00,-561.00 zemo 11/17/07
33818 Yellowfang <No Description> Monster Named 241.00,60.00,-564.00 Haamu 11/27/07
33385 young sokokar 72 single mobs <No Description> Monster (Replace) 632.31,-79.36,311.45 Dramico 11/18/07
43084 young sokokars <No Description> Monster Solo 515.00,-50.00,127.00 lomonacov 06/09/09
43360 Zelgad the Western Lord 86 Epic x2 Rides the Path from here to Outer Sebilis Gate. Pauses at the gate. Rides dark horse with flaming hooves. Monster Named 348.90,-115.53,720.22 annius 06/23/09
52699 Zikana Sly'ssar Offers a questline starting with 'Elementals Amongst Us' Quest starter NPC 663.00,38.00,-119.00 donhead 01/31/11

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